*mj Alert* On 20/20 This Friday 10pm

darn, I watched the whole thing, hoping there would be some mention of MJ. unfortunately, there wasn't. It was pretty interesting, though. I thought they were going to mention him eventually because of the subject matter of the show. First they talked about the media's fascination with the children of celebrities, and what boundaries should be used when getting and publishing photos of children, etc..this was when I thought they might somehow bring MJ and his kids into it. Then they featured two paparazzi who are only 15 years old. what a horrible business to go into at that age. And their parents were perfectly fine with it too. :puke:
darn, I watched the whole thing, hoping there would be some mention of MJ. unfortunately, there wasn't. It was pretty interesting, though. I thought they were going to mention him eventually because of the subject matter of the show. First they talked about the media's fascination with the children of celebrities, and what boundaries should be used when getting and publishing photos of children, etc..this was when I thought they might somehow bring MJ and his kids into it. Then they featured two paparazzi who are only 15 years old. what a horrible business to go into at that age. And their parents were perfectly fine with it too. :puke:

Supposedly there's a reality show about them in the works too.

It's the $$$$
^^Yep. I was watching it with my mom and when they said that, she got so disgusted she turned the channel. lol
That's great news ,I did check out the programs few second Intro but refuse to watch the rest...
Fans can't trust 20/20 or the media period In my view !
We as individuals that are loyal fans/admires of Mr.Jackson and friends of MJJ Community Nation to Nation (I absolutely adore that name) need to ask ourselves is the cup half empty or half full.

Although many are disappointed that Mr.Jackson was not on 20/20...Those of us that watched this program know that a segment of 20/20 had to do with the intense ruthlessness of the Paparazzi...

Therefore, a lesson to be learned by this, should we as individuals or as a community ever become a target of the Paparazzi, we will be prepared, know what to expect, and understand how others in the public eye deal with the Paparazzi's disrespect for privacy...

Heal The World~~~"Education Is The Key"
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I knew he wouldn't be on 20/20. Why would he? 20/20 isn't actually event televison these days. And also 20/20 has been horrible towards MJ these last couple of years.
Oh you guys DID NOT!

How is this my fault it didn't go on? I even posted the link to IMDb that said he would be on 20/20!

How dare you guys blame this on me? *snaps fingers*
From the orginal thread starter who i knew from past experiences post false information all the time but nobody stopped him.


If you actually read the WHOLE THREAD you would know I posted my sources :)

Thank you very much, never talk to me again :)
myself and another member also posted the information right from the website of the station.

they obviously showed a different episode or the web site had the wrong information ...

chill out people

MJJChichi said:
Originally Posted by TSCM
Friday, May 30, at 10 p.m. ET: 'How Young Is Too Young?'

I believe this is a repeat from last year where they discuss child prodigies and young stars (i.e., Hannah Montana), and the impact this has on their lives. If anything, I suspect they may show a brief montage of Michael as a young singer and then follow it up with the usual controversies; but I've never seen it before.


I think it is a repeat :yes:
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myself and another member also posted the information right from the website of the station.

they obviously showed a different episode or the web site had the wrong information ...

chill out people

Thank you- Chi Chi saves the day! :flowers: