MJ's Relationship With The Fans

- yelled "stop" from his car window at the full of his lungs when in London 2002 so the whole street stopped when he though there was a fan-child in the crowd and it was dangerous

actually it happened to be an old lady, i'm not sure whether she was a long time fan or not but she was in her 70s. and he gave her a lift. he invited her into the car and gave her a lift.

- once i was lucky to shake his hand. i was so amazed that he waited for me to let him go and didnt take his hand away first

- i remember reports from Germany 96 when he invited fans to come with him to Fantasy land near Koln (Cologne) and ordered buses for them and paid for it

- London 2001 before Oxford speech. he went to meet fans and it was raining and his cloth was all wet but he made sure he took gifts and signed authographs

- allowed fans into his home Neverland

- was looking at people. if you would follow him on tour and if you were for 2-3 concerts on the same place in the 1st row - he would remember your face
i remember i had a beautiful poster with Peter Pan and children and SMILE writing on it. and he looked at it during the concert and i caught his look and did this sign "thumb up" like "hey you are wonderful" and he immediately seemed embarassed and shy and turned away. and then after a certain song, came back, pointed to the poster and smiled.

Yes, Phantasialand in 95 was the first time I ever saw Michael. Phantasialand was closed at that time because it was winter, but they opened the park for Michael and he allowed one or two buses of fans to enter with him.
It was magical and he was so lovely! My first ever Michael experience and he was only about 2m away....

He was always such a sweethart...he adored his fans and really really loved us and cared for us!

this topic makes me cry......he was soooooc caring:)

in 1996 when he came to Hungary for the History tour he organized buses for fans to take them to the airport to welcome him, and gave them t-shirts there and also for the fans who did not go to the airport but waited for him at the airport received the same t-shirts (me too:) )
Yes, Phantasialand in 95 was the first time I ever saw Michael. Phantasialand was closed at that time because it was winter, but they opened the park for Michael and he allowed one or two buses of fans to enter with him.
It was magical and he was so lovely! My first ever Michael experience and he was only about 2m away....

He was always such a sweethart...he adored his fans and really really loved us and cared for us!


is it true he was asked the fans to form a line and walked up to them. and then teased them with making signs "come up here" and the next moment "no no stop" and several times like that? and everybody was laughing about this game? is it true? :smilerolleyes:
is it true he was asked the fans to form a line and walked up to them. and then teased them with making signs "come up here" and the next moment "no no stop" and several times like that? and everybody was laughing about this game? is it true? :smilerolleyes:

We were all standing next to each other in one of the streets in Phantasialand. And then Michael came out from the left side with his big black umbrella.
Yes, he did tease us and made signs for us to come to him, etc.
He was really lovely and we were allowed to follow him wherever he went... with only a few meters distance.
We were also invited to do one of the 3D rides there and were told Michael was watching us while we were in there (from a balcony or sort of thing)....We didn't see him cause it was really dark in there, but that was a weird feeling thinking he is watching us. hehe...
This thread makes me miss him soooooo damn much!

He was family. Family of love. :wub:
theres one thing that is the truth about michael jackson - he loved his fans so so much. he loved them unconditionally and was always thankful to them for their love and support.
Yes, he always threw down pillowcases with messages and little notes.

In Munich, he once threw down a bathrobe from the hotel which my friend caught.
Unfortunately, it was new and not worn by him before... ;)
So sad I never got to experience such kindness firsthand.
I love this thread, so sweet!
i know , me too

he is such a sweetheart
agree wholeheartedly

CatherineNZ;2026259 - was looking at people. if you would follow him on tour and if you were for 2-3 concerts on the same place in the 1st row - he would remember your face i remember i had a beautiful poster with Peter Pan and children and SMILE writing on it. and he looked at it during the concert and i caught his look and did this sign "thumb up" like "hey you are wonderful" and he immediately seemed embarassed and shy and turned away. and then after a certain song said:
aww yes , agree,,
your story is beautiful :angel:

nice thread . keep going please :yes:
What a sweetheart, that Michael :) I am so loving this thread. I also which I would have gotten to have these experiences firsthand.
Over the years though I've heard people ask why MJ fans are so loyal and I've been asked that myself many times, but it's things like what CatherineNZ and Crisa described that made a lot of us love him and stay loyal through the years. It's more than just the music for myself and a lot of fans. Many of us were also fans of the man himself. I always tell people when they questioned my fandom for Michael that they couldn't even begin to understand why some of us had such a great love for him unless they themselves were a big fan.
So sad I never got to experience such kindness firsthand.

