Michael's Manhood Thread - 18+ (Read The First Post For Rules!)

Ladies, I made the mistake of watching multiple Dirty Diana live performances back-to-back and I CANNOT FUCKING COPE. I feel like an insane woman. I want to run through the streets screaming. I need a compilation video of every time Michael Jackson f***ed a microphone stand right in front of us and we all just had to stand there watching him do it, like the desperate, drooling fools that we are...

Scratch that. I speak only for myself. No one here is a fool if they don't want to be. I am a fool, fully.

I am desperation. I am depravity. I am drowning in both and begging for more. Why do you do this to me, Michael?! 😭 😭 🤯 🥵 🥵
Was watching Bucharest and this incredibly sexy moment during Human Nature happened and the camera shot to this girls face and I just had to laugh because the inability to know how to deal with Michael when he's like this (or ever) is so real to me...

So I made this gif that is not only funny to me but all tooooo reeeaaaalll
Was watching Bucharest and this incredibly sexy moment during Human Nature happened and the camera shot to this girls face and I just had to laugh because the inability to know how to deal with Michael when he's like this (or ever) is so real to me...

So I made this gif that is not only funny to me but all tooooo reeeaaaalll
Oh ya! Human Nature hip thrusts, that's where I want to live. :love:🤤🤤
Though my reaction is more open mouth, wide eyes 👀, tongue out 🤤 screaming 😱
Oh ya! Human Nature hip thrusts, that's where I want to live. :love:🤤🤤
Though my reaction is more open mouth, wide eyes 👀, tongue out 🤤 screaming 😱
OH absolutely! I already determined today that if I even made it all the way to Dirty Diana during the Bad tour, I would not have survived even a moment of him stroking the mic stand or grinding into it like he did... whew! The screaming, shouting, panting, sweating, crying...all of it would end me lol.

I just found her reaction so funny because every shot of the audience someone is crying, or passing out, or whatever, and I feel like she is trying so hard to survive it all. But when he sings that part, his voice is soooooo fucking sexy and the movement he does is so sensual and mesmerizing, and it's like her little face just can't handle it so she has to look away lol. That's how I interpreted it at least.


Was watching Bucharest and this incredibly sexy moment during Human Nature happened and the camera shot to this girls face and I just had to laugh because the inability to know how to deal with Michael when he's like this (or ever) is so real to me...

So I made this gif that is not only funny to me but all tooooo reeeaaaalll
Nah, see to me, this is all about that glorious arm movement. So beautiful. So elegant. How is he even doing that? Can I see that another 1000 times, please? Gorgeous.

I'm not even talking about the Manhood aspect of where his hand goes. I just mean, his arm movement as a dance thing. So amazing. And enhanced by the gold leotard. And the ripple of his back muscles as he moves his arm into position. And his hair. And his left foot, slightly raised off the floor.

And ... sorry, what?
Nah, see to me, this is all about that glorious arm movement. So beautiful. So elegant. How is he even doing that? Can I see that another 1000 times, please? Gorgeous.

I have 'gif'ed it to you... it is now yours to enjoy forever ;)

I'm not even talking about the Manhood aspect of where his hand goes.
Ok, ok...there are other things to appreciate in this, I admit it....

I just mean, his arm movement as a dance thing. So amazing. And enhanced by the gold leotard. And the ripple of his back muscles as he moves his arm into position. And his hair. And his left foot, slightly raised off the floor.
All of this is so true. He is incredibly graceful, like liquid.

And ... sorry, what?

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Beautifully said!

BUT quick question -- why does "undulate" sound incredibly hot when said in reference to Michael?!?! 🥵😂
Because it's Michael. I picked the word deliberately, lol. It gets my mind going up in flames. Which is what Michael does, lol.

He is hotter than his gold leotard.
Because it's Michael. I picked the word deliberately, lol. It gets my mind going up in flames. Which is what Michael does, lol.
This is why I am so obsessed with language. The fact that you picked this word for that reason and I perceived it that way, yet the why and how of both your choice and my perception are their own fascinating little aside to all of this is something I can talk about forever (but won't...I will spare you all lol).

He is hotter than his gold leotard.

He is hotter than anything. Let's face it. Most of Michael's clothing would look like trash on another person. I genuinely love his fashion so much, but he is the reason it lands. He is the royalty. He looks classy, smooth, sexy, and expensive all day, every day, and I am here for every God forsaken moment of it lol.

@zinniabooklover this one is for you!

I know it's one we have discussed before I think and not your main "hair tuck" clip, but my God, he is STUNNING in this!! Ridiculously, outrageously sexy...
yeah, it's not Osaka. Sigh. Nothing can compare to Osaka.

But, my god, it's gorgeous. Bashful Michael at Wembley. Gotta love that. Beautiful and bashful.

The only thing I didn't like about this was the caption in the original post. 'Unnecessary' hair tucking? Excuse me? Unnecessary???

Hair tucking from Michael is *never* unnecessary. It is vital to my health and well-being. I need to see this at all times. I need to see Michael tucking his hair behind his ears and blinking

OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!! THE BLINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry, where was I?

yeah, right, the blinking. I need to see these two things the way sw23 needs to see the mike stroke (doesn't move me at all, folks) or Hiker needs the gold leotard (actually, I need that, as well) or MM90 needs a regular input of ITC photos (um, I need those, also). Anyway, I'm sure the person who posted the clip loves Michael so it's all cool but they are plain WRONG. Just understand this, people. The hair tucking thing? It means everything to me. And the blinking.

OK, I'm gonna post this again.

If anyone is interested your time stamp is approx 7m 30s. You need to keep watching for about 40 seconds to get to the hair tuck / blinking thing. There are people on this thread who haven't watched this yet. I could name those people. I am a street witch and I could name names! But I have just been watching Michael tuck his hair and blinking so I am feeling benevolent and kindly and forgiving. So the identities of such crazy weirdos, er, I mean, my esteemed Manhooding homies, shall remain a secret.

I have watched Michael tuck his hair and blink and I now feel powerful enough to bless the whole world.

As you were! :D
But, my god, it's gorgeous. Bashful Michael at Wembley. Gotta love that. Beautiful and bashful.
Bashful is one of my *favorite* words to apply to Michael. Not only is his bashfulness so incredibly endearing, but I also find it tremendously sexy. I think it's just the duality we have talked about a thousand times before. But the word bashful is just so cute and when applied to someone as overwhelmingly attractive in every way as Michael...it's almost unbearable for me lol.

The only thing I didn't like about this was the caption in the original post. 'Unnecessary' hair tucking? Excuse me? Unnecessary???

Hair tucking from Michael is *never* unnecessary. It is vital to my health and well-being. I need to see this at all times.
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

I need to see these two things the way sw23 needs to see the mike stroke (doesn't move me at all, folks)
HOW?!?!?!! 😂

To be clear, it's not JUST when he strokes the mic stands. It's when he writhes up against it and moans into the microphone while he does it. If you gave me the option of being banished to hell forever, or never seeing that again, I would choose hell every time lol.

or Hiker needs the gold leotard (actually, I need that, as well) or MM90 needs a regular input of ITC photos (um, I need those, also).
wait, so I am the ONLY one here you don't understand?!?! I'm dying 😂

If anyone is interested your time stamp is approx 7m 30s. You need to keep watching for about 40 seconds to get to the hair tuck / blinking thing. There are people on this thread who haven't watched this yet. I could name those people. I am a street witch and I could name names! But I have just been watching Michael tuck his hair and blinking so I am feeling benevolent and kindly and forgiving. So the identities of such crazy weirdos, er, I mean, my esteemed Manhooding homies, shall remain a secret.

I have watched Michael tuck his hair and blink and I now feel powerful enough to bless the whole world.
I watched it again and once again he is so perfect. I am overwhelmed by how cute this is. You know what I see this time that I don't think I thought about before? He's just so damn focused on his singing and his performance. so the little hair tuck and blink is like this entirely instinctual thing. Whereas in the clip I shared, it seems almost clearly done out of bashfulness (🤤 🥵 ). So it's a different vibe entirely, these two clips.

*if someone told me 6 months ago I would be analyzing the meaning of two different instances of Michael Jackson tucking his hair behind his ears I don't even know what I would do.
HOW?!?!?!! 😂
Don't know what to tell you, lol. Have watched it many times and ... nothing. I can see what other people see in those clips. But it doesn't land with me. Never has.

To be clear, it's not JUST when he strokes the mic stands. It's when he writhes up against it and moans into the microphone while he does it.
Oh, I get it. Totally get what you're all getting out of it.

