MJ is leaving the UK

Here some pics of Michael leaving his hotel with his children




thank you,
I hope we can see him also in Lax airport.
dont think so, one of my friends tried to but her camera jammed, I managed to get a photo and no before you ask, Im not putting it online, sorry. There were also 2 paps there who got some good photos so Im sure these photos will appear online at some stage

oh right, cool :)

dont think so, one of my friends tried to but her camera jammed, I managed to get a photo and no before you ask, Im not putting it online, sorry. There were also 2 paps there who got some good photos so Im sure these photos will appear online at some stage

Here some pics of Michael leaving his hotel with his children




these are the photos I was talking about, the pap who took them was standing right beside me. In fact the ones where he is looking right into the camera he is probably looking at me as I was screaming and madly waving cards, trying to get him to come to the barriers
just have to say its not only UK fans who have been in London this week. There were fans from

The Netherlands
Czech Republic
and Im sure there were Italian fans too

Also, fans travelled from all over the UK, many travelling over 4 hours by train, bus or by car

God Bless all these fans!!!!!!!!!!!

This shoulda been reported all over the damn news!!!!!!!!
hi everyone and to moonstreet and man in the mirror thanks for the the info last night and for getting me out of bed this morning lol. now back home back infront of my comp. i was there this morning aswell. nice to see him leave but the camera video messed up lol oh well those are great pics on the board anyway and im in contact with the guy who who took some other pics think it was his mate that took these and he said he would email what he had. so i will post if hes true to his word.it was nice to see mj leave as i havnt done in a while he looked real nice jsut shame he didnt fancy a little walk about lol. just after mj left mark lester and family left in their car so i guess they spent the night at the hotel aswell.
Here some pics of Michael leaving his hotel with his children


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: From the distance it looks like Prince would be giving the fans the finger!!! :lmao: :lmao: Toooooo funny!! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

Aaaww...MJ looks GORGEOUS!!! :stretcher I still can't believe he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME just the other DAY! :woohoo: :woohoo: You'd never think it would be possible, but he looks even MORE gorgeous close up than in pics and videos...!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: I mean, he is absolutely GORGEOUS when you see him in pictures...but he looks even BETTER when you see him close up!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :wub::wub::wub: :stretcher :stretcher :stretcher

There were fans from the USA as well....

Hi to all the great fans I met!!! Moonstreet (You're so sweet! Thanks for all your help with the tube and everything! :)), elusive moonwalker, man in the mirror (Your "precious" tea cup getting stomped on at the hotel STILL cracks me up!!! :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: I should have filmed it!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:), dolores82, Maya, Baby Bubbles, LORRAINE!!!!!!!!! (was sooooooo great to finally meet you!!!!! And your girls!!!! You guys are great!!! *hugs* Say hi to the girls for me! :)), DUTCHIEEEEE......(I took him to the SPPPPAAAAAAA.....it gets hot...it gets steamy and it goes DIIIIIINNNNGGGGG...Am I pissing you off fa faaa.....Jeff fa faaaa.... :toofunny: :toofunny: Can't believe we finally met!! You're gorgeous! :)) .
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Michael is absolutely beautiful in these pictures, especially the first one (imo). His hair is so gorgeous, brings back memories from the 90's.

He is Beaming! I think seeing all the fans and feeling all that love, mustv'e really touched his soul( once again).

Thanks again to all the fans that traveled to be with him and thanks to those who unselfishly reported back to us!

You Guys Rock, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again to all the fans that traveled to be with him and thanks to those who unselfishly reported back to us!

You Guys Rock, BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think we can say that enough. I ALSO want to thank all of the fans who showed MJ so much love. I'm sure he appreciated it and so do I. You guy's did us proud, I'm so happy to be a part of the Michael Jackson Fan Community.
Thanks again to all the fans that traveled to be with him and thanks to those who unselfishly reported back to us!
the pleasure was all ours except for standing outside freezing our bits off for 12hrs. its so nice to be inside and warm lol. love you mike even if you stress the hell out of me lol
the pleasure was all ours except for standing outside freezing our bits off for 12hrs. its so nice to be inside and warm lol. love you mike even if you stress the hell out of me lol

