MJ interview for Invincilble. They called the album great.

Yeah, that's true. Sony just killed it dead in the water, they didn't even give it a chance, and then Michael's life just fell in to a really dark place following it. That does make it sad, especially when so many of the songs are actually so positive in nature.
yeap. even i dont like listening to alot of the album cause its frankly depressing knowing what happened. thats an example there
I suppose those of us who were never involved in the campaign came withfresh minds. i love the album and listemned to it so much that I just overdosed myself. I get very upset when I hear people talk badly of it as if it must be a failure because they say so.
Hahahaha! They put on the You Rock My World video infront of Michael, and the music video came on place #7! Haha!

"And here is You Rock My World on number 7"
*Michaels look*
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That's another thing that people diss. The video for "YRMW" is really good. The dancing was excellent. It's just that Michael was forced in to it and rushed through it so he couldn't do everything he wanted. But it still blew everyone elses efforts out of the water.
Hahahaha! They put on the You Rock My World video infront of Michael, and the music video came on place #7! Haha!

"And here is You Rock My World on number 7"
*Michaels look*

Micheal's videos should always be #1 because he makes the best videos, even when he's not making them.
Other videos have never been up to his standard. "They know the truth".

Oh yeah, he is filling out that track suit ptrtty good too.
Invincible is a MASTERPIECE (say what u will..music lovers know what i mean) I hate the fact its so under-rated. because the album is amazing and i listen 2 it daily. Dont wlk away..omg 4rm start 2 finish that album..was jsut wow...it derserves a grammy lol
It's a shame what happened with Invincible. It seems to get a bad rap, and it shouldn't. The vocals are excellent, and the songs are solid.

I agree that it's underrated.
One thing I've noticed with Michael's albums is that they are always very different from the previous one released, and I think that's a big part of the reason why both fans and non-fans don't like it at first. From my personal experience, Michael's Dangerous and Invincible album both came as a shock to me because of how totally different they were from the other albums. People expect it to be a certain way, and when it's not what they expected, they automatically don't like it. To be honest, I didn't really like both of those albums at first, but once I listened to them a couple of times, I fell in love with them. lol
I wish people would understand that Michael does NOT release crap albums. Michael is a perfectionist and would not let a new album be released that he believes is half-assed. They just take some time to adjust to, and once you do, you'll wonder why you disliked it to begin with. :yes:
Michael doesn't stick in the past. He is always moving forward and trying new things, and I believe that that's one of the biggest reasons why he has so many younger fans and his fanbase is always growing. :yes:
Sorry this is so long! I hope I didn't bore anyone lol
You're right about that Megan. All of Michael's albums have a totally different sound to any of his previous work, and that's part of what is so appealing about him as an aritst. His ability to create a new sound with each album. I mean, the two albums that sound most similar are "OTW" and "Thriller", but even those two sound nothing alike, when you really listen to them. And of course "Bad" sound's nothing like "Thriller", "Dangerous" nothing like "Bad", "History" nothing like "Dangerous" and "Invincible" nothing like "History". I think that should be admired, that Michael is able to consistently create new and innovative sounds.
You're right about that Megan. All of Michael's albums have a totally different sound to any of his previous work, and that's part of what is so appealing about him as an aritst. His ability to create a new sound with each album. I mean, the two albums that sound most similar are "OTW" and "Thriller", but even those two sound nothing alike, when you really listen to them. And of course "Bad" sound's nothing like "Thriller", "Dangerous" nothing like "Bad", "History" nothing like "Dangerous" and "Invincible" nothing like "History". I think that should be admired, that Michael is able to consistently create new and innovative sounds.

This is strange.
I just posted in a different thread how the albums sound very similar from Dangerous onward.
I think the structure of the songs on Vince sound very much like those on Dangerous.

Sure the sounds used are different, but the type of beat is actually very similar on many of the songs, particularly Privacy. There are few that were different tho (Butterflies is a good example).
Also, the fast songs tend to have a rap added to the middle for no apparent reason. It's not like the song is always a genuine collaboration with famous rappers, Mike seems to think a random rapper needs to be added to the middle of the song. He's been doing it since Dangerous and it's boring.

Even the subjects of the songs are incredibly simlar.
The songs are as follows:
fast songs about women: Can't let her get away, TWYMMF, Heartbreaker
slow songs about women: shes out of my life, give in to me, you are not alone, butterflies
heal the world type songs: (Cry, HEal The World, Earth Song, Man In The Mirror)
Songs about being dogged by the media: (Leave Me Alone, Why You Wanna Trip On Me, Tabloid Junkie, Privacy)
Defiant songs / Songs saying how 'bad' he is: Beat It, BAD, This Time Around, Unbreakable & Threatened

It's almost like a checklist of what an MJ album will contain. I hope the same pattern isn't used on the next one because to be honest I got bored of Vince real quick because it was too formulaic.

This is only my opinion, so don't know me down too much guys! LOL
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invincible was dope album no doubt, but still to this day i think there were too many fillers.

people thaty are saying each album had a new sound, what exactly do you mean? if its regarding productiion then lets not forget his album have been released in like complete different eras of sound, so of course the album production wise will sound very different
Yeah, I loved Invincible too. I just wish it could have been accepted more like all his other albums (and I wonder how started the whole 'MJ makes crap albums' sh*t cause people should now by now that Michael makes sure that whats on his album is GOOD music).

