Monday 19th January 2009 :T-Pain Confirms Three Track Collaboration with Michael Jackson

Re: Monday 19th January 2009

T-Pain Confirms Three Track Collaboration with Michael Jackson

In a new interview published by CTVglobemedia, it was confirmed that T-Pain worked with Michael Jackson on three different music tracks. On the experience, T-Pain stated: "It was weird when I first saw him because, you know, he's Michael Jackson! And then, after he started talking, he was like a regular cool guy." In October of 2008, T-Pain announced that he had finished two tracks with Michael Jackson, which indicates that the third track may have been recorded between November 2008 and now. Back in 2008, T-Pain announced: "I did two pieces with Michael Jackson, so I'm pretty much done; my list is all checked off... I just worked on [Michael Jackson's] new album. He actually invited me to his house. So I went to his house and it was pretty much that day where we just hung out. I never thought Michael Jackson would ever work with me. He actually sent for me, so that was kind of weird and cool at the same time." Whether or not any of these collaborations will appear on Michael Jackson's forthcoming album is unknown at this time--the same holds true for all collaborations that Michael Jackson has done since 2005.

Source: / CTVglobemedia / Boombox Music Blog

Well, this is just one more person who has said they collaborated with Michael on his new album. I don't know if any of the songs will even end up on the new CD, but I kind of hope Tpain isn't, lol. All his songs sound the same, and he does that strange thing with his voice. Michael needs to just do his own thing, his own way, and just let his talent shine.
Well Invincible n' HeartBreaker happen to be my sh*t, but that's a diff discussion. :lol:
i sure accept your opinion and my comment wasn't directly for you.. i just didn't know about Lil wayne thing, never heared about it:mello:the rest was in general.

(and here again, in general)
i don't get why everytime a new name comes with "i did X songs for michael" there are billion pages long threads about "ohh noooo michael please tell me you didn't". i just find it so stupid. it's not a tragedy.. yet lol. people should trust michael more.. as i said he's done the best albums til now, and part of it is all kinds of weird collaborations.

oh and yeah i agree he doesn't NEED them. that's for sure. but i'd say the same whether it's T-Pain or Mozart lol:D

That's all I'm saying, like Janet said in one song, "Gotta be strong, with this love hold on, gotta trust in me, and we will see true victory!" Time will tell, for sure.
God I can't believe all the 7 pages are the same 3 posts:

1.I don't want MJ to collab with T-Pain
2.I DO want MJ to collab with T-Pain
3.It's Michael's choice what he will do so screw you all

please close this thread :p :p :p

^^ Yeah those songs sucked thin air, man. :lol: "She Drives Me Wild" actually sucks now. :doh:
Well Invincible n' HeartBreaker happen to be my sh*t, but that's a diff discussion. :lol:
i mean i like those tracks (especially She Drives Me Wild's creative production) but just saying the rap hooks did nothing for me. and i'm big on hip-hop..

but i'd rather just hear Mike scatting over that SDMW bridge with the bass running up and down. that's funky..
Re: Monday 19th January 2009

t-pain confirms three track collaboration with michael jackson

in a new interview published by ctvglobemedia, it was confirmed that t-pain worked with michael jackson on three different music tracks. On the experience, t-pain stated: "it was weird when i first saw him because, you know, he's michael jackson! And then, after he started talking, he was like a regular cool guy." in october of 2008, t-pain announced that he had finished two tracks with michael jackson, which indicates that the third track may have been recorded between november 2008 and now. Back in 2008, t-pain announced: "i did two pieces with michael jackson, so i'm pretty much done; my list is all checked off... I just worked on [michael jackson's] new album. He actually invited me to his house. So i went to his house and it was pretty much that day where we just hung out. I never thought michael jackson would ever work with me. He actually sent for me, so that was kind of weird and cool at the same time." whether or not any of these collaborations will appear on michael jackson's forthcoming album is unknown at this time--the same holds true for all collaborations that michael jackson has done since 2005.

source: / ctvglobemedia / boombox music blog

God I can't believe all the 7 pages are the same 3 posts:

1.I don't want MJ to collab with T-Pain
2.I DO want MJ to collab with T-Pain
3.It's Michael's choice what he will do so screw you all

please close this thread :p :p :p


LOL that pretty much sums this thread up
By the way I had a dream, and you can all relax. Only ONE of the 3 tracks will make the cut on the final album. Oh and he is doing some rerelease reworked Thriller album around the same time, again…
God I can't believe all the 7 pages are the same 3 posts:

1.I don't want MJ to collab with T-Pain
2.I DO want MJ to collab with T-Pain
3.It's Michael's choice what he will do so screw you all

please close this thread :p :p :p

That's not totally correct, as I haven't mentioned him once. Mine were about Rockwell, Mike, Jermaine, & TLC. :p
I understand, mjscarousal. To be honest though, I can't expect that he'll get the same magic that he got with Quincy and Rod and others. Michael's been trying to find new ways to present his music marketing and creative-wise. Lots of artists do that actually, lol. People like George Michael and Stevie Wonder however would patiently record materfial of their own's for years before they even put it out. :lol: We know how Stevie's been working since the 1980s, lol. Michael's in that same group though, like I said, I think he just loves to see which collaboration stick. Maybe T-Pain's collabos won't be on his album, maybe two Ne-Yo tracks will be there, maybe there won't be no Akon duet or an Akon production in there, you just don't know what happens with albums as they're in the making-of phase.

Well lets just be on our hands and knees praying that T-pain wont make it on there. I mean honestly what can he possibly contribute? Any of them? But Im not tripping because like you said its not written in law that any of the artists in question will make it on the final product but why even consider working with those folks? but thats MJ... just gotta go with the flow.
i mean i like those tracks (especially She Drives Me Wild's creative production) but just saying the rap hooks did nothing for me. and i'm big on hip-hop..

but i'd rather just hear Mike scatting over that SDMW bridge with the bass running up and down. that's funky..

hey i liked "she drives me wild ".....I think was great :)
Love that song :punk:
i mean i like those tracks (especially She Drives Me Wild's creative production) but just saying the rap hooks did nothing for me. and i'm big on hip-hop..

but i'd rather just hear Mike scatting over that SDMW bridge with the bass running up and down. that's funky..

The raps destroy all them songs. :lol: