Michael's father is still upbeat...

I saw him on the carpet at the BET awards and he was smiling and acting upbeat then too. Don't like him
Let's not judge, he might be crying his eyes out in private and giving it a rest in public.
I think the story is fake. They throw in "life insurance" which will make him appear as though he's thinking about money.

But fans should just ignore this. Joe grieves partly for Michael and on another part i know he's glad because he sees Michael as the person who put him down as having beat him as a child.

When Michael passed, he saw it as a shadow being lifted off him, therefore tried to use the publicity to pursue his interests.

This was made worse when Debbie went after him, i'm sure he became indifferent and now couldn't care less about Michael or his kids because he also sees he is not mentioned in the will.

That's human nature

There was that moment he talked about him and Katherine having control of Michael's body. He finally felt with the body, he had control of his son again and could do as he pleased to advance his interests.

By having him buried in Gary, he could get kickbacks in all the projects that would go around the museum and all other stuff. But now with the mention of Michael Jackson Family Estate, that is not straightforward.

I say, just let Joe be. He is in a tricky place, attacked by the media, having to deal with past mistakes and also interested in money while having lost a son who spoke out about him.

He is bound to be just himself.
joe is ass hole sorry to the words but is true :yes: he wasn't sad at all about Michael at all :no: he is ass hole is ture :yes:
I've noticed that Joe hangs around Joh'Vonnie more than the other children. She's also the only one who doesn't call him "Joseph".
I think this article is making things up. Radar has lied before and are doing it again. However seeing joe in the media shows his true feeling. So it really doesn't matter. Joe damaged michael so bad it's not even funny. These thing carried into michael's adult life. I can only hope joe at least apologized to michael. But it wouldn't suprise me if he didn't.
We can't judge him, we don't know what he's like out of the media's eye, everybody mourns differently. I think Michael would be really upset if he knew we were talking about his Dad like this.
I see people have learned a lot from MJ.


i'm sure if he were reading this, he would be proud....NOT
I wish only : mj's children have no contact with this guy and that their money are already lock I'm scare that Joe take most of their money.
Maybe Diana Ross's home is most secure for them

I think Diana Ross would be the most stable environment for Michael's children. Katherine is in many ways perfect to bring up Michael's children as she did a great job with Michael and all of his brothers and sisters, but I'm not sure if Michael would like his children living with his father, Joesph.

I don't know what to make of Joesph, but it appears to be that he thinks he can have some of Michael's fame for himself. But as he said he's fine on the outside about Michael's death, but hurting on the inside. So I won't judge him, as guess doesn't like to show his emotions. I would like to hear him say he loved Michael, instead of "we lost the biggest superstar in the world".
I saw Joseph on the red carpet at Bet Awards and the next day at press conference and I don't respect him anymore and I will never forget what I saw.
you guys are MICHAEL JACKSON FANS !!! are u really "judging joe jackson before you love him" !!! ..... u fans out of all other fans .. know how the media spins things and knows thats its okay to be "different" .. please .. give the man a break ...

michael is HIS child .. none of you will ever love michael more than joseph .. ever !
I see people have learned a lot from MJ.


i'm sure if he were reading this, he would be proud....NOT

Well, MJ provided handsomely for Joseph in his will.........NOT
The mother in me wants to go back in time and beat the hell out of Joe for what he put his family through . . . I've never liked that turd. Sorry if that's offensive to anyone, but I knew way back when that he was a jerk and I believe that 100% of Michael's internal issues were the direct result of his childhood and mistreatment at the hands of his evil father. I have no respect for the man.
Joe has done and said some questionable things (the promoting of his record label being the worst) but everyone grieves differently. I'm not gonna judge him. I'm sure he's hurting.
you guys are MICHAEL JACKSON FANS !!! are u really "judging joe jackson before you love him" !!! ..... u fans out of all other fans .. know how the media spins things and knows thats its okay to be "different" .. please .. give the man a break ...

michael is HIS child .. none of you will ever love michael more than joseph .. ever !
He abused his children. I can't respect that.
He makes me sick......that is all I have to say. Michael is dead and all he cares about is how he can capitalize. I can't stand him.
I think Diana Ross would be the most stable environment for Michael's children. Katherine is in many ways perfect to bring up Michael's children as she did a great job with Michael and all of his brothers and sisters, but I'm not sure if Michael would like his children living with his father, Joesph.

I don't know what to make of Joesph, but it appears to be that he thinks he can have some of Michael's fame for himself. But as he said he's fine on the outside about Michael's death, but hurting on the inside. So I won't judge him, as guess doesn't like to show his emotions. I would like to hear him say he loved Michael, instead of "we lost the biggest superstar in the world".
I don't know about Diane. She's kinda stuck up on herself. A lot of people at Motown didn't like her, including Flo Ballard & Mary Wilson. But I guess she'd be better than Papa Joe.
The worst example of a father...listening to MJ's oxford speech hurts my heart...Joe is such a cold person.
I don't know what to feel about Joesph. The way he treated and abused Michael and the rest of the family is something I cant forget and while it's not my place to forget and forgive him for the way he hurt Michael so very much I just don't care much for him. I don't know what to say about him.
Joe has done and said some questionable things (the promoting of his record label being the worst) but everyone grieves differently. I'm not gonna judge him. I'm sure he's hurting.
Yeah like getting groupies & prostitutes for his teenaged sons. Or having 7 year olds performing in strip joints. Or cutting Tito and pouring salt in the wound. The Osmond's father never did anything like that. Donny Osmond himself said Joe is a cold man, because he used to visit the brothers.
I don't know about Diane. She's kinda stuck up on herself. A lot of people at Motown didn't like her, including Flo Ballard & Mary Wilson. But I guess she'd be better than Papa Joe.
really??? I heard this before but I don't believe in rumors. especially if I don't know the person. Some ppl would be mad with her if she didn't sign an autography. I don't blame her for that and that doesn't make her stuck up. But why didn't some at motown like her?? Either way she's better then joe. However joe doesn't live with katherine does he? I thought they seperated...so michael's kids wouldn't be around him a lot. I Like katherine first and for most for the childrem and pray she will be around for as long as possible.:yes:
Jermaine told Matt Lauer that he has never seen his father cry. Now that is amazing to me. Jermaine said most of the siblings took after their mother, Katherine....very emotional. But Joe....he never cries. Jermaine said his daddy was hard on him and that is why he was hard on the Jacksons.

Yeah like getting groupies & prostitutes for his teenaged sons. Or having 7 year olds performing in strip joints. Or cutting Tito and pouring salt in the wound. The Osmond's father never did anything like that. Donny Osmond himself said Joe is a cold man, because he used to visit the brothers.
Disgusting! I'm now trying to figure out what katherine saw in him. She's so sweet and he's so cold. and to add to your list: Or calling your son ugly. :doh:
Not surprised, say a prayer for Michael's children that they aren't doomed to the same fate as their father having to deal with Joe over a lifetime.
Jermaine told Matt Lauer that he has never seen his father cry. Now that is amazing to me. Jermaine said most of the siblings took after their mother, Katherine....very emotional. But Joe....he never cries. Jermaine said his daddy was hard on him and that is why he was hard on the Jacksons.

And thats my thing. Even the toughest guys cries over at least one thing. or if they don't they are at least somewhat sad. Not plugging a record label.