Michael's Will (Merged)

Executors of the will. the WILL

WE AND CNN...know NOTHING about the Trust.

So lets not be Tabloid Junkies....and CNN can be really Tabloid ALOT.

They made me so furious.

I had to turn off thier channel and turn up Disc 4 in TUC

Sorry, i have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE about this ish, but all I saw was that it was in the will already. Michael, in his will, stated he gives them control of everything, not just the will.

I don't know what to believe. I'll just wait. Howabout that!
jamgirl, the Trust is cash, not personal affects.
Personal affects are things no one would want but close family.
Some stuff will get thrown away socks, undies, old clothes, broken dishes etc.
Other things will get passed down to his kids.
My Grandma had a will with a trust built in it.
Ok, CNN is saying Michael's 2 lawyers are the Executors of his will and get control of the estate. This means they can do whatever they want with the estate, money, whatever Jackson has.

I was MAD when I heard it. Michael gave it all away and these people can sell the catalog for one cent and screw everything up. I'm really mad. I'm hopping it's fake. I don't think he would be that:doh: to give the Pieces-of $h!t that kind of control. He can't say not one of his blood worth the trust. These people can do whatever they want, the are gods! Maybe that's what I needed to hear to move on.
Well CNN also said a judge ordered these 2 lawyers and Katherine to come to a hearing, I think, on June 6th to talk about all this mess.
jamgirl, the Trust is cash, not personal affects.
Personal affects are things no one would want but close family.
Some stuff will get thrown away socks, undies, old clothes, broken dishes etc.
Other things will get passed down to his kids.
My Grandma had a will with a trust built in it.

The trust holds his entire estate.

Tusts are run by appointed Trustees.

This trust holds his assets.

Which it states are non-cash & non-liquid.

I was MAD when I heard it. Michael gave it all away and these people can sell the catalog for one cent and screw everything up. I'm really mad. I'm hopping it's fake. I don't think he would be that:doh: to give the Pieces-of $h!t that kind of control. He can't say not one of his blood worth the trust. These people can do whatever they want, the are gods! Maybe that's what I needed to hear to move on.

We don't know what the TRUST states.

Michael was not as dumb to so something like that.
I pray that these lawyers don't fight with the family and all work together and fairly give them what they deserve.
Can I ask a question here? How does this information get out to the public? Shouldn't this be private information?
Well CNN also said a judge ordered these 2 lawyers and Katherine to come to a hearing, I think, on June 6th to talk about all this mess.

It's not really a mess. Katherine filed for control, because they thought there was no will. She got that control, but it turned out there is a will after all. So legaly, this has to be straigtened out, that's all.
I've loved Michael and have respected his private decision and all as a human being, a friend. I've been a wise member here since 2004 and never let emotion causing me to be overacted. I must say the following: If Michael's two lawyers are indeed declared Gods and Executors of his will and get full control of his estate to do whatever they want with the estate, money, etc... then Michael should be remembered only for making that decision. :(
I will continue to read this over and over as it has kept me in the light for so long. "We must stay the course and 'Keep The Faith.' Keep it positive and even through our darkest hours, remember that darkness is temporary. The light will always shine." by Trish
Re: Mr.Jackson HAD a WILL

And it was written before that trial mess started so i wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to be buried at his beloved Neverland under his little giving tree where he used to sit and think and write beautiful music.

Oh my God, the Giving Tree... :cry: that would be beautiful.... :cry:
The lawyers are executors but that doesn't mean they will just sell off anything. Don't forget there are 2 people and one resigned.

That means they have to appoint a third person who most likley will be Londell.

I think given that Katherine filed for control, to have peace with teh family, teh judge may grant a waiver for Katherine to have a level of control with teh executors, in that certain actions will have to be done in consultation with her.

Given that she is the legal guardian and overseer of their estate, she would have the right to claim that she be consulted when decisions are made, and i cannot see those two wanting to pick a fight with Michael's mum, especially at a time that the family suspects foul play.

Also, wills by lawyers have to be managed properly. They have a legal obligation to do so otherwise the beneficiaries can sue them.

I think if Londell is appointed as the third executor and Katherine gets the right to be consulted especially when it comes to investments and selling, then all will be fine.

It's funny how the person who drew up the will then grants himself executor rights, an issue Katherine and Londell can push before teh judge, especially after Michael dismissed tehn rehired Branca.

He definitely influenced Michael to place him as an executor as he's the one who drew it up.
dont executors execute the will and nothing else? ie make sure xy and z get what mj said they should get. hes not left everything to them as benificies to do what they want
Executor of a Will's Checklist

If you are acting as executor then it is likely that your involvement may go on for several months and possibly even years.

Part of an executor’s duties include drawing up some simple accounts providing all the details of how the deceased’s estate has been divided. This information will also be needed to enable any necessary tax return to be completed. The executor must also:

  • Inform next of kin, close family and any potential heirs of the death and that you are an executor.

  • Appoint a solicitor.

  • Obtain copy of will and carry out instructions within.

  • If necessary, register the death and assist with funeral arrangements.

  • Ensure assets are listed and if necessary made secure, for example, locating house keys and locking property.

  • Gather together vital paperwork, address book of deceased, wills, death certificate and any certified copies, personal effects such as handbag or wallet.

Gather all financial paperwork such as cheque books, bank statements,
"That means they have to appoint a third person who most likley will be Londell."

the will says it is unnecessary if I remember well. I have seen the attachments on tv, but not here. why? I'd like to read them.
This is ridiculous. Michael Jackson already appointed the executors. Their primary responsibility is to "execute" the will or carry out Jackson's wishes. There is no need for a third executor. That will only cause more confusion.
I've loved Michael and have respected his private decision and all as a human being, a friend. I've been a wise member here since 2004 and never let emotion causing me to be overacted. I must say the following: If Michael's two lawyers are indeed declared Gods and Executors of his will and get full control of his estate to do whatever they want with the estate, money, etc... then Michael should be remembered only for making that decision. :(

Michael should be remembered for acting in control of his estate to set it to be handled as he wanted. That is a great thing to be remembered--he had control of a great estate and put in place his wishes for it when he was no longer able to control it.

Can Michael do anything that people say "as he wishes"?
Yall are really making some crazy assumptions.

The executors of the will are not gonna just go in there and do whatever they want to do. And it is not necessary to appoint a third executor just because one guy dropped out.

Also, the Trust itself has a breakdown of the beneficiaries and what is bequeathed to each of them and how old they need to be to come into control of what has been inherited by them. It also has details about how, when and where the deceased wanted to be buried, etc. The Jackson Family Trust will be earning all of Michael's money and royalties. As this money is coming in, Branca and McClain will disperse money to Katherine and the children to make sure they are being taken care of. They will also take the agreed upon administration fees that they rightfully earn for administering the trust for Michael.

My uncle has a living trust and everything, from how he and his wife are to be buried to who the executor is to what is to be sold is in that trust.

This will only tells us who is in charge and where the estate will be housed (in the Jackson Family Trust). The DETAILS are in the trust.
Ok, CNN is saying Michael's 2 lawyers are the Executors of his will and get control of the estate. This means they can do whatever they want with the estate, money, whatever Jackson has.

Whatever the 2 lawyers do as the executors of Michael's estate will have to do it on behalf of The Michael Jackson Family Trust. So if there is any property sold or any investments that are made, it is for the Michael Jackson Family Trust. I am so happy that John McClain is on of the executors. I trust him more that John Branca. If 50% of that Beatle catalog is sold, I'm sure McClain will make sure that Sony pays top dollars for it. I think Branca will give it away for nothing.

I remember McClain during the Motown days.
I hope Michael's mother can fight to get appointed as teh third executor, then she can delegate her responsibilities to Londell.

This way, she gets consulted concerning all business deals, album releases, use of Michael's image rights and belongings
It also ensures Branca SonyATV and other assets.

It's not right that Branca set this up without letting Michael have anyone else have a say about his career management after death, which virtually enables Branca to become "Michael" as the chief executor.

Londell is a good lawyer and can pursue this in court or in negotiations.
Also, they can bring up two things to challenge BRanca
This was drawn up in 2002, but a lot has happened between then and now.

There were those who during the trial sought to force Michael to sell his share of SonyATV, and Michael spoke of this in a sworn deposition, his mother was present.

Michael bought back the 5% given to Branca around the same time in 2006.
Michael fired Branca for reasons Michael is not present to explain in detail.
Michael also spoke up about how he did not trust Branca, which is on record.

Another person is on record saying that they paid Branca, Michael's lawyers behind Michael's back to manipulate him to have a photo of him and his son on OK! magazine in 1997.

When all this is put together and other stuff, Londell can argue in negotiations or in court that a Jackson family member must be part of the executors, especially as Branca had a falling out with Michael at some point and also had a business interest in some of the assets in the Michael Jackson Family Trust, which may be a conflict of interest in his decision making in the future, especially as there will be people who will approach Branca to ask that he sells it.

Again during the trial, TMez mentioned of meetings since 2000 to try and get Michael and Sony together so that some people could buy off Michael's share, but Michael resisted all this.

How then will Branca perform on this crucial issue when he had a business interest in the same?
To be fair Michael was clever in giving guardianship to his mother and Ms Ross as Janet he would have thought would want to start her own family, she is younger to him and had other committments.
I hope Michael's mother can fight to get appointed as teh third executor, then she can delegate her responsibilities to Londell.

This way, she gets consulted concerning all business deals, album releases, use of Michael's image rights and belongings
It also ensures Branca SonyATV and other assets.

It's not right that Branca set this up without letting Michael have anyone else have a say about his career management after death, which virtually enables Branca to become "Michael" as the chief executor.

Londell is a good lawyer and can pursue this in court or in negotiations.
Also, they can bring up two things to challenge BRanca
This was drawn up in 2002, but a lot has happened between then and now.

There were those who during the trial sought to force Michael to sell his share of SonyATV, and Michael spoke of this in a sworn deposition, his mother was present.

Michael bought back the 5% given to Branca around the same time in 2006.
Michael fired Branca for reasons Michael is not present to explain in detail.
Michael also spoke up about how he did not trust Branca, which is on record.

Another person is on record saying that they paid Branca, Michael's lawyers behind Michael's back to manipulate him to have a photo of him and his son on OK! magazine in 1997.

When all this is put together and other stuff, Londell can argue in negotiations or in court that a Jackson family member must be part of the executors, especially as Branca had a falling out with Michael at some point and also had a business interest in some of the assets in the Michael Jackson Family Trust, which may be a conflict of interest in his decision making in the future, especially as there will be people who will approach Branca to ask that he sells it.

Again during the trial, TMez mentioned of meetings since 2000 to try and get Michael and Sony together so that some people could buy off Michael's share, but Michael resisted all this.

How then will Branca perform on this crucial issue when he had a business interest in the same?

ok, but MJ hired Branca back some weeks ago !
To be fair Michael was clever in giving guardianship to his mother and Ms Ross as Janet he would have thought would want to start her own family, she is younger to him and had other committments.
To me, Janet would have been the person I would think he would leave his children to. She is the youngest and she seems responsible. But maybe Michael didn't want it to be a mess between the rest of the family. You know being jealous or what not.
I've loved Michael and have respected his private decision and all as a human being, a friend. I've been a wise member here since 2004 and never let emotion causing me to be overacted. I must say the following: If Michael's two lawyers are indeed declared Gods and Executors of his will and get full control of his estate to do whatever they want with the estate, money, etc... then Michael should be remembered only for making that decision. :(

If I may so bold as to say, you have fallen for the 'tabloid' bull and over-reacted to something you don't know enough about.

As someone has already posted; the will only 'outlines' Michaels wishes and directs all concerned to the 'Trust'. This will give more detail on what exactly is to be done with Michaels assets.

Please don't turn on MJ just because the media are feeding us false/limited/twisted information.

Keep the faith!
Re: Mr.Jackson HAD a WILL

he owns disneyland?

NO, he does not own Disneyland. I can't believe how gullible some people can be. Why would Captain EO have been removed if he owned the place? Plus, I know he doesn't.