MJ's Relationship With The Fans

This was posted at max jax it is from a vanity fair article about paps experiences of michael and his fans.

“As a pap, you spend most of your time chasing sex symbols, but M.J. was different, almost like a Howard Hughes character,” he says. “With the masks and the umbrellas and the mystery, I thought Michael was more interesting than any other celebrity, and he has more interesting fans than any other celebrity—this group, mostly female, who would follow him all over the world. If he went to Ireland, France, Bahrain, Neverland, they were there. The same individuals. Nobody else had what he had. I set out to document why.”

“The girls would huddle outside the hotel gate that was closest to Jackson’s bungalow, sitting very quietly so that security would not find them. And sometimes Michael would come out and say hello. One time he handed out five handwritten letters that said things like ‘I can feel your energy through the walls. You inspire me so much. I love you all. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for loving me. With all the love in my heart, Michael Jackson.’ I was always impressed by that, how deeply he seemed to care for these girls. When he hugged one of them, he would put one hand on her neck, behind her head, that extra-comforting move like you would do to a person you know. The writing in those letters had a style that was personal, deep, flowery, ornate. It was not ‘Thanks guys. Have a good night. I hope you like the music.’
This, too, may sound like a sentimental exaggeration, but it is not. I spent a week with the women that Weiss and Evenstad are talking about, while researching Starstruck, a book I wrote about relationships between celebrities and fans. No star was more generous to fans (every member of the core group of Jackson fans that I met had, at some point, been invited into his house to have dinner or to watch movies and hang out), and no group of fans treated one another with more generosity than these women.

“To figure out who would get the letters that Michael wrote to the group,” Weiss says, “the girls would draw straws. They would write their names on pieces of paper and throw them in my camera bag, and I would reach in and draw names. The girl who got the letter would take it and make photocopies and give them to all of the others.”

He was the only celebrity that, if you were devoted enough, he would let you into his house. You think somebody could go to Bruce Willis’s house and say, ‘I love you, I love you,’ that you’d get in? He’d call the police. That’s what all of them would do. All but Michael. If you said ‘I love you, I love you’ to Michael, he would assume you meant you loved him, and he would let you in.”


This is just to show how beautiful and sweet he was :wub:
Michael, your love and kindness to us fans will never be forgotten...WE LOVE YOU MORE!
I was just discussing this at another (non-MJ) music site. Someone made a comment that one of the reasons Elvis and Michael are so loved and there was such an outpouring of grief when they both died is because of the special relationship they had with their fans and I agree. One thing i've always loved about Michael is how grateful he was for all the fan support, same thing with Elvis. He was always so nice and respectful to his fans as well and that's probably one of the reasons why his fans are/were so crazy about him.

I've seen a lot of celebrities act like they couldn't give a crap about their fans and refuse to sign autographs or even say hello, but not MJ. Have any of you ever heard of MJ doing any of this? 'Cause I haven't. I truly felt that MJ was genuine in his appreciation for his fans, I don't think he was just saying that just because. How many artists would call their fans up just to say hi? Or do little things like send Pizza and drinks for their fans waiting outside their hotel to meet them? I can't think of too many celebs who loved their fans the way Michael did. Maybe that's why some of us are feeling the impact of his loss so much. He was always so appreciative and that made me love him that much more. He made you feel like you knew him personally, which he didn't have to do. Yes we spend on our money on his albums and concerts, but he didn't have to go out of his way to say hi or constantly let the fans know how appreciative he was for the support. This is also one of the reasons that I feel MJ fans are so passionate about him. Yes, people think that most of us are nuts lol, but oh well. They have no idea. The relationship MJ had with his fans is a very special and unique one. I've never experienced it with any other entertainer i've been a fan of.

