MJ in your dreams, After June 25th... Did he give messeges to you?

Yes, he gave me a message.
1 day after his passing, michael came alive trough my 'if you enter this world knowing you are loved....' poster and said 'you don't need to be sad and don't do anything stupid. You know I'm always with you'
Probably the most amazing thing I ever experienced in a dream. :angel:
I only had one dream really that was specifically about his death. I had a couple dreams where Michael was in spirit, but most of the time in my dreams it's as though he's still alive. Anyway the dream about his death I had in September, and it went like this

There was a story going around that a specter/ghost that looked like Michael Jackson had appeared before his death (like an omen I guess) it foretold his death. It was transparent and wearing a burial shroud. This ghost had appeared before the Pepsi commercial incident as well. There were a group of fans who had seen it and it was supposed to be a warning about what was to happen.

I've also gotten at least one message from Michael in a dream once. I know it was specifically directed at me personally (there was no doubting it), so I'll just leave it at that. I do believe he can visit people's dreams.
all sounds beautiful xsmooth_criminalx :) just beautiful...

It is all so incredibly beautiful. It's all so sad as well. I still have that picture, as I said. It helps to look at it for inspiration. I remember my insomnia during the days after June 25 and my obsessive CNN watching for anything regarding the investigation. I wanted to talk about it but I have always been so reserved and I don't do much talking in RL. That's why I completely understand/encourage talking to the posters. There are just some things that other people will never understand, things that need to be talked about because keeping them inside gets too painful for words sometimes.

My sleep problems worsened after that summer and even now (which explains why I am online at 3:00 AM on a school day). I take sleeping pills to fight that but I know my sleep problems have to do with the unresolved sorrow that I still feel over Michael's passing.

Sometimes one just needs to talk about it, you know? Talking to you guys helps a lot. I was never big on the forum scene and have recently discovered two forums (this one and a non-MJ one). I was always very scared of large communities of people so I was hesitant to join, but I am really glad I did now. :)
It is all so incredibly beautiful. It's all so sad as well. I still have that picture, as I said. It helps to look at it for inspiration. I remember my insomnia during the days after June 25 and my obsessive CNN watching for anything regarding the investigation. I wanted to talk about it but I have always been so reserved and I don't do much talking in RL. That's why I completely understand/encourage talking to the posters. There are just some things that other people will never understand, things that need to be talked about because keeping them inside gets too painful for words sometimes.

My sleep problems worsened after that summer and even now (which explains why I am online at 3:00 AM on a school day). I take sleeping pills to fight that but I know my sleep problems have to do with the unresolved sorrow that I still feel over Michael's passing.

Sometimes one just needs to talk about it, you know? Talking to you guys helps a lot. I was never big on the forum scene and have recently discovered two forums (this one and a non-MJ one). I was always very scared of large communities of people so I was hesitant to join, but I am really glad I did now. :)

I'm glad we could help.
i always have dreams about him... one dream that doc.murray has his hands around mj kneck and stranging him to death...and slapping him and saying this is really it for you michael then he laughs....it was the most painful dream ever...
I have been talking to my Michael posters for forever now. It's very healthy and I find that it comforts me a lot to have someone to listen to me ramble on in monologues for hours like that.
Omg, I do the same thing with my posters in my living room, or basically the same thing. Part of the reason I've gotten back in the habit of being up all night, I guess... to be alone. Yes, endless monologues in which I'm always finding new ways to look at things, new things inside myself, new emotions, confessions, thoughts ... all like I'm talking it over with Michael somehow. It's amazing how much 'processing' there is to go through inside still. I loved reading your experience of seeing him that night. It's amazing. You really had a special experience to cherish. Thanks for sharing. So many of us have felt him, heard him, had dreams that seemed like more than dreams, etc. I'm very thankful for it all and to everyone willing to share these things. "It tells you never be afraid...":angel:

Yes, he gave me a message.
1 day after his passing, michael came alive trough my 'if you enter this world knowing you are loved....' poster and said 'you don't need to be sad and don't do anything stupid. You know I'm always with you'
Probably the most amazing thing I ever experienced in a dream. :angel:
It reminds me of an old thread we had here in July called "He was there..." Some people experienced hearing his voice as clearly as someone in the room with them saying things like, "Shhhhh, I'm right here. Don't be sad." I've had similar things, but more with energy than voice or sight. When you say he 'came alive' through the poster, do you mean you actually saw him and/or heard him like in a normal waking state, or was it like a shifted-consciousness experience where you were sort of out of this 'world' for a moment? These things have fascinated me my whole life, so forgive me if I want to know all the details :) . It's just an effort to understand how these things work.
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mjbunny said:
Omg, I do the same exact thing with my posters in my living room, I admit. Part of the reason I've gotten back in the habit of being up all night, I guess... to be alone. Yes, endless monologues in which I'm always finding new ways to look at things, new things inside myself, new emotions, confessions, thoughts ... all like I'm talking it over with Michael. It's amazing how much 'processing' there is to go through inside. I loved reading your experience of seeing him that night. It's amazing. You really had a special experience to cherish. Thanks for sharing. So many of us have felt him, heard him, had dreams that seemed like more than dreams, etc. I'm very thankful for it all and to everyone willing to share these things. "It tells you never be afraid...":angel:

Yeah, I stay awake during those hours for the same reason although lately I really haven't been able to sleep again. Talking to the posters really is an amazingly therapeutic thing. Much better than a shrink! It really is like talking to him in person and you just have that feeling that he is listening. Whether that is a fancy or whether there is more to it is just irrelevant to me at this point in time--the only thing I know is that it works.

I really had a special experience that night, though I wonder, why me? I'm sure Michael would have more important people to visit than I.
as for me
few days after michael i keep dream i was in michael's neverland home
but seen michael been buried alive why did dr murrey go this way and bury michael l alive leaving me a note
but a few nights after michael died something did happen to me
im not sure what i was dreaming about
michael been a ghost/spirit that he is
just vist me out the blue just sit next my bed watching me sleep
seen a ghost of michael can be scarey/confusing
a ghost/spirit( a dead person) only vist a living a persons if they want to be seen or has a message for them

sorry i went of topic about michael watching me sleep
but seeing michael cry and siting next my bed watching me sleep
michael was trying to tell me he is sad about something
i don't have time to translate what your dream mean or they have somekind message in them
its a good feel to know we can keep michael alive somewhere in our strange dreams
Ive only had one dream of Michael since June 25. I can't remember anything other than he was dressed all in white and he was glowing...

that was no-dream you saw a a ghost/spirit of michael
you are lucky that michael wants to come by in your dream
but don't be scared of michael he is a hurmless ghost
I have had dreams/visits. They are posted in the Psychics/dream thread. I still have dreams about him every now and again. I believe he visits us and tries to bring comfort...:angel: I feel those dreams are very special, and those of you who have had these experiences..listen and open your heart. I miss him so very much.
Amazing expierence xsmooth_criminalx!!

I dreamt several times, but I don't know if any of it was a message or just a dream. I had one dream in July which felt so real that after I woke up I really had to think if I just dreamt it or if it was a memory and really happened. Nothing special happened in that dream, I saw Michael, he wanted to turn away, saw me, came to me and thanked me for everything and the very next second I awake.

Ive only had one dream of Michael since June 25. I can't remember anything other than he was dressed all in white and he was glowing...

I had a similar dream once (my 2nd MJ dream actually, since June 25th), it was in July/August and I had a nightmare. At one point I turned around and saw Michael dressed in white, with light around him, he hugged me and the nightmare was gone.

But about messages - mmmhh. I once had a dream about people hunting Michael and his kids, although I didn't see Michael in my dream. I tried to help them to escape. I don't remember everything about it, but it is in the psychic thread, around new year. In the end Michael didn't make it, I couldn't save him, but they were still after him and his kids. Strangely enough many in the psychic thread had these kind of dream around that time.