If you gave me the option of being banished to hell forever, or never seeing that again, I would choose hell every time lol.

wait, so I am the ONLY one here you don't understand?!?! I'm dying 😂
Kinda. Some Manhood stuff I understand totally cos I also get it. Other Manhood stuff I don't get it myself but can still understand it. But, as regards Manhood stuff generally, I'm probably more on the same page as Hiker and MM90 than you. To be fair, though, those two, they also confuse me. I'm very democratic in my confusion, lol. I don't want to leave anyone out.

I watched it again and once again he is so perfect.
Whaddya mean, you watched it???????????

YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!

I am overwhelmed by how cute this is. You know what I see this time that I don't think I thought about before? He's just so damn focused on his singing and his performance. so the little hair tuck and blink is like this entirely instinctual thing. Whereas in the clip I shared, it seems almost clearly done out of bashfulness (🤤 🥵 ). So it's a different vibe entirely, these two clips.
Perfect break down of the two different hair tuck moments. Yes, he absolutely has different reasons for doing it hence the different vibe. I def clocked that. Maybe that's what the poster meant by 'unnecessary' - although I would still wanna argue about that. No matter his reason for doing it, the hair tuck is *never* unnecessary.

*if someone told me 6 months ago I would be analyzing the meaning of two different instances of Michael Jackson tucking his hair behind his ears I don't even know what I would do.
IKR! And yet it seems like such a perfect way to use the human brain, to analyse this stuff.
Don't know what to tell you, lol. Have watched it many times and ... nothing. I can see what other people see in those clips. But it doesn't land with me. Never has. Oh, I get it. Totally get what you're all getting out of it.
This is absolutely baffling to me. But that's ok! There is so much to love about Michael, we can all have our own "niche" of things.

Kinda. Some Manhood stuff I understand totally cos I also get it. Other Manhood stuff I don't get it myself but can still understand it. But, as regards Manhood stuff generally, I'm probably more on the same page as Hiker and MM90 than you.
I am just a wild ravenous animal lol. Not everyone identifies with the kind of things that make me, a normal every day woman, turn into a rabid, seething beast of a person and that makes sense to me lol. I swear I am very intellectual, sensitive, deep, etc. but when it comes to Michael and sexuality, I BECOME A CAVE PERSON. Though, tbf, this is sort of who I am all the time too, so I'm not sure why I'm explaining it as if it needs explained. Truthfully, I am as wild and ridiculous in real life as I am on here. Actually, more so.

Either way, I am glad that even if you don't relate to me you enjoy all of it!

Whaddya mean, you watched it???????????

YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!
I THOUGHT I DID!! I'm sorry!!! I wonder if it was when I was traveling last month? I lost track of things pretty bad then.

Perfect break down of the two different hair tuck moments. Yes, he absolutely has different reasons for doing it hence the different vibe. I def clocked that. Maybe that's what the poster meant by 'unnecessary' - although I would still wanna argue about that. No matter his reason for doing it, the hair tuck is *never* unnecessary.
Agree with that. Nothing Michael did was unnecessary lol. He was pure poetry. Every movement was a careful selected, perfectly placed word.

IKR! And yet it seems like such a perfect way to use the human brain, to analyse this stuff.
This is what I'll tell my students when I don't grade their papers quickly enough... 😂

Still in the zone. Hiker's fault, lol.
Lord I had this stuck in my head all day at work! 😍🥵
Tbh, I'd forgotten all about it, lol. I posted it ages ago, loved it, watched it several times and then ... more photos, more gifs, more distractions! You know what it's like. It's so good to be reminded of stuff. Ditto the alternative version of APOM which I had completely forgotten about. Hiker is a cool curator, isn't she? That was a cool programme she put together. ☺️
Tbh, I'd forgotten all about it, lol. I posted it ages ago, loved it, watched it several times and then ... more photos, more gifs, more distractions! You know what it's like. It's so good to be reminded of stuff. Ditto the alternative version of APOM which I had completely forgotten about. Hiker is a cool curator, isn't she? That was a cool programme she put together. ☺️
Oh yes but it's absolutely worth it! ;)

Oh Hiker really outdid herself, she did an excellent job with this one!

Hiker's got me in the zone!
Thank you for posting this one, saved me some searching time. Needless to say I have this downloaded for .. ahem ... research ;)

Thank you all for joining! You all provide the motivation, and Micheal is the inspiration! I am just trying to keep up with your enthusiasm!!