MJ and Politics... ??


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
So did Michael ever talk politically? Was he Democ?:bugeyed Repub?:D Independent??
well I think he stayed away from the topic publicly as to not upset any of his fans---i also don't think he cared all that much for the structure of government (tsk tsk every vote counts hopefully he voted lol) BUT while he met with many presidents of both sides, he performed at Clintons inauguration and he cares deeply for the underprivileged so I'd imagine he was a democrat...but a conservative democrat when it came to fiscal issues given his assets. *shrug* another reason he was so universal was that it was hard to pin flags to him. He lived beautifully and humbly imo.
I think Michael was very careful about what he said, but if you look at things he did say and stuff he sung about in his music, I think that he saw that the system we live in is wrong, and that we can't rely on or trust the government to fix things. He always said, it starts with us, we need to make things happen because the government won't do it, they won't look out for us.

I think Michael had very strong views but he was always careful how he spoke about them, because everything he said and did was always scrutinised.
Someone said he saved the Democratic party from financial straits in the 1992 election. & again in 2002 ; I dont know how or details but thats what he said
He performed at president Clinton's inauguration and performed at A 2002 Democrat fundraiser so I would assume he was a Democrat.
I heard an interesting quote a few weeks ago, this is the closest thing I could find:

"The simple truth is that when musicians dabble in politics, they generally end up trivialising the issues they espouse, in the process making themselves look foolish and their audience feel patronised."

I think Michael avoided the topic of politics because he knew it would have a negative impact on his work. I think it's okay for 'rock' bands like Oasis, Radiohead and Coldplay because they're audiences are different to that of MJ's.

Did Michael vote in 2008? I wonder if he voted for Obama? Can you imagine him at a voting booth though :laugh:
I think he was a democrat too - what with supporting the democrats several times and those photos of him and PP&B with Clinton, etc.
mj didnt really talk about policitcs as it was against how he was brought up. he comments on it abit in the ebony interview in 07?but considering he performed for the democrates i presume he would go more with his views. his general views are hardly conservative as they are viewed here

mj didnt vote
I think Michael was very careful about what he said, but if you look at things he did say and stuff he sung about in his music, I think that he saw that the system we live in is wrong, and that we can't rely on or trust the government to fix things. He always said, it starts with us, we need to make things happen because the government won't do it, they won't look out for us.

I think Michael had very strong views but he was always careful how he spoke about them, because everything he said and did was always scrutinised.

he pressured bill clinton to use the government to fight aids. based on his actions with his charity, it seems like strongly believed in helping the poor. and based on his messages in his music, he was very passionate about the environment, racism, forgiveness. Very anti war as well. An overall liberal tone since the beginning.

"the blood inside of me is inside of you"-can you feel it
We already had enough
black or white
another part of me
heal the wolrd
why you wanna trip on me
TDCAU-skin head dead head everybody gone mad, situation segregation
remember during the civil rights era, conservatives were much more opposed to ending desegreation than liberals were.
(Ebony 07)

Q: What do you think about the next presidential race? Hilary, Barrack?

A: To tell you the truth, I don't follow that stuff. We were raised to not...we don't look to man to fix the problems of the world. They can't do it. That's how I see it. It's beyond us. Look, we don't have control over the seas, they can have tsunamis. We don't have control over the skies, there are storms. We're all in God's hands. I think that man has to take that into consideration. I just wish they would do more for the babies and children, help them more. That would be great, wouldn't it?
Also, we have to remember that Jehovah W. don't get involve in politics, they don't vote and they don't trust the governement.. So, him being raised in this, it's probably a reason why he never talked about this and asked US to heal the world instead of asking the government ;)

*remember spoken message in TII movie* ;)
Michael was just against hatred, violence, and injustices from any people or person who showed it.
(Ebony 07)

Q: What do you think about the next presidential race? Hilary, Barrack?

