MJ's Relationship With The Fans


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just discussing this at another (non-MJ) music site. Someone made a comment that one of the reasons Elvis and Michael are so loved and there was such an outpouring of grief when they both died is because of the special relationship they had with their fans and I agree. One thing i've always loved about Michael is how grateful he was for all the fan support, same thing with Elvis. He was always so nice and respectful to his fans as well and that's probably one of the reasons why his fans are/were so crazy about him.

I've seen a lot of celebrities act like they couldn't give a crap about their fans and refuse to sign autographs or even say hello, but not MJ. Have any of you ever heard of MJ doing any of this? 'Cause I haven't. I truly felt that MJ was genuine in his appreciation for his fans, I don't think he was just saying that just because. How many artists would call their fans up just to say hi? Or do little things like send Pizza and drinks for their fans waiting outside their hotel to meet them? I can't think of too many celebs who loved their fans the way Michael did. Maybe that's why some of us are feeling the impact of his loss so much. He was always so appreciative and that made me love him that much more. He made you feel like you knew him personally, which he didn't have to do. Yes we spend on our money on his albums and concerts, but he didn't have to go out of his way to say hi or constantly let the fans know how appreciative he was for the support. This is also one of the reasons that I feel MJ fans are so passionate about him. Yes, people think that most of us are nuts lol, but oh well. They have no idea. The relationship MJ had with his fans is a very special and unique one. I've never experienced it with any other entertainer i've been a fan of.

When it comes to fan appreciation, Michael's one of the nicest celebrities ever! Just great to his fans I think and even non-fans. I've never seen him be rude to people in public. He's just awesome all around. I love the man so much :wub: and I know he can't read this, but I hope he knows how much his fans appreciated him. I think he did though. We loved/love him and of course MJ, well he "loved us more" I bet he would say lol. He's the best!
I saw him...every time he exited his home, rehearsals...etc...he would stop...hold hands...talk...say I love you...so patient and attentive all the time, wearing clothes from fans...can you imagine that? Reading letters, almost all the time...I was shocked when I first followed him that he actually read letters..he did and I had my confirmation...You know why? Beacaus he said "you are my world". He said he lived for us (fans) and his kids. I love him forever more
i've actually had an idea. i agree with what is said by Cinnamon. but why wouldnt we put down some of our memories about how Michael treated fans? Like:

- bought them hot chocolate and pizza when it was cold to stand by his hotel

- used to send down blankets for fans that would stay by his hotel

- paid for fans hotel accommodation when they were stuck in NY in 2001 September

and our own experiences, i mean when we witnessed his kindness

- kept my poster that i gave him in 96 (or kept it on film) and it was in this concert 2001 on the screen

- yelled "stop" from his car window at the full of his lungs when in London 2002 so the whole street stopped when he though there was a fan-child in the crowd and it was dangerous

- almost fell down from the top of the bus trying to collect gifts and posters fans tried to give him
I just wanna say to you 1 thing: God bless you for writting this message, it's EXACTLY
what I think and feel about MJ and his love to us.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D

I miss him so much.. He really is (it's hard for me to say "was") the best. :cry:
i've actually had an idea. i agree with what is said by Cinnamon. but why wouldnt we put down some of our memories about how Michael treated fans? Like:

- bought them hot chocolate and pizza when it was cold to stand by his hotel

- used to send down blankets for fans that would stay by his hotel

- paid for fans hotel accommodation when they were stuck in NY in 2001 September

and our own experiences, i mean when we witnessed his kindness

- kept my poster that i gave him in 96 (or kept it on film) and it was in this concert 2001 on the screen

- yelled "stop" from his car window at the full of his lungs when in London 2002 so the whole street stopped when he though there was a fan-child in the crowd and it was dangerous

- almost fell down from the top of the bus trying to collect gifts and posters fans tried to give him

OMG, He is so sweet... I love him sooooooooooooo MUCH!!
I just wanna say to you 1 thing: God bless you for writting this message, it's EXACTLY
what I think and feel about MJ and his love to us.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D

I miss him so much.. He really is (it's hard for me to say "was") the best. :cry:

No problem, I just felt like saying thanks to Michael for how wonderful he's been. I still feel his spirit is very much alive :). It's theraputic for me to write about him or write like he's still here.

Over the years though I've heard people ask why MJ fans are so loyal and I've been asked that myself many times, but it's things like what CatherineNZ and Crisa described that made a lot of us love him and stay loyal through the years. It's more than just the music for myself and a lot of fans. Many of us were also fans of the man himself. I always tell people when they questioned my fandom for Michael that they couldn't even begin to understand why some of us had such a great love for him unless they themselves were a big fan.

Michael was awesome to his fans, sometimes I think he even tried to please the fans too much, but he was great. I can't think of too many celebs who are nicer to their fans. Being such a huge star and all Michael could have easily let the fame go to his head and could have turned into a jerk like a lot of celebs do when they get famous, but Michael never did that. He was always grateful and I appreciate and respect that about him.
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I agree with what you're saying, but MJ and Elvis were both also known to have the CRAZIEST of fans; everyone (including non-fans) know this. I guess some did take it for granted, eh.
No problem, I just felt like saying thanks to Michael for how wonderful he's been. I still feel his spirit is very much alive :). It's theraputic for me to write about him or write like he's still here.

Over the years though I've heard people ask why MJ fans are so loyal and I've been asked that myself many times, but it's things like what CatherineNZ and Crisa described that made a lot of us love him and stay loyal through the years. It's more than just the music for myself and a lot of fans. Many of us were also fans of the man himself. I always tell people when they questioned my fandom for Michael that they couldn't even begin to understand why some of us had such a great love for him unless they themselves were a big fan.

Again, I'm with you in every word.
When I started to love him, one of the first things that I've noticed is the loyalty of you
(the fans), and I was so amazed to see it...
'Cause I NEVER saw in my entire life,
such a wonderful fans like he have.
I was (and still) very proud to be in this one big family. :D

And I just wanna say one more thing..
The main reason I fell in love with this man, it's not because his talent...
It's because of his beautiful & unique personality.

I love you Michael & I love you all the fans.
God bless you all.
I agree with what you're saying, but MJ and Elvis were both also known to have the CRAZIEST of fans; everyone (including non-fans) know this. I guess some did take it for granted, eh.

Yeah they did have some of the craziest fans ever (I'll put the Beatles fans up there as well), but that's not really the point I'm trying to make. It's just about appreciating Michael for his always wonderful attitude towards fans even when maybe some didn't deserve it, some fans tend to cross the lines at times you know, but that's the case with any artist, but he was always nice from what i've seen. I think maybe the fans stressed him out at times, but they were also some of his only support (i.e. During the trial, I know he was very thankful for the support then). It could be both negative and positive, but ultimately, I believe he was grateful for the support esp. after how much the media tried to bring him down constantly. To have that kind of support must have felt good for him especially during the last few years of his life which were very trying and stressful for him. I'm glad his family and the fans were there for him during those times. I really am.
Yes i agree with this post.
Michael has always made me feel like an individual rather than 'one of the masses'. It's amazing how much effort he went to to make us know we love him. I've never seen any celebrity appreciate his fans like Michael did.
It's true, he really loved us. And maybe he loved us even more for the simple fact we stood by him no matter what. I've also read somewhere that for varous reasons he really craved the love from his fans, we were his...err... drug (sorry, couldn't find a more appropriate word).
It's true, he really loved us. And maybe he loved us even more for the simple fact we stood by him no matter what. I've also read somewhere that for varous reasons he really craved the love from his fans, we were his...err... drug (sorry, couldn't find a more appropriate word).

I agree and I think he was our drug too. Michael I believe lived for the adoration from his fans. Michael and his music were also very addictive in itself as well, at least for me. I have often times spent hours listening to his music or watching video's of him on youtube when I should have been doing school work or something lol. I think he needed the support of the fans at times though. He definitely lived for the love he got from us. I think the fans were a big part of his life.
I've always wondered about this:
Michael had fans since he could remember. He had grown women screaming and squealing for him before he even became a teenager. The guy literally grew up having fans.
Taking this into consideration, how do you think this makes his relationship with fans (or feelings about fans) different from other celebrities' - if at all?
I think time has a lot to do with that.
Because he's had it his entire life, maybe he saw the vast extent to how long and enduring fanship entails. With this in mind, he probably realized our dedication and support that we have given him for SO long and that's probably why he has such a strong and unwavering dedication to us too.
I personally think mj considered us ( the fans) like family, well he always treated us like we were. That is what i loved so much bout him...he always knew how to make us feel special & loved. And we loved him back & made him feel the same bout us.
I'll never forget the way he always gave us love..even in his most hardest time, he always let us know that he was okay and that he "loved us more"!
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In the docu last night, the car we beseiged with fans when he was either in Berlin or Las Vegus and this girl was shouting in she wanted a hug - the guards pulled her off saying no and he said "yes, yes, let her in for a hug, I wanna hug". The girl was like, omg omg I love you so much omg!! I bet she couldn't believe it.. and it was lovely to see because it looked like he reeeeeeeeally wanted that hug. I mean to be honest, he was a very private person and even the most private person NEEDS a hug now and then.
I love this thread, so sweet!

