MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages

Glad the messages are all positive.

Could have been haters making ugly messages.

BUT - ALL messages are wrong.
That is terrible and completely disrespectful of the fans to do that. I know that that the are trying to express their love but they should find another way of doing it.
I'm annoyed over this, but I feel better than I did earlier. Someone I work with came over to me and said, "Have you heard the news? Some people have desecrated Michael Jackson's grave!"

Other news sites now picking this up, including LA Times. Some are reporting that there were actual messages written inside around Michael's crypt, others saying just outside.

Either way, it certainly will not be viewed lightly by Forest Lawn, I'm sure.
Thankfully nothing ugly has been written/found/reported, but that's not to say it won't happen at some point.

Unfortunately, the actions of a few could affect many others wishing to pay their respects in close proximity to Michael.

It's not surprising to me, but it's still something that could and can be avoided with self-control and insight into one's actions.

The entire mausoleum is a tomb for many bodies. Don't get caught up in semantics. This is wrong, it is vandalism and desecration. If people feel free and happy to leave positive messages, other people will feel free and happy to leave negative ones. This must stop. These were selfish acts by people who wanted to show off to someone that they had been to the mausoleum. If you care and want to express your condolences volunteer or donate to a cause Michael supported.
This is unacceptable!

Cuz of these actions which some fans have done, forest lawb will properly now not allow any fans at all to visit mj! :angry:
I really think strange they can do this in a place that seems to be so guarded.
Who can guarantee that this actually happened? It can be anywhere has the same style of stone.
Although I doubt if this really happened.
So these people are defacing property, causing access to be resticted or denied entirely, and making Michael's tomb look cheap and tacky. Nice. Who do they think is going to read those messages?

Here's an idea for them, if they are so bereft they need to do something---help at a soup kitchen, donate to a food bank, volunteer at an animal shelter and do it in Michael's name.
Sky News and BBC have picked the story up now. Its sad that a few over zealous fans give us all a bad name.
Whether the messages are positive or not, it is hugely disrespectful to Michael and other people and their relatives who are interned there. They are being really selfish and letting the side down.

I wouldn't blame Forest Lawn if they prevent acess to the entrance and start restricting who is going in.
MJ Fans -- Dying to Clean Up Tomb Graffiti

An MJ fan club is on a desperate mission to clean up the recent graffiti onslaught outside the King of Pop's tomb -- claiming a few bad apples could spoil everything for MJ's non-vandal followers.

The Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California
have extended an olive branch to Forest Lawn Cemetery -- where MJ is buried -- offering to clean up the recent wave of hidden vandalism outside the singer's tomb ... before the cemetery decides to ban MJ fans altogether.

A rep for the group -- which organizes a monthly pilgrimage to MJ's burial place -- tells TMZ, they want to "fix this mess" so FLC doesn't associate MJ's upstanding fans with a bunch of sharpie-wielding hoodlums.

As TMZ first reported, Forest Lawn is
currently on red alert over the illegal doodles -- hunting down the artists responsible ... and threatening to ban any potential copycats for life.

No word if Forest Lawn will take the fan group up on their offer.

Please leave your messages on cards dear ones, please respect the place and the building. We must set a beautiful example to the world as those who love, repect, honour Michael and his ideals. We represent Michael, please never forget that. We must always do him proud. Under all circumstances.
Love to all,
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Please leave your messages on cards dear ones, please respect the place and the building. We must set a beautiful example to the world as those who love, repect, honour Michael and his ideals. We represent Michael, please never forget that. We must always do him proud. Under all circumstances.
Love to all,

I think it's very self-absorbed of a small minority of so called fans who choose to graffiti the mausoleum that Michael is entombed in. This not only shows a lack or respect for Michael and other people who are entombed as Forest Lawn. But such a puerile act as adding graffiti to a place of rest were Michael's family and close friends go to remember and pay respect to him (and also others who are also entombed who have family etc who visit Forest Lawn), shows us fans and the Jackson family in a bad light.

Leave followers for Michael with a message written on card or paper, don't at graffiti to walls. And because Michael loved art and great architecture I'm sure he wouldn't approve of that graffiti that was written at his place of rest.
Maybe a professional letter should be written to FLC from all of us fans to apologize for what the few bad apples did? We could all sign it and let them know that we and other fan clubs are spreading the word. Maybe they would appreciate the effort and won't ban us? The offering to clean up is a great idea! I would love to help clean it up but I'm across the globe!:( I haven't moved back to Cali yet, and I would hate it if we were banned because a few idiots got careless. To never get to say goodbye properly would haunt me for the rest of my life. :cry: We can't let this happen. What should we do?
The entire mausoleum is a tomb for many bodies. Don't get caught up in semantics. This is wrong, it is vandalism and desecration. If people feel free and happy to leave positive messages, other people will feel free and happy to leave negative ones. This must stop. These were selfish acts by people who wanted to show off to someone that they had been to the mausoleum. If you care and want to express your condolences volunteer or donate to a cause Michael supported.

Whether the messages are positive or not, it is hugely disrespectful to Michael and other people and their relatives who are interned there. They are being really selfish and letting the side down.

Agree. A thomb or not a thomb is not the issue. The main issue here is that is the resting place to people and all of them and their families deserve respect.

I wonder what these people would feel if they ever go visiting the resting place of their mothers/fathers/brothers and find out an stranger has left "messages" on the grave, stones, etc. How would you feel? :no:

I wouldn't blame Forest Lawn if they prevent acess to the entrance and start restricting who is going in.
Unfortunately, people like these are giving them excellent reasons to do so. And they keep doing it time after time. For the rest of us who have not been there, and who are making plans to visit FL at least once in our lives, well... this is really bad.
I bet it the works of those damned haters there. I swear to god if I ever met or saw any MJ haters I'm gonna punch and spit right into their faces I will.
This is so disrespectful. I heard about this yesterday. I was so mad, I can't believe "fans" would do this!! They are going to ruin it for the rest of us. Show some respect!!!!!!!
Incredibly disrespectful.

Also, how sad that a few thoughtless 'fans' spoil it for the rest of us.
Each time something like this happens, ALL fans will be tarred with the same brush by FL.
This types of fans are not part of our fan community or any other community. Even though that write a message of love to me its more of a hidden agenda. If any serious fan that respects MJ and the policies of FL would know better.
This really has upset me. This behavior this totally out of disrespect! Shame on YOU!
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that means we have tmz troll on every forum.SMH

Yes, of course, they are everywhere looking for something they can use to get people's attention and to make MJ or his fans or his family like a joke. And you see: later they had the version of the fans from South California, which adds up to the party and gives them more material to turn this into another of their stupid stories. If someone wants to clean, it's fine, but let's try to stop the circus -_-
Of course TMZ trawl through boards such as this and other boards to get the latest MJ news. Us fans are essentially their sources.
I bet it the works of those damned haters there. I swear to god if I ever met or saw any MJ haters I'm gonna punch and spit right into their faces I will.

I understand your feelings, but the world isn't only made of "haters"... and not every fan knows something about *respect*.
Sadly, you would be surprised at what some fans would say of what's "right" and what's "wrong", believe me...
I understand your feelings, but the world isn't only made of "haters"... and not every fan knows something about *respect*.
Sadly, you would be surprised at what some fans would say of what's "right" and what's "wrong", believe me...

I hope that soon the supposed 'fans' that wrote those messages will soon know that what they did was wholly unacceptable.