MJ and Politics... ??

Mike was many different things. He was "liberal" on the environment and he was socially "conservative" when it came to family values. I remember liberals bashing him in the 80's for being too "goody-goody" and too "clean" when it came to "values issues". And I also remember conservatives bashing him over his care for the environment.

Truth be told...seriously...no matter what was posted before or after my post....MJ was NOT political. Sure, he met with Reagan and Clinton. So what? That doesn't matter. Mike was apolitical no matter what we think. He didn't fit into any political group. His beliefs on taking care of babies doesn't fit with the democrats and his beliefs on environmental policy doesn't fit with the democrats.

Michael was an enigma. He wasn't (isn't!) like you and me. He was something totally different. In my own humble opinion, he represented the closest thing to the truth that we could find in the modern world. His views superseded those of any political party. Michael was WAY above that. Michael....well....Michael was just.....Michael.

God bless him.

So, that has nothing to do with me. I don't believe in voting or government. I have a right not to vote just as well as to vote. The Nazis, the Jim Jones followers, the Confederates, etc. gave their blood for their beliefs too. Should I follow them as well?

while I can't comment on Jim Jones because I prefer to know what I'm talking about, neither the Nazis nor the Confederates believed in the democratic process, and the actions of them are all the more reason people need to get involved and vote.

I hsould also add that the confederates were anti-government.
If anyone watched the Our Icon special BET showed on MJ's Birthday, Michael Bearden says that MJ told him he cried like a baby the night Obama won the election. I'd venture to say that he voted. He prolly did an absentee ballot. Remember he also did a commercial for MTV's Rock The Vote back when Clinton ran for office the first time. But for him to speak specifically in interviews about his political affiliations would be unusual, because MJ was very concious of alienating his fans. If you wanna know if MJ is political just listen to TDRCAU. MJ knew what time it was all day, every day.
while I can't comment on Jim Jones because I prefer to know what I'm talking about, neither the Nazis nor the Confederates believed in the democratic process, and the actions of them are all the more reason people need to get involved and vote.

I should also add that the confederates were anti-government.
Not really, they were just anti-Lincoln and pro slavery. They had their own government with Jefferson Davis as president, their own money Greenbacks, and their own military. If they were really anti-government, they wouldn't have had these things. If people think voting will help them, that's their right and business, but to me the government is just the NWO/Illuminati/Freemasons/Skull and Bones/Bilderbergs/mafia/etc.
If anyone watched the Our Icon special BET showed on MJ's Birthday, Michael Bearden says that MJ told him he cried like a baby the night Obama won the election. I'd venture to say that he voted. He prolly did an absentee ballot. Remember he also did a commercial for MTV's Rock The Vote back when Clinton ran for office the first time. But for him to speak specifically in interviews about his political affiliations would be unusual, because MJ was very concious of alienating his fans. If you wanna know if MJ is political just listen to TDRCAU. MJ knew what time it was all day, every day.

Michael believes in peace and love and at the end of the day...that's we all want, we just have different ways of getting there.
I hate to say it but MJ ain't sounding too intelligent there. People gave their blood for his right to follow that stuff and it's the responsiblity of every american to do so. Same goes for citizens in other ocuntries. We can't sit around waiting for God to come fix all of our problems. We've been doing it for 2000 years. It isn't going to happen. Look at the seas and the skies. Were DESTROYING them! We have a choice in whether or not we will continue, so to say it's outta our hands is not true at all.

Sometimes you gotta put your superstitions aside, roll up your sleeves and get it done! The human race is capable of amazing things. Incredible things. but we have to do it for ourselves. No magical being with superpowers is going to do it for us.

I believe some day we will have world peace. There will be no poverty, depression, oppression, mysery, or suffering. But it is going to happen because the human race is going to work together to make it happen.

But based on the lyrics of MJ's music, I don't think he was being honest there when the reporter asked him. I think he was just trying not to offend any fans who might disagree with him. When you look at Mj's lyrics, it was clear he was pretty liberal.

"look what WE'VE done to the world" He knew it was in our hands because he even said "look what weve done." He also knew we had an absolute obligation. "Who am I pretending not to see their needs." That is another liberal position right there. Conservatives believe it's not the government's responsiblity to deal with that.

Yup, my first reaction upon reading the quote from the interview was literally like damn, he's gotta be pretty stupid to believe that, but by the time I was done typing this post I realized he just didn't want to offend anybody who might disagree so he tried to take a neutral position, which is pretty smart actually.
Well of course Michael believed humans can change the world. That's what the guy has been preaching for decades. Heck, he believed more than any of us about action and doing something.

Anyway, about MJ and politics, I believe he didn't want to be restricted to or categorised under any party. At least that's how I personally approach politics...I'm not interested in taking sides of this part of that party. Maybe they both have ideologies I agree with and disagree with. Why define and limit myself under just one?

IMO, Michael was simply for the people, for values and didn't bother too much with these political 'clubs'. Anything anyone believes in, people can give it a fancy label and call it 'Democratic'/'Republican' or whatever...but that's not what matters.
Don't know if you can tell, but politics is a dirty word in my dictionary. :lol:
If anyone watched the Our Icon special BET showed on MJ's Birthday, Michael Bearden says that MJ told him he cried like a baby the night Obama won the election. I'd venture to say that he voted. He prolly did an absentee ballot. Remember he also did a commercial for MTV's Rock The Vote back when Clinton ran for office the first time. But for him to speak specifically in interviews about his political affiliations would be unusual, because MJ was very concious of alienating his fans. If you wanna know if MJ is political just listen to TDRCAU. MJ knew what time it was all day, every day.

exactly. he knows exactly what his views are but it would be counter productive for him to really come out and say exactly what they are.
Anything anyone believes in, people can give it a fancy label and call it 'Democratic'/'Republican' or whatever...but that's not what matters.
Don't know if you can tell, but politics is a dirty word in my dictionary. :lol:

it don't work like that. democrats have to get nominated by their liberal base before their name even appears on the ballot for the general election, and republicans have to be nominated by their conservative base.

that's why most dems lean to the left and most republicans lean to the right. nobody is perfectly in the middle. everybody falls on one side or the other.

money is a pretty dirty word, but you still have to deal with it. ignoring the problem only makes it worse. A LOT WORSE! If more people paid attention, and close attention, it's unlikely we'd have ever invaded Iraq. Bush told us to be afraid and everybody was so uninformed that they had no reason to doubt him. Thus it was easy for him to get approval from congress because all the congressman and women had to get reelected by a bunch of uninformed voters.
it don't work like that. democrats have to get nominated by their liberal base before their name even appears on the ballot for the general election, and republicans have to be nominated by their conservative base.

that's why most dems lean to the left and most republicans lean to the right. nobody is perfectly in the middle. everybody falls on one side or the other.

money is a pretty dirty word, but you still have to deal with it. ignoring the problem only makes it worse. A LOT WORSE!
I didn't say ignoring it. Just because I don't care about political parties doesn't mean I don't have my own beliefs and principles about every issue.
Like I said, I know everything anyone believes in can fit into the right, left or wherever.
For example, I don't know whether I'm Democratic, Republican, etc...but ask me about my beliefs and I'll tell you. Just don't associate me with a party. I don't like labels.
Same with religion...but not gonna touch that here. :)

As for Michael, I believe he was disenchanted with politics.
Like I said, I know everything anyone believes in can fit into the right, left or wherever.

that's not true though.

and MJ sang about politics probably more than anything else not counting love songs or songs about the allegations. just one example out of countless We already had enough.

there is also history, tdcau, another part of me, can you feel it, black or white, this guy was not disconnected from politics. He was obsessed with it. either that or he didn't mean what he wrote in his songs.
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Also it is a JW teaching to remain neutral in the field of politics which might have also been a factor. You're even discouraged from voting.
Jehovah Witnesses.
perhaps that is why he converted.

