Murray gets his own TV show!!

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umm its a british tv show. he came back because this was his home . he choice to live here. he could of live anywhere he wanted to but he choice to live here because this is where he is from. he did not come back here to prove anything to anyone he lived here.he went for a rest and a vacation and i know for a fact he was here 2 during that time period so know all the facts before you write something i have papers from burcharst , london, germany , austrila italy. all saying mean things against michael . some even blatant racist comments . please stop generalizing all with one brush. so we should all judge everyone by the media and the papers. come on people.

who killed him . i do not think a counrty killed him i think murray killed him . who was not even born in america so i guess the counrty he is from killed him. and now london hates michael and is rewarding a killer with his own tv show. this is how stupid your ignorant statements sound.

Thank you. People from different countries shouldn't be represented by their media. I'm British and if I'd be devastated if people assumed that I believe what our media says because its all lies and gossip. Its trash and no people from any other country should be whacked in with their media. The British media isn't a representation of the British population, the US media isn't a representation of the American population etc. Murray is from Trinidad, did the Trinidadian people kill Michael, NO! People are people and shouldn't be represented by their countries media. I despise my country's media with a passion, ots disgusting. But we're all getting way off topic here. This TV show most likely will not happen. Murray needs some money and he went to the highest bidder. And what good will all this money do when he's languishing in a prison?
I actually can't believe what this world is coming to. I really can't. I'm sick to my stomach.

This "doctor" KILLS his patient and is rewarded with a TV SHOW!? WTF!???? This is an outrage and it shows the apathy and sickness of the world that anyone would want to watch it. AND that it is allowed to happen. If this was anyone else there would be an uproar, but because its Michael, they treat it like he was not human, like he didnt have people who loved him, they deny him his dignity and his human rights.

I just want to punch, kick, scream, beat somebody, the person who allowed this sick sick thing to happen - as a society are we really THAT twisted and disgusting~!? I guess we are. I think i've lost faith in the human race. Michael is better off NOT in this world if this is all we have.
umm its a british tv show. he came back because this was his home . he choice to live here. he could of live anywhere he wanted to but he choice to live here because this is where he is from. he did not come back here to prove anything to anyone he lived here.he went for a rest and a vacation and i know for a fact he was here 2 during that time period so know all the facts before you write something i have papers from burcharst , london, germany , austrila italy. all saying mean things against michael . some even blatant racist comments . please stop generalizing all with one brush. so we should all judge everyone by the media and the papers. come on people.

who killed him . i do not think a counrty killed him i think murray killed him . who was not even born in america so i guess the counrty he is from killed him. and now london hates michael and is rewarding a killer with his own tv show. this is how stupid your ignorant statements sound.
Thank you! People don't seem to understand that no matter where Michael went at the end he decided to return to his native which is the United States, he obviously felt home in the States only. He could have lived anywhere forever, e.g London but he did not, he chose to return to his country. As for the American media being worse I agree, they are the most effed up I have ever seen, but same goes for the British, German, Australian, Indian and any other media as well. Media in general is effed up, all they do is copy and paste from one another anyway. Damn the media!
Thank you! People don't seem to understand that no matter where Michael went at the end he decided to return to his native which is the United States, he obviously felt home in the States only. He could have lived anywhere forever, e.g London but he did not, he chose to return to his country. As for the American media being worse I agree, they are the most effed up I have ever seen, but same goes for the British, German, Australian, Indian and any other media as well. Media in general is effed up, all they do is copy and paste from one another anyway. Damn the media!

Exactly, lets not turn this into an American or any other nationality bashing thread.
i was reading all the comments and i am appalled at the fact that this man could possibly have been dead at nine am and this guy was with him approx. three hours and then they tried to revive a corpse. wtf, now this creep is on tv to watch. wth. im done i dont want to hear no more till they slap the cuffs on him. this is ridiculous. and what about the weed. he is still seeing patients and he tokes on weed. does he have cancer otherwise wtf. that's it(walks out)
another case of black on black crime being rewarded. and though Murray wasn't alone because there are bigger evil hands at work he still was responsible.
He better not be getting his own show, he is trying to make a mockery out of Michael.
Oh good! I thought it mustn't and cannot be true that a suspected felon would get a TV show in the middle of the investigation of his crime. There's some sense in this world still.
Thank goodness for that. I really would not have handled that at all well. :mello: I hate the fact it says they were thinking of something...why? Just makes me so sad and sick!
it doesnt say hes not having a show done on him.the crew followed him and they can create something after the investigation. its not like they are dening the crew was ever there.another article had xtra quotes from her. shes just doing damage control. if he walks be will be everywhere let alone a single docu. he'll be the most loved man in the american media
I don't advocate violence, but Murrey should keep a very low profile, we are sane and balanced people, but not everyone is. To even contemplate him profiting from Michael's death is just unbearable.
it doesnt say hes not having a show done on him.the crew followed him and they can create something after the investigation. its not like they are dening the crew was ever there.another article had xtra quotes from her. shes just doing damage control. if he walks be will be everywhere let alone a single docu. he'll be the most loved man in the american media
Don't be so selfish now, the British media loves him just as much as the American media does, why think they were the first ones to think of docu in the first place?
But I agree with the rest of your statement.
I hope he goes to jail before this is completed. This world is truly sick beyond words. I'm ashamed.
A muderer get his own TV show !?!
he should be in jail
& not on TV
ughhh I still can't stand seeing this thread everyday. dsfjhgasdjhfgskdhfsdhf fxckin Murray. He is working 12 house a day? Oh well nice for him, won't be long till someone else is killed by the hands of this man. But hey just means he will get another show yea? So good for Murray! dhfaskdd (major sarcasm people) And at the end of it all he'll be rotting in hell.
I won't watch it on TV, online, anywhere, just like anything else he's done. I can't even look at a picture of the liar, the moron, the killer. He belongs in JAIL. This is unbelievable. :smilerolleyes:
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