Music Died On June 25


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just finished watching the AMA's and I am in shock. I did not like a single performance that went on stage tonite (aside from maybe Lady Gaga). I was really looking forward to seeing Rihanna but her song just seemed really angry and was not her style what so ever. But really music is coming to a halt!!!! All the ladies that performed were not even performing!!! They were just dancing around in their underwear and probably dont know the words to their own songs. I am very disappointed as a music lover. And Adam Lambert , I was all for him on AI but tonight, I did not know what the hell he was doing, the song he sang seemed promising, but really his performance was disgusting to me. Im sorry to the Adam fans, I loved him too, but i feel he was waaaaaaaaay over the top tonite. But imagine MJ singing the Earth Song on the AMA stage more than ten years ago, how could it go from that to what we saw tonite. MJ passed away on 6/25, and he took music and originality with him as well.. It is so sad to see that happen! :( :( Thanks to him though, we have many timeless collections that he gave us that will never be out of style, but as far as new music goes, I cant bare it any longer!!!!!!!!!
Lady gaga has somewhat decent talent but she is now mainstream garbage and conformed to the fakery of tweens. She just sucks now
Music really died on June 25...

It's like a nail to the coffin to an already suffering industry...

People will have to wait for a LONNNNGGGGG time for a new icon...

It can be L. Gaga or Rihanna but I doubt it...

I remember when there were mass manias over artists, when both men and women like them. They were superstars... because of their talent... (sigh) It's just depressing...
I watched rhianna, the black eyed peas, gaga and Carrie Underwood's performances. Gaga's was interesting but the rest that I saw were so blah I didn't even bother continuing watching. Where has all the talent gone?
that's exactly how i feel. i can not remember a time that i didn't look forward to music award shows, and to listen to the radio. but...on June 25, suddenly, something happened to me, that i never imagined would happen. if i hear music, i get filled with rage..and i turn it off. i didn't watch the AMA's. i can't. i can't watch music programs. i have never listened to the radio, since that day. music is dead. and music agrees with us, i think. i did, however listen to the stream of 'This Is It'. and..that is all.
that's exactly how i feel. i can not remember a time that i didn't look forward to music award shows, and to listen to the radio. but...on June 25, suddenly, something happened to me, that i never imagined would happen. if i hear music, i get filled with rage..and i turn it off. i didn't watch the AMA's. i can't. i can't watch music programs. i have never listened to the radio, since that day. music is dead. and music agrees with us, i think. i did, however listen to the stream of 'This Is It'. and..that is all.

You didn't miss ANYTHING. The entire show was very lackluster. The only thing I wanted to catch, was Michael's awards and Janet's performance.
The rest...omg..:doh: Same ol' same o...

In all honesty... It's actually really stale. :no:
I think people today are too scared to die for what they truly believe in or perhaps don't really believe in themselves and only do it to get a pass on the Hollywood lifestyle.

Michael was music. Music IS Michael.
This is a great topic, and it's something I've been thinking about a long time.
Honestly, it isn't just the industry's fault - it has a lot to do with the consumers also, because if we don't buy it then it's going to end.
I think that we as listeners isn't picky enough, and we let the industry take advantage of us.
To me it seems like the whole entire industry have targeted the teen generation as they seem to buy into "what's hot".

Lionel Richie dropped what I think is a really strong album half a year ago, but I haven't heard much buzz around it.

It's all about singles now days - not albums, and not entertainment.

What makes me sad is that the industry will probably never reverse the damage - it's like, enjoy the little we have left because when they're gone... then it's gone.

