MJ interview for Invincilble. They called the album great.

When you listen to "Invincible", you can hear it has a higher quality of sound production then other albums, plane and simple. It's a high quality piece of work, whether you liked it or not. And it sold very well, especially when you acknowledge that promotion was so poor.
I wouldn't call the promotion for invincible bad. It just wasn't the same as previous albums

There was no promotion from Sony to begin with. MJ did his part and it was Sony's turn to do the rest and they did not. I didn't think it was MJ's best CD musically, but it was a good album. Def. the best CD of that year, hands down.
oh, wow, that video brings back memories, cant believe it was 7 years ago, what a crazy week!

got phone call from a friend on friday 2 November

booked flights and hotel saturday 3 november

arrived JFK airport 6 pm tuesday 6 November

joined queue in Times Square 8 pm, after mad dash from airport to hotel and back out to Times Square

was number 155 in the queue

Stayed out all night in queue,

by 8am next morning queue was from the front door of Virgin Megastore on Times Square, all the way down West 46th Street to Avenue of America's and back up West 44th street

9am, 500 laminated pases were given out.

10.30am only people with laminated pases are allowed into Virgin Megastore and queue in single file around 2 floors of the shop.

2pm Michael arrives, brings Times Square to a standstill and is interviewed in Virgin Megastore by Carson Daly.

2.30pm approx live broadcast of the cd signing online

6.30pm approx Michael leaves Virgin Megastore

Thursday 8 November
approx 10 fans meet Michael in the evening at his hotel when he goes shopping

Friday 9 November
fly home to Ireland
I can't understand why some fans can't accept that some of us just think the album is mediocre, regardless critics, sales, promotion etc. I can accept that some of you think it's great.
I think Invincible is a fantastic album!!!

It's sold like 10 million copies worldwide, thats a huge success but because Michael's albums are all like 20-30 million (apart from Thriller = 104 million), it's looked down upon...

God Bless Michael! :wub:
what alot of you dont relaise cos you were not around, the first 6 to 9 months of 2001 was such an exciting time.

February Michael launched Heal The Kids with an amazing speech in Carnegie Hall, New York

March he spent a week in London, and gave another amazing speech at Oxford Union.

April The MSG concerts were announced and tickets went on sale

July / August YRMW was leaked on the radio

September 2 MSG concerts

October Invincible is released

November cd signing


after all the build up, concerts signings etc, 2002 fell completly flat

radio stations were refusing to play YRMY and I know this for a fact, cos I was part of the fan campain who would ring up radio stations and request it. I was told by dj's they would lose listeners, and they didnt even have a copy in the studio!

Invincible was not even avaiablel to buy as music shops were not even recieving the shipments

thas why alot of fans were soo disapointed with Invincible. At the start of 2001, it looked like the Michaelmania of History, Dangerous was back, a new album was on the way, Michael was out and about, and performing again.

By early 2002, it was obvious that due to whatever reasons, things had gone wrong betwen Michael and Sony and Invincible suffered.

To me I think Invincible is an amazing album, probally the most personal other than History. Invincible represnts very happy time in my life. But to many who felt frustrated when Sony Wars happened, it represents a time when promises were broken and many feel cheated out of the Michael mania that had been building up
i always said that its one of my fav albums specially cause it has those amazing calmer songs on it like speechless heaven can wait and those i love all of them oits the album i listen to the most
I can't understand why some fans can't accept that some of us just think the album is mediocre, regardless critics, sales, promotion etc. I can accept that some of you think it's great.

Agreed. When compared to the other solo albums, I felt Invincible was just average. I like Unbreakable, Break of Dawn, Heaven Can Wait, You Rock My World, Butterflies, and Whatever Happens but that is it from the album I skip through a good portion of tracks on here compared to past solo albums like Bad and Dangerous. To me, the album lacks substance. I feel like I start to get it with Butterflies but then whatever is there gets lost. The album just feels like it is missing something...Maybe I am thinking of consistency. It also doesn't help when most of the album is not radio friendly either. I think that something was up with Invincible regarding its promotion. I don't know if I would entirely blame Sony. I'm not sure if maybe Michael realized that as a whole the album wasn't as good as his past albums and wasn't going to sell like Dangerous, Bad etc. so he decided to create a diversion and blame Sony for the album's mediocrity. I don't know, that is just a thought. The album just didn't meet the general publics expectations and rightfully so because it wasn't as good as what he has put out before. Yeah, you can say the album sold 10 million copies, that IS great especially in todays world. But when you're dealing with Michael Jackson, that is a dissapointment.
oh, wow, that video brings back memories, cant believe it was 7 years ago, what a crazy week!

got phone call from a friend on friday 2 November

booked flights and hotel saturday 3 november

arrived JFK airport 6 pm tuesday 6 November

joined queue in Times Square 8 pm, after mad dash from airport to hotel and back out to Times Square

was number 155 in the queue

Stayed out all night in queue,

by 8am next morning queue was from the front door of Virgin Megastore on Times Square, all the way down West 46th Street to Avenue of America's and back up West 44th street

9am, 500 laminated pases were given out.

10.30am only people with laminated pases are allowed into Virgin Megastore and queue in single file around 2 floors of the shop.

2pm Michael arrives, brings Times Square to a standstill and is interviewed in Virgin Megastore by Carson Daly.

2.30pm approx live broadcast of the cd signing online

6.30pm approx Michael leaves Virgin Megastore

Thursday 8 November
approx 10 fans meet Michael in the evening at his hotel when he goes shopping

Friday 9 November
fly home to Ireland

please tell me you have pix cause i sure would love to see them:D
The album is great.. it's the bad press that effected peoples opinions... (more so than the actual album)

yes..i'm willing to bet that most of those people if not all, affected by bad press and saying bad things about it, have a copy of it.
what alot of you dont relaise cos you were not around, the first 6 to 9 months of 2001 was such an exciting time.

February Michael launched Heal The Kids with an amazing speech in Carnegie Hall, New York

March he spent a week in London, and gave another amazing speech at Oxford Union.

April The MSG concerts were announced and tickets went on sale

July / August YRMW was leaked on the radio

September 2 MSG concerts

October Invincible is released

November cd signing


after all the build up, concerts signings etc, 2002 fell completly flat

radio stations were refusing to play YRMY and I know this for a fact, cos I was part of the fan campain who would ring up radio stations and request it. I was told by dj's they would lose listeners, and they didnt even have a copy in the studio!

Invincible was not even avaiablel to buy as music shops were not even recieving the shipments

thas why alot of fans were soo disapointed with Invincible. At the start of 2001, it looked like the Michaelmania of History, Dangerous was back, a new album was on the way, Michael was out and about, and performing again.

By early 2002, it was obvious that due to whatever reasons, things had gone wrong betwen Michael and Sony and Invincible suffered.

To me I think Invincible is an amazing album, probally the most personal other than History. Invincible represnts very happy time in my life. But to many who felt frustrated when Sony Wars happened, it represents a time when promises were broken and many feel cheated out of the Michael mania that had been building up

of course. people wanna 'balance out' with the negative comments on the cd. but they seem to be here to do it. it's the last cd he made thus far, and people always say you are only as good as your last hit, yet a lot of the naysayers are still on this forum, after that last hit so..so much for that saying.
i like the album, i think its a poor effort. and dont blast me becuase i think that! He said its a great album becuase MJ was sitting in front of him
i like the album, i think its a poor effort. and dont blast me becuase i think that! He said its a great album becuase MJ was sitting in front of him

maybe he actually thought it was a great album. are you judging other peoples' thoughts by yours?