Same here.:( I didn't come to the US til 2001 and while in Ethiopia, I've seen the concerts and all the hoopla and I wanted to be there where he was sooo bad. I get chocked up when ever i read or hear a fans experience like the one out side the hotel receiving pizza and hot chocolate. When I think about it, I feel a huge loss because, I(we) wont be experiencing anything like that ever again. :boohoo:

I love reading all these wonderful stories by fans who have met Michael!!! Really lovely :wub:.

What I also loved is that Michael wasn't just doing this in front of the camera's to make himself look good like some celebrities. I have seen celebs do this before, like when I went to see Justin Timberlake back a few years ago. Back when I was a huge fan of his, I went to see him at TRL and was so excited until I saw how phony he was. When the camera's were on, he was very nice and friendly to fans , when the camera's were off, he acted snobby and ignored the fans and acted like he was too good to talk to us. Very different attitude once the camera's were off and I was shocked to see that, but I love that Michael was so genuine. He wasn't like that. I've seen so many phony celebrities who were only nice once camera's were on or just complete jerks to their fans in general, but not MJ. He was nice to the fans whether the camera's were on or off.
i've actually had an idea. i agree with what is said by Cinnamon. but why wouldnt we put down some of our memories about how Michael treated fans? Like:

- bought them hot chocolate and pizza when it was cold to stand by his hotel

- used to send down blankets for fans that would stay by his hotel

- paid for fans hotel accommodation when they were stuck in NY in 2001 September

and our own experiences, i mean when we witnessed his kindness

- kept my poster that i gave him in 96 (or kept it on film) and it was in this concert 2001 on the screen

- yelled "stop" from his car window at the full of his lungs when in London 2002 so the whole street stopped when he though there was a fan-child in the crowd and it was dangerous

- almost fell down from the top of the bus trying to collect gifts and posters fans tried to give him

Do it and send it as a story to a tabloid, especially if you have pictures. Be nice for the public to see.
Mike's love for his fans has never been secret. It was real and everlasting. He never forgot to thank his fans and despite being a worlwide phenomena never forgot where he came from, which says alot about him.

I love Fan stories.
i would really love to have a loooooooong list of what Michael did, because I would just love to read that list from time to time

does this sound strange? :) no, because i love how he loved us. I remember reading about Pizza and Hot Chocolate!! someday he got his fans Blankets and hot chocolate from the hotel... I don't remember when that was, but it would be lovely to have the dates as well.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
we have so much information on our board. where do we keep it?

within the posts it is difficult to find
I've always found his love for his fans just extraordinary. Its truely a judge of his amazing character. I mean I can't beleive he phoned a fan back to say sorry for losing their stuff! He just cared so much and never lost that humbleness. Beautiful soul.

How lovely, he simply cared alot, an awful lot. What a lovely big caring heart he had bless him.
So sad I never got to experience such kindness firsthand.
Yeah, me too. I always lived someplace where he didn't come, with the exception being Denver in 1988. But I had just turned 16 then and didn't have any MJ fan friends and my mom said we must drive straight back home (100 miles away) because it was so late already and on a weeknight. That was the closest I ever came to being able to hang out at the hotel ;)

But nevertheless I was very aware of the wonderful way he cared for us, and us for him. There really was a special relationship (wait... IS, not was). And even before the internet, despite not personally knowing anyone who loved him like I did as I grew up, I KNEW I wasn't alone. I KNEW you guys, the ones who would understand, were out there. I KNEW this special love was something.... well, special. Like magic. It was beautiful and magical, the power that connected us all, with each other and with Michael. People that haven't been a part of this simply cannot understand, I guess. And I don't really know how to explain it to them. I don't think I can. But we know.
i would really love to have a loooooooong list of what Michael did, because I would just love to read that list from time to time

does this sound strange? :) no, because i love how he loved us. I remember reading about Pizza and Hot Chocolate!! someday he got his fans Blankets and hot chocolate from the hotel... I don't remember when that was, but it would be lovely to have the dates as well.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Amsterdam 96? late September - early October
i went to the concert 30/09/96 to Amsterdam and fans told me
I just saw a video clip that was posted of him only a few years back, and this girl was hugging him and clinging to him, and he didn't try and push her off, he just hugged her back and stroked her hair. No wonder we love him so much, what other celebrity would do that for their fans? :wub:
This was posted at max jax it is from a vanity fair article about paps experiences of michael and his fans.