I'm glad the Whitney album popped off as it should - she had a couple of really nice songs on it - and I really loved what she did on the AMA's tonight.
I think Whitney was really happy the people accepted her with much grace. Her career can start a new again and she can do what she knows best.
She looked like she let out a sigh of relief. Just as long as she keeps it straight from here on, she should do fine for herself.
Bruce you summed it up nicely. and vnc, I also agree, I haven't listened to mainstream radio in over a year tbh, only music that i have already and a few songs recommended here and there by others. Its a sad reality check though. Everything out now is to make a quick buck, and tbh the majority of generation Y just doesn't get it...its all about a catchy beat and popcorn lyrics now....songs don't mean anything anymore, you can't listen to the lyrics and bring up relevant parts of your own life anymore...some kids can't distinguish a real instrument sound from a simulated/synthetic one...Michael was the best of our time, and he took what the greats in his time had to offer and built on it....instead of the hard work and sweat that muscians and prodigies such as Michael put into their craft, its all about idea how to play real instruments (maybe the piano, and thats it)...transposed music.....its heartbreaking to see, especially when music is engrained in you.

edit: I also agree about Whitney, it was actually very emotional to see...
but it's more than that, for me...
music was a force of life inside my blood.
at least half my life force, if not more..

on June 25, at least half my blood died.

so when people ask me not to judge those responsible, they are asking me to make a whole effort with half a person. a person who feels at least, half dead. and it scares me. i really can't listen to anything outside of MJ music without an adverse feeling in my blood..

and i haven't listened to anything from MJ, other than This IS It, to keep the blood flowing.

if i make a call on the telephone, and they make me wait, and play 'music'...i have an adverse reaction, that i cannot describe. that's how bad it is. if i'm on the internet, and i listen to sports programming, which, for me, has replaced music programming..if i'm listening on the internet, and waiting for a commercial to end, and they happen to play 'music'..i have that reaction. to me..anything outside of Michael, is 'music'. not music. with Michael, i feel like i've been taken to the mountaintop of music. on June 25, i feel i was thrown down from that mountain, in so many ways. yeah..i'm still walking..but that's it. physically. and that's all. but, in all the other ways, i feel like i was thrown down from that mountain. and all of it is so much a part of me, that i feel like the physical is the least part of me. the emotional, and all other aspects of me, were thrown down. and in some way, the physical has been affected. so, if i hear that 'music' on the internet, while waiting for the sports programming to return, i yank the earphones off. if they play rally music at a sports event, everything inside me screams for it to stop.

even if i don't put the word 'music' in quotations, i mean for it to be in them, except for Michael's music.

if bumper music is played, i turn the radio down. if it plays quickly, i'm too tired to turn the radio up and down on a regular basis, but i think you get how i feel.

outside of 'This Is It', i haven't played Michael's music, because i am in mourning. but i will always love his music.
When i was younger my mum used to whinge about the music i listened to, calling it rubbish and not like the music of her day... geeze i hated her saying this about music i was passionate about .... now, i feel i'm turning into my mum :smilerolleyes: and spouting of just like her.
honestly though i do like some of todays music but i mainly still listen to my older stuff. MJ's music is timeless, its hard to believe how long ago some of it was recorded .
Claire, I was doing the same thing to my younger brother. A part of me felt I was the one who was lost. But he had an epiphany when Michael left us. And all of a sudden, he's glued to Michael's music and message of love. Everything else, he is starting to see the "rubbish" in them.

The thing is, I honestly feel, not just music, but all things have taken a clever form, disguising themselves as passionate and hard working, when in reality, they're all half baked products of greed, ego and a spiral of meaningless goals.

Michael had such a powerful message. It really helps his music be the timeless pieces that they are to this day.
Claire, I was doing the same thing to my younger brother. A part of me felt I was the one who was lost. But he had an epiphany when Michael left us. And all of a sudden, he's glued to Michael's music and message of love. Everything else, he is starting to see the "rubbish" in them.

The thing is, I honestly feel, not just music, but all things have taken a clever form, disguising themselves as passionate and hard working, when in reality, they're all half baked products of greed, ego and a spiral of meaningless goals.

