"Morphine" lyrics ... a cry for help that was ignored?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This may or may not have been mentioned on here already, I wouldn't be surprised if it has due to the size of the community here.

I was listening to "Blood On The Dance Floor" last night and track two, "Morphine" came on. It's a song I've listened thousands of times, but last night one word jumped out at me simply because it's been mentioned so much in recent weeks .... Demirol.

I had never heard of this drug before what happened to Michael, but the section halfway through "Morphine" has Michael singing to "Relax, this won't hurt you, before I put it in close your eyes and count to ten", before singing, "Demirol, Demirol, oh God he's taking Demirol". It's almost like he's singing about being given the stuff ... and this was back in 1997.

How the hell could the people "close" to Michael not have recognised this? To me, today, it sounds like an alarming cry for help that was ignored by those close to him, even his family.

I will plead complete ignorance and a severe lack of knowledge of the drug, but listening to the song last night sent the biggest, coldest chill rushing down my spine.

And today in the UK the papers are reporting that if the results of the toxicology reports show what the authorities expect it to show, then the Doctors who administered the medication and provided it will be tried with the MURDER of Michael Jackson and tried to the fullest extent of the law, including death.

It seems not a single day can go by without something "new".
I've just done a forum search and, as expected, this topic has been debated earlier this month by others.

Unbelievable that so many people could ignore this outright cry for help ...
or it could be read and interpretated in this way...his out cry when he say's ' o god he's taking demerol' could be his view of how others like his family and friends saw it..remember alot of people say he denied having an addiction and didn't want interventions possibly so that could have been his view of how others saw his taking of demerol..he might of seen nothing wrong with it...that is just another view..we don't know for sure
or it could be read and interpretated in this way...his out cry when he say's ' o god he's taking demerol' could be his view of how others like his family and friends saw it..remember alot of people say he denied having an addiction and didn't want interventions possibly so that could have been his view of how others saw his taking of demerol..he might of seen nothing wrong with it...that is just another view..we don't know for sure

Yeah, but whatever way you look at it he mentioned the taking of a powerful painkiller. Regardless of whether it was him asking for help via song, or telling those who knew that it's nothing to worry about, it should still have been a signal for someone to step in and do something ... anything.

We're talking 12 years ago here.
If you listen close to the lyrics also "a heart atack babe!" it's involved...Could he predict the future?
Just looked over some old threads mentioning "Morphine" and some of the views of unbelievably naive ... we've all overlooked the meaning of that song drastically.

There's a thread where people discuss how the video would look ... and people even quote the lyrics including Demerol ... did these people also not know what Demerol was and just put it down to "lyrics"?

If you listen close to the lyrics also "a heart atack babe!" it's involved...Could he predict the future?

I simply think that the entire song is about the use of Morphine/Demerol and the dangerous side effects abusing it can have.

Listening to it again now, and it's like listening to Michael argue with himself over the stuff ... why he's taking it when he knows the dangers, etc.
again noone seemed to say anything seeing michael go in and out of doctors, a wheelchair etc ..because they thought it was a controlled stunt or whatever..but anyone going in n out of doctors and being in a wheelchair for first time is not a good thing..there were signs but unless you convince the person is need, nothing can be done..you can urge, shout and cry for a person to get help..but it all comes down to that individual

i posted in another thread on morphine that it is two completely different songs and i think the reason for this is to show the two sides to the coin in terms of taking this or any drug really..there is the anger,hyperactive sound of michael in first part..perhaps the frustration at things in the world, the pain he felt hypothethically or actually or both and then the song completely changes to soft , relaxing,content sounds as if thats what he feels like when he is on a painkiller...his mind is free, his pain is gone and he can relax..then it switches back to the fast paced sound of the track again...this fast, angry sounding parts of the song could also represent the manic feeling he had when he was on drugs...

if it was to be believed by he bodyguard that the time he went to the zoo he was very doped out and the night when he held blanket over the balcony, he could have been on something then..certainly watching that footage now, he does seem completely different to rest of programme...manic, wide eyed and possibly high ..we don't know..

i do think the more albums he made, the more deep and autobiographical he got so all his feelings are in his songs...it may have been a cry for help but it was certainly his feelings towards and being on these painkillers...its hard to say whethere he enjoyed it or hated being dependant on them or a bit of both...very difficult to say..but these enablers need to be caught and put in jail...im nearer 100 percent to thinking this is how it all happened...michael was a naive person who trusted and put his trust in too many people thinkig they all have good in them..most of time he was right but statistically, if you have that approach..there will be a group of people who use you , for money etc..and will stop at nothing to get what THEY want..i look at the kids and thei parent who acused him and these doctors in particular who knew full well the dangers deep down..but did nothing because of the dollar sign
There's no use in analysing all of his lyrics now.
No-one will know the true meaning of them appart from him.
again noone seemed to say anything seeing michael go in and out of doctors, a wheelchair etc ..because they thought it was a controlled stunt or whatever..but anyone going in n out of doctors and being in a wheelchair for first time is not a good thing..there were signs but unless you convince the person is need, nothing can be done..you can urge, shout and cry for a person to get help..but it all comes down to that individual

I read in another thread that apparently he would be seen visiting the docs so much because he shared a close relationship with the staff, so it was a mere casual visit.

I hate to say it but the above is probably what us fans WANT to believe but it's not necessarily the truth.
yea for all the good michael has in him, i dont think he would want to continuously go and visit the staff..in front of all those cameras and to put his kids through the hell of getting from a car to a door..must be awful..why put them through that unnecassarily? i am afraid its wishful thinking to say he wanted to visit the staff and for whatever the reason..he had to make those visits for health reasons
I honestly don't think the song was a cry for help. If he wanted help he could have got it, that song was released back in '97. It fitted his album work at the time, what with Ghosts and BOTD. For those of us who believe in psychics, we know Michael was better than most of them. He is extremely in tune with his intuition, and most of his songs hinted at things that happened in the future after them. (TDCAU, WYBT).

It's more likely that this song, if it was an actual prediction of Michael's, is a sign of hope for us, to show us that there IS more to life than this. And the possibilities of the mind and the soul are endless. This is the message Michael wants to give us. :)
Might have been a cry for help, but we really do not know if people close to him tried to help?? sometimes people have to be ready to be helped for people to help them, and we can not know what went on in MJ's private life....
Morphine was written in 1994 for the History album. All the "new songs" from Blood On The Dance Floor except the title track was written for the History album but never made the cut. I doubt Michael was crying out for help or predicting his future. Michaels lyrics in that period were very related to what was going on in his life, and Morphine was written just after he had been in a clinic fighting off his addiction.

I think we are looking for things that aren't there. It's understandable though.
but you don't know for sure if someone did step in ... for all we know his family tried a million times times infinity... we really don't know .. so to speculate now .. we jus add fuel to the fire that is all this hoopla .. please guys lets let him rest in peace now .. and focus on the positive.. worrying abt whether he reached out, does nothing now but upset us all .. and its definitely not going to bring him back .. so lets jus focus on saving the world and spreading michael's message.
I think A LOT of help was offered to him but it's true, actually accepting help is one of the hardest things ever. I don't think we should blame anybody, Michael is a tortoured soul and tortoured souls are the hardest to help.
But i do feel that we all think we could've saved him. I know i do
There's no use in analysing all of his lyrics now.
No-one will know the true meaning of them appart from him.

I agree. We don't know whether he was an addict, and we will never know; how long (if) he was, and there will always be people from both sides of the stories in the media.
Morphine was written in 1994 for the History album. All the "new songs" from Blood On The Dance Floor except the title track was written for the History album but never made the cut. I doubt Michael was crying out for help or predicting his future. Michaels lyrics in that period were very related to what was going on in his life, and Morphine was written just after he had been in a clinic fighting off his addiction.

I think we are looking for things that aren't there. It's understandable though.

^ This. It's a bit pointless to discuss now in my opinion but whatever works for some people.
There's no use in analysing all of his lyrics now.
No-one will know the true meaning of them appart from him.

I'm not really "analysing" his lyrics, the simple fact is that 12 years ago he was singing about Demerol, which is one of the drugs highly expected to be named in the upcoming toxicology report.

That's just brutal, tragic, facts.

I know rock acts, such as Marilyn Manson for example, sing about drugs all the time ... but the use of the word Demerol by Michael was just a little too exact for my liking.
oh great...now you all call him a drug addict...

Who called him a drug addict here? I dare you to QUOTE one person who used the term drug addict or insinuated it?

We're all hurt enough by what happened to Michael without having people reading into people's comments and making silly assumptions.

It's now pretty much obvious he took too many prescription painkillers ... he's not the first and won't be the last celebrity to do so.

But do not, I repeat, do NOT put words into my mouth or the mouths of other people.

It's simply not on.
I don't think anyone actually called him a 'drug addict', but do you know he wasn't? He is singing about it, and he was addicted to painkillers. Lots of medication has been found in his home - I've seen the bags on tv. Don't be blind to what is happening. He died, age 50, when he previously appeared to be in good heath. Drugs are heavily implicated as a cause. If things are revealed that you don't like, how are you going to react? You have to be prepared. As much as we think we know everything about Michael, like he said himself - we knew him from a distance, we don't know everything about him, as much as you think you might, you don't.
oh great...now you all call him a drug addict...
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We and by we I mean EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE WORLD don't know anything at all,we just hear things, and people. While some say he had a lot of stuff, others say they never saw any of that.

Just remember and analyze something... the 911 call was made late, when Michael was taken to the hospital, the Doctor disappeared for a long time, and then PUF! he appears with lawyer talking for him, and givin' declaration to LAPD, and "coincidently" after this, police look for drugs at the mansion...

Where was that doctor and what was he doing through this time???

The doctors whom treated him say he asked them for prescriptions or that he traveled with his "mini-clinic", and MJ's friends and people who saw him days before he died or traveled with him keep saying they never saw any drug, any needle mark on his body, any weird behaviour.... remember the doctors are the ones to be investigated for crime.

No matter what toxicology tests reveal, or any declaration... I just can't believe them for sure.
The song Morphine shouldn't really be no surprise imo. It shouldn't now, and it shouldn't then when The Blood On The Dancefloor album were released. What K.O.S said.

I like the song, it has a great middle and an ending to it.
Morphine was written in 1994 for the History album. All the "new songs" from Blood On The Dance Floor except the title track was written for the History album but never made the cut. I doubt Michael was crying out for help or predicting his future. Michaels lyrics in that period were very related to what was going on in his life, and Morphine was written just after he had been in a clinic fighting off his addiction.

I think we are looking for things that aren't there. It's understandable though.

I agree with this - the song has nothing to do with now, except that having once had a problem there is always the possibility that it could happen again. But I don't think it's predictive or a cry for help, more like a chronicle/explanation of what had already happened.
when will people realize what's going on here? it was cute to have ur own idea of mj while he was alive but reports are coming in conflicting w/ what u think and u caneither believe it or deny it but don't stop someone from trying to find meaning in a song.

this song is very blatant and says a lot more than anyone on tv ever could
oh my god oh my god im from gerany and i saw something oh my god when you here morphine backwards you will here a secret message oh my god give up people ohmy god
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