Last month I dreamt about many crying fans standing outside of a building in which Murray was. But I guess that was just my subconscious trying to handle the CM situation.

^ Eeek :( I had a dream similar about witnessing the autopsy last summer. I don't think I even posted about it because it was too disturbing. But I think it was just a nightmare.

I had this kind of dreams too :(

It reminds me of an old thread we had here in July called "He was there..." Some people experienced hearing his voice as clearly as someone in the room with them saying things like, "Shhhhh, I'm right here. Don't be sad." I've had similar things, but more with energy than voice or sight. When you say he 'came alive' through the poster, do you mean you actually saw him and/or heard him like in a normal waking state, or was it like a shifted-consciousness experience where you were sort of out of this 'world' for a moment? These things have fascinated me my whole life, so forgive me if I want to know all the details :) . It's just an effort to understand how these things work.

Oh, didn't read that thread - silly me. I was looking for expierences like that back then, but basically on german forums. I had this crazy expierences too and at first I thought I'd go crazy, especially because I heard Michael's voice too. Once (I think July) I almost fell asleep and there was something which was becoming louder and louder, the same thing over and over again, but since I was not totally awake I wasn't able to understand that and suddenly I was totally awake and could clearly hear Michael's voice saying "Keep dancing".
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I am answering this in 2 sections- hope thats ok?:doh:
1. I had a vivid dream of Michael in early August last year and he was dancing on a table wearing black jeans and a dark jacket.......dancing on tables that had white table cloths on..........in this dream I was spying through a hole in a door, then security ushered me away saying I wasnt allowed to be there......:(
( I later discovered a possible explanation for this dream.........as I then found out about his b day tribute event in London, and the woman who was organising it had the very same image of MJ as what I had seen him in my dream!) :bugeyed Maybe it was MJ's way of getting me to acknowlege and be a part of his bday event? ( I do believe he connects people)

2: I dreamt of my own death last night. It was very scary, I was dying, and the fear went as I relaxed realising that this was it........a calmess came over me, just like drifting off to sleep...............until then it all changed and panic set in and it became one of those dreams where you have to run to get away..............you are being chased.............but its like you are running on soft sinking sand....:doh:
Sorry for taking up this with my dreams............mods please move to the dreams section if its most aptly there instead.....
This is a pic of the image I saw in my dream that then led me to attend that event................
Maybe the relevence here is................that MJ DOES come to us in dreams to communicate??:wub::wub:


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I've had so many dreams with Michael in them after June 25th. I've written them all down because believe they all mean something, but there a few that stick out. The recent one I had was, I was at a cemetery burying Michael, it went as far as me putting dirt on the coffin. Now I know I watched a program that a person had to do this BUT I have had similar dreams before where I haven't watched anything like that.
I had two dreams since Michael's death. The 1st I don't really remember. The 2nd was last week... Michael was in my dad's house, and we were just sitting on the couch being normal people, talking (I don't remember about what). My dad, brother and stepmom were all also there... I remember he didn't really talk much. But the odd thing was... I was telling Michael how well spoken and mature his son Prince was and how he did such a fantastic job at the Grammy's, and all the sudden Michael just looked so proud and happy!
Yes, actually! I did have some really weird things happen after his passing.

The first and weirdest one happened one night when I was taking a walk. I set out on my walk during the day, at around 6.00 PM. This was the summer so it was still light out. I was listening to Michael during the course of my 3 hour walk. I was really sad and I needed to take a walk to clear my mind. His singing really helped me feel better and I thought about him as I walked.

When I was about to come back home, I decided on a whim to go to the store and buy something to drink because I was a bit thirsty. I don't drive so I walked to the store. By this time, it was around 9.00 and it was dark outside. I walked to the store, still listening to Michael. As I was walking, however, I felt that someone was following me. I kept walking but I still had that weird feeling.

