Michael's Will (Merged)

I just hope that his family will be the one to own all of his images, money, and likeness. I do not want anyone outside of the Jackson's owning MJ's image (and it seems like Michael's mother will be over it)
So there is a tread... so the money are going to the childer?? it deosn't seems so...
Can anyone explain?
Now the media can shut up on where the kids to go and hoping for a custody battle. Let it go media. the will has spoken
Woops other thread locked, I'll post my question again...

When Prince, Paris and Blanket turn 18 will they have full control of the assets or will the lawyers always have control?
The diana ross bit surprised me. But I don't know what went on behind the scenes of their relationship so..
Diane Ross never, ever stabbed Michael in the back. She always defended him and never was a fair weather friend.

She was also married to a billionnaire for whom she had two kids. She does not need Michael's money. And I'm sure she knew she was gonna be listed.

I think that the trust probably holds all the details about how the children and his mother are to be provided for.
Diana Ross was a suprise to me, but we don't know what Michael's relationship was with her through out the years. But the only think that I'm glad is that no one gets the money really. It looks like Paris, Blanket and Prince will be paid out money from the Michael Jackson trust fund. That is good, because then they can't blow the money from their trust fund and then end up like Gary Coleman or some other child stars or kid from a rich family. That is also why the lawyers are in control of the estate. Like someone say before, family members can be the worst when it comes to the money of a family member.
it all varies didnt presley get given so much $ when she turned 18. all depends on how u want to do it. he my give the kids x amount of $ at certain ages b4 handing it all over to them at a certain age. could be 18 cold be 25 could be 30
So the lawyers will give the children and Katherine kind of like an "allowance" to live on until they gain control?

(sorry for all the questions)

I didn't get the part about "intentionally ommited my heirs, my former wife" What was it about? That language kills me!

Tell me about it. Are we sure it's in english? :blink:

Edit: Elusive moonwalker answered my question :)
If there are ny Law students on this forum from the US, plz assist:

1. Does the term "Family" include Parents?
Im assuming it does.

2. Will the control of the business remain with the Lawer's forever? or will it be passed on to the Children once they turn 18/21?

3. I think it is safe to say that the "Michael Jackson Family" here does not include his brothers & sisters... or amI wrong

4. Also, "intentionally" excluding Debbie means that Mike did'nt want anything to go to her. This one is pretty clear.
If there are ny Law students on this forum from the US, plz assist:

1. Does the term "Family" include Parents?
Im assuming it does.

2. Will the control of the business remain with the Lawer's forever? or will it be passed on to the Children once they turn 18/21?

3. I think it is safe to say that the "Michael Jackson Family" here does not include his brothers & sisters... or amI wrong

4. Also, "intentionally" excluding Debbie means that Mike did'nt want anything to go to her. This one is pretty clear.

We do not know ANYTHING about the trust. The trust has not been made public.....so we know nothing....yet

And yes, intentionally means Debbie is to get NOTHING.
Peter Pan everything will be in the children's control once they hit the age of 18/21.
Nothing has been given to his parents/brothers/sisters/ex wives.
Personal items Michael owned will be handed out to his family. The lawyers most likely had a private talk with Michael at some point of what he wanted to pass along to his family.
Such as give Prince my artwork. Paris should have my dolls. Blanket gets the albums I've collected. Janet should have......etc.
CNN reported something about this woman with a mile-long name claiming to be Mike's secret wife. :doh: Watch all the leeches coming out now.
Have we ascertained the validity of the document that has been posted?
Peter Pan everything will be in the children's control once they hit the age of 18/21.
Nothing has been given to his parents/brothers/sisters/ex wives.
Personal items Michael owned will be handed out to his family. The lawyers most likely had a private talk with Michael at some point of what he wanted to pass along to his family.
Such as give Prince my artwork. Paris should have my dolls. Blanket gets the albums I've collected. Janet should have......etc.

We don't know what is in the trust. PERIOD.

What this all boils down to mean, is that the Trustees of the Michael Jackson Family Trust will have a lot of power when it comes to Michael Jackson's assets, but reading between the lines, it means that they will also over-see how much of the monetary assets, and at what intervals, Michael Jackson's kids will see the funds. Trusts like these are set up in order to help out people who are awarded monetary and physical assets in a will, and it will allow the Trustees to help advice the kids, and disperse the assets at the right time. His mother, Katherine Jackson, will also retain some rights as guardian of the children, and thus a vested interest in the Michael Jackson estate.
It would appear that Michael's children will be well taken care of. They deserve nothing but the best.
Ok, CNN is saying Michael's 2 lawyers are the Executors of his will and get control of the estate. This means they can do whatever they want with the estate, money, whatever Jackson has.
Ok, CNN is saying Michael's 2 lawyers are the Executors of his will and get control of the estate. This means they can do whatever they want with the estate, money, whatever Jackson has.

Executors of the will. the WILL

WE AND CNN...know NOTHING about the Trust.

So lets not be Tabloid Junkies....and CNN can be really Tabloid ALOT.

They made me so furious.

I had to turn off thier channel and turn up Disc 4 in TUC