MJ in memory at 61st Prime Time Emmy Awards

I never could imagin Michael in this part , it is sooooooooooo sad and it made me cry again.we have to see him in this catagory for Grammy, and billboard award and american music award .How much I should cry ?

Aww they showed 2 footages and a picture of MJ and then two of Patrick Swayze who past recently. I almost cried, I think I made myself a little depressed from watching it.
Knife in the heart. :cry: Never thought I'd ever see him in one of those montages. :no: Just when you kinda stop thinking about it too much something like this comes on and it's like kick in the head all over again.

*squeezes my stress ball REALLY hard*
That definitely made me cry.

I felt so sad too. I never thought I would see him there. It made me cry in sadness and miss...I love him!:angel:

Knife in the heart. :cry: Never thought I'd ever see him in one of those montages. :no: Just when you kinda stop thinking about it too much something like this comes on and it's like kick in the head all over again.

*squeezes my stress ball REALLY hard*

So true! It was a kick in the head all over again! I keep thinking..:no: "no way it can be possible"
We can't resist but cry and the miss of him here with us it's so hard to take... We are with God here my friends, we are not alone! Much love to you all...!
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OMG I never thought the day would come when i would be watching things like that! :(

It was surreal, wasn't it? :no:

Reality hit me again like a ton of bricks seeing this. feels like I have been punched in the stomach.

I felt like that too. My stomach lurched the same way it does every time I see that little "-" in between 1958 and 2009. I can't even bring myself to type it :boohoo

I saw that last night. :( They showed little Michael first and it really hit me. Very sad. We lost so many stars this year.

But I don't remember seeing Farrah Fawcett...did they show her?

Yeah they did show her.
Didn't think I'd be seeing MJ on one of these "In memory of" Montages for years and years to come:(. I still can't believe it.
This is the most I have cried over his death in weeks. I can't believe he is gone, its becoming so real now. It was so hard to watch that.
Just downloaded and watched the Emmys. God, I cried so hard. It's just so wrong to see him in this part of an awards ceremony. I still can't believe it.
This hurt so much. He should be here an not on this list.
^ thank you for the video!!!

it's very touching!
And what is worst is that Michael did NOT have to die. those other celebs were either sick for a long time or up in age, Michael was neither and he was KILLED. I am dreading for the year in review in December.
This hurt so much. He should be here an not on this list.
no he shouldnt :cry:
Heartbreaking to see him up there... It's just wrong.
i think this is the best version available on youtube guys:

so so sad :(