I turned around to see who was behind me, thinking that perhaps someone was about to mug me or something (which would be weird because I don't live in that kind of area, but you never know...) and when I turned around I saw Michael. I still remember quite vividly what he looked like. He looked like early 90's Michael, with the hair tied back. He was wearing this outfit, actually: http://mjjgallery.free.fr/dangerous/tour/billiejean/001.jpg

What I remember the most, though, is him looking really sad. He wasn't frowning--in fact, he was almost expressionless-- but those eyes with that haunting look he has, they looked so sad. :(

Well, I certainly did not expect to see him and you can imagine the shock I underwent when I was confronted with him instead of some schmoe. I gasped out of shock and blinked, but he was gone by that time. That scared the living s--t out of me!!! D:

When I turned forward to go, some guy who was carrying his groceries looked just as shocked. I don't know if that was more a result of my gasping or if he saw the exact same thing I had just seen. I didn't want to find out, since he would probably think I was crazy anyway.

That wraps up the only time I have ever seen a ghost, if that's what it was.

oh. i am speechless for real.
real or not... so beautiful to see Him, always it is. :cry:

and gee, sad eyes. :cry:

^ Is the post quoted above, by Mikage Souji, a dream or real life?
i had many dreams...
the first one i recall is...

well, me and my friends were all outside the town, camping or something like that. We decided to divide into couples and each stay in one camp. :heart:
Michael was there too and he chose me!

then i recall we were in the camp... talking and cuddling sweetly. suddenly i noticed the whole area around is dark, no lights, and that all had left. i panicked that there was no way for us to get back and that it was all dark, what could we do.

the special part is here when :heart:
Michael told me, "do not worry, i will be Your light"

He indeed is my light... yeah, on this dark lonely road on which i am walking, heading to ... i-don't-know-where.

the problem is i think that i am blind for i can't see.
Do you think you are ever likely to run into the man with the groceries again? I know you might risk sounding crazy but maybe just with some careful wording like 'I noticed you looked shocked did you see who was following me too?' might reassure him you saw the same thing and also does not sound too crazy if he did not. I just think that maybe if it was his ghost that he would choose to appear to people who loved him and maybe the guy with the groceries loved him too.
Not a dream. I was very awake, and I don't know what to make of it at all.

I saw MJ after his passing in waking life too. Scared the SH!T out of me. I thought I was dead. I miss it now, I wish he does it again.
I saw MJ after his passing in waking life too. Scared the SH!T out of me. I thought I was dead. I miss it now, I wish he does it again.

Oh, I'm sure he just wanted to say hi and let you know he's around when so many people are questioning that, worry about him etc. Sweet of him.

About 48-72 hours after his passing- that is when I recall him starting to show up in dreams. I remember I barely laid down and BOOM, he was there. I recall that in the first dream he was introducing himself with a gorgeous piece of music that he handed to me on sheet paper, being so proud of it, while he had his invisible choir sing it while I was studying the sheet music. Something about that being way better than flowers anyway, hehehe.

I don't know what I was feeling in those first days but I know it was such an enormous comfort, I even started taking naps whenever I could just because I knew he'd be there. :D, it was kind of funny, it always felt like not even being asleep while he was already there.

Music somehow often plays a role, he's often showing me some kind of new 'venue' he dug up. Once a Roman Pantheon with him balancing on some kind of plank (gosh buddy, you looked GOOD. :D), other times it's wild pyrotechnics.
One time he gave me a rather unconventional vocal lesson that I started to apply in 'real life'. Only MJ would DARE to do that with me.

Love his sense of humor, whenever I thought something during the daytime, he made sure to pick up on it- and make fun of me with it. :hysterical: Like his orange pants that I disliked. He made sure to parade around in them, and grin.
Other times he even disguises himself in a dream and it's my job to 'learn' whatever he feels needs to be understood and sometimes he's just plain playing. One time he disguised himself as a blonde flight attendant, I would walk up to that person and say, hey, do I know you?? To which he would reply noooooo, and collapse laughing so hard about his own disguise

Even Elizabeth Taylor would make appearances (when she was still alive) back then- in those dreams I would act as an 'interpreter' between her and MJ, but, my God, wash she suffering in those dreams. Saw Michael's older siblings in it too- with family history attached and the family dreams are the those that are less comfortable to me.

Awake, or asleep, if you can get a sense of his presence, I'm still incredibly grateful for the comfort.
Or as he said one time "The emotion connects, never fear love, never fear love".
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Wow.... How long did he stay?.. And did it happen shortly after June 25..? I'm not sure what to make of this either, although I believe ghosts do exist. ...

It was like August-September time. It lasted for 10-20 seconds actually. I was like AM I DYING? :|
well... I had quite an experience too... Months before 'his murder' and after it... I bundled it up in 'audio' for now... I do want to share it with you guys... as I know you will understand it... others think I'm just 'crazy' ...
It was 'scary' at first but now its really 'comforting' and Michael is such a prankster :cheeky: but also very 'protective' too...
I should listen and type it all out hey...
Indeed, I hear Michael's voice so clearly... How he tries to 'comfort' you... I saw his 'bright light' :) I saw him all in white, shirt fluttering at all and he had the most cute curls and smile ;) I feel his 'presence' when he 'visits' me... He even 'listens' when I ask him to also 'comfort' my friends... They come up to me with stories of how Michael 'came' to them and if I answer... "I asked him too" they just gawk at me...
I had two recent dreams that really freaked me out...

1. It was the opening night of the "This Is It" tour. There had to have been millions of people there (I know the O2 can't hold even 1/4 of that, but that's just how it seemed). I was right in the front row, nearly jumping out of my clothes. The "Light Man" intro began, and Michael stepped out of the suit. He stood there in his Dangerous tour "statue" position for about twenty seconds. The crowd was going wild. Then suddenly, his chest started heaving and pumping, and he just fell to the floor of the stage. Doctors that were on the side of the stage swarmed over, but everything except for Michael and myself turned to black. He suddenly stood up slowly and angel wings sprouted from his back. He made that "I love you" sign with his hands, and he just flew into the sky.

2. A group of doctors wheeled Michael into a morgue and they began his autopsy. I was strapped to a chair right next to the doctors, and I had to watch them... you know, do the autopsy. It was one of the most disgusting dreams I'd ever dreamt.
I had one that upset me about a year or so ago. Michael was taking me (as a child) to the cinema. He seemed to be wearing the same clothes he had worn when I met him (which might explain why I was a child in the dream - I met him aged 8). He didn't say anything to me but he laughed when I was messing around on the fold down seats.

Somewhen during the movie I realised we were actually watching TII which made me upset the further the movie went along and it was like the nearer it got to the end the nearer it was to him leaving. I tried to grab his hand but he got up and left the cinema. I tried to run after him but when I got outside into the corridor he was gone and there were two men in suits stood there and I sort of ran back and forth upset and not knowing what to do.

I have had a few others but they are quite vague. I will try to remember them or see if I wrote them down at the time.
Do you think you are ever likely to run into the man with the groceries again? I know you might risk sounding crazy but maybe just with some careful wording like 'I noticed you looked shocked did you see who was following me too?' might reassure him you saw the same thing and also does not sound too crazy if he did not. I just think that maybe if it was his ghost that he would choose to appear to people who loved him and maybe the guy with the groceries loved him too.

No, that happened in 2009 and it is now 2011. I don't think I'll ever see grocery man again. I regret not asking him if he saw what I saw, but I didn't want to be thought of as crazy. Perhaps he loved him as well, who knows? It was such a bizarre experience.

Wow.... How long did he stay?.. And did it happen shortly after June 25..? I'm not sure what to make of this either, although I believe ghosts do exist. ...

It happened really early July, so yes, shortly after June 25. He didn't stay very long at all--maybe a few seconds? I blinked and he was gone.