Most treasured MJ possession?

After reading these posts, i feel quite upset. Alot of you have autographs, neverland trips, concert tickets ect. I never got to go to a concert or neverland.

I wish he was still here. (listening to 'Cry' from invincible as i write this)
Dancing the dream,when you read it you feel so close to Michael.It's next to me on my bed and i read it every morning..sometimes makes me smile and sometimes cry.And WMA ticket when i saw Michael in london.
Memories and my first MJ item which is an original VHS of Moonwalker
Dancing the dream,when you read it you feel so close to Michael.It's next to me on my bed and i read it every morning..sometimes makes me smile and sometimes cry.And WMA ticket when i saw Michael in london.

I agree with you about Dancing The Dream. Which is why I consider that book as one of my very most cherised MJ items. I just love that book so much as well as my Moonwalk book.
Michael's autograph, photos, a concert ticket and some candies Michael left at the car.. his driver shared them with me and a couple of other fans after he had taken Michael and his kids to the airport.. I still have 'em :] And many, many vivid memories.. i will always remember how his hands felt, i will always remember the sound of his voice, the look in his eyes. All these memories are unerasable.
For me I have two main things. One is an autographed A4 size photo from Thriller (the one of him dressed in yellow) and the other is actually a pic of me that Michael signed "love Michael" and sent down to me with his security guard at the Dorchester Hotel in London, 2005.

They are locked in a safe in acid free paper and I will treasure them forever.
I also have my history tour concert ticket and two photos taken of Michael when he was in Adelaide in 1996
The music, of course. I also have Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad on vinyls. Many flags and t shirts. The music videos obviously. Many many things so I really treasure them all.
The music!!
When I get them, my O2 concert tickets.
Ticket stubs from Bad, Dangerous and HIStory
Everything that I own on CD, Vinyl, Cassette Tape, DVD, VHS, Books! Hundreds of them.
i just brought a beait it jacket from ebay like two minutes ago!! im so exited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok but thats not my MOST treasurable thing yet lol,,i think it would be the 30th anniversary of mixhael that i taped back in 01,mainly because it was the first night i saw him perform EVER and ever since that night i have been inlove with the man lol,i also have my billi8e jean jacket and hat that im proud of lol

oh and ifcause my moonwalker dvd haha
all my memories of becoming a fan, the hours and hours i spent alone in my uni hall room on youtube and going through transcripts and basically catching up on his whole life to date...the massive jolt of excitment whenever their was a note in the postbox sayig a package was at reception for me cos it was either cds or dvds or books, i cherish dancing the dream i cried the first time i read that, and when i spent all night reading moonwalk and the conspriacy and was late for my favourite seminar.. getting my thriller jacket and prancing around in the mirror.
the time i had to sit through a lecture knowing michael was announcing his concerts..the elation of having secured tickets...

mostly the intense love i felt wash over me knowing that someone out there really really cared.
His music and I'm going to get something which I will treasure for ever.

Anyone ever heard of BJD's?
A BJD is a Ball Jointed Doll, my sis has like 5 of them they are handmade and with so many details like a real human being.
Anyway she told me that you can also get BJD minimee dolls which is an doll who lookes like someone on a picture even from your own children.
Yesterday we saw that a few ppl are going to get a MJ minimee (Bad era) and if you order with more ppl it's less expensive (those dolls are really expensive you know).
So I'm going to order one too I'm so excited!!
My Vinyl records of Thriller and Bad.
I was about 10 or 11 years old and I wanted those 2 albums so bad I started going door to door to wash cars or peoples windows to earn some cash.
It took me 3 weeks to earn enough money to buy both albums.
My most treasured possesion is my Beat It gold record only 2500 were ever made worldwide and since Beat It is one of my fave MJ tracks it makes it that bit more special
My pictures and Ticket stub from the HIStory tour concert in wembley, they are priceless..all the vinyl albums that we got in the 80s, still like new, we took such good care of them :)

My Ghosts boxset that I got for my 17th birthday, it's mint and I intend to keep it that way. I only played the video once and never touched the botdf cd, I bought another to play.
This thread makes me cry >.< I have a few things but they're not to be proud of as you guys with your special limited boxsets and collection. The time when I just became a real fan I was w/ a friend shopping and saw a little shop everyone walked past in and didnt even looked in! How dare they, well anyway these little things caught my attention so I went in and saw a black FEDORA ! YAY I was soo happy back than:D It was really a MJ looklike fedora. That was my first Michael thingy. That's it, but my MOST treasured stuff will grow over the years, I hope.
Actually, it is my Dangerous vinyl. It was originally my cousin's and because of it I became aware of who was Michael Jackson, when I was 4, 5 years old. A few years ago, I saw It just laying around with some other old records her family had, and asked if I could have it and she gave it to me. So it means quite a lot to me.
My Michael Jackson Universal Box Set.

It was a surprise gift by an anonymous fan from another country as the box set was not available in my country.

The anonymous fan sent it twice actually.

The first box set didn't reach my house as it was lost by the courier. But she didn't give up and sent me another one through a registered postal order. She even gave me a small Michael Jackson souvenir along with the box set.

That was the sweetest thing that a Michael Jackson fan ever done for me.

I truly appreciate for all her efforts. She makes me a very happy fan.

Where ever you are right now, I thank you again Ms. Anonymous.
I had all of Michael's albums on tape, but I was too young to understand that I should be careful with them. I have to replace them with Cd's. Of course, those are well taken care of.
Oh and my copy of Private Home Movies a fan from here sent me! Thank you!!
My hand signed " To Thijs, Love Michael Jackson" boxset........

And my other signed items
I forgot to mention.

Michael Jackson: Numner 1s; The 12s! It's the most expensive MJ thing I own, paid £450 for it and I think it's quite rare?
Everyone has rare memorabilia, i hardly have any. I would love an autograph, looks like i have to give up that dream :(
My concert tickets for the 30th Anniversary concert :wub: