Mika given MJ's shoes made for This Is It


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Jul 25, 2011
Yahoo! Music News

Mika inherits Jackson's shoes

(Friday September 18, 2009 02:41 PM) Pop star Mika has been handed Michael Jackson's shoe collection by designer Christian Louboutin - as payback for saving the stylist from a fight with Robert De Niro.
The Lebanese born singer has inherited designer footwear the late King of Pop was planning to sport onstage during his This Is It comeback shows at London's O2 Arena this year.
Jackson hired Louboutin to fashion his shoes for the gigs, and after his sudden death in June, Mika's designer friend gave him the collection.
The Grace Kelly hitmaker says, "Christian Louboutin designed all Michael Jackson's shoes that he was supposed to be wearing for the O2 concerts. So when he died, Christian asked if I wanted them for my tour.
"They are amazing. One is a black soft leather lace-up which goes up the ankle to support Michael while he was dancing. Then there is the pair which must have been made for him to moonwalk in. They are gold with a metal toe and the soles are really smooth and slippy to make it easy to moonwalk in. I think they are the only pair I might not wear.
"It's a little freaky to think he'd have worn those to do the moonwalk in. Then again, who knows, it might give me some magic power to help me dance rather than just jumping around the stage like an idiot."
And the star insists his pal's generous offer may be payback for saving him from a boozy brawl with Hollywood star De Niro: "Christian is a great friend of mine, but I had to stop him from being sorted out by Robert De Niro once.
"We went back to a house party after the Oscars and Christian was so drunk he stepped on Robert's girlfriend's dress and ripped it right the way up the back. Robert and these security guys were furious - I could see them glaring at Christian. So I grabbed Christian and said 'Yes, he's an a**hole', and threw him into a cab before they beat him up. It was insane."
Yahoo! Music News

Mika inherits Jackson's shoes

(Friday September 18, 2009 02:41 PM) Pop star Mika has been handed Michael Jackson's shoe collection by designer Christian Louboutin - as payback for saving the stylist from a fight with Robert De Niro.
The Lebanese born singer has inherited designer footwear the late King of Pop was planning to sport onstage during his This Is It comeback shows at London's O2 Arena this year.
Jackson hired Louboutin to fashion his shoes for the gigs, and after his sudden death in June, Mika's designer friend gave him the collection.
The Grace Kelly hitmaker says, "Christian Louboutin designed all Michael Jackson's shoes that he was supposed to be wearing for the O2 concerts. So when he died, Christian asked if I wanted them for my tour.
"They are amazing. One is a black soft leather lace-up which goes up the ankle to support Michael while he was dancing. Then there is the pair which must have been made for him to moonwalk in. They are gold with a metal toe and the soles are really smooth and slippy to make it easy to moonwalk in. I think they are the only pair I might not wear.
"It's a little freaky to think he'd have worn those to do the moonwalk in. Then again, who knows, it might give me some magic power to help me dance rather than just jumping around the stage like an idiot."
And the star insists his pal's generous offer may be payback for saving him from a boozy brawl with Hollywood star De Niro: "Christian is a great friend of mine, but I had to stop him from being sorted out by Robert De Niro once.
"We went back to a house party after the Oscars and Christian was so drunk he stepped on Robert's girlfriend's dress and ripped it right the way up the back. Robert and these security guys were furious - I could see them glaring at Christian. So I grabbed Christian and said 'Yes, he's an a**hole', and threw him into a cab before they beat him up. It was insane."

:lol: Lucky Mika!
who knows, it might give me some magic power to help me dance rather than just jumping around the stage like an idiot.

heheheheh you wish
He's a HUGE Michael Jackson fan.

His fans came on here and posted a thread giving us their condolences a few days after MJ died. It was nice of them.
Mika better work it in Mikka's shoes damnit
"They are amazing. One is a black soft leather lace-up which goes up the ankle to support Michael while he was dancing. Then there is the pair which must have been made for him to moonwalk in. They are gold with a metal toe and the soles are really smooth and slippy to make it easy to moonwalk in. I think they are the only pair I might not wear."

Hmm...it sounds like he received more than 2 shoes. I'd love to see what they look like. I wonder what he's going to do w/ the gold one then. I could see him putting it in a case & keeping it at his house.

Or donate it (later on) to an MJ museum...
I hope he doesn't wear the BJ ones :cry:
he's ok but please no :(
I don't want anyone wearing shoes that were meant for TII
I love Mika :D glad he got them and not someone like Kanye West, who knows maybe he might have interrupted Christian giving Mika the shoes and say " My shoes are better than this"
He's doing a show in my city soon, I'll go check the shoes I think, lol
I like what he does, I don't have his last album tough.
One of my parrot is crazy about the song Lollipop!
Pop star Mika has been handed Michael Jackson's shoe collection by designer Christian Louboutin - as payback for saving the stylist from a fight with Robert De Niro.

Most hilarious sentence ever.
Grr why did he get them >.>

Why not? He seems like a good guy.....and a big fan of MJ's.

Its not very nice to just say, grr why did HE get them. Like hes done something wrong.
ha! he'd stop Christian and say

''I'm really pleased fo you that you got the shoes Mika, bu bu but MY feet are better, MY feet are like the best feet of our generation, I should get the shoes''

I love Mika :D glad he got them and not someone like Kanye West, who knows maybe he might have interrupted Christian giving Mika the shoes and say " My shoes are better than this"
I guess this is ok, as long as he is a big fan and doesn't sell them for his own gain. I saw a show of him at Rockwerchter and it was really cool. Lot's of fun and crazy stuff going on.
Nice to hear he got them..

Big Mika fan here.
And Yes, he's a MJ-fan too (we spoke to him during a meet and greet early in june and asked him if he was planning on seeing TII this summer).

He's a talented musician, very different from most singers these days in my opinion (i got his second album this afternoon, its out since today...love it)

my fave song for now:

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LOl at the responses on the mikaforum:


Mika: The eternal teenager of pop bursts his bubble

After selling 6 millions of copies of his debut album, the lebanese singer Mika retuns this Tuesday with a new album

You know his songs and you dance them. His name sounds familiar. You could even put a face to his childish voice that have dazzled 6 millions of people.

But, who´s really Mika? Who´s that boy with deep voice and with a wide high-pitched scale? Is he a boy, a teen, a perpetual Peter Pan or the new adorable "freak" of music?

He confesses that "he doesn´t even know", admits this 20something born in Lebanon, France raised & London resident.

"I had so much creativity when i was younger, but socially i was an island. I´ve created a parallel world that travels in my songs". A world that bursts now and is open to everyone who wants with his swecond album "The Boy Who Knew Too Much". "In my first album there was childhood references. In this album there are happiness, weakness & a little dose of bitterness. In other words, all the things that i felt when i was a teenager."

What does a teenager worry about? "Make things that make you smile. Live in a weird small world. What i´ve always done", laughs Mika

He talked about all this subjects with Qué! & Que.es: sex, relationships at the school, his family, money...Mika, at last, burst his bubble, came out from the world of colour he lives in and confessed some secrets, unthinktable at this date to come out of his mouth.

For example, regarding of sexual relationships, gossip surrounds Mika. Is the boy who sings "Grace Kelly" gay? "I don´t consider myself effeminate, although i could be considered that in a boys school. I didn´t belong to that world and i feared that would tear me apart".

The subjects bothers Mika, but considering that his album talks about teenage memories, sex is a key: "I wasn´t promiscous, but i did things that i shouldn´t have done. Like everybody, right?".

Talking about his musci relaxes him: "I make pop tunes & and i do this because i enjoy like a kid."

Mika distances himself of the critics: "I´m not ashamed of my music. I never thought that i would ever be listened by anybody, how this was gonna be perceived. I created a world for my music to live in".

And what a world!: he composes, sings, and takes part of the artistic & visual sides...Some people compare him with Freddie Mercury. "I´m happily ignorant", he laughs

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I just saw the Making of Janet Jackson's VMA Tribute and Christian Louboutin made all the shoes for the dancers and Janet for the Scream section. They were sparkly and had some major bling! The dancers said that the shoes fit like a glove on them.

I don't know if Christian gave them for free of Janet bought them, but she gave the costumes and the shoes to the dancers as a gift.
I think it's ok but it would be more appropriate if he gave them to Michael's children...