This is also one of the reasons that I feel MJ fans are so passionate about him. Yes, people think that most of us are nuts lol, but oh well. They have no idea. The relationship MJ had with his fans is a very special and unique one.

Excellent, right there :clapping:

i've actually had an idea. i agree with what is said by Cinnamon. but why wouldnt we put down some of our memories about how Michael treated fans? Like:

- bought them hot chocolate and pizza when it was cold to stand by his hotel

- used to send down blankets for fans that would stay by his hotel

- paid for fans hotel accommodation when they were stuck in NY in 2001 September

and our own experiences, i mean when we witnessed his kindness

- kept my poster that i gave him in 96 (or kept it on film) and it was in this concert 2001 on the screen

- yelled "stop" from his car window at the full of his lungs when in London 2002 so the whole street stopped when he though there was a fan-child in the crowd and it was dangerous

- almost fell down from the top of the bus trying to collect gifts and posters fans tried to give him

Oh my god, I never knew all about them :cry:
I think Michael's relationship with fans was definitely unique compared to many celebrities because he didn't mind if he saw the same people over & over again. He seemed to appreciate repeat visitors while other celebrities would more likely feel nervous or stalked. As for being private, I think he was more open than people tend to give him credit for. Just read his interviews from the 70s,80s etc & you will see that. However, with the reactions he got, & how famous he got after Thriller he had to become more private.
..he would stop...hold hands...talk...say I love you...so patient and attentive all the time, wearing clothes from fans...can you imagine that? Reading letters, almost all the time...I was shocked when I first followed him that he actually read letters..

so beautiful .
theres no one else like michael .
he absoultutely cared for us :angel: no other celeb person comes close , michael had actual true compassion for all his fans .
Yeh it would make my heart beat fast, hearing him say that
he was so sweet :wub:
Ever since he passed away, I've been thinking about this a lot. Many sweet things he did for his fans crossed my mind. The way he hugged his female fans:), like Cinanmon said, the pizza and the hot chocolate, "I love you more", the smile, the moment right before entering the court on the verdict day,....And I feel he was so genuine. I think even though majority of fans don't know him personally, he truly seemed to think of us his extended family and he was part of the big family.

And with all the things he went through and the intensity of the pain, I feel the bond between him and his fans grew stronger and stronger. And...he felt a lot of loneliness in his life and maybe that's one of the reasons why he reached out to his fans so sincerely. You know when you're lonely, you appreciate togetherness more than when you're not lonely. Of course, we could never be closer to him than where we stayed as fans, but I strongly feel he did his best to feel the love as much as possible and we did our best to make him feel the love.

Those who are not fans or who are fans of his music but don't really care for him would never understand why we're so sad.
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He was so kind to his fans. He never took us for granted. Some other celebs are so rude to fans.
- yelled "stop" from his car window at the full of his lungs when in London 2002 so the whole street stopped when he though there was a fan-child in the crowd and it was dangerous

actually it happened to be an old lady, i'm not sure whether she was a long time fan or not but she was in her 70s. and he gave her a lift. he invited her into the car and gave her a lift.

- once i was lucky to shake his hand. i was so amazed that he waited for me to let him go and didnt take his hand away first

- i remember reports from Germany 96 when he invited fans to come with him to Fantasy land near Koln (Cologne) and ordered buses for them and paid for it

- London 2001 before Oxford speech. he went to meet fans and it was raining and his cloth was all wet but he made sure he took gifts and signed authographs

- allowed fans into his home Neverland

- was looking at people. if you would follow him on tour and if you were for 2-3 concerts on the same place in the 1st row - he would remember your face
i remember i had a beautiful poster with Peter Pan and children and SMILE writing on it. and he looked at it during the concert and i caught his look and did this sign "thumb up" like "hey you are wonderful" and he immediately seemed embarassed and shy and turned away. and then after a certain song, came back, pointed to the poster and smiled.