Michael's father is still upbeat...

really??? I heard this before but I don't believe in rumors. especially if I don't know the person. Some ppl would be mad with her if she didn't sign an autography. I don't blame her for that and that doesn't make her stuck up. But why didn't some at motown like her?? Either way she's better then joe. However joe doesn't live with katherine does he? I thought they seperated...so michael's kids wouldn't be around him a lot. I Like katherine first and for most for the childrem and pray she will be around for as long as possible.:yes:
It's no rumor. Mary said lots of times she didn't get along with Diane after they became famous. Even wrote about it in her autobiography. They also got into a shoving fight at the Motown 25 taping. Patti LaBelle was interviewed on TV once and said that she was going to beat up Diane, because Diane took Cindy Birdsong from her group The Bluebirds after Diane had Berry Gordy fire Florence Ballard. Flo wouldn't take Diane's stuff and would tell her off, while Mary just took the abuse and didn't say anything. A lot of the time, Diane wouldn't even let Mary, Flo, & later Cindy sing on the records and the backgrounds would be performed be the Adantes, Motown's house backup singers. Gladys Knight has said she hated Diane's guts. And so on. "Miss Ross" isn't a very nice person.
As Michael said, don't judge someone until you've spoken to them one-on-one.
Whether or not the article is true, I still don't like him. He is pretty scary...
Wasn't he promoting his hip-hop label at the BET awards? Just days after his son's DEATH?
You guys can be real hypocritical at times. Like when half of you believed the $25 a memorial ticket story, and now this. Seriously guys, have we not learnt ANYTHING as Michael Jackson fans? Even if it is true, we don't know what's going on in his head. A lot of people deal with grief in different ways.
I think everyone deals with mourning differently
and yes there are cultural differences
and yes we have to move on our live goes on
and yes I have laughed and danced since 25JUN and I dont feel bad about it
I dont think there is anything wrong with anyone in the J family getting on with their life, going out and enjoying their life
you can and shall not mourn 27.4 for 2 weeks!
It was 4th July in the States - a DAy to celebrate!

Having said this however, I was and still deeply shocked about Joe's behaviour at the BET and the "press meeting" afterwards.
I think Joe has made a huge mistake there he presented himself in a way that was disrespectful and unhuman
and people will remember that forever...sad but they will and they will judge Joe based on that for years to come.
It was a huge mistake a terrible mistake, but it was at least honest...
I knew enough about Joe even before this article to draw a legitimate conclusion regarding his character. Many of us did.
All I need to know about Joe Jackson is what Michael tells us in Moonwalk.
He called Michael big nose as a child. He would send hookers into Michael's hotel room to f*ck him! He called Michael ugly as a teenager because his face broke out.
He would beat him with sticks from the trees in the front yard. Michael and his brothers would hide in the closet when Joe came home from work.
There is no way in hell I will ever respect that man.
He might be Michael's father, he might have raised Michael and turned him into the man we love today, but abusing a child is not right no matter the reason.
Joe is a total ass, I hate him. I don't care if he was Michael's dad, I still hate him.
I think Diana Ross would be the most stable environment for Michael's children. Katherine is in many ways perfect to bring up Michael's children as she did a great job with Michael and all of his brothers and sisters, but I'm not sure if Michael would like his children living with his father, Joesph.

I don't know what to make of Joesph, but it appears to be that he thinks he can have some of Michael's fame for himself. But as he said he's fine on the outside about Michael's death, but hurting on the inside. So I won't judge him, as guess doesn't like to show his emotions. I would like to hear him say he loved Michael, instead of "we lost the biggest superstar in the world".

My understanding Joe lives in Vegas? Not with Katherine..
Joe Jackson was never a father. He knew it too. that's why they called him Joe. A piece of shit human being.
I think everyone deals with mourning differently
and yes there are cultural differences
and yes we have to move on our live goes on
and yes I have laughed and danced since 25JUN and I dont feel bad about it
I dont think there is anything wrong with anyone in the J family getting on with their life, going out and enjoying their life
you can and shall not mourn 27.4 for 2 weeks!
It was 4th July in the States - a DAy to celebrate!

Having said this however, I was and still deeply shocked about Joe's behaviour at the BET and the "press meeting" afterwards.
I think Joe has made a huge mistake there he presented himself in a way that was disrespectful and unhuman
and people will remember that forever...sad but they will and they will judge Joe based on that for years to come.
It was a huge mistake a terrible mistake, but it was at least honest...

what you call a huge mistake I call evidence of a lack of love for his son. the only mistake was letting the world see it.
I am giving him the benefit of doubt..

I really cant get my head around this some times...If you see a photo or a 2min video of a celebrity you havent seen it all! The day consists of 24hrs, each hour is 60mins, and each minute is 60seconds...The media and modern technology makes those seconds freeze forever..
Not defending Joe, no, but what do we know? That he laughed for 2minutest at brekkie? He might have spent the other 24hrs 58mins crying for his son...I dont know so I am not going to condemn him based on a 2min footage..

This is what I learnt from MJ - to keep an open mind.

so I am hoping that Joe will find peace and will understand that is kind of behaviour might be upsetting for people...not that he is not allowed to get on with his life, but that he has to be careful on how he carries himself in public in these days..
Nobody can know what's in his heart rightnow. Some ppl need to forget about the grief for a few moments in a day so better dont judge. Michael wouldn't agree.
Not that I've ever liked Joe, but I find it strange that so many MJ fans - who know how the media can distort facts - so readily trash and verbally abuse someone they have never met about some report on some web site ...
Not that I've ever liked Joe, but I find it strange that so many MJ fans - who know how the media can distort facts - so readily trash and verbally abuse someone they have never met about some report on some web site ...

You heard himself during that press conference. He can go to same place as MJ but more underground.
Absolutely incredible what I'm reading in here. He's 80 years old. He doesn't need to sit in a rocking chair crying to grieve.

It's amazing how fans in here are so damn fast to defend MJ and crack the whip on others judging him, but will quickly turn around and judge others off of tiny stories like this.
The article can be fake and I know it can be. Way before this article we know what kind of "father" he is. With my father, I went through very similar things to what Mike went through, so don't tell me I don't know anything. Also, I saw how much abusive father can cause physical and emotional pain through some of my relatives.

Joe Jackson is the kind of father who made his boys perform at strip clubs when some of them were still little. This alone explains enough. I don't wanna go through the list of what he did. We all know.

Very recently at the BET award red carpet and two other interviews, I saw him promoting his record label. In 3 different interviews.
I just hope Michael's kids won't have to spend too much time around him - I never liked him never will
When michael can forgive him, we should too..........
it,s kinda weird, but we allready knew that joe jackson is not a normal dad with normal behaviour......
Let him, we don,t know hw he feels when he,s alone...
Don,t judge him before you know for sure........
This is an excerpt from an interview Donny Osmond gave in 2005:

Interviewer: You recounted a story for this book "Who's Your Fave Rave", on the history of 16 Magazine about Michael Jackson inviting you over to his house in Encino. You said "Whenever I'd go over to Michael's house, Joe (Michael's father) gave me the coldest shoulder anyone could ever have." Why do you think that was?

Donny: I don't know. That's Joe. You gotta know Joe to appreciate it. I remember mentioning that to a few people in interviews. I thought Oh, maybe I better not say this. But you know, he is what he is. And he's a very cold person. I don't like to speak poorly or down about people, but he's an interesting man.