MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages

if it were haters they wouldnt be writing things like that. the fans shouldnt have done what they did but it was done with l.o.v.e and wasnt ment in a bad way. i guess they may regret it now. its hardly the end of the world at the end of the day. aslong as it doesnt keep happening that is what matters.and as normal the media have hyped it up to where you would have thought they had written all over his tomb or spray painted the building. lets not have fans fighting each other cause thats what tmz and the like want with these article that they write and hype up
I said this would happen... and I said it as part of my case for saying that MJ WILL BE MOVED from there because they clearly can NOT keep people away... next to be damaged will the tomb itself, or worse... the only solution is for MJ to have HIS OWN PRIVATE PLACE...

If only there was some 2700 acre place with gorgeous land, somewhere miles from the big city where the public could be controlled... does anyone know any??? oh yeah! Whats that old home of his... neverland... or something?
MJ Fans -- Dying to Clean Up Tomb Graffiti

An MJ fan club is on a desperate mission to clean up the recent graffiti onslaught outside the King of Pop's tomb -- claiming a few bad apples could spoil everything for MJ's non-vandal followers.

The Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California
have extended an olive branch to Forest Lawn Cemetery -- where MJ is buried -- offering to clean up the recent wave of hidden vandalism outside the singer's tomb ... before the cemetery decides to ban MJ fans altogether.

A rep for the group -- which organizes a monthly pilgrimage to MJ's burial place -- tells TMZ, they want to "fix this mess" so FLC doesn't associate MJ's upstanding fans with a bunch of sharpie-wielding hoodlums.

As TMZ first reported, Forest Lawn is
currently on red alert over the illegal doodles -- hunting down the artists responsible ... and threatening to ban any potential copycats for life.

No word if Forest Lawn will take the fan group up on their offer.


Good for them, although I suspect this is a job for professional cleaning. Perhaps the family will say something about this. They could increase the amount of funds for the perpetual care of the tomb. FL would likely love to have an excuse to keep fans out; they've never welcomed that sort of thing.
Its in permanant marker, think the professionals will need to be called in but goof on SC for volunteering their help.
if it were haters they wouldnt be writing things like that. the fans shouldnt have done what they did but it was done with l.o.v.e and wasnt ment in a bad way. i guess they may regret it now. its hardly the end of the world at the end of the day. aslong as it doesnt keep happening that is what matters.and as normal the media have hyped it up to where you would have thought they had written all over his tomb or spray painted the building. lets not have fans fighting each other cause thats what tmz and the like want with these article that they write and hype up
well said
It's unbelievable, how utterly inconsiderate some people can be. I hope this does not jeopardize Forest Lawn access to fans whose intentions do not involve defacing other people's property...
Whoever did this - thanks a lot! Note the sarcasm. I want to be able to take my kids there oneday and you in your SELFISHNESS have put that complete PRIVLEGE in jeopardy. Shame on you!!! You disgusting people, you shouldnt even call yourselves fans.
if it were haters they wouldnt be writing things like that. the fans shouldnt have done what they did but it was done with l.o.v.e and wasnt ment in a bad way. i guess they may regret it now. its hardly the end of the world at the end of the day. aslong as it doesnt keep happening that is what matters.and as normal the media have hyped it up to where you would have thought they had written all over his tomb or spray painted the building. lets not have fans fighting each other cause thats what tmz and the like want with these article that they write and hype up

you are right.tmz is always doing that successfully.
they needed to see this coming is what it is. What they needed to do is have a book there for the fans to sign that way this never happens again. If they had a huge book out for them to sign this wouldn't be a problem
when fans do things it puts a bad face on all fans.....people really do need to respect Michael's resting place. They need to understand that FL is NOT Neverland....and that they dont own Michael...and that his children dont need to see graffiti on the walls...even if they are messages of love...its the wrong place to be doing that stuff.
Whoever did this - thanks a lot! Note the sarcasm. I want to be able to take my kids there oneday and you in your SELFISHNESS have put that complete PRIVLEGE in jeopardy. Shame on you!!! You disgusting people, you shouldnt even call yourselves fans.

I agree -_-

ok, done out of love, but still a mistake. I really can understand people doing this around Neverland, but no way to make me understand why doing this at the resting place itself.
they needed to see this coming is what it is. What they needed to do is have a book there for the fans to sign that way this never happens again. If they had a huge book out for them to sign this wouldn't be a problem

the key, indeed :clapping:
they needed to see this coming is what it is. What they needed to do is have a book there for the fans to sign that way this never happens again. If they had a huge book out for them to sign this wouldn't be a problem

A book of condolences/messages would be a great idea, but I could see that becoming a potential for more problems down the line. Nothing would surprise me, including people with morbid curiosity visiting FL, and then leaving vulgar/hateful comments. Unless something like that was watched/ monitored closely during the entire hours that FL is open to the public, it could happen. Sadly, human nature can be very ugly at times.
I was thinking, Now don't jump on me all at once,Just a Speculation . Hear me out. With all those hidden Messages defacing Mike's new home,wouldn't be something that some idiot would write Michael Jackson is really alive and he's living in a special place with noname where nobody knows where he is and Forest Lawn tells him in secret.
I wish know wishful thinking will get the better of me like most fans but I'm still trying to deal with this the best way I can. He died so tragically that I can't understand why the people responsible are still walking the streets and laughing on what they did to him.HOW CAN THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT KNOWING THAT WHAT THEY DID TO MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON WAS JUST PLAIN WRONG AND UNJUST. THEY TOOK THIS MAN AWAY FROM HIS KIDS AND HIS FAMILY AND GOOD TRUE FRIENDS AND LOVING FANS. THEY WILL ALL PAY FOR THEIR INJUSTICE AGAINST A BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL MAN LIKE OUR MICHAEL. GOD WILL SEE TO THAT.
I was thinking, Now don't jump on me all at once,Just a Speculation . Hear me out. With all those hidden Messages defacing Mike's new home,wouldn't be something that some idiot would write Michael Jackson is really alive and he's living in a special place with noname where nobody knows where he is and Forest Lawn tells him in secret.
I wish know wishful thinking will get the better of me like most fans but I'm still trying to deal with this the best way I can.

I'm not sure I did understand you, but... If what you meant was that it's so hard to accept it that you prefer to believe he's truly alive, I'll tell you that living in fantasy isn't the way to go. Trying to escape from reality will only throw you at a world of desillusion and believe me, that won't do you really any good. I pity all the ones who want so bad for him to be alive that they're losing touch with reality... They are starting to look like sick people with all the videos, theories and fighting over the fact that he's not alive. And I'm pretty sure that's not how any sane fan would like to look like. And not what Michael would wish for his fans. It's hard, it hurts... And I understand it, we all will miss him forever. Believe me, I do miss him... But what I'm trying to say is that there are other ways to cope with it that will be better than running away from reality. Keeping his legacy alive, showing his work to others, etc, for example! :D

I mean it with love. ;)
Pictures Show that Michael Jackson's Fans' Writings on His Tomb Not 'Crude'

As with Many Stories Concerning the Late King of Pop, the Facts Are Distorted.

In recent days, a flurry of news reports have described alleged 'vandalism' at Michael Jackson's mausoleum in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California.

The reports say that fans of the late King of Pop have used black marker to write personal messages on his tomb. Some reports have described the messages as "crude", and noted that the management of the cemetery is working to "clean up" the walls where the messages were written.

It seems a large percentage of news stories surrounding Michael Jackson, both before his passing and in the year since, is surrounded by ambiguity and, many would say, a bias towards reporting facts in the worst possible light and context.

While headlines have screamed that his tomb was 'vandalized' and the messages left 'crude', the messages themselves that were left were, by all accounts, messages in support of Michael Jackson and his message.

Pictures published by celebrity news website TMZ.com showed messages saying, "Keep the Dream Alive" and "Miss You, Sweet Angel".

While technically the messages might be considered graffiti or vandalism, and are against the rules of the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, the reality is that the messages themselves are hardly crude. It would seem, too, that the intention of those writing the messages was not to deface nor vandalize as a sign of disrespect for Jackson, but rather to pay homage to him and express their grief over his passing.

Michael Jackson's legacy and memory have, in the nearly thirteen months since his passing, actually grown and strengthened. While in his later years he needed to fend off accusations and inneundo, his memory, his message and his music have grown in stature in death and media reports have seem to grown more balanced and fact based.

But the description of his fans' actions in Glendale is puzzling as none of the messages seem to be the least bit 'crude' and the intention of those writing them clearly were not to 'vandalize'.

A case could easily be made that no messages should be written; after all, allowing people to do so could open the door to others who would write inflammatory comments that would disparage Jackson or others who were laid to rest there. But rather than making that case, some have choosen instead to report that the messages left weren't supportive and clean messages by Jackson fans, but rather crude vandalism.


Saw this photo on Facebook. Seems like there has been some cleaning taking place in Holly Terrace.



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Pictures Show that Michael Jackson's Fans' Writings on His Tomb Not 'Crude'

As with Many Stories Concerning the Late King of Pop, the Facts Are Distorted.

In recent days, a flurry of news reports have described alleged 'vandalism' at Michael Jackson's mausoleum in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California.

The reports say that fans of the late King of Pop have used black marker to write personal messages on his tomb. Some reports have described the messages as "crude", and noted that the management of the cemetery is working to "clean up" the walls where the messages were written.

It seems a large percentage of news stories surrounding Michael Jackson, both before his passing and in the year since, is surrounded by ambiguity and, many would say, a bias towards reporting facts in the worst possible light and context.

