These things always get me crying but OH MY GOD
How is Michael on one?? How is it that he's dead? I feel distraught. I was literally sitting here bawling and squirming at the thought of it all.
It's real moments like this that make it sink in and it's almost too much to take.
All those wonderful people who did so much for film and music.
But seeing Michael on that reel - it's too much.
I guess I'm still in shock from it all, I have no words to truly describe how i felt watching that.
:sad: :boohoo:
Big hugs
i get the feeling that whole thing was planned around Michael Jackson, because it's very surprising that the usa would forget Senator Edward Kennedy. unless, i missed his pics, cus i don't remember seeing them in the vid.
That song + that reel =
so sad, never in a zillion years would I have seen this coming. *sigh* I just dont want to spend the rest of my life crying. I know we can't live forever but its just the way he went and the timing that's really killing me.
.for i minute i was in awe that they would show Michael at the Emmy's, simply because its a daytime talk show, sitcom, 1 hour drama type award show. then again michael is that huge right?.