Movies that you hated


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What movies do you hate?

I never liked

Son Of The Mask
Jaws 3
Jaws The Revenge
Jurassic Park 3
Stephen King's TV movie of The Shining
Batman and Robin
The Matrix 2
The Matrix 3
Alien Vs Predator
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The horror movie..

JACK FROST 2 ha ha!! What a joke... lol!

I would expand on this list, but honestly everything else I was going to write now looks good since I have Titanic already up there. I suppose I should give Gigli another shot now.
I dispised the first Fantastic 4 film i thought it was God Awful it didn't live up to the hype it was getting

I would expand on this list, but honestly everything else I was going to write now looks good since I have Titanic already up there. I suppose I should give Gigli another shot now.
Me too! I have never liked Titanic :no:
It's strange because everyone else (I know) seems to love it.. I also hate the theme song, yuk.
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Hi everyone! Im new here. I always hated "Dream catcher " by Stephen King! I think it terrible moovie.
^ hey welcome to the forum :flowers:

I don't like Titanic either (except when the ship starts to go down :D
I hate with a passion the stupid-as-hell " Movie" movies like the Scary Movies, Date Movie, Epic Movie etc.
I'm with you here, comedys like them suck ass especially american pie and the worst of the worst was freddie got fingered, what a load of bollocks that was
Hi everyone! Im new here. I always hated "Dream catcher " by Stephen King! I think it terrible moovie.

me too! It's a terrible movie, definitely. We saw it in the cinema accidentaly... :lol: In the internet we saw it will be Dream team, an American comedy... We thougth it would be so much fun, and at the end we were so dissapointed. I hate these kind of movies.
A swedish film called "my life as a dog". For some reason that film hounted me during my school years. Everybody else seemed to love it.
Star Wars. I hate Star Wars. The dumbest films ever.

Harry Potter. I hate the books and I hate the films. Talk about the emperors new cloths. How the hell can people flock to read and watch writing which never should have seen the light of day and act like it's the greatest thing since Charles Dickens? I could write better then J.K. Rowling. Damn.

The Incredible Hulk. Total sh*t.

Fantastic 4 1 and 2.

There's really too many to list. The United States used to make the best movies, back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, but now, for the most part, we just make total trash, and if I see one more remake I'm gonna hurl.
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Son Of The Mask!!!! TOTAL CRAP!!!!!! :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
Cats and Dogs - Same as above.....CRAP!!!!
Marie Antionette starring Kirsten Dunst - I found it really boring.
Batman Begins - Never really got the hype over the Batman franchise, so the movie didn't do much for me to gain interest. I actually dozed off while watching it LOL!
The Mummy Returns - I wouldn't say I hate this movie with a passion, but I didn't really enjoy it either. I found the story-line too far-fetched and the special effects too fake.
Was majorly disappointed with Harry Potter: Prision Of Azkaben and thought that Goblet Of Fire was only marginally better than the latter.
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Ugh the recent re-make of "War of the Worlds" with all those pathetic close up shots of "Oh my god I'm acting watch me act Tom Cruise"

.... yes Tom there is a reason why you don't have an Oscar :superstition:
^:hysterical: I think the couch jumping shitz helped him sum, don't cha think?

Batman Forever... it's just too cheesy for me. Only highlight of the movie was the theme song, "Kiss From a Rose" by Seal.

Baby Boy... they show this movie on BET too goddang much. I can't recall how many times I've watched this and just went "Forget about it". :lol: And now there's rumors of a Baby Boy 2 :dropdead:
bend it like beckham

my cousin loved it when it came out, it was her favourite film at the time and she made me watch it, i was soooo bored it was crazy :lol:

boring film
Star Wars

Bad Boys 1,2

In love with Shakespeare

Something's Gotta Give

Indiana Jones movies

You don't mess with the Zohan

The Godfather
I hate/dislike -

* All the Godfather movies. I just cannot stand those movies. All of the killing and the disloyality in the movie got on my nerves. I don't care about the Don, the Godfather, the whoever. What do people see in that movie? What?

* I don't really like the movies during the 1940s and 1950s. I don't really care for them. If they are Disney movies, I might watch a few. But that is about it. The only movies I like from that time were "A Wonderful Life", "Father of the Bride" (when Liz Taylor used to act). Any movie that contained Frank Sinatra I always watch. That is about it. The movies at that time would bore me, but the ones I listed I actually liked.

* Scarface. What is people's obsession with that movie? It is stupid. It is about a damn drug dealer. Gosh! If I see anyone in the city wearing anything relating to that movie, I am going to go off. LOL.

* Anything Star Wars. The movie sucks. It really does.

* Harry Potter movies are ok, but I sleep when I see those movies.

* Star Trek. Blah. I hated the show and I hated the movies.

That is all I can come up with.
I've just seen the Zohan yesterday...

Gosh! What a waste of money. Adam Sadler used to make better movies.
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What movies do you hate?

I never liked

Son Of The Mask
Jaws 3
Jaws The Revenge
Jurassic Park 3
Stephen King's TV movie of The Shining
Batman and Robin
The Matrix 2
The Matrix 3
Alien Vs Predator

OK, The Matrix 2 was not as good, but the Matrix 3 was kickass!

I look The Matrix trilogy as a whole movie, and it's a hell of a movie.

The movies I hated...

Napoleon Dynamite - WHAT THE HELL? The worst movie ever made. God, bring me back the 2 hours :(

Scary Movie 4 - The worst of them all...

Heaven Kingdom - or sth like that,starring Orlando Bloom. What a waste...
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I hate with a passion the stupid-as-hell " Movie" movies like the Scary Movies, Date Movie, Epic Movie etc.

Ugh me too, how is it that people find this funny I'll never know. They're so stupid and utterly lame is sad and pathetic.

Dreamcatcher, I had some high expectations on this one, the trailers seem good but the movie was simply disgusting.

The Village, the ending killed it and made completely hate the whole thing.

Batman Forever, Batman & Robin,no words can describe how cheesy and plain silly those were.

Matrix, Not my cup of tea.

The Incredible Hulk, lol just silly

Those Saw movies, that isn't even horror anymore, it's just excessively graphic and blood makes me a little eery so I can't sit through more than a few minutes.

All zombie movies (think dawn of the dead, night of the dead, mid day of the dead lol).

There's hella more so I'll be back :D
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