MJ at the O2 Arena, What to expect? (All threads merged)

Re: I think I have an idea what songs he will Preform!

There will be more balads............trust me
Re: Surprise support acts!!! ?

Bullshit! Why would you get an impersonator of yourself as a support act? And JLS haven't even got any of their own material. Support acts usually do more than a little 5 min set.
Re: Surprise support acts!!! ?

Lady gaga...I hope not!! Cant stand her.

JSL..Signature...who is that??...Doubt MJ will have someone that arent well known.

I really think Janet might get involved with this one.
Re: Surprise support acts!!! ?

Lady gaga...I hope not!! Cant stand her.

JSL..Signature...who is that??...Doubt MJ will have someone that arent well known.

I really think Janet might get involved with this one.

The support for the HIStory tour at Wembley in 1997 was a boyband I had never heard at the time or since. I think they were called ‘Human Nature’. They were rubbish too. Mike won’t want anybody that can challenge his own performance and so will stay away from anyone that is known for a good performance or is very famous already. JLS and Eoghan Quigg are about as high profile as the support act will get, I’m sure of it. BUT I am hoping that Ne Yo will make a surprise appearance at one of the shows because he is at the O2 in July too. It would be good if there was a special guest appearance during one or more concerts because it would gain extra (positive) press for the concerts!
Re: I think I have an idea what songs he will Preform!

With all the extra dates now I wonder if he will change the setlist over the dates? Prince did this although his show is more about him singing and performing with a guitar whereas MJ will have to dance.

Also, any thoughts about MJ miming? I was so disappointed for HIStory when he mimed all but 2 songs. It was this that made me decide I'd never see him again - how quickly my mind was changed!!!

Also, do you think he will get bored doing the same thing night after night (so to speak)?
Re: Surprise support acts!!! ?

JLS is who? I'd love to see Janet take part in this too. Wouldn't that be great?
Re: MJ at the O2 Arena, What to expect?

Well it will be my first ever concert :love: so I would like to see him perform his best songs and I just want to be able to have a good time lol.

JLS is a boy 'band' who made it into the top 12 of X-Factor (think American idol). They did a couple of Michael songs on the show and are obviously fans. they are quite popular in the UK.
I need Dirty Diana and Man In The Mirror. Seeing those live would make me the happiest girl on earth :D
With so many classics, I doubt he'll do the pile of pish that is HMH. Akon is one of the worst things to happen to popular music in a long time anyway.

I'd rather he focus on his older songs, and maybe give them a bit of a fresher sound a-la the way Madonna does on her tours.
Support, someone to get the crowd going into a frenzy ready for MJ. Not someone who will send us to sleep. Therefore something 'pop' and as said nothing that will be in conflict with MJs set. So you want someone good but not outstanding. A good singer but not a great dancer, someone not overly talented and perhaps someone who doesnt write their own music. Someone probs tubby and short. Someone known to a multicultural audience as it will be and not just known in UK and these gigs are bringing in a lot of people. Therefore someone who has had a few hits but not loads around the world. Someone who will unite the audience and be instantly recognisable. Not someone everyone is turning around to and saying 'who is that'. I think someone who is back history has never dissed MJ, and probs someone who everyone knows believes MJ has influenced them. Therefore I would go for someone below the age of 35. Could be female to counterbalance MJ.
It might well be JLS, I hope so, those guys are so good, and it would give them such an opportunity. Astin is a massive fan, he did a Michael on Stars in Their Eyes when he was little.
Justin Timberlake as support...... well he has tried to copy the style a bit! and he is known around the world.
One word


Thats all i got to say. It would be such a beautiful gift to all fans if he preformed Speechless. Imagine Michael singing: You're love is magical, thats how i feel..
The fans would go CRAZY. i know i would xD
NO ONE is too big of an artist to open for michael jackson

Yes they are. Dont be foolish.

Its a massive step down for most artists to open for ANYONE. Even Michael Jackson.

What about Leon jackson, he won X-Factor in 2007 and hasnt done anything since.
Doesn`t matter.

Nothing will ever be a better opening act then what we saw on the Dangerous Tour.

Kriss Kross with the song "Jump"

But if he could have different acts for different concerts, that would be cool.
I reckon he'll have a few different acts for different concerts, 50 is a hell of a lot!

Wouldn't be surpised if this is the case. This is what The Rolling Stones do when they go on tour.
As per the comments that there are people who are too big to support Michael I am not so sure, I dont think that any other act (bar Led Zeppelin if they reunited again) could sell out the O2 for 50 nights. If you see who the Stones have had on their recent tours - HUGE acts like Kanye West, Metallica and Guns N' Roses (although GnR dropped out) I think Michael could have anybody he wanted.
The names that have been rumoured to support dont really excite me. My choice would personally be Darren Hayes.
Re: Surprise support acts!!! ?

JLS and Signature :ninja:...I'm hoping better than that, lol.

Haha same! They're good but MJ deserves better ;).The supporting act doesn't matter too much to me though but it will be kinda interesting to find out who they'll be.
do you think the this is it shows will be a big budget shows or not? cause if these shows really was scheduled at only 10 firstly ,how much money aeg could invest on production?,big stage,lights and special effects,dancers and stuff ? how would they earn the money they gave in only 10 shows?i don't wanna see something like msg 2001 show,it's mj here and we r in 2009,i want something innovative and HUGE...anyone with the same thoughts?
I think rather than doing fast dance song after fast dance song, he will do a fast dance song allways followed by a slower song. Maybe no more than 2 dance songs in a row.
I think rather than doing fast dance song after fast dance song, he will do a fast dance song allways followed by a slower song. Maybe no more than 2 dance songs in a row.

Yeah, he'll have to pace himself I think. I personally think he will open with some fast songs then take it down for a while and do the ballads then build it back up. That would be awsome.
man in the mirror performed with the white n red CTE shirt from the dangerous tour