* MJJC LP Legacy Team Members Wanted ! Please apply by Posting in this Thread *

Oh I forgot to mention, I am a Dangerous-History generation MJ fan. when I was six in 1991, we had to write in a journal every day at school and I didn't know what to write one day so I drew a picture of me and MJ and said "Yesdurday I met Mical Jacson" (Every "s" was backwards) and told a little story that I don't remember. then wrote "by the way this isn't tru".

New Jack Swing was the sound of my childhood and I will always love it. I wish I had pictures but I don't think my parents took any, but we had a costume day at a summer day camp I went to (I think it was 1992) and I wanted to go as Michael. When I got on the stage we all had to do something from our costumes (The lion had to roar, etc) and the whole crowd started chanting "Moonwalk! Moonwalk!" I had no idea what that was! I should have been like, "That was two eras ago!" But I didn't understand my costume either, cause my mom had dressed me in a Billy Jean style.

The camp counselor leaned down cause he could tell I was terrified and said "It's okay, just walk backwards!" but I was just frozen. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I took two steps back and ran across the stage to get off. Somehow, I ended up wanting to be an actor.

So those are my early memories of being a Michael fan, of course HIStory came later. My brother had the album and we used to listen to it all through summer of 1995.

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I'm very interested in being part of the team. :)

Michael had a lot of concerns about the world and, as you might know, we had a wake up call here in Brazil the other week, we went to the streets and wanted a better education for our children, hospitals in better conditions for our people. A lot of Michael fans, me included, went to the streets with signs that we wrote "Michael, they don't really care about us, but you cared" or "Make the world a better place for our children", I believe, just as Michael said, that we must start the change in and out of us, and that's what we are doing here.

I had been a little time away from the forum, mostly because I was having trouble with my e-mail account but now the problem was fixed and I'm back to stay.

I'm really looking foward to help the team in any case, being there for the team and make part of this great project defending Michael's ideas, keeping the legacy and spreading love.

Thank you for the opportunity.

PS: That's me BTW.

:ciao: :clapping: Hello Amy :heart:

Your beautiful :wild: thanks for the photos and the interest ! We would love to hear more about you ! What are your interests and your strengths so we know better how to give you exciting projects to work on as a Teamie :dancin:

Do you have any questions ? What is your availability like in order for us to work around your schedule :agree:

So happy to meet you :woohoo: Looking forward to learning more about you :group:

:ciao: (from me)

sincerely MJ TinkerBell :ciao:
Thank you Tink! You're so kind! ^^ Nice to meet you too :D

Well, I'm from Brazil, I'm 25, and my first memory of Michael was watching, in 1993, I was 6, the concert he did in Brazil on the TV. I remember being amazed by him, I really knew, in some way, he would influence me for the rest of my life.
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Thank you very much, nice to meet you too...

I hope to always honor Michael :)

I'd be very proud if I join you! :D
Thank you guys, i can't even tell you how happy i'm to join you!

Thank you so much!

I'm feeling so good right now, you made my day!

:ciao: Fan-Mily in LOVE :heart:

We still have openings for Legacy Project Teamies :agree:

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about the Legacy Project or Legacy Project Team Member :dancin:

We are all so very excited to show each of you how much L.O.V.E + Commitment and Passion this Team has instore for you, today, tomorrow and BEYOND for our Michael Jackson :wild: :woohoo:

Come on and be a very real part of it :group: as always we thank you for coming to the Legacy Project Forum, it is only what it is because of your kindness and support :pray: :heart:

Sincerely Your,
Legacy Team Leader
MJ TinkerBell
What do you think about an idea thread?
I think we are some dedicated but now and then too tired fans, occupied by other things etc but can be here sometimes.

I have an idea about making one thread with fan-charities,for example one post with heal the world for children and link to their website, next post Everland etc an overview of what fans do for Michael.Charities with fans from different countries, local charities.
There can be one thread about international charities, another for local

I think other fans can have ideas too but may be reluctant to start to write about it in a new thread.
We could all discuss the ideas but Legacy members may have the last word about it.
:ciao: MIST :heart:

I love where your going with this idea :group:

The only thing is in LP Forum we do have some of the charities already in their own Threads and so we could update each of those charities already created ! Then we could consider the International and Local ones as you suggested to the Teamies and see what they think about your ideas !

Just to clarify are you interested in becoming a Teamie ?

