MTV: To Hell With Brit, We Want Michael!

I some how doubt Michael showing up at the VMAs. In the back of my head, I am thinking since all the hype, and rumors started about Britney performing at the VMAs.. and with her manager recently denying that 2 times that she is not.. I think MTV is just putting another big name out there to getting ratings or more viewers or whatever. :/ Psh, Idunno. We'll see..
I've only been a fan for 5 years, but I gotta say: there hasn't been A SINGLE YEAR when people didn't predict him appearing at the VMAs :rofl:

And something tells me he won't be there this year either :lol: (Your loss, MTV :rolleyes: )
When I read this on the News board, I coulda sworn it was just some rehashed sh!t... I was wrong. :lol:

Man, do they need him that bad? I mean, THAT BAD?!?! You gotta love them :rolleyes:
Where is the strength of fans of Michael? We have to defend it

Or we can ignore it. TMZ is not a fan website. It is built to trash celebrities, not to uplift them. Don't waste your time reading negativity all of the time. MJ don't care, I don't care and you shouldn't care either. Those people are a bunch of losers who have nothing better to do than trash other people who are simply doing their jobs as being entertainers. TMZ can call MJ a "trainwreck" all they want, but the "trainwreck" is still being talked about on their shitty show and website.

I think MTV is desperate and trying to get people to watch their show by doing this. MJ's career is not based on crappy channels like MTVF. MJ is a beyond established artist who wouldn't waste his time on a crappy award show that is built on shock and embarassment. MJ is better off partying in Vegas than attenting the award show.
Michael's to big of an artist to deal with MTV. It's not even a music channel anymore.
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Not gonna happen......and I'm sure MTV is'nt even in any 'talks' with Michael, TMZ just had to try to be nasty to Michael once again.

BTW.....Michael does have sense, he won't be going back to MTV like that, his memory is still good!
Sidenote: why did you even bother responding to those racist idiots who comment on the site?

Because I felt like it! I always feel the need to stick up for the man who has inspired me in so many ways regardless of what some fans think I should or should not do. Being the voice of change is a good thing and yet it may not change all people's mind of him, it does help.

You never know. You could be on another site that is trash talking him and there'll always be that one or two who is defending him...well that one or two may just be me.

I wish other's would do the same. :yes:
I read the comments on the tmz site. Horrible things people are talking about MJ.
Where is the strength of fans of Michael? We have to defend it!


The strength is within all of us. We just have to do it! Let your voices be heard when you see something bad that you don't like, don't just ignore it and walk away. Stand up for it! Stand up for what and who you believe in. I do and always feel better when doing so. I know it doesn't change everyone's perception but believe me, it does change some.
ppl who say michael wont go back to mtv cos of what they have done.... i think your wrong... whether we like it or not the vmas are hugely popular and if mike was to show up and maybe perform or jus make an appearance it guranteees millions of ppl talking about mj again... it can only be a good thing.. cos we also have to be honest... if he was ever to perform again it aint gonna be like britney... he knows how important it is and he has to have everything so perfect... im hoping and thinking he wil show as it is now the right time in my opinion.
mike will be there!
Just last week MTV ran a "Best VMA Openers" special where they again attacked and criticized Michael while naming the MJ & Lisa Marie appearance at #2--not for being the "best" opener but for being the most uncomfortable :rolleyes:. They also had Britney's performance from last year at #3, and her kiss with Madonna at #1. Again, this proves that they are only in the business to generate controversy, and they consider the best performances to be those which caused the most controversy and highest ratings. Maybe if MTV ever matures beyond the 1st grade level Michael will consider.

its the people that run it... they are so ***********
Well heres where I am with this...

1. Michaels in Vegas (So he could be there VERY easily)
2. Janet is promoting her new tour (So would be good for her to attend)
3. Michaels 50th Year, 25 years of Thriller...

Maybe they will have Janet and Mike present an award and then at the same time honour him for Thriller and also for his 50th Bday.

i weirdly have a good feeling about this...Although im always wrong haha!

good points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

funny, this is the year they are suppose to be clamoring for their love-children Justin and Madoona... umm??

time will tell..
The Brazilian fans of MJ come together when a website, TV program or anyone talks about MJ without respect.
Hundreds of fans make comments to rebut the attacks.
We have the strength!!!We're the MJ's "lawyers"!!!
Just last week MTV ran a "Best VMA Openers" special where they again attacked and criticized Michael while naming the MJ & Lisa Marie appearance at #2--not for being the "best" opener but for being the most uncomfortable :rolleyes:. They also had Britney's performance from last year at #3, and her kiss with Madonna at #1. Again, this proves that they are only in the business to generate controversy, and they consider the best performances to be those which caused the most controversy and highest ratings. Maybe if MTV ever matures beyond the 1st grade level Michael will consider.

indeed, i agree.. some people think that just because MJ said he has rhino skin, that he should kiss someone who spits in his mouth. and that he should be the only one who does it. that he shouldn't exhibit feelings like everybody else does. like he should be in the midst of an abusive relationship and take the abuse. and somehow..if he doesn't appear on this program which is still saying abusive things about him, just because it's 'mainstream' that his career will be ruined. pleeeaase. MJ is successful because he does things on his own terms. why should we ask MJ to let his feelings be stomped on when we wouldn't ask that of ourselves?

I've only been a fan for 5 years, but I gotta say: there hasn't been A SINGLE YEAR when people didn't predict him appearing at the VMAs :rofl:

And something tells me he won't be there this year either :lol: (Your loss, MTV :rolleyes: )

exactly..just about every year. why should this be any different. birthdays have nothing to do with it. the beauty of MJ is his unconventional ways.

ppl who say michael wont go back to mtv cos of what they have done.... i think your wrong... whether we like it or not the vmas are hugely popular and if mike was to show up and maybe perform or jus make an appearance it guranteees millions of ppl talking about mj again... it can only be a good thing.. cos we also have to be honest... if he was ever to perform again it aint gonna be like britney... he knows how important it is and he has to have everything so perfect... im hoping and thinking he wil show as it is now the right time in my opinion.
mike will be there!

millions are already talking about him. it's in MJ's hands..not mtv's. that's why he's so successful. he said he does things cus he wants to..not because people force him to. other artists feel like their world will end if they don't do what a 'mainstream' channel tells them. fulfilling prophecy. but, with MJ..he don't listen to nobody...and..hey...miracle of miracles..he's still on top.
The VMA's aren't so popular anymore. MTV is a total joke and THEY need Michael, he doesn't need them. He's too big and too good for that pathetic network.
a VMA year to think of ... 2002

for me, that evenings events would have been a deal breaker for the rest of my life...Michael on the other hand, is a bit more gracious and forgiving.

When the name Michael Jackson and the station MTV are spoke together, all I picture is the 2002 VMAs. The lie they perpetrated and the spin they put on the events of the evening ... it makes my forehead in need of botox. :mat:
ohhh honey, no botchulism in that pretty

what they did was downright mean and it was shady....but about the lmp kiss...sorry but that was hella uncomfortable, i remember watching it and turning it off....yeesh

but it'd be tyte if mj and akon could sing 'hold my hand'....just dreamin i'd rather it be on like the soul train awards or somethign than damn mtv
to hell with mtv!
I really do not think mj will even dare want to do anything with them ..EVER AGAIN PERDIOD!!!
and i would'nt blame him if he didnt!
a VMA year to think of ... 2002

for me, that evenings events would have been a deal breaker for the rest of my life...Michael on the other hand, is a bit more gracious and forgiving.

When the name Michael Jackson and the station MTV are spoke together, all I picture is the 2002 VMAs. The lie they perpetrated and the spin they put on the events of the evening ... it makes my forehead in need of botox. :mat:

yes. and some people would have us believe that that night never happened...any more than the night that the mtv michael jackson vanguard award, was reneged from being called that, by mtv. do we know MJ is that forgiving? lol...he hasn't been on mtv since that year, even tho mtv announced he would be on several years since. that's six years he hasn't been

the term 'mainstream' is fickle. new things become mainstream everyday...and what was mainstream today becomes gone tomorrow. only MJ has lasted. nuff said. so..mtv is really overrated. so..if MJ never appears on that channel won't be the end of MJ.. feels like mtv is ending. a lot of people are writing eulogy-like things about it... most recently that sixteen year old girl who wasn't around when mtv was MTV. she wasn't even around when MJ dominated in the eighties version of mtv..yet, she talks as if she was there at that time..and teleported into today to see how mtv is now. most likely..the new mainstream thing is in our future..and MJ will be there to rule it.'s in our present..but we don't see it..but MJ does.
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it may not be popular with us or the older generations but the younger generation (teens) ... unfortunately, MTV is still the ish :( My kids cannot wait to watch MTV at their friends houses :lol: and all their friends watch MTV constantly. The main complaint when the kids have friends over here is, Where Is The MTV !!?? They cannot get used to the fact that we don't have it. Or how we live without it
a VMA year to think of ... 2002

for me, that evenings events would have been a deal breaker for the rest of my life...Michael on the other hand, is a bit more gracious and forgiving.

When the name Michael Jackson and the station MTV are spoke together, all I picture is the 2002 VMAs. The lie they perpetrated and the spin they put on the events of the evening ... it makes my forehead in need of botox. :mat:

LMAO at botox, but I so agree with this post. I feel the same.
yes, MTV gives me wrinkles


the hours in the sun, over my extremely short lifetime, have nothing at all to do with the formation of wrinkles :no: it is all on MTV ... oh and the kids have had a part in it also :lol:
it may not be popular with us or the older generations but the younger generation (teens) ... unfortunately, MTV is still the ish :( My kids cannot wait to watch MTV at their friends houses :lol: and all their friends watch MTV constantly. The main complaint when the kids have friends over here is, Where Is The MTV !!?? They cannot get used to the fact that we don't have it. Or how we live without it

you are right about the teens you see... the same do you explain the teens that are MJ fans?

MJ is always dissed by mtv, so, why are there so many teen MJ fans?

obviously there is a school of teens that think differently from the teens that say they can't live without mtv. or there are teens who cannot live without mtv, but still are biig MJ fans. how do we explain that?
mmmm well, my kids are all MJ fans but they love MTV and all it's junk. Teens I think may be a hybrid breed of Michael Jackson fans ??
I think kids today dont know what real music is!
All it is today is about SEX!!
But with michaels music it took you on a journey, and showed a part of the mam inside,
It made u think of the world and the problems we have in it!
MTV wants Michael?For money or what?Another joke?

Ok...Give respect for him.And claim SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow: