Michael's Music on Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Playlist

I sure love my favorite president.!! He is super cool and totally gets it. No denying the CLINTONS nurtured an elegant, intelligent daughter.
I sure love my favorite president.!! He is super cool and totally gets it. No denying the CLINTONS nurtured an elegant, intelligent daughter.
very true they sure did. as for bill he was always respectful toward michael i respect him for that one thing i cant stand is hypocrisy and nobody displaying it will ever get a pass frome me (not aimed at anyone on the board)
I think President Clinton learned his "Moonwalk" from
a master teacher. :cheeky:
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^Man look at Paris holding on to her Daddy's leg. That just breaks my heart! She's a big ole Daddy's Girl!
i think the lady in my life would be the perfect mj song for a wedding

I totally agree. If one day I marry, this song will play in my wedding!
Billie Jean is good for a wedding if someone appear with a baby claiming ''He's your son''
I think President Clinton learned his "Moonwalk" from
a master teacher. :cheeky:
this is a heartbreaking picture those children were so fortunate to have him around they were privileged kids, may god protect them cuz nothing is the same anymore, not a thing.
this is a heartbreaking picture those children were so fortunate to have him around they were privileged kids, may god protect them cuz nothing is the same anymore, not a thing.

you are so right.. may God protect them. They will be encountered by a lot of vultures and folks who don't have their best interest at heart. I don't want them to get hurt like Michael.
Chelsea's an angel. What a lovely couple. And Mj's music is icing on the cake.:rolleyes:
Another generation of the Clinton dynasty to flush this once great nation further down the toilet.
What's so great about bandits coming over and stealing land, commiting genocide against the natives and celebrating it (Thanksgiving, Columbus Day), slavery, exploiting the Chinese to build the railroads, J. Edgar Hoover witchhunts, lynching, Bull Connor, US companies financing Hitler, etc.?
I sure love my favorite president.!! He is super cool and totally gets it. No denying the CLINTONS nurtured an elegant, intelligent daughter.

He's my favorite president too, and he not only respected and liked MJ as a person but he obviously liked his music and it looks like he passed it on to the new generation. I'm glad to see that Chelsea has great taste. The stuff of today is crap and she knows it! Good for her!