Most treasured MJ possession?


Proud Member
Mar 7, 2009
Southampton, UK
What is your most treasured MJ possession?
I never was lucky enough to go to a MJ concert (i'm only 16) but i would imagine that a ticket or programme would be special to alot of you.
Maybe some of you are lucky to have autograph?
My most treasured possession isn't very rare but its special to me. Its my 'michael jackson ultimate collection box set'

I love it!!
My husband.

Oh wait, you said "possession", right? (My husband and I were on two different continents and we met on an MJ forum 8 years ago, because of our mutual love for Michael. If it weren't for Michael we likely would never have found each other.)

For objects, I'd say my Bad Tour ticket stub and all my scrapbooks, for the memories. Oh, but then, there's an odd one that I cling to still. I have this old pink and white t-shirt that just says "Colorado" across the front. Bought it in the summer of 1987. I wore than in Disneyland that year, when I believe I saw Michael eye to eye from like 6 feet away. Because I viewed it as my "lucky shirt" from that point on, I wore it when we went to Denver in 1988 for the Bad concert. And we ended up sitting right next to Michael's limo in traffic! Right next to him. (Couldn't see in, though.) Then I was still wearing that shirt at the concert. So that shirt, now old, faded, ripped up from a snag in a washing machine years ago, is one of my most precious. You'd never know it had anything to do with Michael, but it's been in his presence three times. And so it's special.
I have alot of things that mean alot to me. My MJ doll, glove necklace and ring from a thriller concert probably are my favorite things I own. That would be cool to have an autograph. I always wanted to buy one off ebay but never really know whats real and whats fake.
My husband.

Oh wait, you said "possession", right? (My husband and I were on two different continents and we met on an MJ forum 8 years ago, because of our mutual love for Michael. If it weren't for Michael we likely would never have found each other.)

For objects, I'd say my Bad Tour ticket stub and all my scrapbooks, for the memories. Oh, but then, there's an odd one that I cling to still. I have this old pink and white t-shirt that just says "Colorado" across the front. Bought it in the summer of 1987. I wore than in Disneyland that year, when I believe I saw Michael eye to eye from like 6 feet away. Because I viewed it as my "lucky shirt" from that point on, I wore it when we went to Denver in 1988 for the Bad concert. And we ended up sitting right next to Michael's limo in traffic! Right next to him. (Couldn't see in, though.) Then I was still wearing that shirt at the concert. So that shirt, now old, faded, ripped up from a snag in a washing machine years ago, is one of my most precious. You'd never know it had anything to do with Michael, but it's been in his presence three times. And so it's special.

Ha Ha Ha Michael = Cupid
His music, spirit and soul. I will have it forever.
The music. My worn out cassettes and scratched CDs. And the memories.
Wow cool thread....I have a ticket stub from his concert in 88', pictures of him on stage (which of course wasn't my mj doll (thriller & beat it) all my posters (favorite one is the cover of bad, which extends from the top of the door to the bottom), a mj puzzle, and countless old magazines..."beat it", "right on" etc...

A vinyl album "Off the wall" yes peeps...the, Billie Jean, which is also on vinyl (the 45 with "Gotta get out of the Rain" on the "B"side) ...I have thriller and dangerous on cassette well as on cd along with all of his released albums..oh and a dvd of some of his videos.
My BAD vinyl from 1988 that I'd listen to back then as a kid. Also my Cassettes of Off The Wall and Thriller given to me by my sister when I was little, and then the Cassettes of Bad and Dangerous that I bought myself when I was little.
It sounds really stupid, but its an newspaper article a friend cut out for me when Michael announced his tour. My friend was all hyper and felt so proud when she handed me the article. I acutally didn't really care about it, I'm not really the type of person who cuts things out and stick them into a scrapebook altho I wished I was right now, I didn't really want to dissapoint her so I just accepted the thing and put it in my German book. I lost my German book and about a month ago my teacher walked up to me and said she had found me book. When I asked her how she knew it was mine, she told me she found a Michael Jackson picture within the book. I totally forgot about that article and at that moment it reminded me about all the excitement I felt during that time and that I was only a month away from the concert, so I decided to keep it. Now Michael is gone, I try to collect as much articles of him that arw out there. But since I never used to do that before, the announce,emt article is the only one of him when he was alive. It brings back those memories around that time. All the excitement and joy, but also the stress of getting a ticket..happy times. It didn't mean a lot for back then, but it means the world for me right now.
Yeah, I have to go with memories too. Of playing with my Michael Jackson doll as a little girl, and dancing to his music, trying to stay up and watch Friday Night Video's so I could see him (that was before MTV, or maybe I just didn't have MTV...) Seeing him in concert, and sharing all of it with my mom, we've had so much fun. Oh how could I forget "Michaeling", that is what my mom would say when we would go hunting for MJ merchandise!
personalized autogrpah nothing tops it though looking at it now makes me sad i will take it with me to my grave
My autograph and my sharpie he signed it with :boohoo: and the memories of that day. I will have them forever :yes:
I have a huge MJ collection. But some of my most treasured MJ possessions is:

My Who Is It poster (I have this right above my bed. Thats where it has been for the past 5 years or so.)
My Michael Jackson record player
My Dancing The Dream Book
All of my Michael Jackson concerts (Mainly my HIStory concerts they are my most cherished ones.)
My Michael Jackson doll
My Michael Jackson pillow cases (I had made them)
My 3 cloth MJ posters
My private home movies
Dangerous Concert Rehearsals
The Invincible Signing at New York City's Virgin Records Store
My Michael Jackson glove necklace
And this MJ poster


I have this on the back of my Bedroom door. This has always been one of my most favorite MJ pictures.
I have a CD that I burned all the Mikey pictures I could find on the net. I made it about 10 yrs ago.
My Vibe mag.
Moonwalker on VHS
Dancing The Dream
Mostly my memories of becoming a fan. Small things set off the crying. Things I took for granted. Like every time Michael says "I love you more." We'll never get told that again :cry:
Aside from memories and his music, an unopened bag of Skittles from the movie theater at Neverland, amazing how such a simple thing can make one feel a tangible connection to Michael-
Though I never did get to actually meet Michael, my most treasured possessions are a personalized autograph and an unopened bag of skittles from Neverland. Other than that - music and memories - over 30 years worth.
Memories, the times I met him, the concerts, the time I went to Neverland...
Material... must be the autograph he gave me (With love to my name, signature) over 12 years ago... and all the pictures we took during the years.
I would say the old dangerous tour ticket that my friend gave me...

I was so excited about getting mine for the O2, I was due to get them today :cry:
Sadly, I never got a chance to go to a concert or Neverland (I'm so angry at myself for the Neverland thing... I've lived in Los Angeles my whole life and simply took for granted that Michael/Neverland was only a couple hours away from me)... but I have a Jacksons hoodie that belonged to my dad when he was my age and a Bad concert ticket that my mom kept. She was pregnant with me when she went to see him on the Bad tour with my brothers. :)
I think I would have to say the Madison Square Garden programme I got in 2001 for those two concerts. I only went to the September 7th, 2001 show. I also love the moonwalker VHS tape, that's how I became a fan, and of course the ticket stub as well. But I have so much MJ stuff...I love all of it.
I still have two paper cups I got at the Bad Tour Munich 88 show. They have the Bad Tour logo and tour dates on them. I do treasure them a lot :)

Ah yes, and the ticket from that show and the five other MJ concerts I went to.
Everything...My love for him always and forever ,beyond life. Always in me, always with me. I love you Applehead. I miss you Michael so so much :cry:.