Michael had such a powerful message. It really helps his music be the timeless pieces that they are to this day.

yeah..what u say is about it.

this isn't just a generational thing, where one generation goes down on another generation's music.

this is where Michael dedicated his whole essence to his music and his decided to return the favor to him. and we have all felt the the case of his enemies..were threatened by it, in an unprecedented way.

while..others haven't had THAT kind of dedication...and..the music tells on them. music will give what music will get. like anything else. the Michael situation is a special situation.

quite frankly, it feels like MJ's music is all of the life force of my blood. i have always been honest about what i feel.
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Visually gaga was pretty good a little exagerated but that was her point so well for her, not a fan of course, musically, well, you know, i dont like it, but she is much creative than the ones selling their bodies, which is no bad, but i prefer other stuff...

Michael Jackson changed the world of music, sad how after Thriller, specially Bad and Dangerous many started to try copy him, but as they are not originals they are attempts of copies and they are bad, i think their failure can be found in the fact that they were based on the success and not the sound, these attempts where from producers who picked up ok singers who looked good and they did what they did, they tried to copy Michael Jackson musical style but they couldnt, Michael Jackson is incredible rare (in a very good way, thats one of his most wonderful, fabulous qualities) on all levels, Michael Jackson created his own style which he would work on to get the sound he had on his head and will work it until he had it (that is simply GENIUS), Michael changed and created a brand new sound which is the Michael Jackson style, not only with the sounds he decided to use but in the way he would express those sounds in the way of feelings, they thought they did a copy, but instead they created an fake copy, where they think they did it write, but its all prefabricated by some kind of stablished rule and thats the style they created, a weak attempt of copy. I always say is much more nice to see a simple musician than a failed copy, fact is, there would never be another Michael Jackson, noone will understand music the way he did, that was his major quality, he possesed an absolute ear, he was born with it, and he will automatically transfer the music to his body through the form of dance.

But as this is a fast food world, i dont see any one really caring about music or anything, most humans are taking all tooo easy, they dont even know the consecuences of what they are doing
I dont think music has died, but Michael Jackson music style was a complex one some still dont understand...
The good news is, we are told, there are hundreds of pieces of music from Michael Jackson, i still believe noone will found out his way of making music...
God. He should still be hear with us. Imagine if he did a medley of his songs this year :( this year really should have been HIS year, why did it go the wrong way :(
God. He should still be hear with us. Imagine if he did a medley of his songs this year :( this year really should have been HIS year, why did it go the wrong way :(

yes cause it was meant to be his year all the 50 shows sold out in less than 4 hours, this was his year, tragedy ruined all this dream..., if it wasnt for Murray... why life is so strange and unfair???
it so sad, in fact he was about to do an album, so in the next year im sure he would have been nominated, God, its so unfair, i just read that the 50's are the new 40's, Michael was super young, and we all saw him on This Is It full of energy and creativity, i cant believe his gone, these kind of award shows make me realize his great lost, and God knows it hurts...
Music isn't dead at all to me. There are a lot of artists I still enjoy.

Good mainstream and radio died a long time ago, probably at the turn of the century.
Music isn't dead at all to me. There are a lot of artists I still enjoy.

Good mainstream and radio died a long time ago, probably at the turn of the century.

I agree, there are plenty of artist that are good. My pet peeve is usually when people stereotype every song of today as crap, when in reality nobody has really listened to every song ever made in this decade. Only thing I hate about mainstream radio is that they play the same stuff and not anything that I haven't heard in a long time.

I have many artist that I like too listen too from yesterday and today.:yes:
The problem is, after listening to music for so long and noticing how its becoming less "music" and more gimmick or "for the moment", it's hard not to lose faith all together in mainstream music. (media in its entirety for that matter).

Though I agree not every single song that comes out of an artist is crap, i think someone needs to really step it up hard core to break that stigma. And that relies heavily on purpose, goal, passion and whatever gives a person the reason to go on.

Sorry, but Michael Jackson spoiled me. lol..:tease:
I miss the days where I used to be sitting behind the radio to record the right songs on my casettes.
I miss the days where I would be sitting behind the tv to watch those amazing music video premieres.
I miss the days my mom and dad played an LP and I would dance along in my pj's.
I miss the days where I would be totally blown away by founding out new or old good music.
I miss the days where I swapped cd's with my friends and talked about it for hours.

I could go on for hours....LOL.

Music is not what it was anymore. Not at all. There are quite some artists who are trying to keep it alive though, but the overall public just doesn't acknowledge or gives a damn about it. It's sad...this whole world is changed so much.
Music is not what it was anymore. Not at all. There are quite some artists who are trying to keep it alive though, but the overall public just doesn't acknowledge or gives a damn about it. It's sad...this whole world is changed so much.

yeah.. sometimes it feels like its trying to shove people like us out of existence.
Music is not what it was anymore. Not at all. There are quite some artists who are trying to keep it alive though, but the overall public just doesn't acknowledge or gives a damn about it. It's sad...this whole world is changed so much.

Yeh. The music industry has been 'watered down' for ages. Theres a lot of fakery and BS going on too.
I think there are too many 'artists', not enough quality. Seems like a pretty face and a half decent song is all that is important to some consumers sometimes. It feels like its more important to keep churning out song after song regardless of quality - 90% of songs will be forgotten, and won't stand the test of time. It will be interesting to see which current songs will still be played and enjoyed as much 30 yrs down the road.
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MJ was an unmatched talent but music didn't die with his passing. I hate to be so blunt but I think it's silly to act as though there aren't any or never will be any other worthwhile artist out there. MJ has influenced many generations just as James Brown influenced him. There will come a day. No, not a day where we will see someone like Michael Jackson, but someone who can be appreciated in their own way.

As for the AMA's, I enjoyed Lady Gaga's performance but that's about it. Carrie's was cute for a country performance. Adam Lambert came off as a poor imitation of Madonna and I'm not sure why J.Lo even bothered. Can't really remember anyone elses.
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I just finished watching the AMA's and I am in shock. I did not like a single performance that went on stage tonite (aside from maybe Lady Gaga). I was really looking forward to seeing Rihanna but her song just seemed really angry and was not her style what so ever. But really music is coming to a halt!!!! All the ladies that performed were not even performing!!! They were just dancing around in their underwear and probably dont know the words to their own songs. I am very disappointed as a music lover. And Adam Lambert , I was all for him on AI but tonight, I did not know what the hell he was doing, the song he sang seemed promising, but really his performance was disgusting to me. Im sorry to the Adam fans, I loved him too, but i feel he was waaaaaaaaay over the top tonite. But imagine MJ singing the Earth Song on the AMA stage more than ten years ago, how could it go from that to what we saw tonite. MJ passed away on 6/25, and he took music and originality with him as well.. It is so sad to see that happen! :( :( Thanks to him though, we have many timeless collections that he gave us that will never be out of style, but as far as new music goes, I cant bare it any longer!!!!!!!!!

I totally agree. as Mike told Brett, one hit (maybe) and the rest is crap. Mike died and took music with him :(
Music isn't dead. Music doesn't have anything to do with hits or how much a CD sells the 1st week like a race. If you're depending on someone (radio conglomerates, videos, TV, peers) to force feed what you should listen to, well that's your fault. Radio is just a big advertiser with nonstop commercials. Record companies pay them to "advertise" their product which is CDs, records, etc. So whoever is paying the most money is going to get the most ad time, so these songs are going to be played more often than someone who pays less money. It has nothing to do with quality, it's just mass marketing like Coke, McDonald's, Tickle Me Elmo, or Ford. You don't see commercials for Rolls Royce or Bentley cars, vegan & soul food restaurants, art films, and caviar, but people who want these things seek them out and aren't depending on someone running ads over and over to program them into thinking their product is good.