MJ and Politics... ??

Alot of Republicans respect Martin Luther King....there was that whole campaign "Martin Luther King was a Republican" or whatever because apparently they found he was at some point registered as such....(Whatever--I'm not sure on that but I am sure there was such a campaign to make the republican party more appealing,LMAO)

But I think Michael had ALOT of conservative values and alot of liberal ones too. Although I hate using those words because I don't think some things should even be considered political issues but they are. Like the Environment for one. I hope that starts being an "across the board" issue instead of one mostly supported by democrats.

But I definitely think Michael would be Pro-Life. Just everything he's ever said leads me to believe that and I think most would agree with that,lol. That includes the death penalty. I highly doubt Michael would support the death penalty. Unless it was some guy who murdered children or something. But I don't know, he had so much respect for human life-and the life of animals. The song "Money" has some interesting comments in it that could be considered "conservative".

But I've always loved the fact that Michael was never rude, harsh or in your face about politics. I think that is so divisive. I like the idea of America being a unit and standing together and helping out countries less fortunate than our own. Unfortunately, you have extremely in your face, loud, rude people on both sides of the political fence. So I always loved that Michael was friendly with both republican and democratic presidents instead of being a celebrity that goes out and bashes a President.