MJ in your dreams, After June 25th... Did he give messeges to you?

One dream that I really remember is that - I had gone to a house party with friends and as we were walking up stairs they started saying his jacket is amazing, and as I looked up I noticed Michael walking down the stairs, he was wearing a silver jacket (like he wore when singing history on the history tour) with a red sash and I just remember thinking he looked really strong within himself and that he looked ok. < I know weird
But I had more stuff happen when I was awake, like the day after he passed I was in the garden, really upset listening to my ipod and watching the sky. Smile started playing and as soon as it started these three white birds started circling above me and stayed like that until the song ended and then they flew off in different directions.
the dream i cherish most is this one:

me, :heart:Michael and a few more peopel were in a strange beautiful building, it was like a party or anything.
:heart:Michael was so sleepy at the end and he was sitting on a wheel chair i believe. that's how sleep He was.
while me, he and the people had gathered to say goodbye, i recalled that i have left something, don't recall what but it was so important to me. someone was sent to see bring it back but it was not found and i was like "oh no pelase, i can't leave without it"
so i decided to stay and just do something.
:heart:Michael decided to stay too and not leave before it is found.
i insisted "no You dont have to. You should go" and he insisted that He would not. so so kindly His voice was.
while i was insisted ... he stood up and gave me a hug!
a hug... just so tight, so warm, so sweet, and so real.
i still can feel His arm on my back, down to my shoulders. thats what i cherish most in my whole life.

He hugged me and i whispered, ":heart:Michael can i really hug you like that for real?"
he let go and i asked again, ":heart:Michael can i really hug you like that for real?"
and he looked away.


does it mean, the answer is "NO" or "He just didn't know?"
I don't believe in getting messages from people that have died, but I did have an imaginary conversation after which I decided I had to donate money to charity in Michael's name every year and get other people to join in. I guess it's strange to follow through on something like that, but I liked the idea and will probably stick with it.