Movies that you hated

^ ew, I didn't like Hairspray either. (Well.. the new one. I haven't seen the old one.)

And I hated The Nightmare Before Christmas, Whale Rider, and Spirited Away.
I don't understand why people are like "Spirited Away's so BEAUTIFUL". It was just creepy and weird.
Please DON'T watch "Disaster" movie.

It's disrespectful to MJ. :(:(:(
awww noo I love Spirited Away :) and Howl's Moving Castle and all of them movies :)

Oh I'm going to out a vote in for "Devil's Advocate" with Pacino and Keanu Reeves.... that movie left me feeling pervy and Pacino overacted something shocking when he revealed his true identity. (I love me some Pacino but that film was a no no) LOL
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I find it hard to answer this question, only because I don't watch movies that I don't like from the previews and promos of them. I refuse to check them out.

Therefore, all the movies that I've chosen to watch I've liked or loved them.

Several of the movies listed on this thread I've enjoyed watching (i.e., LOTR Triology and the first Triology of STAR WARS).

I don't watch HORROR movies.

I love watching foreign movies (with subtitles) over the boring cliche types of storylines of American movies.

But I have one answer that comes to mind and that is... I won't ever watch a movie with Jennifer Aniston in the starring role. I just won't do it.:no:
I just watched Ms. Pettigrew Lives for a day.... booring! it had maybe one or two moments but it had like NOOO plot! i don't even quite no why i watched it other than i needed to get SOMETHING from netflix to make the money i pay worthwhile LOL
I just watched the dumbest movie ever last night!!!!!!!!! It wasn't even in the theaters. Usually I am the type that loves cheesy, corny horror B films. But this film just took the cake. it was called Zombies Zombies Zombies. I mean I literally felt like I became dumb after watching it. it was like a bad porno/ horrendous horror B movie. The writting bored me to death, and acting, just everything was BAD.
^ ew, I didn't like Hairspray either. (Well.. the new one. I haven't seen the old one.)

And I hated The Nightmare Before Christmas, Whale Rider, and Spirited Away.
I don't understand why people are like "Spirited Away's so BEAUTIFUL". It was just creepy and weird.

OMG I so love the movie Spirited Away. I totally fell in love with that movie when I had first seen that movie on the Turner Classic Movie Channel. In fact I had love that movie so much that I got the dvd for a Christmas present. A couple of years ago. Another reason why I love that movie it is Japanese anime. I just love Japanese anime movies. I think I might go watch that movie later on.

BTW I also really hate the movie and the broadway version of Hairspray. Just like I hate the movie version and the broadway show of Grease.
Alice (the longest film I've ever seen, even though its just 60 mins its sooooo much longer then any 4 hour film you will see)

Freddie got fingered ( i think that was the name, some desperate shock comedy crap)

Devil's Advocate (Al Pacino kinda sucked)

Matrix (dont hate it but its overrated)

Scary Movie (not all that funny)

American Pie (what a load of bollocks that crap is)
ok to show how UNbias I am....

The Man Who Cried (with Johnny Depp in it) was pretty dang bad. lol
the remake of charlie and the chocolate factory was kinda crap, although Depp was just awesome in it
LOL Stomp the Yard soooooo bad it was funny! :lol:

Alpha alpha....(pause)....*high pitched voice* SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!

the hunted
battlefield earth i love john travotla but this movie sucked
spiderman 3 it was more like the musical
we own thre night
The most recent film I've seen and didn't like would probably be Prom Night. I'm not a fan of horror films anyway but the fact was it wasn't scary. It was just a bit stupid. My friend that I watched it with saw it probably 3 times when it came out on dvd and she loved it.

First girl goes missing and goes into hotel room. Guy kills her. Second girl notices first girl didn't come back. She goes in room, guy kills her. Repeat this about 5 times and you have the gist of it.
the only movie I've ever hated in my entire life was Monsters Ball

no story, unbelievable characters, pointless - - - everything

the only believable moment in the whole movie was the lady of the night "paying" visits

I wish Halle Berry to win another Oscar, this time for a really GREAT movie.

She could have taken it for her performance in Jungle Fever in my book ... she's a hecka Catwoman too ....she deserves an Oscar for a better movie than Moster's Ball

sorry so negative.......but goodness I SO hated that movie!!!

I thought it'd be so much better :(

was pretty dissappointed :scratch:

*edit* that doesn't mean I haven't seen some cheap (quality) story-less "thing" and not felt I wasted my time, why yes, of course, but we know there will always be those and know not to get our hopes up too high if at all......but this one just dashed my whole long-term deep in the soul infatuation with Hollywood.....I pray Halle gets a shot at an Oscar the quality of Monster .... that's what I"m waiting on and I have a feeling Halle may be too.....blathering on...sorry
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The new version of Planet Of The Apes (with Mark Wahlberg).

I was also very disappointed with the second X-Files movie.

I was bored with Elizabethtown and the 3rd Pirates Of The Caribbean.

And I hated Species II

But I liked The Village!