A: To tell you the truth, I don't follow that stuff. We were raised to not...we don't look to man to fix the problems of the world. They can't do it. That's how I see it. It's beyond us. Look, we don't have control over the seas, they can have tsunamis. We don't have control over the skies, there are storms. We're all in God's hands. I think that man has to take that into consideration. I just wish they would do more for the babies and children, help them more. That would be great, wouldn't it?

nice, i was going to post this. that sums it up :)
he was in between. he was a wealthy man so he knew how to keep his taxes set,but on the other hand he was a man of the people.

besides in the music business that is politics 101 and he didn't need to venture outside of that to understand politcs. as a Black man dealing wiht programmers and the record labels there is more than enough politics there to go around.

but this Man went to the white when various presidents of both partys were there and that speaks volumes. he was a champion of all no matter what there political affliation or backing.
(Ebony 07)

Q: What do you think about the next presidential race? Hilary, Barrack?

A: To tell you the truth, I don't follow that stuff. We were raised to not...we don't look to man to fix the problems of the world. They can't do it. That's how I see it. It's beyond us. Look, we don't have control over the seas, they can have tsunamis. We don't have control over the skies, there are storms. We're all in God's hands. I think that man has to take that into consideration. I just wish they would do more for the babies and children, help them more. That would be great, wouldn't it?

I hate to say it but MJ ain't sounding too intelligent there. People gave their blood for his right to follow that stuff and it's the responsiblity of every american to do so. Same goes for citizens in other ocuntries. We can't sit around waiting for God to come fix all of our problems. We've been doing it for 2000 years. It isn't going to happen. Look at the seas and the skies. Were DESTROYING them! We have a choice in whether or not we will continue, so to say it's outta our hands is not true at all.

Sometimes you gotta put your superstitions aside, roll up your sleeves and get it done! The human race is capable of amazing things. Incredible things. but we have to do it for ourselves. No magical being with superpowers is going to do it for us.

I believe some day we will have world peace. There will be no poverty, depression, oppression, mysery, or suffering. But it is going to happen because the human race is going to work together to make it happen.

But based on the lyrics of MJ's music, I don't think he was being honest there when the reporter asked him. I think he was just trying not to offend any fans who might disagree with him. When you look at Mj's lyrics, it was clear he was pretty liberal.

"look what WE'VE done to the world" He knew it was in our hands because he even said "look what weve done." He also knew we had an absolute obligation. "Who am I pretending not to see their needs." That is another liberal position right there. Conservatives believe it's not the government's responsiblity to deal with that.

Yup, my first reaction upon reading the quote from the interview was literally like damn, he's gotta be pretty stupid to believe that, but by the time I was done typing this post I realized he just didn't want to offend anybody who might disagree so he tried to take a neutral position, which is pretty smart actually.
You're the one who sounds not too intelligent. We have been waiting for thousands of years for man to fix our problems and THAT ain't gonna happen. People have given their blood for may causes. That doesn't mean you have to follow them. God not being able to fix our problems is your opinion. Let Michael have his. I believe similarly to Michael and I know I am very intelligent, if I do say so myself. Hmph!
He performed at president Clinton's inauguration and performed at A 2002 Democrat fundraiser so I would assume he was a Democrat.

I think Michael was a Democrat. In the "This Is It" movie, during "Earth Song" Michael said that we have only 4 years to make the changes when it comes to fixing the problems with the Earth. One of Obama's 3 major issues is Global warming and how to come up with alternative ways on how to deal with the energy crisis. Instead of using oil, how to use wind energy. I don't know if he was referring to Obama, but I know his nephew Taj supported Obama in 2008. OH!!! he did have a brief image of Obama in the "This Is It" film. It was at the very beginning.
I hate to say it but MJ ain't sounding too intelligent there. People gave their blood for his right to follow that stuff and it's the responsiblity of every american to do so. Same goes for citizens in other ocuntries. We can't sit around waiting for God to come fix all of our problems. We've been doing it for 2000 years. It isn't going to happen. Look at the seas and the skies. Were DESTROYING them! We have a choice in whether or not we will continue, so to say it's outta our hands is not true at all.
well thats religious upbringings for you.
I think the Ebony interview was him trying to sound impartial so as to not alienate any factions of his fan base. Honestly, we *know* MJ thought about politics... why would he write songs about it if it didnt concern him?

And yes, people do die in vain. But people also die for change. Politics might not work for everyone all of the time, and when its not working for you personally it feels futile (I know this feeling personally...) but overall having a stance and taking action does more than standing in the wings. I think Mike saw this and used his power as a personality to influence political awareness in issues such as AIDS, warefare, climate change and racism. Theyre all politically charged subjects.
OH!!! he did have a brief image of Obama in the "This Is It" film. It was at the very beginning.

I had included this in my post when I said I thought maybe Michael supported Obama. But I realized that "This Is It" was edited and Michael had nothing to do with the editing of the film.
You're the one who sounds not too intelligent. We have been waiting for thousands of years for man to fix our problems and THAT ain't gonna happen. People have given their blood for may causes. That doesn't mean you have to follow them. God not being able to fix our problems is your opinion. Let Michael have his. I believe similarly to Michael and I know I am very intelligent, if I do say so myself. Hmph!

how do you know God doesn't want the human race to accoplish things for itself? A lot of people ask why God lets horrible things happen. Maybe God wants us to over come these obstacles and become really great you know. We honestly have a responsiblity to try.
how do you know God doesn't want the human race to accoplish things for itself? .

You are waaaay twisting Michael's words. He is sugesting to do things grass roots- for us TO do things, not the opposite. He's saying the government will not do it. Chances are, they won't. Michael is right, its up to us to heal the planet. And like Michael and ginvid, I hope God partners us in our choices.
I had included this in my post when I said I thought maybe Michael supported Obama. But I realized that "This Is It" was edited and Michael had nothing to do with the editing of the film.

Yes, MJ had nothing to do with the edition :)
I think the Ebony interview was him trying to sound impartial so as to not alienate any factions of his fan base. Honestly, we *know* MJ thought about politics... why would he write songs about it if it didnt concern him?

I believe MJ :) There is really no need for him to pretend to believe something he wouldn't really believe. Not taking part in politics is not quite popular... people do want to see their artists involved in politics, so I really believe he was not trying to be polite here, but he was telling his personal truth.

Caring about people has nothing to do ONLY with politics. You can really care about people and do not participate in politics at all. MJ is asking for US to make changes at a personal level, not a political level. He says this clearly during the Earth Song segment of TII: people are always saying someone will make the change. Someone who? The governments? We can not relay on them to make the change, it's US (not with that words, but that is the idea).

You can find most of the audio for that interview in YouTube. It's really so good... his voice is so fresh and clean and happy... I love it. Here's one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGPwrBqSrPk

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I had included this in my post when I said I thought maybe Michael supported Obama. But I realized that "This Is It" was edited and Michael had nothing to do with the editing of the film.
he would have had input to that footage imo. it was how the show would start so im sure it had been decided on b4 the 25th
Oh Lord.

We're gonna see a lot of this type of thing in the years to come, just like Elvis.

Listen....as a fan for nearly 30 years....Michael was Apolitical. He wasn't Democrat or Republican. Now many of us as fans will try to validate our own political views by casting them upon Mike's legacy, but truth be told...he wasn't a partisan. Sorry people. He wasn't either party.

From everything I've ever heard/read/seen about Michael's personal feelings over the years, there is NOTHING to indicate completely that he falls into either category of conservative or liberal.

Mike was many different things. He was "liberal" on the environment and he was socially "conservative" when it came to family values. I remember liberals bashing him in the 80's for being too "goody-goody" and too "clean" when it came to "values issues". And I also remember conservatives bashing him over his care for the environment.

Truth be told...seriously...no matter what was posted before or after my post....MJ was NOT political. Sure, he met with Reagan and Clinton. So what? That doesn't matter. Mike was apolitical no matter what we think. He didn't fit into any political group. His beliefs on taking care of babies doesn't fit with the democrats and his beliefs on environmental policy doesn't fit with the democrats.

Michael was an enigma. He wasn't (isn't!) like you and me. He was something totally different. In my own humble opinion, he represented the closest thing to the truth that we could find in the modern world. His views superseded those of any political party. Michael was WAY above that. Michael....well....Michael was just.....Michael.

God bless him.

EDIT: Just to let either side know...NO political arguments. I'm not getting into them....not only that, but they are against site rules so just DON'T.
You are waaaay twisting Michael's words. He is sugesting to do things grass roots- for us TO do things, not the opposite. He's saying the government will not do it. Chances are, they won't. Michael is right, its up to us to heal the planet. And like Michael and ginvid, I hope God partners us in our choices.

no Michael does not believe that. Mj couldn't really take a stand politically later in his career. it would have hurt his career and also which ever party he aligned himself with.

examples. my sister has diabetes. she was diagnosed with it at age 4. you think the free market would ever create a cure? no because it's more profitable to make people pay for treatment over and over and over again. it costs close to a thousand dollars a month to keep my sister alive.

Barack Obama has provided federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. if he had not then by the time my sister was in her 20's she'd either be dead, blind, or missing a limb. thanks to Barack Obama and his liberal beliefs in big government intervention, there will more than likely be a cure way before that time.

The government probably saved her life.

What some call big bad government is really just another word for 300 million americans working together. It takes that kind of collective effort to get anything done.

No invidual will heal the oceans. It will take government legislation forcing our economy to switch to alternative energy. The private sector wont do it. It will also take strict legislation stopping corporations from polluting.

The anit-government ideology is one of those retard ideologies that gave us George Bush. And Mj knew it, which is why he called on Bill Clinton to use the power of the GOVERNMENT to fight aids in africa.

where do you think you got the technology for your computer? From NASA spin off technology.

And think about social reforms. It took the federal government to force the south to desegregate, just like it took the federal government to end slavery. Of course individuals can decide to do the right thing on a daily basis, but the big problems like world hunger, pollution, education, ect. We need the whole country to work together for those. And in order for 300 million people to work together, you need a leader like Barack Obama.
Mike was many different things. He was "liberal" on the environment and he was socially "conservative" when it came to family values. .

how on earth was he conservative for family values? I don't recall MJ ever bashing gay marriage or gay couples. I don't recall him ever saying that a mother who can't afford to take care of her kids should be left to fend for herself.

And wait a minute. He married a white women. Hell most conservatives from his generation consider that to be quite tabooo.

The idea that liberals, who are known for their emphasis on a proper environment for children growing up, are somehow against family values is a false one. We believe in family values to a stronger extent than conservatives do. Conservatives say if you had a shitty family or a shitty childhood than don't come crying to them when you don't grow up properly.

P.S. I understand if you don't want to talk politics, but you shouldn't post a big long post about politics and then put at the end that people shouldn't talk about it.

and really conservatives never bashed him on the environment and liberals never bashed him for being goody goody.
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People gave their blood for his right to follow that stuff and it's the responsiblity of every american to do so.
So, that has nothing to do with me. I don't believe in voting or government. I have a right not to vote just as well as to vote. The Nazis, the Jim Jones followers, the Confederates, etc. gave their blood for their beliefs too. Should I follow them as well?
no Michael does not believe that. Mj couldn't really take a stand politically later in his career. it would have hurt his career and also which ever party he aligned himself with.

examples. my sister has diabetes. she was diagnosed with it at age 4. you think the free market would ever create a cure? no because it's more profitable to make people pay for treatment over and over and over again. it costs close to a thousand dollars a month to keep my sister alive.

Barack Obama has provided federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. if he had not then by the time my sister was in her 20's she'd either be dead, blind, or missing a limb. thanks to Barack Obama and his liberal beliefs in big government intervention, there will more than likely be a cure way before that time.

The government probably saved her life.

What some call big bad government is really just another word for 300 million americans working together. It takes that kind of collective effort to get anything done.

No invidual will heal the oceans. It will take government legislation forcing our economy to switch to alternative energy. The private sector wont do it. It will also take strict legislation stopping corporations from polluting.

The anit-government ideology is one of those retard ideologies that gave us George Bush. And Mj knew it, which is why he called on Bill Clinton to use the power of the GOVERNMENT to fight aids in africa.

where do you think you got the technology for your computer? From NASA spin off technology.

And think about social reforms. It took the federal government to force the south to desegregate, just like it took the federal government to end slavery. Of course individuals can decide to do the right thing on a daily basis, but the big problems like world hunger, pollution, education, ect. We need the whole country to work together for those. And in order for 300 million people to work together, you need a leader like Barack Obama.

I'm really sorry to hear about your sister. I hope government or private sector or individuals ... or any combination of combined efforts ... brings her and others healing and the best life possible. God bless her.

Personally, I like Obama.

What I am suggesting- and what I heard at the end of TII movie- is Michael saying *we* have to do it. I don't think he was calling us to be apathetic or anti-government... he was saying "for a forest to be green each tree must be green." Each of us should not just vote, then make uninformed or casual choices. We should take an active part in things which heal the planet. Get involved personally in healing the planet. Permaculture and all that other good stuff.