"Morphine" lyrics ... a cry for help that was ignored?

when will people realize what's going on here? it was cute to have ur own idea of mj while he was alive but reports are coming in conflicting w/ what u think and u caneither believe it or deny it but don't stop someone from trying to find meaning in a song.

this song is very blatant and says a lot more than anyone on tv ever could

ooookay, not sure who that was directed at, but I don't think my post was trying to stop someone from finding whatever meaning, I just said what I thought. Isn't that okay anymore??? I don't get this kind of personal attack on people that don't automatically agree with whatever the party line currently is. I think I should have the right to find what meaning I want in the song too. After all, with ALL music that is subjective.

In any case, again - I think the song was written to express what Michael went through at that time. Having gone through it once, of course it could happen again. That's the nature of addiction. It just did not seem to me that he was crying out for help with that song, just documenting what he went through. If others want to see it another way, well, that's their choice. But there isn't any point in discussing something if everyone already has to agree.
oh my god oh my god im from gerany and i saw something oh my god when you here morphine backwards you will here a secret message oh my god give up peopleits almost on youtube
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well I agree I do believe that this song was a cry for help. I just wish that all of the people that were close to him and KNEW that he had a problem would of help him before it was too late. And yes I do understand that many of you will be thinking well you cannot help someone who does want help. If you are close to someone as many of these people were to Michael and you didnt blow the whistle on him just because your hand was in his pocket, then you are just as guilty for his death as 1) he is for talking the prescription drugs. 2) for administering the lethal dose of IV medication that killed him.
ooookay, not sure who that was directed at, but I don't think my post was trying to stop someone from finding whatever meaning, I just said what I thought. Isn't that okay anymore??? I don't get this kind of personal attack on people that don't automatically agree with whatever the party line currently is. I think I should have the right to find what meaning I want in the song too. After all, with ALL music that is subjective.

In any case, again - I think the song was written to express what Michael went through at that time. Having gone through it once, of course it could happen again. That's the nature of addiction. It just did not seem to me that he was crying out for help with that song, just documenting what he went through. If others want to see it another way, well, that's their choice. But there isn't any point in discussing something if everyone already has to agree.
hon i wasnt referring to u. just the general attitude of people not wanting to discuss this!:cheers:
This may or may not have been mentioned on here already, I wouldn't be surprised if it has due to the size of the community here.

I was listening to "Blood On The Dance Floor" last night and track two, "Morphine" came on. It's a song I've listened thousands of times, but last night one word jumped out at me simply because it's been mentioned so much in recent weeks .... Demirol.

I had never heard of this drug before what happened to Michael, but the section halfway through "Morphine" has Michael singing to "Relax, this won't hurt you, before I put it in close your eyes and count to ten", before singing, "Demirol, Demirol, oh God he's taking Demirol". It's almost like he's singing about being given the stuff ... and this was back in 1997.

How the hell could the people "close" to Michael not have recognised this? To me, today, it sounds like an alarming cry for help that was ignored by those close to him, even his family.

I will plead complete ignorance and a severe lack of knowledge of the drug, but listening to the song last night sent the biggest, coldest chill rushing down my spine.

And today in the UK the papers are reporting that if the results of the toxicology reports show what the authorities expect it to show, then the Doctors who administered the medication and provided it will be tried with the MURDER of Michael Jackson and tried to the fullest extent of the law, including death.

It seems not a single day can go by without something "new".

Not read the rest of the thread but are you for real? the song was called Morphine ffs!

You don't even need to know what demirol is to understand what he was talking about.It wasn't a cry for help,it was a scream.
I always said that if you wanted to really know MJ, listen to his songs. He was more aware than most liked to give him credit for. I don't know if "Morphine" was a cry for help, but I do believe it was a way for MJ to express his frustration, hurt and sadness over him being addicted to demerol. I also feel like he was lashing out at doctors in this song, who were all enablers as far as I can tell. I've definitely been paying attention to this song more since MJ's passing.
i always thought this was written du ring his rehab process...sort of a way for him to always have a memory of just how bad it was for him
i always thought this was written du ring his rehab process...sort of a way for him to always have a memory of just how bad it was for him

I think that's a fanciful notion tbh.It was blatant,and he never left rehab did he?

I admit I drifted away from Michaels music for a while,life got in the way,but I got back into him about 2 years ago and on my first listen to that song I knew exactly what it was about.
I grew up around addicts and it wasn't hard to spot.

As the saying goes "There are none so blind,as those that cannot to see".
Morphine is one of my favorite songs and it sucks to think about how prophetic a song it really is..
Morphine was written in 1994 for the History album. All the "new songs" from Blood On The Dance Floor except the title track was written for the History album but never made the cut. I doubt Michael was crying out for help or predicting his future. Michaels lyrics in that period were very related to what was going on in his life, and Morphine was written just after he had been in a clinic fighting off his addiction.

I think we are looking for things that aren't there. It's understandable though.
what's weird is that all of those songs except for blood on the dance floor were really really good songs. even botdf was descent.

the new songs on botdf were better than many songs that did make the cut. despite my disagreement on MJ's song selection, when considering this and the fact that smooth criminal almost didn't make the cut I wonder how many of his unreleased songs are actually quite amazing.

Ususally unreleased songs are unreleased for a reason. They aren't that good. but in Mj's case I'm not sure what his reasons were.
This may or may not have been mentioned on here already, I wouldn't be surprised if it has due to the size of the community here.

I was listening to "Blood On The Dance Floor" last night and track two, "Morphine" came on. It's a song I've listened thousands of times, but last night one word jumped out at me simply because it's been mentioned so much in recent weeks .... Demirol.

I had never heard of this drug before what happened to Michael, but the section halfway through "Morphine" has Michael singing to "Relax, this won't hurt you, before I put it in close your eyes and count to ten", before singing, "Demirol, Demirol, oh God he's taking Demirol". It's almost like he's singing about being given the stuff ... and this was back in 1997.

How the hell could the people "close" to Michael not have recognised this? To me, today, it sounds like an alarming cry for help that was ignored by those close to him, even his family.

I will plead complete ignorance and a severe lack of knowledge of the drug, but listening to the song last night sent the biggest, coldest chill rushing down my spine.

And today in the UK the papers are reporting that if the results of the toxicology reports show what the authorities expect it to show, then the Doctors who administered the medication and provided it will be tried with the MURDER of Michael Jackson and tried to the fullest extent of the law, including death.

It seems not a single day can go by without something "new".

I've recognized the significance of this song for some time. Sadly, one often must live something to understand a thing, as hard and ugly as it may be.

The song always made me sad because I knew all too well that Mike was more and more loaded with drugs in the last few years. I saw him nodding quite often (a unique sign of opiate/sedative abuse that makes one drift off; while sitting, talking, standing, etc.) It's a feeling that I know all too well.

I can feel the torture, the demons, the fear, and the anger in knowing the ability for opiates, like Morphine create. The song is full of anger and I understand that because it is a horrible addiction that only takes the pain away for a short time. It doesn't make you feel good for long because one needs more and more and more. Pretty soon it becomes a monkey on your back and you need a high quantity of the drug to feel 'normal'. Otherwise, withdrawals ensure the feelings of sickness and pain are a true nightmare.

The mid-section break in the song tells such a true story. Once one is unable to kill the pain, feel high, from an opiate, a much stronger one is the only way to feel good again. Therefore, the soft, haunting, yet soothing melody, "Demerol...oh God he's taking Demerol", is so symbolic of the feeling an injected opiate creates; instant and strong euphoria. This is a welcome feeling because it is a stronger opiate that can break through one's dependence level. With regular use of Vicodin, Oxycontin, Morphine, and Dilaudid for example, there are very few drugs that can break though and take the pain away after some time.

BTW: Dilaudid is NOT the same as Diprovan. Dilaudid is an opiate and Diprovan is an anesthetic. I have no doubts that Michael was taking these drugs (at least a few if not all, or more) along with strong doses of benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Ativan). I am not saying this because I want to spread lies or put down Michael. Addiction is a disease. Some of you won't accept this. I have a very real understanding of the hell life must have been for Michael.

Sadly, addictions end in only one of two ways: recovery or death. Eventually, a person hits bottom, or has an intervention and then tries hard to recover from their addiction, or they die. It is that simple, and that sad. I've lived it and I've seen it. Unfortunately, even though I knew Michael was heavily addicted and I saw him hitting bottom soon, I didn't want to believe it would end this way. Rationally, yes, it makes complete sense, but my heart is broken. I've lost friends to addiction and it is never anything but a tragedy that hurts everyone involved in the addicted person's life.

I want to end by saying that I have no doubts that Michael would have done everything in his power, and may have found recovery, but in the situation he was in, being aided by all those around him, I understand how that was not a possibility. Every single person who provided him with doctors and fake Rx's has played a part in Michael's death.

I am almost certain that the doctor with Michael (from AEG) provided Mike with ANYTHING he wanted because AEG was set to make a fortune off the man, like so many others in his life did/have. It is a tragedy but not something that doesn't happen hundreds of times a day.

The word tragedy is used far too often and for the wrong reasons, but Michael's death in this manner is the definition of a true Shakespearean tragedy. I am sad as hell, even though I realize what's done is done. Hopefully this will help to end the horrible doctors that are more than happy to provided their patients with whatever they want...do anything for money.

:angel: Rest in peace, angel Michael.
what's weird is that all of those songs except for blood on the dance floor were really really good songs. even botdf was descent.

the new songs on botdf were better than many songs that did make the cut. despite my disagreement on MJ's song selection, when considering this and the fact that smooth criminal almost didn't make the cut I wonder how many of his unreleased songs are actually quite amazing.

Ususally unreleased songs are unreleased for a reason. They aren't that good. but in Mj's case I'm not sure what his reasons were.

Because he couldn't fit a 1,000 songs on a one albums.

We have thousand of songs to look forward to. Let us remember the man in this way. He will continue to entertain for years to come.


P.S. Quincy Jones fought hard to keep Billie Jean off of Thriller if that helps you imagine what is to come.
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Because he couldn't fit a 1,000 songs on a one albums.

We have thousand of songs to look forward to. Let us remember the man in this way. He will continue to entertain for years to come.


P.S. Quincy Jones fought hard to keep Billie Jean off of Thriller if that helps you imagine what is to come.

correction he fought hard to shorten the intro, but MJ specifically wanted it for the dancing intro.

how do you put stuff in bold? and how do people make a lot of the smiley faces they make here?
This may or may not have been mentioned on here already, I wouldn't be surprised if it has due to the size of the community here.

I was listening to "Blood On The Dance Floor" last night and track two, "Morphine" came on. It's a song I've listened thousands of times, but last night one word jumped out at me simply because it's been mentioned so much in recent weeks .... Demirol.

I had never heard of this drug before what happened to Michael, but the section halfway through "Morphine" has Michael singing to "Relax, this won't hurt you, before I put it in close your eyes and count to ten", before singing, "Demirol, Demirol, oh God he's taking Demirol". It's almost like he's singing about being given the stuff ... and this was back in 1997.

How the hell could the people "close" to Michael not have recognised this? To me, today, it sounds like an alarming cry for help that was ignored by those close to him, even his family.

I will plead complete ignorance and a severe lack of knowledge of the drug, but listening to the song last night sent the biggest, coldest chill rushing down my spine.

And today in the UK the papers are reporting that if the results of the toxicology reports show what the authorities expect it to show, then the Doctors who administered the medication and provided it will be tried with the MURDER of Michael Jackson and tried to the fullest extent of the law, including death.

It seems not a single day can go by without something "new".

I don't think Michael's family turned their backs on him. I think that Michael found himself in the typical predicament of an addict where he delieberately kept at bay those who were truly concerned about his addiction and willing to help him overcome his addiction, and instead surrounded himself with enablers-- an entourage of yes men who "understood" him and corrupt doctors who allowed money and notoriety to be the driving motive for their actions. It's sad but true, and people should stop being in denial. Just because he's Michael, doesn't make it right. Just my humble opinion.
I don't think Michael's family turned their backs on him. I think that Michael found himself in the typical predicament of an addict where he delieberately kept at bay those who were truly concerned about his addiction and willing to help him overcome his addiction, and instead surrounded himself with enablers-- an entourage of yes men who "understood" him and corrupt doctors who allowed money and notoriety to be the driving motive for their actions. It's sad but true, and people should stop being in denial. Just because he's Michael, doesn't make it right. Just my humble opinion.

abso-friggin-lutely............you are spot on mate! I couldn't have said it better myself!!!!
I thought I'd post the lyrics for those of you who don't know them by heart: Very prophetic song...........

He got flat baby
Kick in the back baby
A heart attack baby
I need your body

A hot kiss honey
He's just a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
So unrelying

I'm such a swine baby
All down the line daddy
I hate your kind baby
So unreliable

A hot buzz baby
He's one of us baby
Another drug baby
You so desire

Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
You're doin' morphine


They got place baby
Kicked in the face baby
You hate your race baby
You're just a liar

Your every lick baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You soul survivor

She never cut from me
She never cut baby
I had to work baby
You just a rival

Always to please daddy
Right up and leave daddy
You're thorwing shame daddy
So undesirable

Trust in me
Just in me
Put all your trsut in me
You're doin' morphine

Go'on babe

This won't hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don't cry
I won't convert you
There's no need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away

Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh God he's taking demerol

He's tried
Hard to convince her
To be over what he had
Today he wants it twice as bad
Don't cry
I won't resent you
Yesterday you had his trust
Today he's taking twice as much

Oh God he's taking demerol
Oh my Oh God it's Demerol


He got shit baby
Your dog's a bitch baby
You make me sick baby
You are a liar

Is truth a game daddy
To win the fame baby
It's all the same baby
You're so reliable

Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
She's doin' morphine


You just sit around just talkin' nothing
You're takin' morphine
Go'on baby
You just sit around just talking about it
You're takin' morphine
Just sit around just talking nothing about it
You're takin' morphine
You just sit around just talking about it
You're taking morphine
You just sit around just talkin' nothin'
And takin' morphine

I'm going down baby
You're talkin' Morphine

Go'on baby!
Do it!
He's takin' morphine
If it was indeed a cry for help,how do you know no one tried to help him?
Just because Michael may have made a song about his problem(if indeed there was a problem),doesnt mean he would be open to that help if it came his way.
If it was indeed a cry for help,how do you know no one tried to help him?
Just because Michael may have made a song about his problem(if indeed there was a problem),doesnt mean he would be open to that help if it came his way.

"if there was a problem"?

For God's sake open your eyes.
This is strange.. here is a print screen of my facebook status last night -


I'm Becca the others are my friends...

spooky huh?
If it was indeed a cry for help,how do you know no one tried to help him?
Just because Michael may have made a song about his problem(if indeed there was a problem),doesnt mean he would be open to that help if it came his way.

this is a little off topic, but i think you are beautiful! :)
I had a playlist of Michael songs in the background while I was cleaning my room earlier and when the slow part of "Morphine" came on I just stopped dead. I can't believe I had forgotten about those lyrics! God, I got the hugest wave of chills and it made me start crying all over again, which I haven't in almost two days now :( It was such an ominous sign! And also the lyrics from "Someone put your hand out"...

I'm just needing that someone
Save me now from the path I'm on...

Someone put your hand out
I'm begging for your love

Gosh :(
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Not read the rest of the thread but are you for real? the song was called Morphine ffs!

You don't even need to know what demirol is to understand what he was talking about.It wasn't a cry for help,it was a scream.

Fair enough, but was there any need to be that condescending?
I've recognized the significance of this song for some time. Sadly, one often must live something to understand a thing, as hard and ugly as it may be.

The song always made me sad because I knew all too well that Mike was more and more loaded with drugs in the last few years. I saw him nodding quite often (a unique sign of opiate/sedative abuse that makes one drift off; while sitting, talking, standing, etc.) It's a feeling that I know all too well.

I can feel the torture, the demons, the fear, and the anger in knowing the ability for opiates, like Morphine create. The song is full of anger and I understand that because it is a horrible addiction that only takes the pain away for a short time. It doesn't make you feel good for long because one needs more and more and more. Pretty soon it becomes a monkey on your back and you need a high quantity of the drug to feel 'normal'. Otherwise, withdrawals ensure the feelings of sickness and pain are a true nightmare.

The mid-section break in the song tells such a true story. Once one is unable to kill the pain, feel high, from an opiate, a much stronger one is the only way to feel good again. Therefore, the soft, haunting, yet soothing melody, "Demerol...oh God he's taking Demerol", is so symbolic of the feeling an injected opiate creates; instant and strong euphoria. This is a welcome feeling because it is a stronger opiate that can break through one's dependence level. With regular use of Vicodin, Oxycontin, Morphine, and Dilaudid for example, there are very few drugs that can break though and take the pain away after some time.

BTW: Dilaudid is NOT the same as Diprovan. Dilaudid is an opiate and Diprovan is an anesthetic. I have no doubts that Michael was taking these drugs (at least a few if not all, or more) along with strong doses of benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Ativan). I am not saying this because I want to spread lies or put down Michael. Addiction is a disease. Some of you won't accept this. I have a very real understanding of the hell life must have been for Michael.

Sadly, addictions end in only one of two ways: recovery or death. Eventually, a person hits bottom, or has an intervention and then tries hard to recover from their addiction, or they die. It is that simple, and that sad. I've lived it and I've seen it. Unfortunately, even though I knew Michael was heavily addicted and I saw him hitting bottom soon, I didn't want to believe it would end this way. Rationally, yes, it makes complete sense, but my heart is broken. I've lost friends to addiction and it is never anything but a tragedy that hurts everyone involved in the addicted person's life.

I want to end by saying that I have no doubts that Michael would have done everything in his power, and may have found recovery, but in the situation he was in, being aided by all those around him, I understand how that was not a possibility. Every single person who provided him with doctors and fake Rx's has played a part in Michael's death.

I am almost certain that the doctor with Michael (from AEG) provided Mike with ANYTHING he wanted because AEG was set to make a fortune off the man, like so many others in his life did/have. It is a tragedy but not something that doesn't happen hundreds of times a day.

The word tragedy is used far too often and for the wrong reasons, but Michael's death in this manner is the definition of a true Shakespearean tragedy. I am sad as hell, even though I realize what's done is done. Hopefully this will help to end the horrible doctors that are more than happy to provided their patients with whatever they want...do anything for money.

:angel: Rest in peace, angel Michael.

I was just waiting for a post like this in here. Thank you.
Its chilling to read those lyrics. I never listened to Morphine because it just freaked me out, I didn't get it. Now I feel like I just ignored it, I actually thought I cared for Michael but I just ignored this song! I know obviously I couldn't do anything about it... but just the fact that I skipped out that song because it was uncomfortable for me makes me hate myself now.
sfboys - Thank you so much for your post, I feel like I want to print it off to read it over and over.. just the way you describe the song..