MTV: To Hell With Brit, We Want Michael!

dri it wouldnt surprise me if they do trick him again!!
I agree with u on that!
On music max ( music channel here in australia) they always play his videos all the time! :)
OHHHHH!!So cool,8701girl!I love it!
I very upset when the people talking about it without any respect.He is a human before anything.

MTV go to the hell!!!!
Oh I meant to post here...well as i was saying..would be nice to see MJ appearing at the MTV Japanese awards..they respect him more!
Pretty sure they won't dupe him again. IF Michael goes, he is pretty much the only massive name they would have, so they are bound to treat him like royalty. IMO It would be a good move for him to go and just casually present an award, would be a nice way for him to be seen in a positive light before HMH gets released.
Mmm. I never really thought MTV was the sh~t from the beginning... maybe a lil bit, some couple of years ago maybe, but other than that, no. OF course, I am part of the young generation, so I haven't been around long enough to experience its wonder years. The reality shows on there don't phase me, and when they play music, I hardly notice. I guess it depends on the environment you're around, or you're own personal tastes. Same with music that's played today, considered 'popular'... I just don't care sometimes.
Oh I meant to post here...well as i was saying..would be nice to see MJ appearing at the MTV Japanese awards..they respect him more!

I totaly agree with you!:clap:



I support MJ 10000000000000000000000000000000%!!!!!!!!!!!

I talk forever this lyrics for him in my heart:

""In YOUR darkest hour
In YOUR deepest despair
I Will still care
I Will be there
In YOUR trials and YOUR tribulations
Through YOUR doubts and frustrations
In YOUR violence
In YOUR turbulence
Through YOUR fear and YOUR confessions
In YOUR anguish and YOUR pain
Through YOUR joy and YOUR sorrow
In the promise of another tomorrow
I'll NEVER let you part
For you're ALWAYS in MY heart"

Michael stay in home with your children eating popcorn and giggle for them!!!Lov ya!!!
if he does he has to really show them...HE STILL THE KING OF POP!!!
idont know if any of u will agree with , but i do hope he performs on it ( if he does show up)
I reckon it will an awesome oppertunity for him to show everyone he still has what it takes!!
Must they call him a trainwreck??how lame is MTV. wow

It was TMF who called him that.
But I suppose it's a channel that is owned by MTV right?

Hm. A trainwreck that helped build and popularize that very network. :smilerolleyes:

a VMA year to think of ... 2002

for me, that evenings events would have been a deal breaker for the rest of my life...Michael on the other hand, is a bit more gracious and forgiving.

When the name Michael Jackson and the station MTV are spoke together, all I picture is the 2002 VMAs. The lie they perpetrated and the spin they put on the events of the evening ... it makes my forehead in need of botox. :mat:

I never saw the 2002 VMA awards or looked up any clips. I've seen glimpses & heard about the MJ incident though. MTV & Jack Black (?) made fun of MJ and the "mistaken" award, right? I just remember the media spinning it as MJ's big 'OOPS!' :glare:.

Pretty sure they won't dupe him again. IF Michael goes, he is pretty much the only massive name they would have, so they are bound to treat him like royalty. IMO It would be a good move for him to go and just casually present an award, would be a nice way for him to be seen in a positive light before HMH gets released.

True that, true that.

you are right about the teens you see... the same do you explain the teens that are MJ fans?

MJ is always dissed by mtv, so, why are there so many teen MJ fans?

obviously there is a school of teens that think differently from the teens that say they can't live without mtv. or there are teens who cannot live without mtv, but still are biig MJ fans. how do we explain that?

Are there a lot of teen fans? It'd be wonderful if there were, but I don't see very many. Granted, I'm no longer a teen but if anything I saw younger kids picking up T25 when it came out rather than teens (well, in a different country). The reach of MJ that I see with most teens now are in stupid comments like '(singing along to Please Don't Stop the Music) "Ma Ma Se Ma Ma Sa Ma Ma Coo Sa!" (and then upon hearing Akon & MJ's WBSS remix) "Didn't they like copy Rihanna?" (In whose song you can even hear Michael!!! :ranting)

If MTV still has any clout, it's scary to think of. How much influence can (or should) a network have with shows like The Hills playing all the time? *Shudders* People in my age group caught onto MTV while it was still playing some videos more frequently and was kinda cool but waning. It's the MTV of my brother's generation that is the coveted one. When they still had abstract, zany animated commercials and you wouldn't have to come home late from an outing to just happen to catch that rare unscheduled hour of videos at 4 in the morning. When MTV actually meant something in a political election. That MTV is long gone and unlikely to come back. This link seems to hit the mark:

And I'm kinda inclined to think that MJ might be appropriate for that list too. Kinda. Not only for the media treatment of him & his image nowadays, but where can younger kids & teens even see MJ's work on TV anymore? Maybe on VH1 Classic, but who even gets that channel? With the advent of YouTube, I'm not sure it matters but you generally have to be looking for an MJ video to come across the goldmine of MJ videos that are on that site.

