MJ: His Death Has Been His Greatest Comeback

'Greatest comeback'
Where did Michael go to come back.
Michael Jackson was/is the greatest entertainer and took music to another whole level. No one can dream nearing to his genius and perfections. He sold millions and millions of albums, he is the man is named in Guinness book for selling highest number of albums. He had seen and experienced all of this madness all of his life.
This world has re-discovered Michael Jackson in his death. This recent album selling and breaking all the records could've happened even if Michael had died in his 100s.

'Greatest Comeback' reveals the author's cruel mind and heart. Disgusting.

I saw another headline 'Smart move by Michael Jackson'
Ironically he had said during the announcements for the O2 concerts:
"you ain't seen nothing yet"

Indeed we hadn't seen nothing yet.
I so wish he wouldn't be gone,even if there was no great comeback.
His kids,his family,and millions who loved him needed him alive.
This is one of the moments I feel my knees bending...
He sold out 50 concerts and they still wanted him to do a world tour.
We don´t know how many who tried to get tickets but was too late, how many who couldn´t afford tickets and travel.
The young man in Congo who loved Michael Jackson and to dance, couldn´t even afford a cd-player.
Peope are ill and under treatment and can´t travel far from their hospital. people take care of realatives and can´t leave them.
I read his facebookmembers increased with more than 9 millions after his death, but I believe most of them loved/liked him when he was alive.
I was so happy when he announced this is it, not because that I could see a concert but if he wanted to do concerts I believed he must have felt good again.
He was back and he was OK.
Although I was a little bit worried about if he really could dance like before and I even thought maybe he should chose songs to he doesn´t have to dance so much.
I wanted with whole my heart that the concerts wanted to be success for him .
But I didn´t feel I needed to go to fanforum and discuss it.
I bought cd and dvds after his death and I´ve been obsessed with him on youtube but I had done it even if he was alive.
He had been quiet for years and with this is it I discovered him again and I discovered youtube too.
After his death I needed a place with other people who truly care about him.
I think I´m a quite common person in that case.
It's f***ed up. Michael's kids need him. His family need him. Those children, growing up without their father.

Mike, I light this candle in the snow for you. I love you and sincerely hope that you can see us from heaven loving and missing you, but also keeping an eye on your little ones from afar xxx
I dont want Michael to be dead ! What so great of a comeback that needed Michael to be dead ?? I agreed with all of you. I would love to see him alive and healthy and especially happy :( But he wasnt here anymore.
I know this is off the topic, l was reading this thread and my nephew said you love Michael more than the way l love Barcelona:wub: .
The movie was the piece in the missing puzzle. I saw a master at work, a man in control with every aspect of his performance. He was a perfectionist, and his creativity was out of this realm. I saw that his man was influenced by so many different things artistically, and by life in general, and in him it converged, and merged, becoming one melting pot , that became his uniqueness. As a friend of mine said, who saw the movie, "Genius is hard work".

I believe the author of the article is a true, sincere fan;
and I thank her for writing it. :flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:
It looks like she is mainly trying to let people know that children are still joining MJ’s fan base and that the media has been very unsuccessful at turning children against him.

By Nadine Sutherland
Friday, January 08, 2010

I am the coolest aunt in the world; I would even say the coolest adult around town. That, you see, is the perceptions of the kids I was dancing with recently. It was Ashleigh's birthday (my younger cousin /niece) and a posse of four to ten year olds and I were dancing to Michael Jackson's videos. I earned high marks that I was up on the moves. They thought it was pretty amazing that I was moving through Billy Jean, Beat It, Thriller, to name a few, and that all the dance moves that they just learnt, I have known now, for more than half my life. I've laughed to myself at their compliments, thinking I've been doing these moves since I was a teenager.

They are the new generation of Michael Jackson fans. One common thread united us in that room, we were fans, albeit from different generations.
A new generation of Michael fan has emerged since his passing. These kids are hip on technology, and, as we researched people and places when doing project back in the days, by reading books , they are youtubing and whatever other internet stuff, to get information. His videos are now the books; each song has its own unique little movie and the kids are loving it. I think the profound loss that was felt when he died and the media frenzy that followed, has served as the platform for his introduction to children and they are enjoying what they have discovered.

The zealousness of these young ladies as we danced and sang matched mine, the light and excitement in their eyes gave me an insight on how my eyes were at that moment. The kind of concentration on their faces as they tried to catch the zombie moves during Thriller reminded me of back in the days when me and my girls were adamant that we were going to learn it so we could use it in one of our dances.

In September, I was in New York, and it was my nephew Naseem's birthday. His mother told me since Michael has passed, both Naseem who is seven and Alanyah, who was then almost two were Michael Jackson's fans. So, for Naseem's birthday, I thought buying a CD for him, would be giving me some Aunty kudos. I bought a double disc that chronicled Michael's music from childhood to Off the Wall. I approached Naseem giving him a grand lecture, that looking back, I chuckle at my desperate attempt of trying too hard. With great ceremony, I announced that Michael was the same age as he is now, when he made some of these songs, and I went on and on. Naseem looked at it and he went straight to his computer and pressed something, and all of Michael Jackson's videos that were on youtube was right on the screen. He could access any one of them with one press on his computer.

His cousin Chance was there, and yes he is a Michael Jackson fan too, he is six. They took me from Michael Jackson as a child with the Jackson five, to everything else in his life that was captured on film, that could be shown on Youtube. It was an incredible experience to see this man through these children's eyes. We had a danceathon, when some of the videos were shown, I had to change in work out clothes as we sweated with each of the children's favorites. Things I failed to see in the videos were seen by these children seeing it with fresh eyes. I've been seeing Remember the time video for so long, and I didn't notice some of the stuff, until Naseem and Chance with enthusiasm pointed out some of the details.

I started seeing from then, the ads for This is it, and I knew no matter where I was, I would be seeing this. I wanted to see if I could figure out what was it about this man that was so compelling, and fascinating to so many different generations. I knew he was talented, but, my respect for his talent increased after his death, especially how the kids with fresher, and keener eyes are seeing him.

This generation is very visual, and I can say, Michael was way ahead of his time, as all his videos have captured the imagination of the children. His dancing, is timeless, his iconic moves for each video, excites these children to a level that no modern act today is doing.

The movie was the piece in the missing puzzle. I saw a master at work, a man in control with every aspect of his performance. He was a perfectionist, and his creativity was out of this realm. I saw that his man was influenced by so many different things artistically, and by life in general, and in him it converged, and merged, becoming one melting pot , that became his uniqueness. As a friend of mine said, who saw the movie, "Genius is hard work".

Michael was disciplined, and dedicated to his craft. He was committed to his purpose, and everyone that was in that production had that kind of commitment. Everyone chosen to do the This is it tour had that little something extra about them. He was mindful of these details, and that made everything I saw at a level of excellence. Everything that appeared effortless , to the audience, were thought out, and rehearsed until it was second nature.

It has reenforced to me, that putting everything in your chosen field, and making excellence, the standard you maintain, will ensure that all boundaries will surpass, even years, as quality speaks. It also reenforced to me, age is but a number, as Michael was up on his dancing, as smooth and agile as the twenty five year olds who were dancing with him

I left the theatre feeling happy, the group of women, that I went with all thought we would be sobbing by the end of the show. We all left pleased , sharing different moments that we enjoyed. I know, I've been very passionate publicly in what I thought were the abuses meted out to Michael. I felt angry at how he was treated. Today, I feel vindicated. His death has been the greatest comeback. Good is definitely stronger than evil.
Great for her but you see we have always seen him in another light. So when someone writes an article like this we say "old news" next and that is no offense to the writer. I am glad she has seen the light as well as others. But I being a fan almost all of my life see it differently.
"Michael Jackson being alive has been his greatest Comeback"
I so wish for that statement to be true not that other ish...
You can come back from death so that article i'm not trying to hear enough said i'm going back in happy mood again.

I believe the author of the article is a true, sincere fan;
and I thank her for writing it. :flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:

I agree!!:clapping:

'Greatest comeback'
Where did Michael go to come back.
Michael Jackson was/is the greatest entertainer and took music to another whole level. No one can dream nearing to his genius and perfections. He sold millions and millions of albums, he is the man is named in Guinness book for selling highest number of albums. He had seen and experienced all of this madness all of his life.
This world has re-discovered Michael Jackson in his death. This recent album selling and breaking all the records could've happened even if Michael had died in his 100s.

'Greatest Comeback' reveals the author's cruel mind and heart. Disgusting.

I saw another headline 'Smart move by Michael Jackson'

I've been always confused and annoyed about the so called comebacks by Michael- The media always loved that term- but Michael never went anywhere to comeback from anywhere- He was and still is the greatest entertainer of all time! He released his Number Ones in 2003, and then the trial so understandably he took a few(6) years to recoup (left this country since frankly, IMO, the U.S. didn't want him). He decided to continue his illustrous career with a series of concerts in London. That's the only thing that bothers me about this article - It should read - 'The World has Re-discovered MJ since his Passing" , because it is so true.
I have no problem with new fans, or fans that are re-discovering him- the more the better - that's how we keep him alive. This writer was not being "cruel minded" or disgusting, she is simply expressing her awe and admiration of a true pioneer and is excited and pleased that the new generation has embraced him fully despite the press trying to bring Michael down as usual.

So thank you to the author!:clapping:

I believe the author of the article is a true, sincere fan;
and I thank her for writing it. :flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:

After calming down a little, I now realize that she just has a crappy named article and overall it's kinda positively although somebody should have chose a better name for the article.

It looks like she is mainly trying to let people know that children are still joining MJ’s fan base and that the media has been very unsuccessful at turning children against him.

Yep, they have been trying to turn kids away from Mike since 1993 and thankfully there are kids that are more aware than many adults when it comes to Michael.
what is nice is that so many children that didn't even know Michael became his fans in 2009 and that this love of old and new fans keeps Michael alive!
^^^^that's been happening, every year, even before 2009. the events of last year were so big BECAUSE the media was aware of the mushroom of love for MJ, prior. and the media hated it, of course.

I believe the author of the article is a true, sincere fan;
and I thank her for writing it. :flowers::flowers::flowers::flowers:

I agree.

And I just would love for some people to stop nailing new fans.
If there will never be any new fans how can his legacy live forever?

I'm a so called rediscovering fan ?I guess? and I find it very disturbing to still read stuff about jumping on the band wagon etc etc
Don't judge a person before you know what's in their mind.
WHat!!! I really don't get what's wrong with new fans. ok so they should of been there before but would u rather that the world continued to disregard mj. At least now there is more love for the man.
i know everyone here feels hurt that it took death for some to realise mj's worth but we shouldn't reject new fans. An mj fan is a fan cos they love mj. We love mj and thats all.
WE CAN'T change the past but WE CAN change the future. the more people who wake up to mj, the better.
Mj was about love. i don't believe that more people loving mj can be wrong.
if someone can admit to their past mistakes and try to change then thats a beautiful thing!!!
I agree.

And I just would love for some people to stop nailing new fans.
If there will never be any new fans how can his legacy live forever?

I'm a so called rediscovering fan ?I guess? and I find it very disturbing to still read stuff about jumping on the band wagon etc etc
Don't judge a person before you know what's in their mind.

well said
WHat!!! I really don't get what's wrong with new fans. ok so they should of been there before but would u rather that the world continued to disregard mj. At least now there is more love for the man.
i know everyone here feels hurt that it took death for some to realise mj's worth but we shouldn't reject new fans. An mj fan is a fan cos they love mj. We love mj and thats all.
WE CAN'T change the past but WE CAN change the future. the more people who wake up to mj, the better.
Mj was about love. i don't believe that more people loving mj can be wrong.
if someone can admit to their past mistakes and try to change then thats a beautiful thing!!!

YES I would rather have him alive with a few real fans rather than sitting in a grave with the whole world suddenly adoring him fuck this whole legacy thing I wanted him alive dammit! when he died he took a part of me with him I'll never be the same again and no I don't care about anything anymore this was not suppose to end like this!
I respect new fans they are welcomed BUT you will never understand how it feels for us old fans who always loved him not only for his music but for who he was, real fans who were never ashamed to say they loved Michael the person when the whole world was laughing at him 'the pathetic has-been'

and his death was his greatest comeback? what a fucking insult!!
all the things he still wanted to give to the world and that's how they resume everything he meant? that his death was the best thing that came out of it? it makes me sick!
Surely you have to be alive to make a comeback.

A comeback, alive or not, would have been irrelivent to me... It was his life and soul that we cherished the most, not the dollars he put in his pocket or the awards he put on his shelf.

Michaels music was legendary, but it was the man who was the Legend.
I too would give anything for Michael to simply be alive, I regretted concentrating on my two dates for TII and counting down the days til they arrived. What I would give now to have treasured every moment of those last days, for who knew that they would have been his last. I just want him back and do not care one bit about the 'greatest comeback" for me he has always been there, he never went anywhere. Yet since booking those tickets all I thought about were his shows, how pathetic was I? The shows mean nothing, his life was/is everything.

However - About the new fans, we must respect them. Yes we old fans have had a hard time in the past, people laughing at us for loving MJ, people calling Michael disgusting names since 1993. People calling him all sorts of things, we had to be strong in our love for MJ through all that. Now we may see the same people who once called him names become fans. I used to get angry at that. Now I see things differently, the media is a strong influence, people tended to believe what they read and were never educated with the facts. When the media began calling him a legend and saying that the entire world is in mourning for the loss of their king, people began to like MJ, started looking at his work. This isn't the fault of the people but the media.

And to put it simply, Michael's legendary work that he put his entire life into creating needs to carry on stronger than ever for generations to come and we need new fans to do this.
I too would give anything for Michael to simply be alive, I regretted concentrating on my two dates for TII and counting down the days til they arrived. What I would give now to have treasured every moment of those last days, for who knew that they would have been his last. I just want him back and do not care one bit about the 'greatest comeback" for me he has always been there, he never went anywhere. Yet since booking those tickets all I thought about were his shows, how pathetic was I? The shows mean nothing, his life was/is everything.

However - About the new fans, we must respect them. Yes we old fans have had a hard time in the past, people laughing at us for loving MJ, people calling Michael disgusting names since 1993. People calling him all sorts of things, we had to be strong in our love for MJ through all that. Now we may see the same people who once called him names become fans. I used to get angry at that. Now I see things differently, the media is a strong influence, people tended to believe what they read and were never educated with the facts. When the media began calling him a legend and saying that the entire world is in mourning for the loss of their king, people began to like MJ, started looking at his work. This isn't the fault of the people but the media.

And to put it simply, Michael's legendary work that he put his entire life into creating needs to carry on stronger than ever for generations to come and we need new fans to do this.

i have to say, a person can't blame the media. everybody has their own thoughts. the media is evil, but we still make our own decisions.
I know , I can't stand any of the new fans to be honest how you jumped on board all of a sudden is crazy to me. What's the point ? you didn't care before don't pretend you care now
Aren't you one of them? lol j.k
Many of them are gone now. They were here and gone in a lightning speed. lol

YES I would rather have him alive with a few real fans rather than sitting in a grave with the whole world suddenly adoring him fuck this whole legacy thing I wanted him alive dammit! when he died he took a part of me with him I'll never be the same again and no I don't care about anything anymore this was not suppose to end like this!
I respect new fans they are welcomed BUT you will never understand how it feels for us old fans who always loved him not only for his music but for who he was, real fans who were never ashamed to say they loved Michael the person when the whole world was laughing at him 'the pathetic has-been'

and his death was his greatest comeback? what a fucking insult!!
all the things he still wanted to give to the world and that's how they resume everything he meant? that his death was the best thing that came out of it? it makes me sick!
AGREE. :-'(
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YES I would rather have him alive with a few real fans rather than sitting in a grave with the whole world suddenly adoring him fuck this whole legacy thing I wanted him alive dammit! when he died he took a part of me with him I'll never be the same again and no I don't care about anything anymore this was not suppose to end like this!
I respect new fans they are welcomed BUT you will never understand how it feels for us old fans who always loved him not only for his music but for who he was, real fans who were never ashamed to say they loved Michael the person when the whole world was laughing at him 'the pathetic has-been'

and his death was his greatest comeback? what a fucking insult!!
all the things he still wanted to give to the world and that's how they resume everything he meant? that his death was the best thing that came out of it? it makes me sick!

I love that he is getting new fans but old fans aren't being self-righteous. What you said
Snow. I don't know what to say anymore. It is a deep pain. Thanks for coming aboard Newbies. We will make you feel welcomed.
You made me cry again snow. DAMN.
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YES I would rather have him alive with a few real fans rather than sitting in a grave with the whole world suddenly adoring him fuck this whole legacy thing I wanted him alive dammit! when he died he took a part of me with him I'll never be the same again and no I don't care about anything anymore this was not suppose to end like this!
I respect new fans they are welcomed BUT you will never understand how it feels for us old fans who always loved him not only for his music but for who he was, real fans who were never ashamed to say they loved Michael the person when the whole world was laughing at him 'the pathetic has-been'

and his death was his greatest comeback? what a fucking insult!!
all the things he still wanted to give to the world and that's how they resume everything he meant? that his death was the best thing that came out of it? it makes me sick!
Same way I feel. You took the words out my mouth. I don't even have to add anything.