"But if Roosevelt was a living" "If Martin Luther was a living." There is no way MJ was anti-politics. "your proclomation promised me free liberty"

How can anybody think Mj was anti-politics when he refers to one of our greatest presidents and then another highly political figure in the same song?

It was obvious that he was supportive of those two figures, and both of them were liberals I might add.
Also it is a JW teaching to remain neutral in the field of politics which might have also been a factor. You're even discouraged from voting.
Actually, Jehovah's Witnesses aren't allowed to vote at all, nor honor flags, countries, or holidays.
Actually, Jehovah's Witnesses aren't allowed to vote at all, nor honor flags, countries, or holidays.

I was raised Jehovah's Witness. There isn't a covenant saying don't vote. You're told to stay out of political matters and not to sing national anthems, flags etc as it constitutes a form of idolatory.
I was raised Jehovah's Witness. There isn't a covenant saying don't vote. You're told to stay out of political matters and not to sing national anthems, flags etc as it constitutes a form of idolatory.

Yes, I agree :)
Well if MJ says he doesn't vote , then that's that. But I don't think he was completely oblivious to everything going on about him. He just knew there's nothing man can really do.
Oh Lord.

We're gonna see a lot of this type of thing in the years to come, just like Elvis.

From everything I've ever heard/read/seen about Michael's personal feelings over the years, there is NOTHING to indicate completely that he falls into either category of conservative or liberal.

Michael was an enigma. He wasn't (isn't!) like you and me. He was something totally different. In my own humble opinion, he represented the closest thing to the truth that we could find in the modern world. His views superseded those of any political party. Michael was WAY above that. Michael....well....Michael was just.....Michael.

I agree 100%

Yes, one can mention one or two political figures, for they have something you can admire at a personal level, but again, that doesn't mean you are taking part in politics. And also: taking care of the planet, of children, of animals are great issues that are not there because of politics... these are important issues for us as human beings.

As far as I can remember, Michael has keep just ONE opinion on environment, children, poverty, taking care for others, be polite, animals... but many considered this to be "weird"... shame on those! Being "Green" is trendy now (finally a good "trend"!! hope this turns into a habit, not a trend), but not always. Not smoking is fine now... several years ago if you said "no" to smoking, you were considered a fool, etc.

Mike always leading the way :)
Alot of people cried when Obama won office. I cried but I wasn't necessarily "a supporter". It meant alot to have the first black president be voted into office by the American people. I think Michael worked with Republicans and Democratic Presidents for a reason. I'm sure he could find things to agree on with both of them.
If anyone watched the Our Icon special BET showed on MJ's Birthday, Michael Bearden says that MJ told him he cried like a baby the night Obama won the election. I'd venture to say that he voted. He prolly did an absentee ballot. Remember he also did a commercial for MTV's Rock The Vote back when Clinton ran for office the first time. But for him to speak specifically in interviews about his political affiliations would be unusual, because MJ was very concious of alienating his fans. If you wanna know if MJ is political just listen to TDRCAU. MJ knew what time it was all day, every day.

yeah, I think he voted for Obama too. maybe by absentee ballot. can you imagine him going to the voting booth? :lol:

and yeah I also remember reading that he cried when Obama got elected last November. bless him. so did I. like a baby, as well. god, that was an emotional roller coaster of a campaign :cry:

I agree with someone upthread who says that he was a liberal when it came to certain issues like poverty and the environment but leaned more toward conservative values in social matters. I can't for the life of me see him supporting things like pro-choice issues. but I think in general, he voted for the Democrats.
mj wasnt a registared voter last info we had on this.
perhaps that is why he converted.

"But if Roosevelt was a living" "If Martin Luther was a living." There is no way MJ was anti-politics. "your proclomation promised me free liberty"

How can anybody think Mj was anti-politics when he refers to one of our greatest presidents and then another highly political figure in the same song?

It was obvious that he was supportive of those two figures, and both of them were liberals I might add.

considering this I find it suprising that anybody doubted MJ paid attention or knew where he stood politically. I highly doubt he didn't vote. to sing about Roosevelt and Martin Luther King and then say your anti-politics would be like me singing a song endorsing Obama and saying I didn't pay attention to politics.
I agree 100%

Yes, one can mention one or two political figures, for they have something you can admire at a personal level, but again, that doesn't mean you are taking part in politics. And also: taking care of the planet, of children, of animals are great issues that are not there because of politics... these are important issues for us as human beings.

As far as I can remember, Michael has keep just ONE opinion on environment, children, poverty, taking care for others, be polite, animals... but many considered this to be "weird"... shame on those! Being "Green" is trendy now (finally a good "trend"!! hope this turns into a habit, not a trend), but not always. Not smoking is fine now... several years ago if you said "no" to smoking, you were considered a fool, etc.

Mike always leading the way :)

taking care of the planet and focusing so much on childhood development is a liberal thing. It really is. Before everybody had this attitude that kids can bounce back from anything. an old foot in the ass and they will be fine.

It was liberals who focused on social sciences and made it popular to take a person's childhood more seriously, because it had such a strong impact on what kind of adult the person will grow up to be. Conservatives in the past and many still today reject that as the "victim of society argument."

Animal rights is also a liberal thing. the thing is that liberal beliefs have become so popular over the last century that many conservatives want you to think they were the same way on those issues all along, even though they weren't.

It's just like segregation. Just a couple decades ago conservatives supported it, now they claim to not be racist, even though most of their base still is.

In a couple decades bigotry towards gays will be the same way. the conservative viewpoint will be shunned much like racism is today, and most conservatives in public will pretend to not have a problem with it, but in the privacy of their home when they think nobody can hear them they will talk about them just like they do black people today.
and Mj didn't just admire the person, he admired their political actions taken, which is why he said if they were living they wouldnt' let this be. :)
taking care of the planet and focusing so much on childhood development is a liberal thing. It really is. Before everybody had this attitude that kids can bounce back from anything. an old foot in the ass and they will be fine.

Ohh... I am sorry. I am not from the US, so this is something I can't really talk properly (in my contry they use other names, colors, etc., so my opinions on this could be wrong).

However, if we look back in history (world history, not only US history), you will find different times and different cultures which were very concerned about children development. This can be even found in the first books of the Bible, for instance. Same thing about animal cruelty and environmental issues. But not only in the Bible; if you look closer to ancient cultures, you will discover "green" messages everywhere. Everywhere! For they did recogonize our bond with this Earth and they respected the planet (ehehee... by writing this I remembered the song "Colors of the wind", of the movie Pocahontas LOL! )

So no, I don't think these issues belong only to this or that policial view. I think these are part of us, as human beings, and become more / less important at different times, for different reasons.

I truly belive there is no need to be involved in politics to have an opinion on these issues or to take concrete actions to help overcome some of these problems.
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I was raised Jehovah's Witness. There isn't a covenant saying don't vote. You're told to stay out of political matters and not to sing national anthems, flags etc as it constitutes a form of idolatory.

Isn't that basically the same thing? Prince & the Williams sisters (Venus & Serena) are all JW's and have said they don't vote. Although I don't think Prince voted even when he wasn't a JW.
"But if Roosevelt was a living" "If Martin Luther was a living." There is no way MJ was anti-politics. "your proclomation promised me free liberty"

How can anybody think Mj was anti-politics when he refers to one of our greatest presidents and then another highly political figure in the same song?

It was obvious that he was supportive of those two figures, and both of them were liberals I might add.

My thoughts exactly. A conservative would never write supportive lyrics about FDR or MLK Jr. saying they "wouldn't let this be" because it conjures up that word they love to throw around...ssssocialism.
Isn't that basically the same thing? Prince & the Williams sisters (Venus & Serena) are all JW's and have said they don't vote. Although I don't think Prince voted even when he wasn't a JW.

Its a little different but yes its a tad confusing. Take blood transfusions. Under JW teachings that is absolutly forbidden and they use scripture to back it up, I can't remember which one though. With voting its a bit more complex. There is no teaching saying don't vote, and there is no scripture saying do not vote, but Witnesses discourage followers froms voting as they say God is the only governing body that matters.