Anyway I'm glad all that mess from 7-8 years ago has been done and done, so there should be no worries for this new album (and we'll be more open and ready for whatever he brings to the plate) :yes:
The overall sound and feel of all of Michael's albums is very different from one another. Of course certain subject matters are going to be similarly themed, because it's the same person making the songs. He'll write about subjects which concern him or are relivent. But You can't tell me that "History" sound's like "Dangerous" or "Invincible", for example. Michael indeed has a distinct style to his song writing, that's true. But the overall feel and direction of each album has been very different from one another.
Hahahaha! They put on the You Rock My World video infront of Michael, and the music video came on place #7! Haha!

"And here is You Rock My World on number 7"
*Michaels look*

yeah from what i remember You Rock My World actually got a lot of airplay on TRL.
Im sorry...but I really think Invincilble is a boring album. it sounds like he was trying to hard to make grate songs. but I dont think he made it. they are overproduced.
the only song I can listen to is the song Invincilble.
is this going to be another thread about IF Invincible was good or not???

drop that crap... Every time Invincible comes up it turns to that.. People cannot even talk about Invincible without some people bagging on it..

If you did not like the album, ok.. I understand, It just did not do it for you.

The Title of the thread says that they called the album GREAT.

We should be celibrating the fact that it got recognition as a great album by someone.. Not discredit the album more.. Sony and the media has done that enough.. Why would we add to it...

I'm not saying never add your opinion on Invincible..

But don't ALWAYS turn the term INVINCIBLE negitive..

It sold over 10 million copies with VERY little promotion.. That shows something GOOD came out of it..

(I might not be including YOU as an individual) but if Invincible got great promotion, it would have sold much more.. and if it sold more with great promotion, SO MANY more people would think BETTER towards the album.. It would have been excepted much better.

It's more of the bad press surrounding Invincible that really effects peoples mind.. YES even us fans..
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well i think invincible was a good album based on MJ written the most on this album based on his previous studio albums. I think that invincible didnt have the MJ Stamp on it like the others but it was still dope he was going for a more r&b style
Excellent! The album IS Great! IMO I like the variety. The heavily layered pop songs, the smooth R and B songs, and the short folksy songs like speechless and lost children. To me the album is almost like a compilation of MJs personality.
I agree with you KOPV. I started the thread but I left it when the bashing started. If I had done a piece of work and listen to people bash it like this I would be retisent to do anymore. I would have my confidence knocked out of me.

It is one thing to say it was not my favlourite album or to say I didn't like any of the songs on the album,. but to call it crap and to down it completely, not only insults Michael, but also the number of fans who do like it.
Many of the people who claim that the album is crap, will say that they like 3 or more songs on the album. How can the album be crap if you like some of the songs on it. It seems to me that some people are just bashing because they see it as the thing to do. I wonder when is tha last time they actually listened to the album.
I love Invincible. When people call in crap and what ever, I feel as idf they imply that I do not have good taste in music.
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I don´t call it crap I call it boring. but again it is only my opinion. I can understand that other people like it. good for them:)
The album is great.. it's the bad press that effected peoples opinions... (more so than the actual album)
If I hear this one more time... Can't a fan just think it's only OK. I do. It has NOTHING to do with press (because I've read good ones and bad) and it has NOTHING to do with sales. I just think it's an mediocre album. Some good tunes some bad and some fillers.
why the heck would you call invincible a bad (no, not related to BAD) album. Some people don't know the music will change by years. Invincible was very early with these modern songs, today you hear almost everywhere those songs like they were on invincible. This isn't the 80s anymore!!!
Today you need fresh complicated songs, no more simple songs like the 80s.
why the heck would you call invincible a bad (no, not related to BAD) album. Some people don't know the music will change by years. Invincible was very early with these modern songs, today you hear almost everywhere those songs like they were on invincible. This isn't the 80s anymore!!!
Today you need fresh complicated songs, no more simple songs like the 80s.

still don´t like it. even if it makes me really unhipp;)
Gosh, I don't know what to say about some fans... if it wasn't your icing on the cake alright, but for MOST it was the whole cake. Quality was better than what was out at the time, definitely did not blend in with what was out at the time, I mean I don't get it.
Gosh, I don't know what to say about some fans... if it wasn't your icing on the cake alright, but for MOST it was the whole cake. Quality was better than what was out at the time, definitely did not blend in with what was out at the time, I mean I don't get it.

CAn you tell me what you mean by quality?...in what was was it better quality then other music?

im just corrius what you mean by quality...dont want to make a negativ debate...
Well of course they called the album great. MJ was sitting right there lol. Their not exatly gonna say ''Right so we got the king of pop here with us today and he's released a brand new album called Invincible and we gotta tell you Mike that this new album of yours sucks! i mean what the hell were you thinking when you recorded this Mike?'' lol

PS. Invincible is an awesome album
CAn you tell me what you mean by quality?...in what was was it better quality then other music?

im just corrius what you mean by quality...dont want to make a negativ debate...

Well it just sounded better, I DUNNO! LOL :smilerolleyes:

Imma just leave this thread cuz I really don't wanna make it into a negative debate either... chao!