“As a pap, you spend most of your time chasing sex symbols, but M.J. was different, almost like a Howard Hughes character,” he says. “With the masks and the umbrellas and the mystery, I thought Michael was more interesting than any other celebrity, and he has more interesting fans than any other celebrity—this group, mostly female, who would follow him all over the world. If he went to Ireland, France, Bahrain, Neverland, they were there. The same individuals. Nobody else had what he had. I set out to document why.”

“The girls would huddle outside the hotel gate that was closest to Jackson’s bungalow, sitting very quietly so that security would not find them. And sometimes Michael would come out and say hello. One time he handed out five handwritten letters that said things like ‘I can feel your energy through the walls. You inspire me so much. I love you all. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for loving me. With all the love in my heart, Michael Jackson.’ I was always impressed by that, how deeply he seemed to care for these girls. When he hugged one of them, he would put one hand on her neck, behind her head, that extra-comforting move like you would do to a person you know. The writing in those letters had a style that was personal, deep, flowery, ornate. It was not ‘Thanks guys. Have a good night. I hope you like the music.’
This, too, may sound like a sentimental exaggeration, but it is not. I spent a week with the women that Weiss and Evenstad are talking about, while researching Starstruck, a book I wrote about relationships between celebrities and fans. No star was more generous to fans (every member of the core group of Jackson fans that I met had, at some point, been invited into his house to have dinner or to watch movies and hang out), and no group of fans treated one another with more generosity than these women.

“To figure out who would get the letters that Michael wrote to the group,” Weiss says, “the girls would draw straws. They would write their names on pieces of paper and throw them in my camera bag, and I would reach in and draw names. The girl who got the letter would take it and make photocopies and give them to all of the others.”

He was the only celebrity that, if you were devoted enough, he would let you into his house. You think somebody could go to Bruce Willis’s house and say, ‘I love you, I love you,’ that you’d get in? He’d call the police. That’s what all of them would do. All but Michael. If you said ‘I love you, I love you’ to Michael, he would assume you meant you loved him, and he would let you in.”

This was posted at max jax it is from a vanity fair article about paps experiences of michael and his fans.

“As a pap, you spend most of your time chasing sex symbols, but M.J. was different, almost like a Howard Hughes character,” he says. “With the masks and the umbrellas and the mystery, I thought Michael was more interesting than any other celebrity, and he has more interesting fans than any other celebrity—this group, mostly female, who would follow him all over the world. If he went to Ireland, France, Bahrain, Neverland, they were there. The same individuals. Nobody else had what he had. I set out to document why.”

“The girls would huddle outside the hotel gate that was closest to Jackson’s bungalow, sitting very quietly so that security would not find them. And sometimes Michael would come out and say hello. One time he handed out five handwritten letters that said things like ‘I can feel your energy through the walls. You inspire me so much. I love you all. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for loving me. With all the love in my heart, Michael Jackson.’ I was always impressed by that, how deeply he seemed to care for these girls. When he hugged one of them, he would put one hand on her neck, behind her head, that extra-comforting move like you would do to a person you know. The writing in those letters had a style that was personal, deep, flowery, ornate. It was not ‘Thanks guys. Have a good night. I hope you like the music.’
This, too, may sound like a sentimental exaggeration, but it is not. I spent a week with the women that Weiss and Evenstad are talking about, while researching Starstruck, a book I wrote about relationships between celebrities and fans. No star was more generous to fans (every member of the core group of Jackson fans that I met had, at some point, been invited into his house to have dinner or to watch movies and hang out), and no group of fans treated one another with more generosity than these women.

“To figure out who would get the letters that Michael wrote to the group,” Weiss says, “the girls would draw straws. They would write their names on pieces of paper and throw them in my camera bag, and I would reach in and draw names. The girl who got the letter would take it and make photocopies and give them to all of the others.”

He was the only celebrity that, if you were devoted enough, he would let you into his house. You think somebody could go to Bruce Willis’s house and say, ‘I love you, I love you,’ that you’d get in? He’d call the police. That’s what all of them would do. All but Michael. If you said ‘I love you, I love you’ to Michael, he would assume you meant you loved him, and he would let you in.”


That is the sweetest thing I've ever read.
Reading all this makes me even more want to go back in time....where there was a chance that I could ever meet him.
Now I feel so bad...I never got the chance...never got the chance to say I love him, never, and there never will be. :(