MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

at Forest Lawn in Glendale, CA is on the lookout for "fans" who have been writing messages in hard-to-spot places outside the main window of the building in which MJ is entombed.

The writing is mostly hidden underneath ledges -- or in spots covered by bushes -- and contains messages like, "Miss you" and "Keep the dream alive."

Reps at Forest Lawn are pretty ticked off -- telling TMZ, "Activity such as this, is a prime example why we are evaluating the level of access to the various entrances of the Great Mausoleum."

Forest Lawn also tells us that anyone caught vandalizing the cemetery will be banned for life.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/07/12/micha...-park-graffiti-marker-cemetery/#ixzz0taOCFKS8

Sorry if it's aready been posted..But to those people who did this..You stupid stupid individuals..Firstly you are vandializing and secondly you show NO respect to michael or the place he is lying..What selfish, dillusional and ignorant people..Graffitti makes me angry but this self absorbed way to put yourself above other mj fans knowing full well those messages would not rub off is just disrespectful to everyone...You have now jepordized visits from fans just for your own pathethic motives...Sickens me that because they alll knew what they were doing and took no one else into consideration.Your thinking that you are entitled to write these comments or even think you are more important than others is just sad and you all didn't deserve to go there imo
disgusting. I hope they catch them in the act and throw the book at them. Michael passing away is not a license to go crazy and start defacing buildings.
how disrespectful ! I hope this doesn't ruin it for the fans who actually respect the Forrest lawn property while visiting. I understand they want to leave something for Michael but don't vandalize property! Put some flowers outside or something.
do these fans not care about other fans having access to the grounds. cause things will change if they continue.
well, im just relieved at least they're writing messages of L.O.V.E.

lets be glad it's not something else...
Why can't some people be respectful for once? I understand they are fans who are missing Michael but it's totally inappropriate and disrespectful to vandalize his resting place with graffiti. This disgusts me. They have no business writing on the walls, didn't their parents ever teach them not to do that when they were little?

These types of people are seriously ruining privileges for the fans who actually want to visit Michael peacefully and pay their respects to him. There are many fans who would love to visit his resting place in the future and because of selfish, rude people like this, their chances might be taken away.
I heard about this yesterday from someone over on FaceBook. I wish people could see that you have the option to write on paper etc. your love & admiration 4 Michael. :(
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well, im just relieved at least they're writing messages of L.O.V.E.

lets be glad it's not something else...
true. thats what i wondered when i first saw the thread title
i think they need to put some kind of booklet where people can write their thought,there was one in neverland .but then it is mausoleum ,we need to respect that .

at Forest Lawn in Glendale, CA is on the lookout for "fans" who have been writing messages in hard-to-spot places outside the main window of the building in which MJ is entombed.

The writing is mostly hidden underneath ledges -- or in spots covered by bushes -- and contains messages like, "Miss you" and "Keep the dream alive."

Reps at Forest Lawn are pretty ticked off -- telling TMZ, "Activity such as this, is a prime example why we are evaluating the level of access to the various entrances of the Great Mausoleum."

Forest Lawn also tells us that anyone caught vandalizing the cemetery will be banned for life.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/07/12/micha...-park-graffiti-marker-cemetery/#ixzz0taOCFKS8

Sorry if it's aready been posted..But to those people who did this..You stupid stupid individuals..Firstly you are vandializing and secondly you show NO respect to michael or the place he is lying..What selfish, dillusional and ignorant people..Graffitti makes me angry but this self absorbed way to put yourself above other mj fans knowing full well those messages would not rub off is just disrespectful to everyone...You have now jepordized visits from fans just for your own pathethic motives...Sickens me that because they alll knew what they were doing and took no one else into consideration.Your thinking that you are entitled to write these comments or even think you are more important than others is just sad and you all didn't deserve to go there imo

Dedicated to: YOU "know" who YOU are...WE ARE NOT PLEASED...:no: "SHAME ON YOU..!"

What is going to happen is no one is going to be allowed to even go to the door.

I'm pretty sure Jim Morrisson does not think it is "cool" that "fans" write all over his tomb stone. I am certain Michael Jackson wouldn't think so. Grow up.
I wouldnt be bothered if it was only normal buildings. Like just little messages or even a HUGE image on a random building. I think that would be cool. Just kinda disrespectful, inconsiderate and selfish to do it where he is resting.
i think they need to put some kind of booklet where people can write their thought,there was one in neverland .but then it is mausoleum ,we need to respect that .

That's a good idea. Kind of like the guest books they provide at funeral homes. Except besides writing their name, they can also write a short message.
If those were fans, well, that ain't cool at all.

But, it wouldn't surprise me if those were some other prankster/haters that wanted to pull a fast one on Michael. I'd be cautious, could be just someone trying to stir the s**t pot once more to show how "rabid" we are.

In either case, graffiti like that is just not the way to go.

By the way, the entire building is now a "tomb"?

I'm pretty sure Jim Morrisson does not think it is "cool" that "fans" write all over his tomb stone. I am certain Michael Jackson wouldn't think so. Grow up.
i wouldnt worry they arent aware of it and no ones writing on the tomb
Urgh, its this type of behaviour that puts us all in a bad light. There are plenty of books for people to write tributes, who on earth writes messages on a cemetry wall?
What is going to happen is no one is going to be allowed to even go to the door.

yeap u can see it coming. not that its really possible to police. but ppl need to think about this b4 they do such things always a few that ruin it for everyone else
If those were fans, well, that ain't cool at all.

But, it wouldn't surprise me if those were some other prankster/haters that wanted to pull a fast one on Michael. I'd be cautious, could be just someone trying to stir the s**t pot once more to show how "rabid" we are.

In either case, graffiti like that is just not the way to go.

By the way, the entire building is now a "tomb"?

yup at least for tmz
It's no surprise though. It's not like they wrote anything bad. Besides, it's on some wall, not on the tomb.

But security getting tighter? I thought they allready were pretty thight. Where's he's put to rest it's clearly "fans off limits".

We can still get to the front doors right? Front door, lawn, parking lot, people will come as close as they can anyway. And many want to leave a little behind, that's why they wrote. I understand them though (if it came from their hearts etc)
It doesn't matter if the thoughts and action came from the heart, the head or the
toes. That area is Michael's final resting place; it is appalling that anyone would
think to do this. It is totally disrespectful, infantile, shows no common sense and
is unthinkably selfish. How do you think Michael's children feel about that? Are
your needs and feelings more important than theirs?

Ugh! just grow up.
its not on his tomb its the building outside. media hype
it's a shame ! how can someone be fan and so disrespectful at the same time ? there are so many ways to show their love why do this kind of thing so inappropriate in a such place ? I hope people won't do a mixed with all fans, I'm very sad
Strange that TMZ writes an article about this right after we started talking about it in the other thread.