Anyways, that being said, even if MTV royally sucks now I can definitely see it being a good move for MJ to make an apperance at those bloody VMAs (how is MTV even qualified to judge anymore? :wtf:) - especially if 'Hold My Hand' comes out shortly after, as summercrane said. And who are we kidding? Wouldn't us fans love it if he showed up somewhere publically & officially this year? I'd be happy just to see him on a stage! (And if the rumor's true, with Janet no less! :eek:) We can say good riddance to the network all we want, but for some reason it still remains a valuable tool and resouce for the record industry. Even as we move into a completely digital age, perhaps the saving grace of the MTV network is that they still have VMAs. It does still give people something to talk about the next day, is music-related (mostly), and... most people just end up YouTubing the good parts the next day anyways :lol:. That's what I do :D. Most people do with awards shows these days, I think.

Regardless, it is Michael we're talking about here. And an actual, set appearance can sometimes be a toss up in the air, let alone a rumored one. MTV's been tooting the same horn with big names for years too, so in all likeliness it's probably not gonna happen.... :fortuneteller:.
God, chichi just took the words right out of my mouth. Michael Jackson and MTV in one sentence is the VMAs 2002 and it gives me a migraine/palpitations. It was just so cringeworthy..I hate even having to THINK about it. For this reason alone I hope Michael never patronises anything MTV. MTV has long tarnished their reputation to work in mutually beneficial ways with musicians. They are gone gone gone...
Mtv has been saying it every year since 2005... Mtv lost a big slice of its pubblicum (the mtv's audience drops every year of an substantial %) and the only way to get audience is controversy and spread rumors of big stars coming to its boring shows. That's it...
Who over the age of 20 gives a damn about MTV? Maybe "The Hills" but that is about it. MJ doesn't need MTV. MTV needs Michael. LOL. They are desperate and btw, I never liked the kiss of MJ and LMP in 1994. It was weird.....I have to agree with MTV fools on that. MTV is a cheap looking channel that stop playing music videos years ago. Most of the people on MTV are mainstream non talented acts that are not going to be around in 20 years. Back when MJ, Prince and Madge ruled that channel, MTV was on fire. That was 20 year ago and 20 years later, it has become a complete joke. I am starting to truly believe that they were never in contact with MJ to begin with. They just put his name there to be on the papers.

As for people who like to waste their precious time going to TMZ and defending Mike - do you. I would do that for Mike on other sites. However, I figure this: I have a life and I do not care about what other celebrites do. Those people have no lives so they care what other celebrities do. They put their values on other celebrities instead of themselves. Maybe if these clowns that trash MJ actually had something better to do than hate, then maybe sites like bossip and tmz do not have to exist.
Mtv has been saying it every year since 2005... Mtv lost a big slice of its pubblicum (the mtv's audience drops every year of an substantial %) and the only way to get audience is controversy and spread rumors of big stars coming to its boring shows. That's it...

yep...that's right. there will always look as if there is a following to something, but that doesn't mean that the channel has not lost a big share of its audience.
MTV is dying....................... desperate inconstient fools. Who gives a damn about you? - Nobody! :tease:

Teens are into internet now, you tube stuff... ipods, .. myspace, not MTV.
MTV is dying....................... desperate inconstient fools. Who gives a damn about you? - Nobody! :tease:

Teens are into internet now, you tube stuff... ipods, .. myspace, not MTV.
Exactly, video killed the radio star
and now the internet killed the video star
the kids may not think mj is kewl but they don't realize that he's pretty much what set the tone for mtv and the artist they love now.

chris brown
jonas brothers
robin thicke
ll cool j
brian mcnugget
soso def... ur so right bout that!
i agree wit ya 100%!
Re: Michael&Janet rumored to appear @ 2008 MTV awards
Word has it superstar siblings Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson will appear on stage together for the first time in 13 years at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards on September 7th:
Although Britney shot promos for the VMAs, we're told the real gold is Michael Jackson. Sources close to the awards tell us MTV honchos have been working OT to get ***** to reappear at the awards.

We're told a deal is as good as sealed to have MJ present an award with sister Janet. {Source}
With Michael's 50th birthday just days away, a high profile appearance at the show really isn't far-fetched. Here's hoping they do in fact appear.

Your thoughts?

Where is the location for MTW Video Music Awards????
Re: Michael&Janet rumored to appear @ 2008 MTV awards

Where is the location for MTW Video Music Awards????
Paramount Studios in Hollywood... and I just gasped... lol.. I just realized that the GMA interview today, Michael was in California when he made that call. :mello: But maybe thats cause theres a family home in Encino..? yeah.. that's it.. it's his B-Day after all.

Okay.. yeah. I'm just not going to think anymore further into this. :lol: I'm not gonna think about it, cause I doubt it will happen. :):mello:
Access Hollywood confirmed that MJ is not going to be at the shitty awards show. Good. I am happy to know that Mike wouldn't care to be a part of the mess of that "show".

BTW, cool kids don't watch MTV, they are on youtube, obsessed with their cell phones and ipods.
the kids may not think mj is kewl but they don't realize that he's pretty much what set the tone for mtv and the artist they love now.

chris brown
jonas brothers
robin thicke
ll cool j
brian mcnugget

Jonas Brothers?Are you sure??:scratch:
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Well, we always say mj inspired the new generation of young artist, but actually he has more than 40 years of career and he has been an inspiration also for people like Bjork, Madonna, prince was among his fans, etc...

BTW: MTV will spread the same rumor next year, or for its next boring show, don't worry.