MJJC Member Pictures !

This photo is taken back in August of 2013 in Rhodes, Greece where I was on vacation :)
I don't think I ever saw a shirt more beautiful than this one ...I love it!!!
Hi guys,

I have shared pics years ago but lately with me being into fitness and things people in the industry are telling to get over being shy with it because I should start using my expertise and if I hide myself and shy from showing my physique than I can't promote myself.. So I am doing this for practice for me, posting a couple shots for you guys, the people that I would most feel comfortable with (outside of immediate friends/family here at home)


Those are super big, I didn't want them that big.. lol!

I'm nervous putting these up but I guess how else to get over it..

Hello KOPV

Always nice to see a face with a name ..hahah but you show more than just a face huh?
You don't seem shy to me ..So I think your practicing worked for you! Good!
Nothing to be shy or nervous about :smilerolleyes:
lol ^ all in or not at all I guess!! I have family and friends in the fitness community and I see them getting somewhere with it because they don't shy from it, while I just do nothing so maybe if I get used to letting people see me I'll do something.. I help them daily to succeed and win competitions but I always tend to be the background guy.. I'm tired of it lol
Me and Michael at Madam Tussauds


This...From the walls of Jewellery City, Hong Kong, from Michael's visit in the 1980s
Very excitable that day after running out to buy a few copies of xscape so thought I would show just how much:wild:
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Very excitable that day after running out to buy a few copies of xscape so thought I would show just how much:wild:

beautiful girl, gorgeous t-shirt! isn't that included with the Xscape editions on the official website? i'd love another link though, as i already have two deluxe copies :p