:clapping: Thank you so much for your Post :angel: :agree:
MJ TinkerBell
I know there are threads with some charities but is it easy to see it for a new fan?
The thread for Heal the world for children is sticky, Everland is far down,I´m not sure about One rose for Michael Jackson if you still can donate in Michael´s name in the three charities they support , but I think the thread about ORFMJ is in Michaelmania.
I want them to be easier to see.

Perhaps charities for Michael has declined just as fanforums I don´t know but I think there are still many charities going on that I don´t know about.
Maybe there are fundraisings in Michael´s name .

For local charities anything from a group in Sweden visiting children in hospital to a fan who assists in a soup kitchen in the U.S.
I n general discussion I write about a charity in Africa that I support I don´t know if things like that should be in local charities.

Maybe there can be a thread what are you doing to heal the world.

Just ideas that can be discussed.

:artist:I´m painting but I´m not sure what the subject will be.

I´m a person who have no idea how to download, have no twitter or facebook I suppose I can be a supporter
Well, we are nation to nation, so really local to one would be international to most of MJJC. I'm not sure it makes sense to divide between "local" and "international".

Perhaps if the Online Magazine comes to Fruition that will be a good place to have all the current charities listed in one place with links to their threads/websites.

One Rose does state that they support charities year round, but I don't think anybody actually manages anything there after June 25th. I e-mailed them over a month ago because I never received a rose pin and never got a response. I'm not sure I consider this a charity because the money is for flowers for Michael, none of the money goes to charity. yes, they give away the flowers after so they are not wasted, but I think this would be separate from our charities here at MJJC.

As for Everland, I think if donations are CURRENTLY being taken for any project like this, you're right it should be sticky. But I have found it 's not easy to tell if they still need donations to keep up and running, or if this project is over.

I really like the idea of having all the current charities accessible and in one place, because there is a lot to go through in the LP forum, and not everybody has the time.

Another reason why I want fancharities to be more visible is to show what fans are doing for Michael.
Maybe all children in Everland have sponsors and don´t need new donations, but some of Michael´s "crazy fans"are sponsors.
We can see what we can do if we can come together.

I want to know more about what fans are doing in for example China and Japan too.
I want things like this to be more visible

Spurred by Jackson's premature death at age fifty, fans from Asia to Africa make donations in his name and partner up with non-profits and charities to help complete Jackson's goals to raise awareness about the environment and provide charity for the impoverished and sick

I witnessed firsthand Jackson's ability to inspire when I attended a Jackson fan tribute in Guangzhou, China, in 2011. During the unveiling of a sculpture of the King of Pop, fans took up a collection for UNICEF. Surprisingly, I heard from numerous Chinese fans that they preferred to watch footage of Jackson's philanthropy - visiting hospitals and distributing gifts to burn victims and cancer-ridden patients while on his world tours - even more than his performances.

Fans in Beijing took Jackson's messages about the environment to the streets. On the first anniversary of Jackson's death, they organized a "green bike march" in the highly polluted city to raise awareness about toxins and encourage the reduction of car emissions. Wearing Jackson T-shirts and sequined gloves, fans biked around the city blasting Jackson's music from boomboxes and carried signs such as the one that proclaimed in Chinese and English, "Protecting the environment starts with yourself -- I Heart MJ".

Chinese fans continue to follow Jackson's example, raising money for children with diseases. Some fans note that as a result of their exposure to Jackson's messages about the environment and charity in his lyrics and music videos, they are more aware of energy conservation, recycling, and wildlife preservation.

The article is some years old but if there are new articles like this or maybe just a part of an article it would be nice to have them in a thread here.
I think I read something about fans in Vietnam doing something but I can´t find it now.

There is a sticky thread planting trees for Michael, maybe it was in a discussionthread earlier where fans wrote about how they planted trees in the garden and other places for Michael.
Michael have a forest in Russia and Turkey, planted by fans.
There are "a million trees for Michael"

I dont know if this was just temporary
In addition to honoring Michael with roses this year, #OneRose4MJJ also offers fans the option of donating to a charity in Michael’s loving memory. We have pages set up with three charities.
The charities #OneRose4MJJ supports all have legal status as a charity and provide a means for fans to donate directly to the charity…no middle man.
Our Charities are the following:

