Moonwalk during billie jean on this is it ?

Yeah he moonwalked on the spot which isn't really a moonwalk. It was a very toned down billie jean and he didn't really get into the robot moves. The dancers where cheering afterwards but it didn't take much to get them wooping.
Yeah he moonwalked on the spot which isn't really a moonwalk. It was a very toned down billie jean and he didn't really get into the robot moves. The dancers where cheering afterwards but it didn't take much to get them wooping.

Yeah but you heard Michael at the end, at least we've got a feel for it... if he had of been given a week more to rehears... Still, I loved every second :)
Yeah but you heard Michael at the end, at least we've got a feel for it... if he had of been given a week more to rehears... Still, I loved every second :)

I know that chances are he was just doing a quick run through but i would love to see more footage to get a better idea of his situation. The TINI campaign claim that everyone around Michael were yes men and this is definitely true of the dancers. They were acting like they had just seen the motown 25 version.
Yeah he did moonwalk :) like others have posted too it wasn't in the same place in BJ as usual and it was very short but he did it :yes:
But it was only a rehearsal. Michael doesn't need to rehearse his signature move :cheeky:
was it me but michaels popping was off the chain. and his locking too he was more glides he was so so amazing he looked better then ever and you people are going to be thrilled when you see thriller and smooth criminal.
I kind of missed it. but all the other MJJC-ers I was with told me he did a short version of it. then I remembered the part they were talking about. I think he sort of started doing it, then went into the side-glide.
No moonwalk - but LIVE vocals!!

Live vocals to Black or White and surprisingly LIVE vocals to Earth Song too. All live. Actually most was absolutely live.

I was a little disapointed we didn't get to hear the song MITM but only the ending.

Would have loved the entire song!

The movie was GREAT!!

yes, most of his singing was live, live, LIVE!!!

paging Arty :p
yes, most of his singing was live, live, LIVE!!!

paging Arty :p


...everything was Live except Thriller I reckon! MITM and TDCAU had strong backing vocals but he was singing too. Everything else was obviously live! Jam.... I was amazed! Speechless too... :D

think the begining of was mimed. the adlibs or whatever u call it were live where he does the what about us part. e.s must be pretty imposs to sing live
He didn't do the hopping move where the backup singers go "ho!" or after doing the four corner moonwalk... It kinda reminds me of HIStory Tour Munich which I dislike because of that LOL... From the amateur recordings from outside the Forum you can hear the guys yelling ho! while he hops...

I think it's kinda disappointing Billie Jean was still kinda playback, but it's now 50% with demo version.
After Michael wound up, it all laid out .... I don't believe that he is gone .....
Michael did all those hours of rehearsal and didnt moonwalk once? I find that quite hard to believe actually :\

I do too, but the whole dununun "hee" dununun "whoooo" dunununun moonwalk, spin, land on toes has already been rehearsed by Michael thousands of times over the years. I highly doubt he needed to rehearse it.
Yeah he did moonwalk :) like others have posted too it wasn't in the same place in BJ as usual and it was very short but he did it :yes:
But it was only a rehearsal. Michael doesn't need to rehearse his signature move :cheeky:

Michael Jackson rehearsing moonwalking would be like me rehearsing siting in this chair. Unneccessary.
From what I saw it was like he was going through it in his mind if that makes sense. He kind of started it but stayed in the same spot and thinking when it would end and go into the next move. I think he did a mini moonwalk during smooth criminal or something. I would have loved to have seen it but I am pretty sure he would have done it in the actual show. No way he would have left that out. His new move there made me blush lol.
From what I saw it was like he was going through it in his mind if that makes sense. He kind of started it but stayed in the same spot and thinking when it would end and go into the next move. I think he did a mini moonwalk during smooth criminal or something. I would have loved to have seen it but I am pretty sure he would have done it in the actual show. No way he would have left that out. His new move there made me blush lol.

Of course he wouldn't have left it out on the actual show! ;)
did anybody see his new dance move he was working on that's similar to the moonwalk but different?
did anybody see his new dance move he was working on that's similar to the moonwalk but different?

No, but let me tell u something: I think there was none! They just said this to make it all more exciting, I guess...
There were some other new moves tho'! :)
I still find it a shame that we didnt get to see a show where he gives it his all. After a while i almost got bored to be honest...It was all kind of the same in the end. Im glad a lot of it was live though and you can tell it was going to be huge and fantastic but now it wasnt finisht. the stage was ungly and small, same clothes all the time etc. Ah well i loved it but im a little sad:p
Well he did do something new in billie jean that made me blush lol. It will certainly get your attention.
I still find it a shame that we didnt get to see a show where he gives it his all. After a while i almost got bored to be honest...It was all kind of the same in the end. Im glad a lot of it was live though and you can tell it was going to be huge and fantastic but now it wasnt finisht. the stage was ungly and small, same clothes all the time etc. Ah well i loved it but im a little sad:p

I can understand u very well... :(
he did moonwalk in bj, bits here and there, nothing full out though, maybe some people just wouldn't call it moonwalk.

but look out for a few seconds of full out moonwalk in smooth criminal where he's dancing with the rest of the group. short but it is there.
Yes, towards the end of Smooth Criminal he does a small moonwalk with the dancers. That is what it looked to me.
No, no moonwalking on "Billie Jean", but did do a sidewalk.
there was this one move i liked during BJ. it was cool. He did too much of the sidewalk.