MJJC Legacy Project: Spike Lee's MJ Birthday Celebration 2010

I Googled the park and it looks like there is parking there, but I don't know how much or how quickly it would fill up.

Where is the free parking? Is it at a subway station or will you park somewhere and walk to catch the subway?

I'm actually considering going on Sat. and getting a hotel Sat night, that way maybe I can just park at the hotel and take the subway (or walk) to the park. I just don't know if it is a safe area around the park, does anyone know?

street parking is free on Sunday so u can park any where ,parking near subway will be good idea too.
Yeah, I asked my sister and she says they just parked on some side street last year. Since street parking is free on Sunday as others are reporting (I wouldn't know this because I don't care since I take the train, lol) it shouldn't be hard to find a spot. Good luck!
Hey guys!

I am looking for a few hardcore partiers who plan on getting there extra early.
Stamina and strong lungs required! I was there last year and partied until they kicked us out.
Also looking to hangout at a pub afterwards!

I dont come to the forums often so if you are interested in meeting with me,
please send a friend request @ www.facebook.com/mjYanaGirl

Or join the Brooklyn Loves MJ fan page @ www.facebook.com/BrooklynLovesMJ

Let's get our MJ on! :punk:
^^ My friends and I are planning to do just that, lol! Let's meet there :)
Thriller! Spike Lee honors the King of Pop again

Thriller! Spike Lee honors the King of Pop again

On Sunday, the filmmaker hosts his second annual "Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson" party.

By Meredith Deliso

Posted: 5:17 PM, August 22, 2010

Michael Jackson still reigns as the King of Pop.

Thousands will gather in Prospect Park on Sunday at what would have been the musician’s 52nd birthday for the second-annual “Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson” celebration.

“I’m looking forward to everyone from all corners of the world coming together to honor, pay respect and love the life of Michael Joseph Jackson,” said filmmaker and one-time Fort Greene resident Spike Lee, who worked with Jackson on his video, “They Don’t Care About Us,” and is organizing the celebration for the second year.

Last year, fans packed the park to pay tribute to the man behind such hits as “Billie Jean,” “Thriller” and “Beat It,” who died last summer, sporting Thriller outfits, white gloves and digging out their Michael Jackson T-shirts.

Expect more of the same during the five-hour party, where DJ Spinna will play the pop genius’s innumerable hits.

“It’s going to be bigger and better this year,” said Lee, who will be documenting this year’s celebration with his production company, 40 Acres And A Mule. “People are going to come from all over the world.”

And lucky for you, it’s right here in your backyard.

Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson celebration at Prospect Park’s Nethermead [enter at 16th Street and Prospect Park Southwest, (718) 965-8951], Aug. 29 from noon-5 pm. Free. For info, visit www.prospectpark.org.

Re: Thriller! Spike Lee honors the King of Pop again

“I’m looking forward to everyone from all corners of the world coming together to honor, pay respect and love the life of Michael Joseph Jackson,” said filmmaker and one-time Fort Greene resident Spike Lee, who worked with Jackson on his video, “They Don’t Care About Us,” and is organizing the celebration for the second year.

Does anyone know where Spike Lee resides now? I'm sure he has several homes across the country but does he still have a place in Brooklyn? Just curious!
Guys! What can we do to have the national flags featured at this gathering? Ideas welcome!!
I am bringing the Russian flag with "Russia loves Michael" written on it. If you see someone with such a flag there, that's me! Feel free to come up, I'll be happy to meet fellow MJJC-ers! :)
guys any idea where we are meeting ............i am so looking forward to this.

I don't have plans to meet up with anyone. I'm just going to show up like last year and if I happen to run into an MJJC member or two (how would I know?) that would be very nice but whatever happens, happens.

Do you guys wear name tags or patches with MJJC on them?
So are you all ready for the big Brooklyn MJ Par-tay? I've got my 2 flags and my ugly collapsible chair (I can't stand up for 5 hours straight again like last year, no way). Have fun everyone. Enjoy the music and celebration...it's all about MJ!!!
Here's a tweet from Spike Lee:

Reminder - we'll be tweeting live tomorrow. Look out for the #BKMJ hashtag. Follow us and tell your friends.

I don't understand hashtags, lol.
*jealous for the second year in a row since i live nowhere near NY and have no time, money, or transportation to get there*

but anyway, hope you guys all have a wonderful time! sing loudly and dance for me!! and take lots of pictures!
To everyone who's going there, have fun and party hard for all the rest of us who can't go!!!:)

Props to Spike Lee for organizing this event again. I don't know about you, but this feels a lot more special than typical music industry events dedicated to MJ. It just has more warmth and personal feelings attached, like having a block party.
Ya'll let us know how it turns out!! Props to Spike for doing this
guys is there a live stream of the party somewhere, maybe?

or some other MJ party today? please reply!!!
Darn, I had to leave the big partay after a few hours. The brutal heat and sun were just too unbearable for me (90 plus degrees!). I got there a little before 1pm and could only stay until 3pm or I would have fainted from heatstroke, lol. However, the time I spent there was fun (aside from the blazing sun). It was a huge crowd again! I'm sure it only got bigger after I left. The Spike Lee people kindly handed out FREE MJ mix CD's! It's a tribute mix CD called "Man or The Music". They also handed out free hand fans which really came in handy. I left before any speeches were made (except for a few words from Spike) so I am waiting for other MJJC members who went to fill me in here on what I missed.

Sorry I couldn't stay all the way through like I did last year MJ. I really tried. That evil sun. :evil:
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