While headlines have screamed that his tomb was 'vandalized' and the messages left 'crude', the messages themselves that were left were, by all accounts, messages in support of Michael Jackson and his message.

Pictures published by celebrity news website TMZ.com showed messages saying, "Keep the Dream Alive" and "Miss You, Sweet Angel".

While technically the messages might be considered graffiti or vandalism, and are against the rules of the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, the reality is that the messages themselves are hardly crude. It would seem, too, that the intention of those writing the messages was not to deface nor vandalize as a sign of disrespect for Jackson, but rather to pay homage to him and express their grief over his passing.

Michael Jackson's legacy and memory have, in the nearly thirteen months since his passing, actually grown and strengthened. While in his later years he needed to fend off accusations and inneundo, his memory, his message and his music have grown in stature in death and media reports have seem to grown more balanced and fact based.

But the description of his fans' actions in Glendale is puzzling as none of the messages seem to be the least bit 'crude' and the intention of those writing them clearly were not to 'vandalize'.

A case could easily be made that no messages should be written; after all, allowing people to do so could open the door to others who would write inflammatory comments that would disparage Jackson or others who were laid to rest there. But rather than making that case, some have choosen instead to report that the messages left weren't supportive and clean messages by Jackson fans, but rather crude vandalism.​

Saw this photo on Facebook. Seems like there has been some cleaning taking place in Holly Terrace.​



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Thanks for this article. In some of the articles I've read about this story it almost seems like fans painted his whole tomb! Too much hype is not good, don't believe it. Nice to read an article who kinda explains why some fans felt it necessarily to leave their handwriting on some windows at FL. I'm not saying it's right, but it should not come as a surprise, that's all.
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It's just some tiny 'love' messages left there and I'm sure MJ wouldn't have minded it.
silly media and forest lawn. some people just love to make a big deal out of everything.
well messages definitely are not crude or in high numbers but still people have to remember that Forest Lawn is a private location and that's a 60 year old building. IMO it's not some random wall that you can just write something and it can be easily painted over. The key is respect.
It's just some tiny 'love' messages left there and I'm sure MJ wouldn't have minded it.
silly media and forest lawn. some people just love to make a big deal out of everything.

Anit that that the truth!
Thing is TMZ reported the right thing but once other outlets got it the story turned into 'MJ's grave vandalised.' The messages should never have been written, it is defacing a cemetry at the end of the day, but the messages were not crude whatsoever!
It's just some tiny 'love' messages left there and I'm sure MJ wouldn't have minded it.
silly media and forest lawn. some people just love to make a big deal out of everything.

Yeah, who cares? Why not leave some more? I mean, this is "MJ's mausoleum", there's absolutely no one else in there. Why respect other people?? Why respect a place made for people to REST and not for some fans to turn it into a friggin' circus?
And you're totally right - MJ wasn't exactly known for respecting other people, right? RIGHT? I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have minded the lack of respect of his fans in a place where so much people are resting, you're absolutely right. As always, the media is the one to blame!!! I mean, maybe it was even the media itself who wrote the messages!!

Good one, mjrules. :)
dam talk about fans getting caught up in media hype B.S never learn. i bet they are having a good laugh at all the infighting caused by this.
dam talk about fans getting caught up in media hype B.S never learn. i bet they are having a good laugh at all the infighting caused by this.

The problem here is that in the end of the day, those fans were lacking the respect the people resting in Forest Lawn deserves and it WASN'T THE FIRST TIME. And still, when it happens for the third or whatever time, there'll be some people not realizing that the key word here is *respect* and saying "oh come on, it's the media!".

Yes, the messages were "silly", they weren't bad, etc. But it's disrespectful to the place nevertheless. I visit cemeteries frequently as some special persons in my life are already dead and believe me, I wouldn't like it a bit if some fans were turning the resting place of someone so special to me into some circus. I guess those fans don't realize that this applies to MJ also. He deserves respect, in every sense including this.
The problem here is that in the end of the day, those fans were lacking the respect the people resting in Forest Lawn deserves and it WASN'T THE FIRST TIME. And still, when it happens for the third or whatever time, there'll be some people not realizing that the key word here is *respect* and saying "oh come on, it's the media!".

Yes, the messages were "silly", they weren't bad, etc. But it's disrespectful to the place nevertheless. I visit cemeteries frequently as some special persons in my life are already dead and believe me, I wouldn't like it a bit if some fans were turning the resting place of someone so special to me into some circus. I guess those fans don't realize that this applies to MJ also. He deserves respect, in every sense including this.

yes its been said 20 times over already but some fans dont see the games the media are playing. having a laugh at in fighting and acting like the whole dam place was spray painted. fans messed up hopefully they regret it the small amount of writing was removed and thats it. if it happens again then theres going to be issues. but until then its about time ppl started moving on from this.
i think this thread has run it's course ,we all said what we wanted to say .now time to say
Thank u tmz and move along.