UNICEF: http://inside.unicefusa.org/goto/onerose4mjjdonate
St. Jude’s: http://fundraising.stjude.org/goto/onerose4mjj
AVRF(American Vitiligo Research Foundation): http://www.avrf.org/index.htm -Please Note: You will have to scroll down and select the Rose Link for donations in Michael’s honor.
:ciao: MIST :heart:

You will be glad to know that we as a Team you and LP are going create from your inspirational ideas, and do the research it takes to make this Project come to life ! We will co-create this together for Michael :pray::clapping:

With your help if you would like to work with us and find all these amazing Charities and show them some MJJC L.O.V.E we would be greatful for the help :yes::dancin:

:bow: Great minds think alike, the Teams will Post how they feel about this as well :agree: :heart:

MIST;3893263 said:
Another reason why I want fancharities to be more visible is to show what fans are doing for Michael.
Maybe all children in Everland have sponsors and don´t need new donations, but some of Michael´s "crazy fans"are sponsors.
We can see what we can do if we can come together.

I want to know more about what fans are doing in for example China and Japan too.
I want things like this to be more visible


The article is some years old but if there are new articles like this or maybe just a part of an article it would be nice to have them in a thread here.
I think I read something about fans in Vietnam doing something but I can´t find it now.

There is a sticky thread planting trees for Michael, maybe it was in a discussionthread earlier where fans wrote about how they planted trees in the garden and other places for Michael.
Michael have a forest in Russia and Turkey, planted by fans.
There are "a million trees for Michael"

I dont know if this was just temporary
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:ciao: MIST :heart:

You will be glad to know that we as a Team you and LP are going create from your inspirational ideas, and do the research it takes to make this Project come to life ! We will co-create this together for Michael :pray::clapping:

I was wondering if you are interested in helping us with the great idea you shared and to help us find all these amazing Charities and show them some MJJC LP L.O.V.E we would be greatful for the help :yes::dancin:

:bow: Great minds think alike, please let us know if you would like to be apart of this project in LP Forum :agree: :heart:
I suppose there can be charities on face book and with information in other languages.
There was a fundraising for UNICEF some years ago and I remember fan clubs from China and Japan were generous,I think they still do something for Michael but maybe not international.

Recently I read We´ve had enough mystery thread and there I saw something written in Quick Reply ..I´m available.
The thing is I don´t remember at all that I wrote it ,I was alone and not drunk but noone else couldn´t have done it.
Are there ghosts and can they write?
I suppose I need more vacation, hug some trees but I can´t get it now.
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:hello: Everyone here at wonderful MJJC!

- Do you want to be apart of this exciting adventure in honoring, preserving & defending the legacy of Michael Jackson?
Please, do, post in this thread so you can become a MJJC Legacy Team Staff. :heart:


We have our very own staff room private to work in and our very own MJJC Legacy Team forum. MJJC Legacy Team Project has many media outlets such as, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr and many more - that you'll be able to work with and help "Make That Change"

Our Legacy Project staff is all about L.O.V.E. & Unity for the shared common goal as a team to spread love, light & peace, intertwined with stating facts, background information, collections of MJ's artistry & work, his humanitarian efforts and every staff gets the bonus of creating their own projects to shine light upon your choice of Michael's broad life-spectrum artistry.

Come Join us!


Hello, dear MJJC LP!!

I have been a member of this forum since 2011, I believe, but I have not been active in here at all.

I have loved Michael since I heard Ben on the radio aged 14 (and it is ages ago I was 13 or 14 :)That was in 1979 - and soon after came Off the Wall and the rest is History. As Michael passed in 2009, I suddenly got a need to talk to other Michael fans, and I joined the first forum I found: In MJFC from where some of you will remember me as Betelgeuse. In MJFC I created what I called "Michael's Circle of Love - that had its home in "The spiritual thread" that was dedicated to spreading Michael's messages - and to grow spiritually, so we could all be better to "be us" in order to spread Michael's messages even better.

