MJ: His Death Has Been His Greatest Comeback

I have always believed in Michael through his triumphs his downfalls mistakes because I know I am no better than he. I don't know about the fans with the lynchmob mentality but I love the guy unconditionally. I do believe whatever wrong he did it ate him up inside and he tried to make things right. Some people will wrong you and care less.

That is right. I never wanted a piece of him. Just wanted him to find some peace and happiness if never performed or stayed in the public eye ever again.
I think many of the fans here don't realize how they come across. I see so many of them defending MJ's every single action as if he were God.

I think a lot of fans don't look back and see things realistically at times. Did all of you, or any of you, see what happened when MJ's concerts were postponed? Did you SEE and READ what the fans wrote on there who had tickets for the postponed shows? They didn't care at all anything for MJ. They were all complaining LOUDLY that they were inconvenienced and they were like an angry lynch mob. Were they fans? And what are they saying now that he is gone?

I think a lot of 'fans' just aren't honest or realistic about who he was either. He was still a human being and as a human we all make mistakes. To think otherwise in my opinion is just foolish.

as far as the 'treat him like a god' statement, i think you have that wrong. it's more like fervent defense of MJ. did you remember the media and haters, their treatment of him like he was less than human? more than any other artist in history? do you remember the media's influence? how come i never see you bring that up? the reaction to that, is natural. it's called the 'pendulum swings the other way' effect.
as far as the 'treat him like a god' statement, i think you have that wrong. it's more like fervent defense of MJ. did you remember the media and haters, their treatment of him like he was less than human? more than any other artist in history? do you remember the media's influence? how come i never see you bring that up? the reaction to that, is natural. it's called the 'pendulum swings the other way' effect.

That's because it doesn't exist. We are imagining things. Hero worship. Because MJ by being eccentric(himself) brought on himself. (I AM BEING SARCASTIC) Some people and fans actually believe this and we are wrong for defending him. He is our god.
as far as the 'treat him like a god' statement, i think you have that wrong. it's more like fervent defense of MJ. did you remember the media and haters, their treatment of him like he was less than human? more than any other artist in history? do you remember the media's influence? how come i never see you bring that up? the reaction to that, is natural. it's called the 'pendulum swings the other way' effect.

I don't think you fall under the category of fan that I was referring to. You seem to be more realistic than that.

Yes, I am fully aware of the influence of the media. I lived through it just like you did. And it STILL happens to this day, but that still isn't going to make me believe that Michael is God. That is just not how I think.
I don't think you fall under the category of fan that I was referring to. You seem to be more realistic than that.

Yes, I am fully aware of the influence of the media. I lived through it just like you did. And it STILL happens to this day, but that still isn't going to make me believe that Michael is God. That is just not how I think.

well you are you.

for those fans that you are referring to...if MJ got better treatment in the media, then, i'd be with you on that argument. but, since MJ got the treatment he got, i understand those fans. that's where i'm coming from. i think we can discern. perhaps MJ can just sluff it off as fans that are tired of how he was treated...somehow, it makes up for that horrible mal treatment, and soothes the soul..and MJ, himself, could remember who he was, and that he was not god. i think he made that clear. in the end, the hate still killed him.
the title of this topic hurt me so much...death was never a comeback it is a goodbye, a very painful goodbye...i wish non of this has happened, i wish he is now living peacefully in LV or any far away place with his kids .
well you are you.

for those fans that you are referring to...if MJ got better treatment in the media, then, i'd be with you on that argument. but, since MJ got the treatment he got, i understand those fans. that's where i'm coming from. i think we can discern. perhaps MJ can just sluff it off as fans that are tired of how he was treated...somehow, it makes up for that horrible mal treatment, and soothes the soul..and MJ, himself, could remember who he was, and that he was not god. i think he made that clear. in the end, the hate still killed him.

Thank you. I am just tired. When you have been a fan as long as I have you have seen and heard it all and now that he is gone it still continues and you want it to stop. We are not saying he was perfect but human and he should have been treated like a human being. So they can call me crazy or whatever make them sleep at night but the media treated him wrong; some people around him and some fans(if that is what you want to call them)So some on here can suck my socks.
well you are you.

for those fans that you are referring to...if MJ got better treatment in the media, then, i'd be with you on that argument. but, since MJ got the treatment he got, i understand those fans. that's where i'm coming from. i think we can discern. perhaps MJ can just sluff it off as fans that are tired of how he was treated...somehow, it makes up for that horrible mal treatment, and soothes the soul..and MJ, himself, could remember who he was, and that he was not god. i think he made that clear. in the end, the hate still killed him.

I understand, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with these fans. It is taking things to the extreme and being unrealistic that I do not understand. I don't understand fans who read the tabloids to this day and believe anything that is said in them without first checking and running in and feeling 'sorry' for him without even knowing the facts.

This is what I will never understand. For me NOTHING will ever make up for the way the tabloids and much of the public treated him. No matter what I say, it is not going to change the past and my feelings aren't what matters here and its too late to change things for Michael now. Thats the saddest part of all to accept.

I do not have to believe that someone is perfect in order to appreciate their music, their dancing talent, and his humanitarian efforts.
I understand, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with these fans. It is taking things to the extreme and being unrealistic that I do not understand. I don't understand fans who read the tabloids to this day and believe anything that is said in them without first checking and running in and feeling 'sorry' for him without even knowing the facts.

This is what I will never understand. For me NOTHING will ever make up for the way the tabloids and much of the public treated him. No matter what I say, it is not going to change the past and my feelings aren't what matters here and its too late to change things for Michael now. Thats the saddest part of all to accept.

I do not have to believe that someone is perfect in order to appreciate their music, their dancing talent, and his humanitarian efforts.

i never saw any fans accusing MJ of walking on water. and for those who actually called MJ god..that's in line with every celebrity, who was called a god at one time or another..for instance..i have heard Eric Clapton is God, so many times. the usual rock star cliche. but, i never saw MJ commit a felony. there are stars right now, who have commited felonies and misdemeanors, who are getting praise in the media. MJ was lynched, crucified..any negative word you can use, in the media, while never committing either a misdemeanor or felony. plus MJ has achieved more as a star than any of those celebrities, yet, it seems that other celebrities get more value, placed on them, by 'objective thinkers' than MJ does.

and keeping those factors in mind, that's where those fervent fans(apart from the rock star cliche fans, that i mentioned, above)came from.
i never saw any fans accusing MJ of walking on water. but, i never saw MJ commit a felony. there are stars right now, who have commited felonies and misdemeanors, who are getting praise in the media. MJ was lynched, crucified..any negative word you can use, in the media, while never committing either a misdemeanor or felony.

and keeping those factors in mind, that's where those fervent fans came from.

Yes, but what do you have to say about the fans who slammed him when he postponed his concerts? You just conveniently stepped over that issue.
Yes, but what do you have to say about the fans who slammed him when he postponed his concerts? You just conveniently stepped over that issue.

yeah. i stepped over it. i try to deal with myself, and what i do. i want to be positive. ...but then again...i know what you're talking about.
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Greatest come back,for who...yes,this would have been like nothing we have seen..but..for those who loved and cared about michael,he never needed a "come back"he was living his life,loving his children,doing his charaties,and they wouldn't leave him alone.he was murdered and now many will once again,climb on the wagon of,"what can michael do for me,as in making and taking his money."his beautiful children know his fans love him and we never thought he needed a come back.ticked off.i first was amazed with micael,1972.again,come back..give me a break.
God bless michael,his 3 beautiful children,his mom and and all those who never wanted a "piece"of him!!!

I totally agree!
Some aren't 'new fans' because they joined a artists community after/on a certain date..perhaps a person just didn't want to join or know about a 'fan' community and have been a 'fan' admirer of said artist for years. there's really nothing to prove but Love for said artist. 'old/ new fans' c'mon we are people who love.

I agree the title is an insult.
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I, too, wouldn't even care if he decided to retire from music entirely, at least I'd know that he is alive somewhere breathing the same air in the same world as I.

I don't care how many more records he will continue to break, Michael is still gone.

And These "media" people are not new fans, they are just superficial suck ups to me.

i feel the same way you do....
Re: This Is It footage

I seriously doubt that the This Is It movie would have been released if Mike was alive.

It wouldn't have, as it wasn't something he would want us to see while he was here. There's a chance it would've been included once the concert released on DVD later on down the line, but I even doubt that.
I, too, wouldn't even care if he decided to retire from music entirely, at least I'd know that he is alive somewhere breathing the same air in the same world as I.

I don't care how many more records he will continue to break, Michael is still gone.

And These "media" people are not new fans, they are just superficial suck ups to me.
you are reading my mind:(
Disclaimer: Some of you are gonna be upset if you don't read the whole thing. I ask that you read it all before you choose to reply to anything I've said.

"His Death has been his greatest comeback"

I disagree with the wording, but I agree with the general premise. I believe that NOTHING would have vindicated Mike more than death. As spectacular as the This Is It shows could've been and as incredible as the album he was working on could've been, it would not have been enough.

Over the years, Michael Jackson has become the punchline to numerous jokes and been looked at as nothing more than a weird, plastic surgery obsessed, used to be black and is now white child molester. In the court of public opinion, he was guilty when the 1993 accuser's family took the $20 million (I know the insurance paid 15 million and not the 20 thats widely reported, but let me make my point). No matter how weak the Arvizo case was, most people thought "again? he must be guilty." The slanted media attention did not help at all. I'm not sure how it was in other countries, but here in America, this is how it was. The overall thought seemed to be, "he made good music at one time BUT...." What followed would be anything negative, regardless of if it was true or not.

Fast forward to June 25, 2009. Many fans' excitement had been building since the announcement of the shows. Fans were making travel plans, buying new outfits, and expressing their excitement to see Michael again. The general public knew that there were shows coming up, but didn't care much. He's just a 50 year old broke weirdo that needed the money to get out of his 400 million dollar debt. There had been very little positive reporting about him in over 20 years. Why should they believe he was going to do anything spectacular?

Then he died.

Death has a way of bringing the positive to the forefront. The most positive thing about Michael Jackson's professional life is his music, his short films and his performances. Everyone knew who Michael Jackson was. What his death did was force people to remember why everyone gave a damn about him in the first place. All he wanted to do was make music and perform on stage. In the weeks after his death, we were bombarded with all of his videos and singles over the course of a 40 year career. His songs were all over the radio and his short films were plastered on all of the music channels. Add that to the fact that there was footage of what he had been doing leading up to his death. Creating new performances, creating new short films and creating new music. That's why people cared about him in the first place.

With all of the technology that is available, it is easier than ever to access anything. Just youtube it. Youtube suggest other videos for you to watch. This may lead people to watch videos that the average consumer forgot about or didn't know exist. The Thriller video could lead to Remember The Time, which could lead to Earth Song which could lead to In The Closet.... When something is widely reported or is constantly around, it feeds public interest. His death did just that.

His death was not his greatest comeback, because he never left. I believe his death was his greatest resurgence. It was his return to prominence. Once again, it was all about the music, the short films and the performances.

I agree with your point

I'm Michael's fan since 1993 (the interview with Oprah) by the way
I came across the other day BBC Breakfast news on the morning the press conference was to be announce on YouTube the other day. The presenters were talking about his 'comeback' and how people didn't know how they would sell as he's been away a long time. No one apart from Michael's fans expected him to sell out fifty shows in a matter of hours. The media were waiting eagerly to report that his tickets hadn't sold out. Instead they had to report that Michael Jackson sold out 50 dates at the o2 arena in a matter of hours. The shows would have been amazing as evidenced by the film. I can just see the opening night reviews now-how the media would have to reverse their current 'he's too ill to perform, he can't dance, he can't sing anymore' agenda. Michael Jackson at the age of 50 blows every other performance out of the water, and that was just in his rehearsal. What Michael's death has done was bring back the music to the forefront. The shows would have done that but we would still have the jokes, the digs, and the potshots. People started to lay off him a tad and realise how special he was and what we lost. The old saying goes 'you don't know what you have until it's gone' and that can definitely be applied to Michael's passing in regards to the general public's thoughts on him.
I came across the other day BBC Breakfast news on the morning the press conference was to be announce on YouTube the other day. The presenters were talking about his 'comeback' and how people didn't know how they would sell as he's been away a long time. No one apart from Michael's fans expected him to sell out fifty shows in a matter of hours. The media were waiting eagerly to report that his tickets hadn't sold out. Instead they had to report that Michael Jackson sold out 50 dates at the o2 arena in a matter of hours. The shows would have been amazing as evidenced by the film. I can just see the opening night reviews now-how the media would have to reverse their current 'he's too ill to perform, he can't dance, he can't sing anymore' agenda. Michael Jackson at the age of 50 blows every other performance out of the water, and that was just in his rehearsal. What Michael's death has done was bring back the music to the forefront. The shows would have done that but we would still have the jokes, the digs, and the potshots. People started to lay off him a tad and realise how special he was and what we lost. The old saying goes 'you don't know what you have until it's gone' and that can definitely be applied to Michael's passing in regards to the general public's thoughts on him.

not really, because i am hearing new 'jokes', such as he should have been dumped in a landfill'.

if anything, there has been a shift. and a lot of guilt. but not an increase in popularity. u can't increase on being the most popular entertainer, continuously, in history. i don't care if u die, or not.

but i do understand 'you don't know what you got, till it's gone'. e see a lot of that going around, concerning him, and other things, for that matter.

that's a bitter trap to be in. and frightening. and sad.
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