When it comes to fan appreciation, Michael's one of the nicest celebrities ever! Just great to his fans I think and even non-fans. I've never seen him be rude to people in public. He's just awesome all around. I love the man so much :wub: and I know he can't read this, but I hope he knows how much his fans appreciated him. I think he did though. We loved/love him and of course MJ, well he "loved us more" I bet he would say lol. He's the best!

i too noticed this ever since dangerous tour. he was a sweet and loving man. r.i.p
And with all the things he went through and the intensity of the pain, I feel the bond between him and his fans grew stronger and stronger. And...he felt a lot of loneliness in his life and maybe that's one of the reasons why he reached out to his fans so sincerely.

I agree with that and I think it worked vica versa. I mean one of the reasons why he was so loved by his fans was (besides music, dance etc.) that he was lonely and often sad. People get to feel that and you just want to show him you love him and care. I think his life was one constant crying out for love and many people responded to that.
This was posted at max jax it is from a vanity fair article about paps experiences of michael and his fans.

“As a pap, you spend most of your time chasing sex symbols, but M.J. was different, almost like a Howard Hughes character,” he says. “With the masks and the umbrellas and the mystery, I thought Michael was more interesting than any other celebrity, and he has more interesting fans than any other celebrity—this group, mostly female, who would follow him all over the world. If he went to Ireland, France, Bahrain, Neverland, they were there. The same individuals. Nobody else had what he had. I set out to document why.”

“The girls would huddle outside the hotel gate that was closest to Jackson’s bungalow, sitting very quietly so that security would not find them. And sometimes Michael would come out and say hello. One time he handed out five handwritten letters that said things like ‘I can feel your energy through the walls. You inspire me so much. I love you all. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for loving me. With all the love in my heart, Michael Jackson.’ I was always impressed by that, how deeply he seemed to care for these girls. When he hugged one of them, he would put one hand on her neck, behind her head, that extra-comforting move like you would do to a person you know. The writing in those letters had a style that was personal, deep, flowery, ornate. It was not ‘Thanks guys. Have a good night. I hope you like the music.’
This, too, may sound like a sentimental exaggeration, but it is not. I spent a week with the women that Weiss and Evenstad are talking about, while researching Starstruck, a book I wrote about relationships between celebrities and fans. No star was more generous to fans (every member of the core group of Jackson fans that I met had, at some point, been invited into his house to have dinner or to watch movies and hang out), and no group of fans treated one another with more generosity than these women.

“To figure out who would get the letters that Michael wrote to the group,” Weiss says, “the girls would draw straws. They would write their names on pieces of paper and throw them in my camera bag, and I would reach in and draw names. The girl who got the letter would take it and make photocopies and give them to all of the others.”

He was the only celebrity that, if you were devoted enough, he would let you into his house. You think somebody could go to Bruce Willis’s house and say, ‘I love you, I love you,’ that you’d get in? He’d call the police. That’s what all of them would do. All but Michael. If you said ‘I love you, I love you’ to Michael, he would assume you meant you loved him, and he would let you in.”


I love this :wub:
I seen a program before during the HIStory Tour (think it was German TV), I can't quite remember who was talking in it. I do know it was someone MJ had working for him and was a visitor to Neverland.

The person was saying how much MJ loved his fans, and had one room he kept everything from fans in. He would make sure to always show people this room and say how much he loved his fans.
Losing Mike is like losing a family member.What made Michael so special was the way he connected with his fans.He was/is such a down to earth person and he genuinly couldn't believe that fans would want to stay outside hotels all night for him.You always got that feeling that he considered himself not worthy bless him.
He was never too busy or to stuck up and would never walk past without aknowledging his fans as some artist's do, he wanted to spend time with his fans.
I wish I could of met him but sadly never had the oppotunity.
When its my time to go I know I will get to meet him as will every single one of us.That I am sure of, Michael will be there for us as he always has been he has never let us down yet.
what a beautiful comment about Michael!! He was such a amazing person with the biggest heart out of any celebrity out there. So many stars dont give a rats ass about their fans. they wont even say hello to them unless its in front of a camera. Michael on the other hand never acted like he cared. He really did care and for him to do some of things he did for fans was just increadable! He truly loved us all and I wish so badly i was lucky enough to say I love you to him and meet him. But I will always Love him no matter what and i will always miss him. This thread is so sweet! its making me cry again!!! :'(