During the almost 4 years Michael's Circle of Love (MCOL) existed in MJFC, the group grew very strong. Some of us went to Los Angeles in 2012 (and some went also in 2011 and in 2010) - and celebrated Michael for a whole week (long and beautiful story)

MCOL members did a LOT to spread Michael's messages of love and healing all over, the best we could. We did/do a daily meditation on our own to send love for Michael - and reflect back positive energy to the world - and we have monthly online meditations with the same goal, that we all participate in.
We have participated in charity projects, made "shoe-boxes" for Christmas - and created our own fund-raising page in order to help the Starlight Children's Foundation - as you can see here: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michaels-circleoflove/michaelscircleoflove

(The describtion of the group and our purpose is a little outdated - we need to adjust that)

As I had a feeling the MJFC would close, I created a Facebook group to host MCOL in the future. The Facebook group is an open group (means that everyone can see what we post) in order for us to spread Michael's messages all over. And we get new members every day - so I am happy!

This is our Facebook group, that you are welcome to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/michaelscircleoflove/

I have a full time job as a writer (I am Danish, so I am not a native English speaker/writer) - and besides from that I am an esoteric astrologer and a healer. I also have weak parents in law whom I care for - as well as I have other people to care for. So I am busy.

However, I don't have any children of my own - so I have "spreading Michael's messages" as my "child". I have dedicated every hour of my spare time to spread Michael's messages of LOVE and Healing.

And YES - if you can accept me as a team player in the LP, I would donate my time and energy also for you and your very worthy project. Now, more than ever, it is important to protect, encourage and promote Michael's beautiful legacy - and to teach the world of Michael's pure heart, charity projects, arts and music, his beautiful being - and it is important to make people understand what they can actually learn from this amazing being that was Michael.

As a spiritual person, I am interested in spiritual matters - and the siritual side of Michael. But, I use quite a lot of energy to spread the spiritual side of Michael's messages already (in Facebook particularly) - so if I get accepted as a team member here, I could be used within other fields.

I have a LOT of experience within communication (however, I am not a native English speaker), I am a very skilled researcher and I have a great deal of energy that I would love to use to MAKE THAT CHANGE - and I am positive and open to any suggestion you team members have - regarding where I could be used the best.

I will say, that I have too use some time to learn to navigate this forum - but I usually learn quickly.

If you don't need anymore team members, I thank you for reading this post -

Its All for LOVE
Hello, dear MJJC LP!!

I have been a member of this forum since 2011, I believe, but I have not been active in here at all.

I have loved Michael since I heard Ben on the radio aged 14 (and it is ages ago I was 13 or 14 :)That was in 1979 - and soon after came Off the Wall and the rest is History. As Michael passed in 2009, I suddenly got a need to talk to other Michael fans, and I joined the first forum I found: In MJFC from where some of you will remember me as Betelgeuse. In MJFC I created what I called "Michael's Circle of Love - that had its home in "The spiritual thread" that was dedicated to spreading Michael's messages - and to grow spiritually, so we could all be better to "be us" in order to spread Michael's messages even better.

During the almost 4 years Michael's Circle of Love (MCOL) existed in MJFC, the group grew very strong. Some of us went to Los Angeles in 2012 (and some went also in 2011 and in 2010) - and celebrated Michael for a whole week (long and beautiful story)

MCOL members did a LOT to spread Michael's messages of love and healing all over, the best we could. We did/do a daily meditation on our own to send love for Michael - and reflect back positive energy to the world - and we have monthly online meditations with the same goal, that we all participate in.
We have participated in charity projects, made "shoe-boxes" for Christmas - and created our own fund-raising page in order to help the Starlight Children's Foundation - as you can see here: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michaels-circleoflove/michaelscircleoflove

(The describtion of the group and our purpose is a little outdated - we need to adjust that)

As I had a feeling the MJFC would close, I created a Facebook group to host MCOL in the future. The Facebook group is an open group (means that everyone can see what we post) in order for us to spread Michael's messages all over. And we get new members every day - so I am happy!

This is our Facebook group, that you are welcome to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/michaelscircleoflove/

I have a full time job as a writer (I am Danish, so I am not a native English speaker/writer) - and besides from that I am an esoteric astrologer and a healer. I also have weak parents in law whom I care for - as well as I have other people to care for. So I am busy.

However, I don't have any children of my own - so I have "spreading Michael's messages" as my "child". I have dedicated every hour of my spare time to spread Michael's messages of LOVE and Healing.

And YES - if you can accept me as a team player in the LP, I would donate my time and energy also for you and your very worthy project. Now, more than ever, it is important to protect, encourage and promote Michael's beautiful legacy - and to teach the world of Michael's pure heart, charity projects, arts and music, his beautiful being - and it is important to make people understand what they can actually learn from this amazing being that was Michael.

