My Cousin Died In A Crash :(

My condolences to you and your family. May he rest in peace.
..............(((((((((((((warm hug))))))))))))))))))))))))))) to you and your'e family!:yes::better:
Omg i am so sorry reghead for this mishap. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. :( i'm so sorry. I know how it feels believe me.
Misty, my sincere condolences for you and your family for your loss. It must be extra difficult that you're so far away, but you did what you could by writing down all your memories. I'm sure that will be very much appreciated!
Your family is my thoughts and prayers!
Thank you for all the love you guys put in this thread.... it helped me heaps :hug: I'm doing okay, I did take someones suggestion and write down a bunch of memories of my cousin and shared them with my friends here and that was great :D

I'm very excited today, after 11.5 months in Australia I fly out in a few hours to go back to America. I'm going to a whole new state when I get there to live with friends and go to school. It's all very exciting... I'm really going to miss Australia though. People are so much more relaxed and funny here, but I miss many things about my country as well. First thing I'm finding is a taco bell when I land!!!! I haven't gone so long without my bean burrito supreme in like a decade!! :p (funny what weird things you miss when gone so long :p )

Anyhow thanks again for all the support and messages and love..... you all helped heaps! :wub:

I'm so sorry to hear that. That's tragic. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family :(