Mika given MJ's shoes made for This Is It

They really should have been given to Michael's children.
I think it's ok but it would be more appropriate if he gave them to Michael's children...

I agree...I mean, no offense but, Mika? :ninja: They should have gone to the kids or at least someone in Michael's family surely? Lost me on this one.
sheesh! can't believe this, he's such an annoying pipsqueak! :ph34r:

Annoying hell yes. I don't even know if i can call it music...i mean...sigh.
I guess it's today's 'music' . I can't remember the many times i got pissed of and very annoying whenever that horrible Relax song came on the radio....
Good for Mika but I think that Prince, Paris & Blanket should get everything of Michael's.
Mika???:mello: shouldnt they be given to Prince Michael I or Prince Michael I or even Paris Katherine????
i cannot even read this....this has made me so sad...to think that someone else will be wearing Michael's shoes....I would of ratherd that they just throw the shoes away then let someone else wear them...:cry: ....omg this has left me in tears.
Annoying hell yes. I don't even know if i can call it music...i mean...sigh.
I guess it's today's 'music' . I can't remember the many times i got pissed of and very annoying whenever that horrible Relax song came on the radio....

LOL my boyfriend angrily jabs at the car radio to change stations whenever his 'music' is played!! haha
i also think michael's children should get everything. they should be their memories.
Are you guys aware that you are just talking about f-ing shoes? Who cares who gets them!?
i cannot even read this....this has made me so sad...to think that someone else will be wearing Michael's shoes....I would of ratherd that they just throw the shoes away then let someone else wear them...:cry: ....omg this has left me in tears.

I know what you mean...I mean, his shoes! They're such an important part! It's unbelievable they've just been given away like that. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that the kids would have wanted them a lot! Even if not now, in the future. It sucks.
Are you guys aware that you are just talking about f-ing shoes? Who cares who gets them!?

It's not that i care so much...but i would've found it more apropriate if
they were given to his kids, as a memory of their dad. Especially because the shoes are a real MJ trademark.
Are you guys aware that you are just talking about f-ing shoes? Who cares who gets them!?

must you be so insensitive....Michael's dancing was a big part of who he was. Yes I am aware that I am talking about shoes.....:(
I can't believe how some people are behaving in this thread. Ok, you don't have to like Mika's music or his singing but what gives people the right to make mean spirited comments about him. Not once has he said anything negative about Michael, he has always praised him and said how he has inspired him and even his new video has some little tributes to Michael. Okay some of you think the shoes should have gone to Michael's children and I do understand where you are coming from but still I don't understand why people think its okay to bash Mika especially since he hasn't done anything to deserve it.
He's a HUGE Michael Jackson fan.

His fans came on here and posted a thread giving us their condolences a few days after MJ died. It was nice of them.

I agree, it was very sweet of them to come here and share their condolences, I very much appreciated that.

I don't mind Mika. Rather him have them than some other people! I bet Michael had LOADS of shoes anyway, all the same. I bet his kids are inundated with them, lol.
Ugh, I can't stand the though of Mika being given Michael's shoes. Yes I am jealous, but just can't stand Mika's music or as a personality. Whoever was in a position to give him Michael's shoes for the This Is It concerts should have given them to Michael's children as someone has already pointed out. Prince, Paris and Blanket would love to have those shoes. If I was in the position that Mika was in, I would give those shoes to Michael's children.
That's hott!

The shoes the dancers wore during Janet's tribute are custom made Louboutins too

I can't believe how some people are behaving in this thread. Ok, you don't have to like Mika's music or his singing but what gives people the right to make mean spirited comments about him. Not once has he said anything negative about Michael, he has always praised him and said how he has inspired him and even his new video has some little tributes to Michael. Okay some of you think the shoes should have gone to Michael's children and I do understand where you are coming from but still I don't understand why people think its okay to bash Mika especially since he hasn't done anything to deserve it.

Its really low to bash someone that has done nothing negative in regards to Michael only because you dont like their music (and personality? you dont even know him).
There are a lot of artists whose music i dont like or who annoy me for another reason, i dont go around and bash them for those reasons alone.
i dont know who mika is, but hes lucky as heck.

i dont understand why the shoes should go to the children, louibouton can give them to whomever he wants, at the end of the day they are shoes and im not going to be materialistic to the point on worrying on every siiiiingle item mike owned.
the children got the real michael they dont need shoes.
I'm seeing him again in October when he comes to Vancouver. This time it's a general seating venue, so I'll be front row and center pushed against the stage, starring at his feet. Hopefully I'll get a chance to ask him about it. I guess I'll have to wear all my M.J clothes to grab his attention :)
Tinnyandodd, its not that hard to meet Mika in my opinion.
Got to meet him twice now, got a pic, an autograph and had a small chat.
He usually greets the fans that are waiting for him after a concert, it may take a while but he takes time to talk to everyone.

He's friendly as logn as you dotn touch his hair LOL (*cough* Amsterdam indicent with a fan *cough*).
I think those should've went to Michaels kids, do people think before they just up and give away Michaels things?, Do they think about who would like to have them or who deserves them most?

And forgive me, but who's Mika?
You can read who Mika is a few posts back already.

I agree they couldve thought about his family first but i rarther see mika in them (whio is a fan after all) then some kind of hater or someone who won them on ebay by bidding a ridiculous amount of money.
Michael almost always wore penny loafers to dance in and I can't think of any different style shoe he wore. Look at the "This Is It" trailers, he danced in his loafers as always to rehearse.

The shoes Mika has described don't sound like any shoes I've seen MJ dance in. :-/

Mika is lucky to get these shoes none the less.
I love Mika! I can't believe he got these shoes, he's very lucky :)
It sounds like Michael never got to wear these shoes so I guess it's fine to give them to someone else...
Now if it were shoes that Michael owned for some time and wore a lot I would agree it should go to the kids...
It's not that i care so much...but i would've found it more apropriate if
they were given to his kids, as a memory of their dad. Especially because the shoes are a real MJ trademark.

Im sure his kids have tons and tons and tons of things as a memory of their dad.
I like Mika too and was very touched about the Mika fans coming into our forum to pass on their condolences. Truly a lovely set of fans.
I agree with someone who said that Michael has almost always danced in his penny loafers when doing concerts. Why would it change now? Hmmm. . . Maybe these other shoes from Louboutin where made for the backup dancers?

I also doubt that if these were really Michael's shoes, he'd only have one pair of each design. I'm thinking at least 2 or 3 pairs because shoes can get misplaced or damaged. He'd be using the a lot for the concerts, so I am thinking that Christian would have had to make Michael more than one pair.

Hoping we get to see these shoes one day. They sound interesting.