Mika given MJ's shoes made for This Is It

Why not? He seems like a good guy.....and a big fan of MJ's.

Its not very nice to just say, grr why did HE get them. Like hes done something wrong.

indeed these kind of remarks are just NOT on people! leave Mika alone he has done nothing wrong at all!

sheesh! can't believe this, he's such an annoying pipsqueak! :ph34r:

hey that's your opinion, please be respectful to those of us who Love Mika & keep your horrid opinion to yourself!

I can't believe how some people are behaving in this thread. Ok, you don't have to like Mika's music or his singing but what gives people the right to make mean spirited comments about him. Not once has he said anything negative about Michael, he has always praised him and said how he has inspired him and even his new video has some little tributes to Michael. Okay some of you think the shoes should have gone to Michael's children and I do understand where you are coming from but still I don't understand why people think its okay to bash Mika especially since he hasn't done anything to deserve it.

indeed Mika is a big fan Of Michaels & he is a VERY sweet guy I can vouch for that as I have not only met him twice, been on stage with him but have also been a fan for 2 years. He is a very sweet person who genuinely loves his fans just as Michael did!

Mika recently invited his fans to join him at his local & he paid for ALL their drinks & picked up the tab which was 25 THOUSAND pounds! Not only that when the mfc ers (mika fan club members) has a christmas party in London last year he sent crates & crates of champagne for them.

also he wore a jacket several of us mfc ers (me included) "modified" & decorated for him in his new video for his new single we are golden & he has also worn it on stage & also on french tv, So he is a very sweet & lovely guy with a VERY big heart & he does NOT deserve slating like this!

It is childish to slate him! you need to grow up & shut up & give people respect.

I absolutely hate madonna & eminem with a passion but if anyone on here likes them I will keep my mouth shut & say NOTHING at all because I have respect for other people's opinions & will not slate people like that 'cause I am a GROWN UP!

Ugh, I can't stand the though of Mika being given Michael's shoes. Yes I am jealous, but just can't stand Mika's music or as a personality. Whoever was in a position to give him Michael's shoes for the This Is It concerts should have given them to Michael's children as someone has already pointed out. Prince, Paris and Blanket would love to have those shoes. If I was in the position that Mika was in, I would give those shoes to Michael's children.

I love Mika! I can't believe he got these shoes, he's

very lucky :)
It sounds like Michael never got to wear these shoes so I guess it's fine to give them to someone else...
Now if it were shoes that Michael owned for some time and wore a lot I would agree it should go to the kids...

the kids have plenty of stuff what does Mika have ??? NOTHING not even a gig now so he deserves them he is a major MJ fan & respects him, now please you try & respect Mika