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's why I said...it's "Michael Jackson Boot Camp" at it's finest. :toofunny: :toofunny: No sleeping, no eating or drinking all day...standing around for HOURS until your whole body is sore ...and trying to keep warm in the freezing cold. :cheers: But so worth it every single time you get to se MJ!! :yes:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: From the distance it looks like Prince would be giving the fans the finger!!! :lmao: :lmao: Toooooo funny!! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

Aaaww...MJ looks GORGEOUS!!! :stretcher I still can't believe he was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME just the other DAY! :woohoo: :woohoo: You'd never think it would be possible, but he looks even MORE gorgeous close up than in pics and videos...!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: I mean, he is absolutely GORGEOUS when you see him in pictures...but he looks even BETTER when you see him close up!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :wub::wub::wub: :stretcher :stretcher :stretcher

There were fans from the USA as well....

Hi to all the great fans I met!!! Moonstreet (You're so sweet! Thanks for all your help with the tube and everything! :)), elusive moonwalker, man in the mirror (Your "precious" tea cup getting stomped on at the hotel STILL cracks me up!!! :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: I should have filmed it!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:), dolores82, LORRAINE!!!!!!!!! (was sooooooo great to finally meet you!!!!! And your girls!!!! You guys are great!!! *hugs* Say hi to the girls for me! :)), DUTCHIEEEEE......(I took him to the SPPPPAAAAAAA.....it gets hot...it gets steamy and it goes DIIIIIINNNNGGGGG...Am I pissing you off fa faaa.....Jeff fa faaaa.... :toofunny: :toofunny: Can't believe we finally met!! You're gorgeous! :)) .

That's what I thought too!!! lol. Yeah, I bet he's gorgeous in person too!

Awwww...wish I coulda been there with all the fans and MJJCers :wub:

And thanks to everyone who posted pics!!!!:D
big hello to summer elusive moonwalker and moonstreet mjspyt1 god i miss you all so much cant wait for michael to come back so i can see you guys again

all my love

luke xxxxx

i miss my tea cup :(
By the way one store at the airport kept playing MJ's music non stop. I had some time left and was bored so I went into the store and then heard they are playing "I Just Can't Stop Loving You", so I just wandered around and pretended to look at things. Then after that "The Way You Make Me Feel" was on and I was like "I CAN'T LEAVE NOW!!", so I kept looking at everything reeeeeallly carefully like I was truly interested. :lol: And once I couldn't pretend I am shopping any longer I just grabbed a water bottle and bought that. Then I saw there are seats right in front of the store, so I just parked myself there and kept listening. And once TWYMMF ended, they played "Dirty Diana" then "Smooth Criminal", then "Earth Song, "Break of Dawn", "You Are Not Alone" and "Whatever Happens"...but I had to leave by then so I don't know what other songs they played. But I was like "YESSS!!!". I bet the people who worked there were fans! :lol: I was like "I hope I won't end up missing my flight from daydreaming to MJ's music and losing the track of time!!" :toofunny: :toofunny:

Man In the Mirror...at least you got a pic of your cup before it got stomped on!! :toofunny: OMG, it was so funny! Not only did the guy pick it up with the other trash, but had to stomp on it too...toooo funny! :lmao: :lmao: Should have done "before and after" photos!! :lmao: :lmao:
lol Surely there were folks waiting for him :unsure: No word on a safe arrival home?
Yes, it is rather strange no pap photos of Michael arriving back in U.S.

The plane he was photographed getting off of in UK appeared to be a smaller private jet. If he returned in the same plane, maybe he flew into one of the other airports, not LAX? John Wayne or even one of the other even smaller landing fields?
he flew by private jet so i guess its hard to be there to meet him its not like he was on a certain flight from heathrow and u knew what time it was due in. he could have flown anywhere
I hope and pray he got home safe and sound - him and his whole little family. They are all cute....especially Blankie.
I hope he can rest. And then he can start organizing the setlist and rehearse.

Maybe he flew somewhere else and didn't go home straight away? USA fans should be hoping he flew to New York to work out some dates on U.S. soil. lol :fear:
I wonder where he went!

To L.A. to rehearse maybe!