MJ interview for Invincilble. They called the album great.

I didn't even know it was nu one all over the world. So why does it get attacked by fans on websites, obviously it was loved when it came out. Maybe if it sold 30 mils fans wouldn't be attacking it, or maybe we are being influenced by the negative media.

thanks for this.. it's a good time to say has there ever been a time when mJ didn't get this response when making an appearance? you'd think there was never a negative time for him, every time he makes an appearance. so much for the supposed negative attitude toward Invincible, too. naturally i downloaded this video.

even new years' eve doesn't get this treatment in times square.
OMG hes so hot :wild: and yes i've seen it many times before :p hes very serious in this short interview lol
"Thank you SIR" - Michael is , hands down, THE most down-to-earth celebrity in the world!
The album is great.. it's the bad press that effected peoples opinions... (more so than the actual album)
Its the virgin record signing, he has an interview with carson daley before he goes back to virgin

I have this on video
I remember watching this at the time. I was incredible to see Michael stopping the traffic in NY.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Invincible is a great album. If there had been promotion behind it, it would have sold more (but then again, 10 million sold with no promotion is pretty da*n good. ;) )
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Nice vid, haven't seen it before, thanks for posting Datsy.

I agree that Invincible would have sold better with promotion. There's some really good songs on that album.
I have this taped when it was live.
I tried convincing my mom to take me because there was no school that day but alas she didn't thinking it would be way too crowded. I went bonkers when he was there though lol
I wouldn't call the promotion for invincible bad. It just wasn't the same as previous albums.

There was still a lot of promotion and enough for the album to get off to a good start. They played the entire album on many radio stations in the USA. MJ also was interviewed by TRL and BET 106 and park which were the 2 top music video countdowns in the USA. So everyone knew about the album.

I just think the 1st single YRMW just wasn't HOT. It was good, but not a track i would call a blockbuster. I remember radio stations playing YRMW at the exact same time, so there was a lot of hype. How many artist have radio stations playing there single at the exact same time as a debue. Not many artist get that.

Power 106 in LA California is the 1# r&b hip hop stations out here and they played the track over and over and listeners just were not feelin it. The re-mix with Ja-Z did much better on the station.

Butterflies is the reason for the album selling 2.1 million in the USA
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Michael didn't want "YRMW" released as the first single, he wanted "Unbreakable", but Sony forced Michael to release "YRMW" instead, and rushed him through the video for it as well. On top of that, they refused to release any other singles, charged Michael up the wazoo for studio time he didn't use, payed radio DJ's to not play any of the songs, payed music critics to write bad reviews, payed music store outlits not to display the album, etc... It wasn't promoted. The only one who did any promoting was Michael himself.
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The album IS great (particularly the ballads), and I'm sick of how it's underrated and bashed by people.

IMO You Rock My World is an amazing track and one of my fav first singles of Mike's. But that's just my opinion of course.

And now let's not be funny - the promotion WAS bad.

2 singles for a MICHAEL JACKSON ALBUM? Ridiculous.

He wanted Unbreakable, Break Of Dawn, Butterflies, Speechless, The Lost Children and Whatever Happens to be singles.


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the promo was none excistant when compaired to the other releases.everyone knows what went on. its does make me laugh how some fans try and justify it as good promo. i guess they werent born b4 95 lol
That same day he went on 106 n park..

a busy day.. watching the autograph signing and seeing how many ppl were there.. IDK how MJ could sign so many, have an interview, then another interview in the same day..

At least TRL is right accross the street, and they sent Carson TO Michael.. lol!
This is available for D/L in 2000 Watts forum.
IMO You Rock My World is an amazing track and one of my fav first singles of Mike's. But that's just my opinion of course.

And now let's not be funny - the promotion WAS bad.

2 singles for a MICHAEL JACKSON ALBUM? Ridiculous.

He wanted Unbreakable, Break Of Dawn, Butterflies, Speechless, The Lost Children and Whatever Happens to be singles.



I LOVE "You Rock My World", the first time I heard it I loved it right away. If the first single from the new album has a similar style except maybe a bit more uptempo, I think he can potentially have a big hit.

"Invincible" imo is flawed in a lot of ways tho, but I really do love songs like "Unbreakable", YRMW, "Whatever Happens" and I can't even express how much I love the ballads on the album. "Break of Dawn" and "Butterflies" are some of the best things Michael has ever recorded. It's a shame that most of the songs on Vince are so underrated.
Invincible isn't the rubbish a or flop album some fans (most true fans know it's not a rubbish album) and the media say it is. Invincible is an album with a number of hidden classics, that would have been hit singles if it was promoted well.

The main problem I have with the Invincible album is that it's over produced, but I do listen to a number of songs on it like Unbreakable, Break of Dawn, Heaven Can Wait, YRMW , 2000 Watts and Don't Walk Away on a regular basis. Invincible is now an album just for the fans, because almost everyone in the world knows most of the songs from Michael's albums from 1979-95.
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i think alot of fans opinons of the album are formed by what happened with sony etc. i think views would be very different if there were actual releases and videos and performances etc. its would give a whole different vibe to it.
yeap. even i dont like listening to alot of the album cause its frankly depressing knowing what happened. thats an example there