My Cousin Died In A Crash :(


Proud Member
Jun 30, 2009
Somewhere between Australia and Missouri ♥
I normally don't make threads like this but if anyone has any extra room in their prayers or thoughts today...

My 28 year old cousin died in a motorcycle crash over the weekend. Because I'm out of the country I just found out about it by email :cry:

It's all so familiar to me too as his aunty, my stepmom, died in a motorcycle crash three years ago :cry: It's like it is turning into some awful horrible family curse.

I can't go to the funeral because I'm still in Australia and this happened in Milwaukee (in the US). I feel so terrible. I just want to hug my family :(

And his family. He had a wife and a five year old little girl too :cry:


So yeah, if you could, keep them in your thoughts today? :( I'd appreciate it.

-Misty (reghead121)

....and today is my best friend's birthday and we are having a girl's day out.... on one hand it's going to be really hard but on the other maybe it's a good thing because there's nothing I can do from here anyhow? :mello:
I'm so sorry.
This is heart-breaking. May he rest peace and I'll keep him and your family in my prayers.
Oh hun, I'm so so sorry to hear that. It's terrible news. :( I'll be thinking of you and your family, you're in my prayers. Look after yourself yeah?
Love ya xx
That's awful... :'(

My condolences go out to your family.
Oh Misty, I'm so sorry. :(

Thinking of you hun. :better:
Oh Misty I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. I will definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Feel free to PM me if you ever need to talk!
I am so sorry to hear that :(
My condolences, thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at what must be a hard time :hug::huggy:
Just remember he is in a better place along with MJ
I'm so sorry to hear that, I'll be thinking of you and all of your family. :huggy:
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. :( That's terrible. I will keep you in my prayers and stay strong. :hug: He's in a better place now, may he rest in peace.
i am so sorry to hear this sweet heart!! please if u need anyone to talk to dont hesitate to pm me! take care of yourself and family!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm praying for you and your whole family.
I'm so sorry, I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.
I normally don't make threads like this but if anyone has any extra room in their prayers or thoughts today...

My 28 year old cousin died in a motorcycle crash over the weekend. Because I'm out of the country I just found out about it by email :cry:

It's all so familiar to me too as his aunty, my stepmom, died in a motorcycle crash three years ago :cry: It's like it is turning into some awful horrible family curse.

I can't go to the funeral because I'm still in Australia and this happened in Milwaukee (in the US). I feel so terrible. I just want to hug my family :(

And his family. He had a wife and a five year old little girl too :cry:


So yeah, if you could, keep them in your thoughts today? :( I'd appreciate it.

-Misty (reghead121)

....and today is my best friend's birthday and we are having a girl's day out.... on one hand it's going to be really hard but on the other maybe it's a good thing because there's nothing I can do from here anyhow? :mello:
im so sorry to hear about your cousin, i'll keep you in my prayers, i remember when my cousin died last year and i had to drive 200miles in a snow storm to go to her funeral. i didnt mind cuz she was a sister to me , always there all my life. god bless you
My sincere condolences to you and your family my heart bleeds for his little daughter :(
I'm SO sorry to hear that. :( I will be praying for you and your family.
I´m so sorry to hear that :cry: :hug: I will keep you and your family in my prayers :heart:
Misty I am so sorry to hear this :cry: I am keeping you and your family in my prayers :angel:
oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. This is horrible! My heart goes out to you and the family. :( :hug:
Misty, i'm truly sorry for your loss. God rest your cousin's soul and may He bless his wife, his little daughter and all your family. You will all be in my prayers.
^ My heart swells just coming into this thread right now :wub: Thank you very much for the condolences and prayers and thoughts :heart:

I made myself have a good day with my friend for her birthday but kept my family in mind as well. I didn't want to drag her special day down either you know? Especially because I'm leaving Australia in 6 days, after being here for almost a year.

I got a card while out today.... I HATE having to choose these kinds of cards. They all seemed either not nice enough or too cheesy or too over the top or not enough room to write in it.... I finally set my sights on a very beautiful and meaningful one that was made here in Australia by an Aboriginal artist and it's just lovely. Now I'll get to the task of filling it out tonight.... :( I'll put it in the mail in the morning and I assume it will get there after the funeral. It usually takes at least a week if not closer to two weeks to mail a card from Australia to the Midwestern US. But at least they will get it. I plan to write quite a bit in it as I have so many memories surrounding my thoughts from my cousins and I running around while we were growing up :(

Thanks again,
I normally don't make threads like this but if anyone has any extra room in their prayers or thoughts today...

My 28 year old cousin died in a motorcycle crash over the weekend. Because I'm out of the country I just found out about it by email :cry:

It's all so familiar to me too as his aunty, my stepmom, died in a motorcycle crash three years ago :cry: It's like it is turning into some awful horrible family curse.

I can't go to the funeral because I'm still in Australia and this happened in Milwaukee (in the US). I feel so terrible. I just want to hug my family :(

And his family. He had a wife and a five year old little girl too :cry:


So yeah, if you could, keep them in your thoughts today? :( I'd appreciate it.

-Misty (reghead121)

....and today is my best friend's birthday and we are having a girl's day out.... on one hand it's going to be really hard but on the other maybe it's a good thing because there's nothing I can do from here anyhow? :mello:

My/OUR thoughts and prayers are forever with you & yours~~~

God Bless~~~

As Always

I normally don't make threads like this but if anyone has any extra room in their prayers or thoughts today...

My 28 year old cousin died in a motorcycle crash over the weekend. Because I'm out of the country I just found out about it by email :cry:

It's all so familiar to me too as his aunty, my stepmom, died in a motorcycle crash three years ago :cry: It's like it is turning into some awful horrible family curse.

I can't go to the funeral because I'm still in Australia and this happened in Milwaukee (in the US). I feel so terrible. I just want to hug my family :(

And his family. He had a wife and a five year old little girl too :cry:


So yeah, if you could, keep them in your thoughts today? :( I'd appreciate it.

-Misty (reghead121)

....and today is my best friend's birthday and we are having a girl's day out.... on one hand it's going to be really hard but on the other maybe it's a good thing because there's nothing I can do from here anyhow? :mello:
Geez- really sorry to hear this, I wish you and your family all the best. I hope you stay strong. :better: