MJ Defaults in Raymone Bain Case ($44m)

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Michael Jackson Defaults in $44 Million Suit

Michael Jackson has defaulted in the $44 million lawsuit between himself and his former publicist.

The clerk’s office at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia entered the default entry earlier today. Jackson was sued on May 6 by his former publicist, Raymone Bain, who claimed the singer failed to pay her for her role in several major financial deals. Jackson has yet to officially make contact with the court or name a lawyer. Bain’s attorneys filed a motion for default earlier this week with Judge James Robertson of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Bain’s lawyer, Cahn & Samuels name partner Frederick Samuels, declined to comment earlier this week on whether he has made contact with Jackson’s lawyers (assuming, of course, he has any).
nothing. except they filed.
um no, it means he has to pay.

or answer w/in two wks.

he can't run from this thing, raymone ain't playing. he hasn't even responded or asked for a postponement or anything. if u ignore or don't show up, they enter the judgement in the favor of the other party.
um no, it means he has to pay.

or answer w/in two wks.

he can't run from this thing, raymone ain't playing. he hasn't even responded or asked for a postponement or anything. if u ignore or don't show up, they enter the judgement in the favor of the other party.

Maybe he figured "Ah...pay her the money (I've got enough)...save the lawyer costs....get her out of my life....done....move on"...:lol: :lol: :lol:
Seems not so bright to not respond to a 44 mil law suit against your arse.
The official filing (dated 06/04/2009) states:

It appearing that the above-named defendant(s) failed to plead or otherwise defend this action though duly served on , and an affidavit on behalf of the plaintiff having been filed, it is this 4th day of June 2009 declared that defendant(s) is/are in default.
Well, either he intentionally defaulted... :huh: OR someone on his team dropped the ball and the deadline slipped by them. The thing is IF he still wants to fight this, he can. His lawyer can vacate the default...which means they can go to court to ask that the judgment be thrown out. But he will need to show the court a very good reason as to why the deadline was missed. There may be some other things, too, but it's possible she still won't get the whole 44 million. Otherwise, this is really unfortunate. :(
got enough my ass....it's principle. she didn't earn it, we don't know how much he's making from the aeg shows. he hasn't even started performing yet. he didn't even answer or ask for a continuence or something or for her to prove the validity of her claims

this is wack. he better get on it
um no, it means he has to pay.

or answer w/in two wks.

he can't run from this thing, raymone ain't playing. he hasn't even responded or asked for a postponement or anything. if u ignore or don't show up, they enter the judgement in the favor of the other party.

well...you just said two things. that he has to pay, and that he has two weeks. so which one?

besides, this is usually done in family court. this isn't family court.

so...i'll just wait and see. this stuff has been happening to him for ages.

and, of course, the media has been reporting it for ages, with Michael.

so...i'll just wait and see.

i'm speaking for me, here. i realize everyone on this board has their feelings about this.
can she leave him alone :yes: :mat:

i never like her :no: :mat: for years i never believe in her never know what she is doing to MJ she is loser know :yes:
I do not believe that any lawyer has been appointed to represent him in this case yet, either. Michael's security also refused to allow the summons to be served to him.
oh lord 44million and he still hasnt responded? my ass would of been there 10seconds after that lawsuit was brought up. No ma'am hell nah no way lol
I posted this in another thread.

Default judgment is a binding judgment in favor of the plaintiff when the defendant has not responded to a summons or has failed to appear before a court of law.

In a civil trial involving damages, a default judgment will enter the amount of damages pled in the original complaint. If proof of damages is required, the court may schedule another hearing on that issue.

A defendant can have a default judgment vacated, or set aside, by filing a motion, after the judgment is entered, by showing of a proper excuse.



What Is a Default Judgement?

A default judgment results when a complaint or petition is filed with the court and the defendant or respondent does not answer the complaint or petition. Once the set amount of time given to respond expires, the plaintiff or petitioner can ask the court for default or apply for a clerk's default. Depending on what type of case is filed, the filer is called a plaintiff or a petitioner. The person being sued is called the defendant or respondent. Petitioner and respondent are usually used in family law courts.


If a default judgment is granted, the plaintiff or petitioner attends a default hearing and a final judgment on default is entered, granting the plaintiff or petitioner all reasonable requests made in the complaint or petition.


A default judgment closes out a case wherein the defendant or respondent has not answered. If the case is allowed to drag out waiting for a response, it may never end, so the rules of procedure give the plaintiff or petitioner a way to end the case within a reasonable amount of time.
Well, either he intentionally defaulted... :huh: OR someone on his team dropped the ball and the deadline slipped by them. The thing is IF he still wants to fight this, he can. His lawyer can vacate the default...which means they can go to court to ask that the judgment be thrown out. But he will need to show the court a very good reason as to why the deadline was missed. There may be some other things, too, but it's possible she still won't get the whole 44 million. Otherwise, this is really unfortunate. :(
he needs a pretty damn good reason for this one...i can't think of one, he can't say he didn't know cuz she made it very public. now we know y...essentially, he's screwed and owes her the money now. even if he doesn't earn what she projected he'd earn from aeg, she can still get money from what he does in the future.

great, over before it began. he'll be doing the london shows for free it seems...just can never get ahead
I do not believe that any lawyer has been appointed to represent him in this case yet, either.

well..we haven't heard anything about that.

and of course, it's to be considered that the media is doing the reporting, so maybe that bit of info is 'missing'.
well...you just said two things. that he has to pay, and that he has two weeks. so which one?

besides, this is usually done in family court. this isn't family court.

so...i'll just wait and see. this stuff has been happening to him for ages.

and, of course, the media has been reporting it for ages, with Michael.

so...i'll just wait and see.

i'm speaking for me, here. i realize everyone on this board has their feelings about this.
lol i said OR

he has to have a damn good excuse for this one. i fhe doesn't, he's screwed.

there has to be a reason y it wasn't even answered. just b/c things like this have beenhappening to him for yrs doesn't make it right and it isn't fair that she can take this money w/o doing any thing

he should've responded. now we know Y raymone was so damn public w/ it making vids etc....he has no excuse an can't say he didn't know
what annoys me is that she had to file the lawsuit now before the shows she's ruining everything
well..we haven't heard anything about that.

and of course, it's to be considered that the media is doing the reporting, so maybe that bit of info is 'missing'.
babe case files don't lie! lol what's been reported is what's happened or what's not happened at least on mj's end.
well..we haven't heard anything about that.

and of course, it's to be considered that the media is doing the reporting, so maybe that bit of info is 'missing'.

According to official court records there is no lawyer currently defending/representing Michael Jackson in the case.
lol i said OR

he has to have a damn good excuse for this one. i fhe doesn't, he's screwed.

there has to be a reason y it wasn't even answered. just b/c things like this have beenhappening to him for yrs doesn't make it right and it isn't fair that she can take this money w/o doing any thing

he should've responded. now we know Y raymone was so damn public w/ it making vids etc....he has no excuse an can't say he didn't know

the reason why he has lasted so long is because of things like patience. he comes across knowing that haste makes waste. and it does matter that he's had experience dealing with a million Raymone Bains. why is experience considered valid with everybody but Michael?

and, like you said, you can't think of a good reason. that doesn't mean that there isn't one.

what gets to me, is people keep saying he's 'screwed'.

yet...when the smoke clears...he never is.

that's why i'm waitin.

it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense in the eyes of some.

the reality is, he's been 'screwed' for years. not.

the bottom line is, we're ALL on the outside looking in. and it brings to mind the lyric of a song, childhood...where he places emphasis on not being judged.

so..i want to reserve judgement. in fact, i just wanna put a lid on it, myself. lol
Michael and his team should have answered the lawsuit.
oh lord 44million and he still hasnt responded? my ass would of been there 10seconds after that lawsuit was brought up. No ma'am hell nah no way lol

haha lmao:lmao:...well that's where we're different...i'd have been there 5 seconds after the lawsuit was brought up:nana::cheeky:

Hopefully Michael passes through this like Obama did...with a Landslide...lol

Suing Michael is really getting old. I mean Old...rusted...Expired...u know? And that's what the Media wants. When ever things are going GREAT..Awesome with Michael...They need this kinda negativity to cover it over...and ppl seem to Buy in to the media and do OUTRAGEOUS Things.! *Shakes head*
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the reason why he has lasted so long is because of things like patience. he comes across knowing that haste makes waste. and it does matter that he's had experience dealing with a million Raymone Bains. why is experience considered valid with everybody but Michael?

and, like you said, you can't think of a good reason. that doesn't mean that there isn't one.

what gets to me, is people keep saying he's 'screwed'.

yet...when the smoke clears...he never is.

that's why i'm waitin.

it doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense in the eyes of some.

the reality is, he's been 'screwed' for years. not.

the bottom line is, we're ALL on the outside looking in. and it brings to mind the lyric of a song, childhood...where he places emphasis on not being judged.

so..i want to reserve judgement. in fact, i just wanna put a lid on it, myself. lol
parker, ur missing my point. people claim he's in debt....we can' trefute that nor can we prove it...YET when the smoke clears, he's always settling, or having to pay out.

if ur not working and ur not doing an ything, ur not making money. here he stands to make a comeback biz wise, and this happens. a simple motion or a simple 'we don't owe this' from his team could've prevented this.

this is yet ANOTHER hill for his team and laywers to get over and it didn't have to be this hard. before they can fight raymone, they have to prove to the judge that the default was entered in error or not valid or give some excuse for y they didn't answer

so they're makingthings harder than it has to be.
lol..well...most of us, starting out of the gate, would probably think we'd react quickly, but, lol, most of us probably would say that about the first couple or few.

but, this is the umpteenth one, against Michael.

i'll go out on a limb and say...it gets tired, to him, after awhile, so coming out of the gate, a million times, in the first second? well....u get my drift. lol

i'd like to see someone who comes out of the gate that fast, that many times, trying to put out that many fires.

i haven't seen one, yet. lol
parker, ur missing my point. people claim he's in debt....we can' trefute that nor can we prove it...YET when the smoke clears, he's always settling, or having to pay out.

if ur not working and ur not doing an ything, ur not making money. here he stands to make a comeback biz wise, and this happens. a simple motion or a simple 'we don't owe this' from his team could've prevented this.

this is yet ANOTHER hill for his team and laywers to get over and it didn't have to be this hard. before they can fight raymone, they have to prove to the judge that the default was entered in error or not valid or give some excuse for y they didn't answer

so they're makingthings harder than it has to be.

most of his dealings are confidential, so how do you know what he keeps ending up doing?

and lol...where did you get the name 'Parker'? i'm not Parker:lol:

by the way, i'm sure u have seen the atv thread. that's just one aspect of how MJ is always making money. he isn't in crisis.

and i guess you think he should put off those rehearsals and take care of this, so somebody can complain about the rehearsals not going right, and therefore the many waiting fans will have something to go off about, again.

Maybe we should ask Raymone about THAT aspect.
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