As a spiritual person, I am interested in spiritual matters - and the siritual side of Michael. But, I use quite a lot of energy to spread the spiritual side of Michael's messages already (in Facebook particularly) - so if I get accepted as a team member here, I could be used within other fields.

I have a LOT of experience within communication (however, I am not a native English speaker), I am a very skilled researcher and I have a great deal of energy that I would love to use to MAKE THAT CHANGE - and I am positive and open to any suggestion you team members have - regarding where I could be used the best.

I will say, that I have too use some time to learn to navigate this forum - but I usually learn quickly.

If you don't need anymore team members, I thank you for reading this post -

Its All for LOVE

Dear Betelgeuse it is great to see you here. I know you would be a great asset to the team.

Team, I know Betelgeuse very well. I am also a member of MCOL and have met Betelgeuse personally. We work on other projects together. I can certainly say that Betelgeuse would be a great fit to the team. Betelgeuse offers wonderful writing and communication skills. Her work with spiritual and esoteric matters provides her with a unique perspective on things related to Michael and anything else. Her mission to preserve Michael's legacy is steadfast and sincere. Betelgeuse offers a vast level of knowledge which will also be an asset. I personally can vouch for Betelgeuse. Thank you for reading.

Love, light and Blessings
Wow, Windy!!! THANK YOU for your beautiful words!!! I will do whatever I can to live up to them, should you need an extra hand in the LP group. I will wait for you all to deside whatever you can use me for.

Bless you all
Hello, dear MJJC LP!!

I have been a member of this forum since 2011, I believe, but I have not been active in here at all.

I have loved Michael since I heard Ben on the radio aged 14 (and it is ages ago I was 13 or 14 :)That was in 1979 - and soon after came Off the Wall and the rest is History. As Michael passed in 2009, I suddenly got a need to talk to other Michael fans, and I joined the first forum I found: In MJFC from where some of you will remember me as Betelgeuse. In MJFC I created what I called "Michael's Circle of Love - that had its home in "The spiritual thread" that was dedicated to spreading Michael's messages - and to grow spiritually, so we could all be better to "be us" in order to spread Michael's messages even better.

During the almost 4 years Michael's Circle of Love (MCOL) existed in MJFC, the group grew very strong. Some of us went to Los Angeles in 2012 (and some went also in 2011 and in 2010) - and celebrated Michael for a whole week (long and beautiful story)

MCOL members did a LOT to spread Michael's messages of love and healing all over, the best we could. We did/do a daily meditation on our own to send love for Michael - and reflect back positive energy to the world - and we have monthly online meditations with the same goal, that we all participate in.
We have participated in charity projects, made "shoe-boxes" for Christmas - and created our own fund-raising page in order to help the Starlight Children's Foundation - as you can see here: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michaels-circleoflove/michaelscircleoflove

(The describtion of the group and our purpose is a little outdated - we need to adjust that)

As I had a feeling the MJFC would close, I created a Facebook group to host MCOL in the future. The Facebook group is an open group (means that everyone can see what we post) in order for us to spread Michael's messages all over. And we get new members every day - so I am happy!

This is our Facebook group, that you are welcome to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/michaelscircleoflove/

I have a full time job as a writer (I am Danish, so I am not a native English speaker/writer) - and besides from that I am an esoteric astrologer and a healer. I also have weak parents in law whom I care for - as well as I have other people to care for. So I am busy.

However, I don't have any children of my own - so I have "spreading Michael's messages" as my "child". I have dedicated every hour of my spare time to spread Michael's messages of LOVE and Healing.

And YES - if you can accept me as a team player in the LP, I would donate my time and energy also for you and your very worthy project. Now, more than ever, it is important to protect, encourage and promote Michael's beautiful legacy - and to teach the world of Michael's pure heart, charity projects, arts and music, his beautiful being - and it is important to make people understand what they can actually learn from this amazing being that was Michael.

As a spiritual person, I am interested in spiritual matters - and the siritual side of Michael. But, I use quite a lot of energy to spread the spiritual side of Michael's messages already (in Facebook particularly) - so if I get accepted as a team member here, I could be used within other fields.

I have a LOT of experience within communication (however, I am not a native English speaker), I am a very skilled researcher and I have a great deal of energy that I would love to use to MAKE THAT CHANGE - and I am positive and open to any suggestion you team members have - regarding where I could be used the best.

