My Cousin Died In A Crash :(

OMG I'm so sorry This is heart-breaking. :cry: I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.:angel:
oh my god, Misty, I am so sorry for your loss :( My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family....
I'm SO sorry to hear this !
i will keep you & your family in my prayers
stay strong
he's in a better place now
may GOD rest his soul in peace
My deepest sympathies to you and your family :angel:
Sorry to hear this Misty. I know you are a strong person so you will be alright. It's really sad that a few of their familiy had shared the same fate. I hope time will recover their despair. We will be praying for you and the family!
Im so sorry to hear bout you & your familys loss, my prayers & thoughts are with u all. :hug:
Aww Misty I'm so sorry :( Thinking of you and sending good thoughts.
The card sounds really nice :angel:
Omg :( I'm so so sorry. How awful, It's hard enough but to be out of the country too :no:

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. Much Love to you.. Stay strong. :hug:
i'm so sorry to hear that.:( *hugs*
i'll keep you and your family in my prayer. stay strong!
Im so sorry for your loss Misty :hug:

my prayers go out to you and your family :hug:
I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. It's going to be difficult, but try to gather strength from everyone here and push forward - we will all be here when you need us.
Hun, I'm so sorry to hear this. Now you have to stay strong for you and your family. Take care of yourself, ok? :hug: Try and think on the happy times you spent together with your cousin, I'm sure he's in a much better place. My prayers will go out to you and your family. God bless you.
Thanks everyone. Reading this thread helped me get through writing the card I filled out for my family. I'm going to walk down the road in a little while and post it. I wrote heaps in it, to the point I had to add a piece of stationary inside of it. I guess I just had a lot to say and a lot of memories came welling up and I wrote about some of them.

I'm not sure which is more frustrating.... that I hadn't gone over to visit him and the family recently or the fact that I am 9,000 miles away while this is going on and will miss the service and everything. :cry: condolences to you and your family..I'll always be here to talk if you need a shoulder to cry on :huggy:
I Know how you feel.. I even lost 2 of my cousins too !.. I hope you are okay.. You can PM me if you wanna talk or something... :heart: damn it makes me so sad when people die..It's not fair.. .:(