MJ is leaving the UK

Haha, I was planning on finishing my thesis in July lol. And getting an internship for the summer. I really need something worthwhile on my CV. What am I gonna put on it now? "2009: Attended This Is IT"?
hahaha! yeah, we could add this as "being very patient and not giving up after long waits" LOL

But seriously, July-September for me is the most crucial period as I'm submitting my PhD thesis around September! Dammit! Aaaaagh!!!!! Now my only hope is that the demand will be so big he'll be forced to stay until December at least! lol
hahaha! yeah, we could add this as "being very patient and not giving up after long waits" LOL

But seriously, July-September for me is the most crucial period as I'm submitting my PhD thesis around September! Dammit! Aaaaagh!!!!! Now my only hope is that the demand will be so big he'll be forced to stay until December at least! lol

We can also add "Coming up with ingenious ticket buying schemes" - that has to be useful to some future employer?:D

At least you're submitting in Sept. I'm supposed to submit in July!
just back home, I was at Michael's hotel this morning, he left around 10.30 am, the luggage was brought out first, then the kids wearing masks and then Michael. The white car he arrived in was parked by the the door, and when the car door was opened it make a kinda walkway against one of the pillars. He didnt come over to the barriers just went straight to the car. When we screamed, he stood up in the car and waved to us for a few seconds. When he got into the car, he opened the back window abit and we could see him and the kids. Fans were able to put letters and cards though the window. The car pulled out onto the main road, and stopped at a red light. Michael still had the window open. Then when the light changed the car just joined in the main traffic.

Fans did get into a taxi and tried to follow him but lost him on the motorway.

He is defiantly leaving The Uk, he went back to the same airport he arrived at.
was sad to see him leave this morning but i got a wave and he looked right at me i then chased his car knocking on the glass and he looked me in the eyes smiling almost mademy heart stop!

meeting his children or at least seeing them has been the best part of the trip i hadnt seen them for about 5 years its amazing to see how much they have grown
was sad to see him leave this morning but i got a wave and he looked right at me i then chased his car knocking on the glass and he looked me in the eyes smiling almost mademy heart stop!

meeting his children or at least seeing them has been the best part of the trip i hadnt seen them for about 5 years its amazing to see how much they have grown

I wish to thank all the fans in London who so faithfully reported
information back to the rest of Michael Jackson's fans worldwide.
You did an excellent job. :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
was sad to see him leave this morning but i got a wave and he looked right at me i then chased his car knocking on the glass and he looked me in the eyes smiling almost mademy heart stop!

meeting his children or at least seeing them has been the best part of the trip i hadnt seen them for about 5 years its amazing to see how much they have grown

wow that sounds amazing!!

did people video him leaving?
I'm glad he's going back, it was gettin a lil crazy there, lol. Not sure what happens from here on after, but I agree with all who need's to work, study, work. Have to finish all my courses till August, so I can enter 11th grade private school.

Anyway, here's to the future!
wow that sounds amazing!!

did people video him leaving?

dont think so, one of my friends tried to but her camera jammed, I managed to get a photo and no before you ask, Im not putting it online, sorry. There were also 2 paps there who got some good photos so Im sure these photos will appear online at some stage
I've got my January A-level exam results coming out this coming Thursday and than another set of A-level exams in May/June and I'll probably be taking a driving test around the same time. At the minute though, I can't seem to concentrate on anything else but tickets :bugeyed
I wish to thank all the fans in London who so faithfully reported
information back to the rest of Michael Jackson's fans worldwide.
You did an excellent job. :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

thank you everybody ::clapping::
Fans did get into a taxi and tried to follow him but lost him on the motorway.
and this is how dangerous situations occur.

glad u got to see him leave moonstreet! and keep that photo for urself! lol it'llbe passed around the net in a hot minute if u share it.
I hear you all. I had to take time off from my studies to keep up with how fast my ~MJIB~Co. has been growing over the years.

A safe trip home for our dear MJJ and Lil'Angels.

Haha, I was planning on finishing my thesis in July lol. And getting an internship for the summer. I really need something worthwhile on my CV. What am I gonna put on it now? "2009: Attended This Is IT"?

hahaha! yeah, we could add this as "being very patient and not giving up after long waits" LOL

But seriously, July-September for me is the most crucial period as I'm submitting my PhD thesis around September! Dammit! Aaaaagh!!!!! Now my only hope is that the demand will be so big he'll be forced to stay until December at least! lol

We can also add "Coming up with ingenious ticket buying schemes" - that has to be useful to some future employer?:D

At least you're submitting in Sept. I'm supposed to submit in July!

You guys are crazy!!!!! LOL
I had to spend a little less time on here the last week cause all my school work was piling up!!!! :no: You guys have it rough, I'm just getting my Biology degree (although it aint easy!!)

I wonder what's next for him. Either go home and relax, interviews, or rehearsals....hmmm.... just gotta wait and see I guess
Man i've got my exams in May/June...i'm gonna have to be sooo disciplined.
sux for u guys....lol i can semi concentrate cuz he's on the other side of the pond..but if he was like 100 miles away doing this, i'dbe there front and cetre and probably out of a job! lol
Man i've got my exams in May/June...i'm gonna have to be sooo disciplined.

exactly I'm in the same position but I'm planning on using it as motivation, if I don't do the studying and do well I won't be seeing Michael Jackson which is not an option:eek: lol Hope we both do well!
Aw, well I hope Michael and his children have a safe trip back home. I wonder where he is going, lol. Well, we will see him around! :D
Safe journey home Michael and family, can't wait until July. Thank you to all those who posted to keep us informed.Thank you Moonstreet for the info about when he left the hotel. Wished I could have been there but I have only just got home from work.
Glad for the UK fans :flowers:

just have to say its not only UK fans who have been in London this week. There were fans from

The Netherlands
Czech Republic
and Im sure there were Italian fans too

Also, fans travelled from all over the UK, many travelling over 4 hours by train, bus or by car
Here some pics of Michael leaving his hotel with his children