I will say, that I have too use some time to learn to navigate this forum - but I usually learn quickly.

If you don't need anymore team members, I thank you for reading this post -

Its All for LOVE

@ Betelgeuse, I saw your name yesterday, so happy to see you here as well.

I know Betelgeuse from MJFC and Mcol which I am member of too. And, yes, she is indeed a good writer so, I can certainly recomend Betelgeuse to the team.

Much love to all
@ Betelgeuse, I saw your name yesterday, so happy to see you here as well.

I know Betelgeuse from MJFC and Mcol which I am member of too. And, yes, she is indeed a good writer so, I can certainly recomend Betelgeuse to the team.

Much love to all

I Agree with Karendk, would love to see Betelgeuse here as well
:ciao: Betelgeuse :group:

My name is MJ TinkerBell, I am the LP Team Leader, and it is so nice to meet you :wild:

Thank you so much for your amazing story about your Michael love and your life :group: I will speak for myself when I say it is very nice to see so many people leave such supportive notes for you to join this Team ! As you come so highly recommended by Windy09 as well ! I look forward to working with you, I will enjoy all your special gifts you will bring to the LP Team family :dancin: Thank you so much for giving us your time and commitment to Michael :heart: I will contact Gaz to turn you LP GREEN with his powers :clapping:

Hello, dear MJJC LP!!

I have been a member of this forum since 2011, I believe, but I have not been active in here at all.

I have loved Michael since I heard Ben on the radio aged 14 (and it is ages ago I was 13 or 14 :)That was in 1979 - and soon after came Off the Wall and the rest is History. As Michael passed in 2009, I suddenly got a need to talk to other Michael fans, and I joined the first forum I found: In MJFC from where some of you will remember me as Betelgeuse. In MJFC I created what I called "Michael's Circle of Love - that had its home in "The spiritual thread" that was dedicated to spreading Michael's messages - and to grow spiritually, so we could all be better to "be us" in order to spread Michael's messages even better.

During the almost 4 years Michael's Circle of Love (MCOL) existed in MJFC, the group grew very strong. Some of us went to Los Angeles in 2012 (and some went also in 2011 and in 2010) - and celebrated Michael for a whole week (long and beautiful story)

MCOL members did a LOT to spread Michael's messages of love and healing all over, the best we could. We did/do a daily meditation on our own to send love for Michael - and reflect back positive energy to the world - and we have monthly online meditations with the same goal, that we all participate in.
We have participated in charity projects, made "shoe-boxes" for Christmas - and created our own fund-raising page in order to help the Starlight Children's Foundation - as you can see here: http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/michaels-circleoflove/michaelscircleoflove

(The describtion of the group and our purpose is a little outdated - we need to adjust that)

As I had a feeling the MJFC would close, I created a Facebook group to host MCOL in the future. The Facebook group is an open group (means that everyone can see what we post) in order for us to spread Michael's messages all over. And we get new members every day - so I am happy!

This is our Facebook group, that you are welcome to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/michaelscircleoflove/

I have a full time job as a writer (I am Danish, so I am not a native English speaker/writer) - and besides from that I am an esoteric astrologer and a healer. I also have weak parents in law whom I care for - as well as I have other people to care for. So I am busy.

However, I don't have any children of my own - so I have "spreading Michael's messages" as my "child". I have dedicated every hour of my spare time to spread Michael's messages of LOVE and Healing.

And YES - if you can accept me as a team player in the LP, I would donate my time and energy also for you and your very worthy project. Now, more than ever, it is important to protect, encourage and promote Michael's beautiful legacy - and to teach the world of Michael's pure heart, charity projects, arts and music, his beautiful being - and it is important to make people understand what they can actually learn from this amazing being that was Michael.

As a spiritual person, I am interested in spiritual matters - and the siritual side of Michael. But, I use quite a lot of energy to spread the spiritual side of Michael's messages already (in Facebook particularly) - so if I get accepted as a team member here, I could be used within other fields.

I have a LOT of experience within communication (however, I am not a native English speaker), I am a very skilled researcher and I have a great deal of energy that I would love to use to MAKE THAT CHANGE - and I am positive and open to any suggestion you team members have - regarding where I could be used the best.

I will say, that I have too use some time to learn to navigate this forum - but I usually learn quickly.

If you don't need anymore team members, I thank you for reading this post -

Its All for LOVE
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